The Shadow...(B2ST) part 7
Hey, my fellow readers! I'm happy that this book have reached 300+ readers! Heaps of thanks for reading this book. As for me, I shall start work extra harder to get the B2ST members to the Shadows! Oh, and what do you think of Yuri? Is she kind of off from the story? Please comment your opinions, I would be grateful for that XD
Yuri's POV
"Good job, Hyun Seung-hyung! You've discovered most of the barriers hidden in the mansion and now, we shall do what we're suppose to do!" Jun Hyung declared while walking out of the study room, followed by me and the other oppas, "I'm a mind reader afterall."
(The barriers will weaken once it was being discovered and will turn visible after some time.)
"It's been a while, electromaster," Du Jun greeted with a bow.
"You again, ShadowEye. After all those years of betrayal, you dare to show up in my mansion?!" the fake appa said while pulling Du Jun's collar, "and the barriers that my daughter have inserted are being dis-"
"I AM NOT YOUR DAUGHTER!!!" I shouted angrily, "How dare you ask Du Jun oppa to wipe my memories away?!"
"What in the fishing world are you bickering about? I am your father and you are my daughter! I make things clear!" the fake appa said.
"You are nothing but a criminal to me! You took me away under the orders of that Skull bastard," I said angrily, eyes began to flare up. "You even tortured me and Du Jun oppa till the brink of our deaths! How dare you torture me, the real princess of Shadows?!"
Now what would he do after being taunted like that? Luckily I was given permission to say it out loud. Plus, I bet that so-called Lord Skull knew this situation would happen...well, who cares...I'm planning to revenge for what he did to me and to my family.
"The princess of Shadows? Hah? Trying to trick me eh? The real princess of Shadows was-" the fake appa said but was being cut off.
"Was here living in a bad life!" I argued angrily. "I'm going to prove to you that you have the En Crest necklace, hidden in this mansion!"
"Your necklace? Whatever, since that betrayer over there returned your memories, I shall kill you!" the electromaster said while jabbing his finger at me.
"Bring it! We are not scared!" Gi Kwang taunted as he stood in his fighting stance.
"Sharon-ah! Maya-ah! Protect the ornament at all cost! I'm going to get that b*tch myself!" the electromaster exclaimed angrily as the two maids emerged from the kitchen door. "And you there! Guard the entrance of the house!"
"Roger!" the two girls said in unison and ran to the stairs.
"Yes...sir," a reply from the girl which Hyun Seung had talked to just now(refer chp 6) as she appeared from another room which might be the maids' headquarters.
"Well, since this princess thing should be kept as a secret from everyone, we shall go and confront my fake ap-" I said but was being cut off by some yelling outside the room. "Good timing, let's go, oppas!"
"Wait...before we all go, we will need a prove for Yuri as the real princess. Anything that deals with that?" Gi Kwang suggested. "Plus,keeping it as a secret won't be good as it will still be found out by Lord Skull."
"Hmm...I remember about the legendary treasure of the Royal family in the Shadow palace...what's that again?" Jun Hyung said while scratching his hair.
"The En Crest! That's how she got her name...I've heard about it in one of those thick books!" Dong Woon said with his glittering eyes.
"A necklace?" I asked confusingly.
"I have a brilliant plan in mind right now. Let us go with the formation that I have described just now(refer to chapter 5)! But I will need Dong Woon to go solo," Jun Hyung suggested making all of us looked at his direction. "while the rest of us go in groups while protecting the princess and defeat the electromaster."
"Me going solo? That was rare..." Dong Woon said lowly.
"You will have to go in stealth mode and search the places which are being barricaded by barriers and remove them with your illusion breaker. After that, you will have to get the necklace and bring it to Yuri," Jun Hyung explained, "can your illusion breaker handle that?"
"Can't really trust it but I'll try!" Dong Woon agreed.
Yoseop approached to Dong Woon with the purified being and said:
"Take this buddy with you, it'll protect you from harm AND do not rely too much on it!" Yoseop said in a very serious tone. "And this will be the stealth belt. Good luck."
"Thanks, hyung. Let's do it!" Dong Woon thanked and walked outside of the room, followed by Jun Hyung and the remaining of us. "But where would the necklace be?"
Too bad, they all didn't hear what Dong Woon had said.
End of flashback
"You won'tget away from me!" Du Jun said as he pulled Sharon's arm.
"JunHyung-ah, is Dong Woon doing his job?"
"Yes, he is...but-" Jun Hyung said as he stared at Maya, heading for the stairs.
"Shoot! I didn't get to trap her on time!" Du Jun said as he tried to tighten his grip in Sharon's arm.
Suddenly, Du Jun's eyes began to change color from onyx to bright jade. He began to chant something onto Sharon's ear.
"Look deep into my eyes...what did you see?"
