Ep 12 Part 1 - The Beginning
A/N - Capcom owns Megaman Zero. Not me. Now, I hope you all enjoy, also a majority of the OCs belongs to me, except for Ringo, who's my friend's OC.
PS - When it comes to school activities, I will skip over the classes because they're not important to the story unless it's necessary such as world building, an special event or it's a homeroom class event so the teachers are just minor characters except for one who is a side character. You can take a guess on who's important enough. I will do it in a sort of P5 manner except it would focus on breaks, lunches and after school stuff rather then classes cuz classes are boring to write generally and I rather not waste my time on unimportant stuff. It's the same with Zero's football club where I only skip the matches cuz I hate football, so I have no passion in writing about it and just focus on his interaction with one of his teammates such as Raafi. Anyways, hope you understand. Now, enjoy.
(Tuesday 25th May 2277 at 9:20AM)
Gavin parked the car outside of the school and Zero came out of it.
"Behave, Zack."
"Since when do I behave?" Zero smirked in a cheeky manner.
"I'm serious. I don't want to get a call on the second day of your school." Gavin told him. "I'm exhausted to deal with that shit. You're lucky I already drop Alouette off to her school or I have to hold back."
"Whatever." Zero rolled his eyes as he slams the door shut, which pisses Gavin off.
"Oi! Be more careful with that shit!" Gavin yelled at him, which was hollow as Zero just ignores him and heads to his school, much to annoyance, "Tch... despite being the so called legendary hero... he sure acts like a little shit." And continues grumbling as he drives off.
"Damn Zero. You know you'll be in trouble once you get home." Passy told him.
"Whatever, I don't think I care." Zero answered as he goes indoors and packing his things the stuff he needed for today. "Alright... so I need Maths and Geography for first two classes, then Science and Art for the third and fourth classes. I'll save the fifth class for later."
Just as he closes his locker after getting the things he needed for now, he hears a girlish scream and rushes to see what's going on.
"What was that?" Passy asked in shock.
"Must be Nikan!" Zero guessed.
He expected Nikan picking on someone again, very likely a reploid. Just as he rushes to see what's going on, he sees that he is right.
He sees that Nikan intentionally pours milk on Serah's hair, which causes him to scream like a girl, as the human bully laughs at him for it. Seran glares at the taller boy, and just as he is about to punch Nikan for it, Zero rushes in and grabs Serah's wrist.
"Huh? L-Let go of me!" Seran shouted.
"He's not worth it." Zero told him in a unusually cold tone.
"... Fine..." Seran looks away as Zero let's him go and he runs off.
"Oi! I'm not-Ah!" Just as Nikan was about to chase after him, Zero trip him over and smirks just as he runs after Seran much to Nikan's annoyance, "You bastard!"
"Heh! Good one!" Passy said.
"Thanks, now let's go." Zero said.
Zero rushes to find Seran in the drama club who sat down and tearing up as Noah rushes past Zero and helps Seran with cleaning up his hair.
"H-Hey..." Zero said as he walks in the drama club.
"Ah! D-don't look at me!" Seran said dramatically.
"Seran, it's not that bad." Noah told him.
"It is! It's the end of the world! My beautiful hair is ruined!" Seran cried.
"It's ok. It's ok. I'm cleaning it up. Just take deep breaths..." Noah attempted to clean him up while trying to calm him down.
"If it makes you feel better, I trip Nikan over on my way here." Zero explained.
"Hah! That ogre got what he deserved!" Seran cheered happily. "Thank you, Zack Knight!"
"No problem...?" Zero said hesitantly, "Anyways, we should get to our homeroom class. It's nearly 9:30."
"Indeed! Now, let us go, my dear amigos!" Seran cheered as he runs off to their homeroom.
"Wait up, Seran!" Noah yelled out as he rushes behind him.
"Oh boy... hanging out with those two will be a dozy." Zero thought. "Regardless, I should get to class now."
"Oi Zack! Let's get going!" Passy yelled at him to hurry up.
