The Shadow...(B2ST) part 3
It's impossible, how did she arrive here?! The portal can't be access by the 'Shadow' members for now and yet...I won't be able to escape from this illusion, not when I can't regenerate my powers yet. I really hoped that my pals are fine but what's more important is Yuri. I really hoped that she wouldn't lay her hands on her.
At the school garden (Yuri's POV)
Well, getting some fresh air while writing my poems are actually good combination of inspiration! Right now, I am continueing my incomplete poem(refer to chp1) but the thing is, I can't misuse my powers for things like this. Sure is hard...
It's a good thing that the weather today is not as cold as the first time I enter the school. After I managed to write a sentence of the poem, the skies immediately turned from bright, cool blue to dull, pale gray. The wind began to blow very hard until my notebook began to fly, literaly. Quickly, I ran after the notebook but instead I fell onto the grass, head first. I've been wondering why did my book flew even though the wind wasn't as strong as a typhoon.
Just before I could get up from my current position, I caught a glimpse of a silhouette, a figure of a woman, which my book literaly flew towards to. I tried to look clearly at what I'm looking at but the more I look at it, the most harder the wind blows.
Suddenly, I saw something bursted out within the silhouette, leaving my notebook onto the floor. As soon as the book falls onto the floor, the area where the book fell began to glow. There appeared a kaleidoscope pattern, which began to spread tremendously fast. The wind cleared out all of a sudden too. The silhouette disappeared without leaving any traces of footprints. I found out that I was actually sitting onto a kaleidoscope space. It was actually making me dizzy at first but still, I'm really fortunate that I never did get sick of looking at things like this.
I quickly stand up and ran to grab the notebook of mine. As soon as I picked it up, a voice rang through the space, saying:
"You, the one who only can open the path to the 'Shadows', you must complete that poem right here, right now...or else, YOU will be trapped in here by this Kaleidoscope barrier for GOOD."
Me, being trapped in here for good?! I'm so not gonna let this kaleidoscope pattern, trap me.
"I refuse! I won't do it for the likes of you!" I replied, full of determination.
"Oh, so this little brat disobeyed me. Surely you have the guts to do so, Kan Yuri!" the voice said, "you may not remember what have happened to you before you even know that you have the power, but I will KILL you first!"
"Who are you?! How did you know my name?" I asked, trying to be calm.
"Who AM I?! You don't even have the rights to ask me," the voice said, "anyhow, you'll know about it once you complete the poem..."
"Didn't I said I refused to do so?" I said, while trying to look for the voice source.
" really are a hard nut to crack, eh?" the voice said but it slowly fades away.
There was nothing but silence filled in the air. The spaces that was once a kaleidoscope pattern has disappeared, leaving it as a pitch black, endless space. I tried to call for the voice but there's no reply.
Suddenly, I was being pushed back onto the pitch black floor. The tight feeling is felt on my throat, as if there's someone trying to strangle me. Immediately, I closed my eyes so that I wouldn't feel such an uncomfortable sensation but instead, I sensed that someone is actually strangling me.
Quickly I opened my eyes to get a glimpse of that person. What I see was a face, a sad yet scared face with brown colored eyes widely opened. That person is actually a girl, a girl whom had the same face as I am. She looked somewhat the opposite of me. Who is she, really...
"Just finish the poem!" the girl said with her cold bare hands still clutching onto my throat.
"I reject! But first, you must tell me who you are," I said whilelooking straight onto her face but instead, she tightened her grip onto my throat.
It's really hard to breath. Is she trying to suffocate me?!
"You dare to deny me, Yuri?!" the girl asked angrily, gripping my throat a little more harder.
This really caused me to flinch and gasp so that I could get enough air but this method of getting air is not really effective.
The boys POV
"Ah...Jun Hyung-hyung! we are being caught by a kaleidoscope barrier! What should we do?" Yoseop asked worriedly.
"At this rate, we won't be able to escape from this barrier and catch up on to Hyun Seung-hyung!" Jun Hyung said, "unless we allow Dong Woon to use his 'illusion breaker' here."
"I'll do it!" Dong Woon suggested, "But I won't guarantee that it will work though but it will be worth to try."
"But your's not stable enough for us to..." Gi Kwang said.
"It's ok, after all, we must try to escape from here and look for Hyun Seung-hyung!" Dong Woon said bravely while activating his power, the 'illusion breaker'.
