Ep 2 Part 1 - Neo Arcadia

A/N - Capcom owns Megaman Zero. Not me. Now, I hope you all enjoy.

(At Neo Arcadia)

Inside of a military base where two female reploids, one with short, blonde hair, and the other with long, brown hair, works on the computer while a young, blonde haired woman with a pink helmet, very long, wavy ponytail, cerulean blue eyes and wears a pink commander long coat, watches the screen.

The commander's face turns pale as she asks, "Rouge! Jaune! What happened?!"

"We have lost signal with them," the brunette named Rouge told her.

"But we have an unknown signal transmitting to the transporter," Jaune told her.

"It must be them!" Ciel blurted out as she rushes out of the room.

"H-Hold on, lady Ciel!" A dark haired man with brown eyes called out.

"Wait up!" another man, but with dark red hair and green eyes called out.

Ciel rushes to the transporter room, where the transporter glows and shows the the small group; completely injured and suddenly they all collapsed except Passy. Ciel gasps and turns to see the two men; where their eyes are widen in horror, along with the other sold

"Quickly!" Ciel shouted, "Take them to the infirmary and the repair room!"

"Yes ma'am" Her soldiers answered as they all carried the two reploids and Gavin off to recovery while Ciel looks at Passy.

"What happened?!"

"We got ambushed by a bunch of security mechaniloids," Passy explained, "And... we were the only survivors..."

"Oh no... n-not even one...?"

"I'm sorry..." Passy apologised.

"Don't be." Ciel told her, "It's my fault for sending you guys off to an abandoned and very risky area... I should be the one apologising,"

"Ciel... please don't be so hard on yourself," The brown eyed scientist comforted her, "You have to do what's necessary."

"I know, I know I have to do it," Ciel admitted, "But... knowing that I'm the one who send them to their deaths and nearly got both Colonel, and Gavin killed... it's my fault, Mark..."

"Ciel... look, I know you're upset over what happened to them," Passy told her, "But don't let their sacrifices be in vein, alright?"

"... I... you're right... I guess I'm just horrified that they died... on my order for no less," Ciel admitted, "I... tomorrow, I will arrange the funerals for their loved ones."

"Of course," Passy responded, "There's also the fact Harold is still running around, but at least we retrieve Zero back."

"I suppose so..." Ciel replied. "Anyways, we should wait up for them to recover till than,"

"Yeah. I'll go and check on Zero." Passy told her.

"Of course, you go and do that." Ciel agreed as Passy flies off.

"I'll should check on Zero, than," Mark remarked and turns to the red headed man, "You should check on Colonel as well, Jaroslav."

"Naturally." Jaroslav replied as the two walks away, with Passy following them, with a quick glance at Ciel with the look of concern before she flies off.

"I... I'm sorry father... I guess I'm already failing as a ruler, aren't I?" Ciel thought as she tears up, "Not only did Harold lost his mind due to my carelessness... I end up causing the deaths of our men... please forgive me, father... I wasn't ready to be the leader you want me to be..."

Ciel hides her face as she goes out of the teleport room and runs to the elevator as she felt nothing but guilt over letting her own men died on her behalf.


("Ugh... god that was painful,") Zero thought, "But... ugh... my head... my head really hurts honestly..."

Zero looks around a bit as he sees himself, but with lighter shade of blonde, bright blue eyes and wears a different red armour talking with a Male reploid wearing blue armour, but his face is entirely fuzzy.

("Wha-Is that... me?") Zero thought as the vision start to disappear, which the reploid yells out, "Wha-WAIT!"

The vision suddenly disappears, until a new one appears except even blurrier where there is a small boy with his face completely covered racing against the other children and winning. However, the boy frowns as he sees the other children getting picked up... but not him.

("Who... who is that...?") Zero thought as the vision starts to glitch out, "Wait! No! What-Who am I?!"

(Dream ends) 

"Mmmm..." Zero groaned as he slowly open his eyes and looks around his surroundings, where he is inside a lab with a dark haired reploid with cyclops goggles and Mark. "Wha... where am I?"

"You were unconscious for quite awhile now," Mark told him. "But don't worry, we managed to repair you up even though it is rather difficult."

"Ahem... Who... Who are you guys?" Zero asked them curiously.

"Oh yes! I should introduce ourselves," Mark realised as he cough into his fist and introduces himself, "My name is Mark Light, the descendant of Thomas Light and one of the Sage Trinity... well, Sage duo would be more fitting now."

"Ahem... okay..." Zero responded, "Who's Thomas Light? And why does the Sage Trinity and his name sound so familiar to me..."

"And my name is Cerveau," The reploid introduced himself, "I work under Mark as his employee. It's amazing to meet the legendary Zero himself,"

"Woah! Woah! Woah!" Zero blurted out, much to their confusion, "How do you guys know for sure that I am this Zero guy? I mean... I don't remember anything. Not even my own name and stuff!"

"Because you wield the Z-saber, you dummy!"

Passy flies up to the group as she checks on Zero with a pouty expression, which the blonde haired reploid tilts his head in confusion and asks, "Z-saber?"

"Exactly!" Passy said, "The Z-saber is the iconic weapon of yours! And the way you fight against that mechaniloid just proves it as well!"

"Well... I... I suppose so..." Zero replied simply to avoid arguing with her. After all, there's no disproof of him not being Zero... so there's no point.