"I saw...AAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!" Sharon shrieked in an earpiercing voice, making Du Jun winced.
"Guess my job is done-" Du Jun said but was being tackled onto the floor by Sharon.
"'d think that I would fall for that easily? I have the kaleidoeye to protect me," Sharon said proudly. (Kaleidoeye= kaleido patterns from the nether world sealed into the eyes, renderingthe usage of the Shadoweye useless in some ways)
"Yoseop-ah! Go and get that girl near the entrance," Jun Hyung ordered.
Yoseop nodded in return and ran towards the other girl. He grabbed her and said:
"Aren't you...Geu Rim?"
"Uh..yeah..." she replied softly.
"Please follow me. I really hope that you're not siding with that maniac," Yoseop said and pulled Geu Rim to JunHyung.
"I'll protect you, Princess En Crest!" Hyun Seung said as he jumped to where Yuri was while getting ready his ice defensive gears.
"DIEEE!!!" the electromaster exclaimed as his hand was being surrounded by hundreds and thousands of electric bolts,glowing and chirping like the sound of thousand birds.
As the electromaster goes for a crital hit using his hand, Hyun Seung sucessfully blocked the attack using his ice defensive gear embed on his arm. Hyun Seung signalled me to run away from my current spot as he can't hold any longer of blocking the strong attack. I did while Hyun Seung jumped away from his current spot and touched his arm in pain. I actually ran to the Study Room instead.
"Oy, you brat! Didn't you know that you would die as you use ice to attack while I used electric to attack you?" the electromaster said with a smirk(didn't see me escaped from his sight)
"Heh...I'm capable of controlling the temperature of the ice which is safe while being attacked by-" Hyun Seung said seriously but then, he crouched down as if he was being attacked from behind but no.
The electromaster smirked and snickered wickedly.
"Such a bad*ss you are. During the attack, your ice needs time to cope up with the speed of recovering from turning its state. And since lightning is faster than your ice regeneration, they travelled through your gear and to your organs, which is the heart. You'll die sooner or later," the electromaster said with an evil smirk.
As soon as the electromaster finished his so-called theory, he began to laugh like a mad scientist who just suceeded in his latest experiment. Hyun Seung was still crouching on the floor, looking kind of hurt and in a life threatening situation.
"Hyun Seung-ah!!" Du Jun yelled but was once again being pushed down onto the floor, face first by Sharon.
"You should be paying attention to your enemy who had caught you here!" Sharon said as she pulled Du Jun's arm while pushing Du Jun's head onto the floor. "Geu Rim-ah! Why are you with those freaks!?"
" caught?" Geu Rim replied, not sure of what to say as her arm was being grabbed by Yoseop.
"Sheesh...didn't you follow what master said just-" Sharon yelled but was being pulled down onto the floor by Du Jun.
"Well, that would be my line," Du Jun said coolly.
"I'm going to help Hyun Seung-hyung so please be safe, Jun Hyung-" Yoseop said as he was about to make his move but was being stopped by Jun Hyung.
"You'll be healing him, not attacking the electromaster. You wouldn't stand a chance against him. Anyway, be careful!" Jun Hyung advised as quick as he could.
"Roger!" Yoseop replied with a salute and ran towards the injured Hyun Seung.
Dong Woon POV
That is just was too much barriers to destroy. I wonder if I could stabilize my own power and destroy all of the barriers at once? But that might be kinda risky because my usage of power cannot be overused.
As I was approaching to once of the area where the concentration of the barrier magic is stronger than the rest, I was being kicked onto the side and collide to the walls. That's strange.... I was working in stealth mode where no one could see or hear nor even sense my presence, and yet...
"Don't you dare to think that I can't sense you, your movements, everything...they are all being memorised into my brain," Maya commented with a smirk. "Especially your moving patterns, they are the most accurate for my ears to sense."
Since I had been found out, I decided to engage into the duel or should I say, I was FORCED to do so.
At first, Maya stood still in her fighting stance since I was still in stealth mode. I decided to attack her but instead, Maya swiftly dodged away from being attacked. I was really frustrated for not able to hit my target.
"You must be a psychic..." I said but my voice trailed off as my eyes caught attention of Maya's attack.
"So what? It's not like it differs from any other Wodhas users..." Maya said as she attacked me as quick as she could.
Before she managed to do so, I leapt from my spot and decided to stay hidden to think of some strategy. Suddenly, a voice rang through his ears saying:
"Dong Woon oppa, Geurim inmida. I'll be siding with all of you startig now and I'll be using my VoicePath(telepathy power) to communicate with each of you."
"That's good news, Geu Rim-sshi. Um...where is Jun Hyung-hyung?" I asked through the telepathy while focusing Maya.