Soon, Dong Woon began to sqeeze his eyes close so that he can concentrate fully on his power. He raised his hand up and a small bright sphere appear floating on his palms. Dong Woon began to chant something onto the sphere and immediately, the sphere disappeared. Instead of disappearing completely, traces of sparkly flakes began to trail their path to lead the boys to Hyun Seung.
"Come on, hyungs, let's not waste time," Dong Woon said, trying not to lose sight of the flakes.
Immediately, the four other guys tailed behind Dong Woon. At the minute when they arrived to an intersection, Dong Woon halted, making the others startled.
"Yah, Dong Woon-ah, why stop all of a sudden?" Du Jun asked, getting frustrated for not knowing what would have happened to Hyun Seung and Yuri.
"Shh...Dong Woon-sshi is concentrating..." Yoseop replied for Dong Woon.
Suddenly, Dong Woon turned around, looking disconcerted yet discomposed. He then, forced out a closed eye smile, hands on his back.
"Um...Dong Woon-ah...why did we stop? Are we lost?" Gi Kwang asked, feeling uncomfortable.
"No, we aren't," Dong Woon said, somehow looking very cheerful. "We have found ourselves a puppy to adopt."
"Geh?! You mean that demon with two heads?" Gi Kwang asked, petrified.
"If that's so, guys, we have found ourselves the target that we have longed for," Du Jun said, arms out-stretched.
"But don't you think it's a bad idea for us to use our powers just for this target? I mean it would risk our lives and..." Gi Kwang said worriedly.
"And, we wouldn't just sit here and let it go away...," Dong Woon implied, "this is actually our chance to prove the Shadows that we are the immortal Beast!"
(a/n: In this story, Beast is a group of demon hunters, which is very well known in the Shadow world...anyway, continue reading :))
"But, we need to look for Hyun Seung-hyung first!" Gi Kwang protested.
"What can you do if Dong Woon wasn't with you? Can't you see that we are planning to take this demon down so that the Shadow would know that we are still in one piece," Jun Hyung said, "as for me, I'd rather fight this demon before looking for Hyun Seung first since he'll be able to take care of himself...he's not a pabo(stupid) anyway."
"Well, that's true though...but I'm still going to..." Gi Kwang said but was being cut off by Du Jun.
"Yah, Nin-dan! If you dare to make anymore trouble, you'll make Hyun Seung-sshi angry," Du Jun said while jabbing his finger at Gi Kwang, "plus, Hyun Seung would feel down if he know that we didn't hunt down that demon right here and right now!"
"So, let's get to it, Gi Kwang-ah," Yoseop said with an assuring tone. "you, as a Nin-dan, you should fight!"
"Alright, let's quit this itty-bitty chat right now," Jun Hyung said while racing towards the demon, "I, Futuremind, will guide all of you this demon's motives and movements made!"
Soon, the five of them are engaged into a 'demon battle'. It all began when Yoseop sang while standing in front of the demon, alone. This actually caught the demon's attention, causing it to charge towards Yoseop's direction. Soon, Yoseop narrowed his brown eyes while singing.
"Yoseop-ah," Jun Hyung said as he appears beside Yoseop all of a sudden, "this demon will catch your arm with his jaws at the beginning of the fight, so please be prepared."
"Arrasso(got it), but try not to overuse your powers or you'll suffer like last time," Yoseop said while doing some sign languages, "Alrighty, Healingvocal! I gotta do my best!"
With that, Jun Hyung disappeared and arrived to where Dong Woon is. Right now, Dong Woon began to do some chants with his eyes closed. Immediately, his whole body began to glow, as if he was being wrapped by a layer of jelly. Gi Kwang, Yoseop and Du Jun glowed too.
"Guys, I'll be concentrating my shield powers here so that you won't get injured easily," Dong Woon said while closing his eyes.
"Alright, thanks for assisting, Dong Woon-ah but try not to use too much of your powers," Du Jun said while taking the chance to do a sneak attack.
"I will cleanse your corrupted soul, Ceberus!" Yoseop said as the demon's jaw began to open wide while launching itself towards Yoseop.
Quickly, Yoseop dodged out of the way and Gi Kwang took this chance to attack the demon, Cerberus while in the air. He kicked Cerberus on the face, causing it to yelp and fell backwards to where Du Jun is.