"Exactly!" Passy said happily. "And I'm sure you already met those old men, right?"

"Hey!" Both Mark and Cerveau called out.

"Oopsie!" Passy gasped cheekily, much to the older men's annoyance.

"Seriously, Passy?" Mark called out.

"Yes!" Passy proudly proclaimed, making Zero chuckle a bit. "Wow! I thought the alrighty Zero don't have a sense of humour."

"Wait! Who told you that?" Zero asked in an annoyed tone.

"Old documents, reviews from the X era, and such," Passy told him with a cheeky smirk.

"Okay... forget what I asked," Zero said, and asks, "So... what's going to happen to me now, because judging the situation... I'm not supposed to be awake, aren't I?"

Cerveau and Mark look at each other awkwardly, which the reploid shrugs and says, "He's not wrong."

"Am I... going to be shut down or something?" Zero asked with a small tone of worried in it.

"I highly doubted, knowing Ciel," Mark told him, "We just have to wait and see when she comes here."

"I supposed so..." Zero mumbled, and asks, "Who is this Ciel person anyways?"

"I guess, since you were on shut down for over a hundred years, I will explain the basics while you were asleep," Mark told him and starts explaining; "Neo Arcadia is a metropolis and capital city of Ainvia Kingdom that was founded by Ciel's ancestor, Megaman X and you after the Elf war ended."

"I... I'm one of the three founders?" Zero gasped, "But I don't remember anything about it, though."

"Well... I suppose it might be your hibernation state," Cerveau lied to him, "I'm sure you'll be recover your memories soon enough."

"Huh? Wait, but-"

"Passy, can we talk privately?" Mark told her.

Passy glances at Zero, then turns back to the two scientists. She tells Zero, "I'll be back." as she leaves with the two men. Once they are out of Zero's earshot, she glares at them and bluntly asks, "Okay, why the hell are you guys lying to him?"

"It's for his own good," Mark argued back calmly, "We analysed his anatomy and found many worrisome details that Harold added to him, such as the Wily nano machines he invented, new abilities Zero didn't have before and more."

"Okay, and I don't see the point?" Passy called out.

"What he is trying to say is that, if he recovers his memories of both Ethan and Zero, there's a high risk that it made overly haywire him out of confusion," Cerveau explained, "Or if he only regained his memories of Ethan, but nothing of Zero, than there's a good risk that he would side with his father, wouldn't he?"

Passy is about to open her mouth... and keeps quiet as her face grows a bit pale. She knew what they were saying is true as she knows him as much as a normal siblings do. Even if the two were never related by blood, but still has that family bond... but because of that, she knows for a fact Ethan wants nothing more than spend more time with his father and he would join by his side in a heartbeat.

Passy takes a deep breath and looks down on the ground; not wanting to admit defeat. The three stays quiet until Ciel sees them standing there awkwardly, so she just asks, "Ahem... what's going on?"

"Well... we decided to conceal the actual reason of Zero's memories loss from him." Cerveau explained to her, which her eyes widen in shock.

"What? Isn't that deceitful?!" Ciel called out.

"Lady Ciel... I understand you are an honest person..." Mark admitted as he opens the door a bit as they take a small peek where they see Zero getting out of the capsule with a pout on his face; acting like an impatient teenager. "Judging from our analysis, his mentality is the same as an average teenage boy, rather than the mentality of a legendary and ancient hero, so he's not ready to hear the whole story."

"I see... but still though..." Ciel said as she is strongly against withholding such important information, even though they are right as it might overwhelm him to know the truth.

"Guys! Look!" Passy whispered as they continue to catch Zero behind the door.

Zero looks at his hand and looks around, where he sees he's only wearing his bodysuit while his armour is on the other side of the lab. He takes a deep breath as he takes his full step, and wobbles a bit as he tries to regain his posture. His cheeks blushes red a bit and look around panicily to make sure nobody is around to see that.

Unfortunately for him, Ciel and the others chuckles a bit, which Zero hears them and screams, "Y-You see nothing, okay?!"

"We totally aren't going to tell anybody about it." Passy lied cheekily as she snickers quite a bit.

"Oi! Not funny!" Zero called out as his face turns around to see Ciel next to Mark and Cerveau, "Who... Who are you?"

"My name is Ciel Vernier," Ciel introduced herself, "I am the ruler of Neo Arcadia and Ainvia Kingdom as a whole. It's a pleasure to meet the great Zero himself."

A/N - Ainvia Kingdom is a country I just made up, where it's located in the North Pacific Ocean between Japan and North America to give an idea of the location.

The culture would likely be a mixture of Eastern and Western cultures, while the demonym used here is Ainviene, though the civilians living in Neo Arcadia are called... well, Neo Arcadians. There will be other places around Ainvia Kingdom as well, but haven't come up with them yet.

You don't have to come up with the name, just a small descriptions of them. I am not sure the average amount of cities, but since the size is the same as Australia, but the shape of Russia (So in other words, think of it as a smaller Russia way). I just go with just twenty cities to make everyone's lives, including mine easier.

This is a way for me practice of a thing called world building and I want to start small by having a made up country in a real world setting (Germany, Scotland, Japan and such). Regardless, I hope you guys enjoyed this part and if you did, leave a comment and have a good day! Aqua out!

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