"He's currently beside me while hiding in a place where no one would saw us. He's quite busy focusing Yoseop and HyunSeung oppa..." Geu Rim began, "...and Hyun Seung oppa was hurt..."
(note: you might think that why don't Jun Hyung use a stealth belt to hide his presence and En Crest's barrier? The answers are, they only acquire one and Jun Hyung wouldn't want En Crest to loose her power)
"What?! I gotta get to him as soon as possible after this stupid duel with Maya!" I said.
"Maya? The leader of maids?" Geu Rim asked and Dong Woon replied a 'yes'. "Well, I don't want her to get hurt...because she was like a best friend that I never had before...since you had no choice but to defeat her, I'll help you with the battle!"
"Thanks. Well, I'll try to immobilize her first so what would be the plan?" I asked, still in my current position.
"Try to distract her by making noises nearby her range of senses. That ought to buy you some time while destroying the weakened barriers," JunHyung interrupted. "That tip was all thanks to TurquoiseEyes's book. Anyway, she's blind so she could only sense you through your breathing,movement pattern, and your scent. Try to prevent those while trying to get away from her. LOOK OUT!!!"
Quickly, I moved away from my position and landed onto the carpet floor. It was because of Maya's sudden attack. Quickly, I ran towards to where the barriers are.
"Dong Woon-ah, you are lucky now," Jun Hyung said. "You've arrived to where you are suppose to be at and I bet you've already had a strategy in mind. Gotta go for now, I'll leave Geu Rim in charge of telling you the location of the necklace after you drive the maid out."
"Roger!" I replied. "Ah should have told me earlier!!"
'This might take quite a while to destroy the barriers. Gotta focus!' I thought as I leapt onto the ceiling to buy sometime for concentrating my Illusion Breaker. 'But, if she's blind, I wouldn't need my stealth belt...' and takes off the belt and throw it onto the floor.
While concentrating my power, I decided to navigate all the location of the main barriers which I had to destroy. The results are shown:
Top floor
Unidentified room
'Alright I gotta knock some objects down and move fast! Hmm...' I thought while looking around for objects. 'Ah, the chandelier.'
Quickly, I pulled out some of the chandelier's parts and kicked the stem which supports the whole chandelier. I swiftly moved from my position to the main barrier's location before the chandelier fell and completely shatter onto the floor. While moving from my current position, Maya's hand collided onto my arm as she was moving to the 'still' falling chandelier.
As soon as we touched unintentionally, immediately, Maya pulled my leg and threw it to where the main barriers were placed, which is at the fireplace. Since the fireplace is invisible, it created a flat surface like a wall(opaque), preventing me from falling into the fireplace. Before I fell onto the fireplace area, I quickly equiped my shield power to reduce the damage received from hitting the barrier.
"You'd think that I wouldn't know what you'd be planning behind my back even though I'm blind," Maya scoffed with a smirk.
Suddenly, a sound of the chandelier parts began to ring through the corridors, making Maya turn to the source of the sound. It was that purified demon!
Well, I guess that this battle will only be just the beginning. I quickly change my current shield layer into an armor, which is known as the skunk armor(stinks alot).
"What is that horrible smell?!" Maya exclaimed whilw pinching her nose and I took this chance to get myself ready.
"Oy, Maya! I am here!!" I said as I zoomed past her to where the purified demon is and equip one part of my armor onto it.
I signalled the demon to run around places near to where Maya was standing while I quickly scatter some parts of my armor onto places surrounding Maya so that her sense of smell would confuse her.
Upon scattering the last part of my armor, I finally arrived to one of the main barriers area, which is the unidentified room. While the demon was stalling Maya to buy me some time, I quickly focused my Illusion Breaker onto the main barrier. My hand glowed immediately as the Illusion Breaker tried to destroy its barrier. This power cannot be intervened as it's process of destroying the barriers are very slow.
While I was using my power, I decided to look at where Maya and the demon went to. Maya was still standing while pinching it's nose as the demon still ran energetically, trying to make sounds of my armor.
'Just a little further and I will be able to get the necklace!' I thought as I'm still in my current position.
Suddenly, Maya thrusted herself towards my direction. It must be because she sensed the source of my power. Fortunately, the Illusion Breaker had finished its barrier breaking which also saved me from being attacked. I soared up from my position to prevent the sudden attack from Maya. At last, she flew herself into the identified room with a loud crash.
"Geu Rim-ah...I think I just crashed into the unidentified room..." I said throught the telepathy.
"That's where the necklace resides. I remember that it was inside a drawer..." Geu Rim replied.
With that, I searched every crook and cranny of the drawer.
Du Jun's POV was just like we were having turn arounds eversince I was dueling with Sharon. She was one big problem! It was kind of shocking to know that she has the KaleidoEye while I have the ShadowEye(earning him the title of ShadowEye).