Du Jun took this chance to attack it using his specialized move known as 'Goal'(I know the name sucks but I really can't think of a propername for this special move). It is a move where Du Jun strikes the opponent like a football and cause it to fly upwards. Fortunately, Du Jun suceeded and the opponent managed to fly upwards as high as possible.
"Yoseop, get into position!" Jun Hyung shouted as he is in the verge of coughing. "Stand below the demon and strut your best move to cleanse it's soul!"
Yoseop quickly ran below the demon as Jun Hyung instructed, and began to raise his hand, palm facing upwards, and sang a gentle yet cleansing song. While singing, the Cerberus's soul resonates and began to be cleansed. The demon's eyes began to close and it's body began to shrink from it's original size.
As soon as Yoseop completed his cleansing song, the demon landed onto Yoseop's palms, sleeping silently. It's form had changed into a winged-puppy like being.
"Alright! One demon down, more to go!" Du Jun exclaimed while his hands are in the air.
"Phew, at least everyone managed to win this battle without getting a single scratch," Jun Hyung said while walking towards Yoseop and the others, "I felt really proud as a strategist."
"Jun Hyung-hyung! Are you hurt? No pain or anything?" Gi Kwang asked while running to Jun Hyung's direction.
"I'm fine, really! Don't worry about me," Jun Hyung said with a gentle smile.
"Um...hyungs, did you feel anything that is increasing inside of you?" Yoseop asked, "Cos, I felt a warm yet gentle feeling inside." with a gentle smile on his face.
"Now that you mentioned felt really nice as if my powers are all surged up..." Dong Woon said but was broke off by a thought.
"It was the rare pet!" all of them said in unison.
"We finally got one of the rare pets! And it was actually giving us those powers that we have lost," Du Jun declared.
Yoseop's heart sank, which made Gi Kwang frown.
"What's wrong, Yoseop-ah? We should be happy since we had an unlimited amount of energy back," Gi Kwang asked.
"I felt bad for this little can't live forever since it radiates it's own energy for us," Yoseop began, "and yet, we actually hurt all felt so...sad." as tears began to form in his eyes
"Well, it won't die if we conserve our energies so that it won't radiate more...," Du Jun said while patting the little being's head, "anyway, it won't die unless we bring it to the Shadow world on time."
"But it really is strange...why would a demon like this, appear in this place?" Jun Hyung asked, finger tapping onto his chin thoughtfully.
"Cos, this Kaleidoscope thing is somehow a dimension fragment from the Shadow," Dong Woon explained.
"You're right though...but who did this thing? It's fully futile for us to create this kaleidoscope space since none of us knew how," Gi Kwang said, while looking deep into space.
All of them remained silent until Yoseop began to poke the animal's body. Suddenly, Yoseop's eyes widened, full of fear.
"Um, hyungs...this kaleidoscope space and this animal being was actually summoned by the Princess of Shadows," Yoseop began, making the others stare to Yoseop's direction.
Everyone's eyes widened in horror.
(a/n: Yoseop can understand purified demon languages such at that being described above)
"How did she arrive here?! I mean, te portal wasn't available for use and yet..." Gi Kwang said, worriedly.
"No wonder the Kaleidoscope space was unleashed...since there's only the six of us who knew about the portal to the Shadow world," Du Jun said thoughtfully, "how did she arrive here without us knowing? We should be able to sense her appearance here..."
"How should we know? Anyway, let's find Hyun Seung-hyung before things get worsened," Dong Woon said before he began concentrating his powers.
"You all don't have to find me, I'm already here, guys!" a familiar voice yelled.
The five boys stood still, readied in their fighting stance. But what they found out is...
Hyun Seung POV(during the demon battle)
Dang it! I'm totally lost. Now where should I go?
'huuuhuuu~Oh~...' a familiar voice sang.
Is that Yoseop? can they be here...? Oh, this Kaleidoscope space! It had engulfed only the shadow members. I gotta find that source of the voice!
I ran as fast as a cheetah until I met myself with two strange beings. They looked like wild hamsters to me but by judging its size, it's like a giant gnawing mole. Plus, they looked dangerous and trecherous.
Quickly, I hopped a few metres behind and get into my usual fighting stance. I really gotta get rid of these before my remaining pals finish their fight. (he knew it as soon as there's a singing)
Quickly, I stared onto the ground. Immediately, droplets of water began to rise from the ground. As fast as a motorcycle, I raised my hand up, causing the droplets to become ice shards.
I threw the ice shards at the 'hamsters' and they groan in pain. The 'hamsters' then, made their move towards me in a swift motion. They began to swing their claws at me. Fortunately, I was able to dodge most of their attacks.
I tried to gather the water source from the ground so that I can create a pair gaunlet made of of hard ice. Fortunately I managed to create one on timr before the claws reach for my throat area.
I fend off those monsters away as soon as I can feel the water, hidden in their fur by freezing them.
If only Yoseop's here, they would undergo a soul purification and will stop wander around like monster in here. Speaking of here...why are they here? They arem't supposed to be here. Surely, it really has been a long time since our demon hunting thing had to get alive for this. If only I have my regenerated powers, I would have gone out for more killing spree.
Soon after the battle with the 'hamsters', I quickly look for the voice source but was not found. I began to panic until I heard someone said:
'One demon go!'
It sounded familiar but decided to trace the voice source. After a few second of running, I found myself in a intersection. I could sense the intent to kill in the left while at the right, I can sense that there are five memebers of must be them!
But the left of the intersection felt familiar too. But since I don't want my pals to worry sick about me, I decided to look for them first.
I ran towards the right of the intersection and saw my pals. I heard that Dong Woon was about to go look for me so I shouted at them that:
"You all don't have to find me, I'm already here, guys!"
All of them were like back onto their fighting stances.
"Ah, Hyun Seung-hyung! Where have you been?" Yoseop asked, making everyone looked at my direction.
"I was looking for Yuri?" I replied, making it sounded like a question, "anyway, I sensed an intent to kill at a path behind me, I bet she's there."
"I'll lead," Dong Woon said while creating a sphere.
"Um...Yoseop-ah, what's that thing?" I asked.
"Oh, it's a rare pet that we have hunted for actually radiates it's energy for us as our powers," Yoseop replied, looking glum, "it said that if he used up his energy, it will die unless we bring it to the Shadow world before he looses all his energy."
As soon as we all began to walk towards where I told them, immediately, a flash of bright light engulfed the kaleidoscope space.
We were all startled by the sudden intrusion. But as soon as the lights fade out, we found ourselves in the garden that Jun Hyung told us before all these happened.
"Yuri!!!" I shouted while jabbing my finger at Yuri's direction.
She looked so pale yet frail. But then, a figure which is very familiar to us, was actually gripping onto Yuri's throat.
Yuri's POV
My vision had gotten blurred and I am having pretty much a hard time struggling to breath. I was planning to give up from struggling but a familiar voice broke into my negative thoughts.
Quickly, I looked at the direction where the voice came from. It was the boys.
"Jac...Jackfro-ost...op-op-ppa," I stammerred, trying to take control of my words.
"Jackfrost?! How did he..." the girl said, eyes widened as soon as she saw Jackfrost oppa.
"Is that the Princess of Shadow?! What is she doing here?" Gi Kwang asked.
The boys quickly ran towards my direction, looking worried.
"What the HELL do you want?!" the girl asked furiously making the boys backed off a little.
"That's my line, princess!" Hyun Seung yelled back, fist curled up.
"Well, it is all because of this brat! Whatever, why do I have to accommodate with squirts like you," the girl said as she released hergrip from my neck.
Phew...finally, free from her grip. I bet it's gonna leave me some scars.
"Hey! Where are you going, you imposter? Or should I say, Yuri's replica?" Gi Kwang yelled at the girl.
"Gi Kwang-ah! That's a taboo name, pabo!" Du Jun said angrily.
Replica? What on earth was that? Who is that strange girl and what's going on?!
That's all for this chapter! Well, it might be confusing at first but I will try my best to make it less confusing. Btw, I would like to list down the Beast members' Shadow codename and their powers here, incase you didn't find out.
Du Jun- not known yet (will be revealed soon in the next chapter)
Hyun Seung- Jackfrost (Ice and water user/bender, can sense things through any temperature)
Jun Hyung- Futuremind (strategist, future and mind reader)
Gi Kwang- Nin-Dan/DancingNinja (physical attacker)
Yoseop- HealingVocal (healing and purifies corrupted souls by singing)
Dong Woon- Illusion breaker (breaks illusion spaces, creates defensive gears and a navigator)
I know some of the names are weird yet plain but still, I really hoped that all of you enjoyed reading it.
Please comment and vote! I need to know what impact does this story lack of. Kamsahamnida! And I won't be able to update for quite a while now :(
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