"Let go off me! You bastard," Sharon whined angrily as she reactivated her KaleidoEyes.
With that move of hers, I quickly closed my eyes and reactivated my ShadowEye to cast some sort of turbulence into her brain even though it was futile.
"Du Jun-hyung, can you hear me? If yes, you are already connected to Geu Rim's telepathy," Jun Hyung said through the telepath.
"Yes I can! What would you wanna talk about?" I asked, slightly startled.
"You'll need to try and use your Shadow Manuplation to bind her shadows from making movements and use your brain washing technique on her to stop her KaleidoEye usage. That way will surely be able to help you to defeat Sharon," Jun Hyung said.
"Roger!" I said as he was readying himself to bind Sharon's shadows.
I quickly grabbed her arm to prevent her from moving and used my other hand to push her head onto the floor. I chanted something as quick as I could while avoiding eye contact made by the KaleidoEyes of Sharon.
"What doing?! I...can't...move!" Sharon said while struggling.
"I'll be cutting the communication for now because I need to take care of Hyun Seung-oppa and Yoseop-oppa" Geu Rim said a quick as she could. "And please try not to use too much of your power or else you would die."
"You too, Geu Rim. Or else your oppa would be sad," I said as I began to concentrate my powers onto Sharon.
"That's is why I didn't use my power on communication for more than three person or in a large range of scale," Geu Rim said.
I really hoped that this would end a soon as possible. I felt that my power is running low.
Yoseop's POV
I was shocked that Hyun Seung-hyung was injured badly. But the thing is, JunHyung-hyung told me not to stand against the electromaster because I don't stand a chance. I was born as HealingVocal because I specialize in healing, singing and understanding in purified demon languages. Right now, I'm beside HyunSeung-hyung who was badly hurt.
"Oh, why a pipsqueak who doesn't have any fighting capabilities or any other extraordinary artributes inside it. What a weakling..." the electromaster pitied me, which kind of made me pissed. "Such a lonely trash where no one wants it to fight the mighty me!"
I ignored his pities even if it pissed me alot and began the healing procedures on Hyun Seung-hyung. But Hyun Seung-hyung hesitated and said:
"I'm fine. I can deal with it...some-how..."
"'ll be too late if your injury wasn't treated..." I told him.
"I'm trying to concentrate, Yoseop. Don't interrupt!" Hyun Seung said.
This must be because he was pushing back the flow of the currents from entering the capillaries. As expected!
"Oh, this really is a true betrayal. Afterall, friends are nthing but useless trash that was supposed to be thrown into the bin," the electromaster said while laughing maniacally. "I bet you've felt the pain of betrayal, haven't you, young man?"
"Heh, betrayal? You call that a betrayal? It was you, who betrayed the good in exchange for the bad so that you could forget about them!" Jun Hyung said as he popped out of his hiding place.
"What do you mean by that stupid theory of yours?" the electromaster taunted but he got panic-strickened.
"You were betrayed by your wife because she found out that you tricked the royal families by working secretly under Lord Skull," Jun Hyung explained while looking deeply into the electromaster's memories. "In the end, she left you all alone. She got together with you because she pitied you for not having any name. Poor thing to be left with those painful memories."
"I just noticed that the maids you hired all except for Geu Rim were all fake...they were actually clay figures," Du Jun explained throughly. "I noticed it while I tried to brainwash Sharon. All I could erase are the memories that it had while it was being made by you."
"You brat! How dare you do that to my precious test subjects?!" the electromaster yelled as he was about to go for another attack.
"Hold your horses, culprit! You are not allowed to hurt anyone anymore! I found the En Crest!" Dong Woon said as he pulled a necklace out of his pocket while the purified being tagged along behind.
"The what? How did you-?!" the electromaster stuttered.
"Well, that was easy, to be honest and it's thanks to this little buddy," Dong Woon said while stroking the purified demon.
"Don't move a muscle! Or else, I will burn this mansion down with my bare hands," En Crest(Yuri) said while holding a few pieces of small papers. "Appa, mianhe for making you all that worried..." and approached to the electromaster.
"Turning tables?! Yuri-ah, why did you betray us?" I asked while looking shocked.
"Well, what I did was right to help appa. Plus that was a fake necklace...the real one was hidden by me," En Crest said bravely. "Appa~ let me fight by your side!" while some of the small papers dropped.
"Don' it, Yuri-ah..." HyunSeung said as he staggered to stand while trying to revert the movement of the electric currents.
Phew,this chapter somehow seemed longer than the others. But I really hoped that you'd enjoy it! Any part of the stories tat you don't understand please comment. Kamsahamnida!
Please visit @jiayingyee, a shared account with my other friends!
One more thing, I'm really bad at describing fighting scenes. pls bear with me... AND, they can use their powers because of the weakened barrier(if i did mention about this before)
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