"Alright, alright, I'm going!" Zero told her as he rushes to his homeroom.
(Break time)
("Alright, it's break time...") Zero thought, ("Now... who should I hang out with today?") "Got any suggestions, Passy?"
"Well, there's always Iris and Ringo," Passy answered, "There's also Gia who is a complete enigma, Dotty and Raafi, Veronica, Hwang-hon, and Seran and Noah."
"Mmm..." Zero thought for a moment, "I'm thinking hanging out with Seran."
"Okie. He's likely in the drama club." Passy noted.
"I thought as much." Zero agreed as he heads to the drama club.
(At the drama club)
Zero goes inside with Passy, and he asks, "By the way... can you give me space?"
"Huh? Why?" Passy asked him.
"Well... I wanna hang out with other people by myself. Be able to talk to them without interfering." Zero explained. "I mean... we can't exactly talk about personal stuff with a third party, can we?"
"... I should be offended, but honestly, it makes sense." Passy understood, "Alright, I'll leave you be unless an emergency happened."
"Thanks Passy." Zero thanked her.
"No prob, Zack." Passy replied back as she flies off from the distance.
Zero enters the club, where he is unknowingly spied on by Passy who is secretly peeking from the corner and just carefully watching him to make sure he doesn't blow his cover accidentally.
"Hey Seran." Zero greeted him.
"Ah! Zack! Welcome! It's brilliant to see you once again!" Seran greeted him dramatically.
"Hey there. I see you're dramatic as ever." Zero noted.
"Of course, after all, I am an aspiring actor!" Seran proclaimed happily.
"You're super passionate about acting, aren't ya?" Zero said.
"Why, of course I am!" Seran admitted proudly, "Acting is basically my thing! I love everything about it!"
"I see, that makes sense." Zero understood. "Still, why are you so passionate about it? Just curious."
"Well, I supposed it doesn't hurt to answer that." Seran said, "It's nothing complex and deep, unfortunately. It's rather basic."
"Well, I'm still curious." Zero noted.
"Well, I just happened to love movies. Superheroes, actions, romance, thriller. I love everything about it. The history behind it, the techniques used and the make up that is used for the actors caught my attention." Seran explained, "I love all kinds of movies, even the infamously bad ones! It doesn't matter to me. I enjoy it all the same."
"Do you have any favourites then?" Zero asked him.
"Oh heavens no. I couldn't pick a favourite, unfortunately." Seran admitted, "Which... is a bit embarrassing if you ask me. What about you?"
"M-Me?" Zero asked in shock.
"Yes! I want to know your favourites!" Seran said, "It would be a shame if it was a one sided conversation."
"Well... unfortunately, I don't watch movies." Zero admitted honestly and shamefully, "At least, none that I can remember."
Seran gasps dramatically and grab both of his shoulders as he shakes him a bit.
"You never watched a movie?!" Seran asked in shock.
"N-Not one that I remember, no." Zero answered while startled.
"I can't believe it! Alright! We must change that!" Seran said passionately, "How about on Saturday, we meet at my place? Don't worry, I'll give you my address."
"Sure. Saturday sounds good." Zero answered.
"Delightful! So, how about exchange phone numbers?" Seran asked him.
"Oh! Ahem..." Zero bites his lips, ("Fuck! I don't have a phone!") "I... forgot my phone back home. Sorry."
"I see, well I'll give it tomorrow then!" Seran stated while looking at him strangely as if he's suspicious. "Oh! And I shall bring Noah along as well! After all, we're super close!"
"Sounds good, sure." Zero agreed.
"Delightful! Now, I shall go! Au revoir!" Seran said as Zero walks from him.
"Bye." Zero said as he just leaves the club and thought, ("Is he French? I might have to ask him, or maybe just knows the language.")
"So, how is it?" Passy asked, trying to hide the fact she spied on him.
"Well... looks like I got a new group of friends to hang out on the weekends." Zero said.
"Nice! Wanna get a snack before bell rings?" Passy asked.
"Sure." Zero accepted it as the duo goes to grab some snacks to eat.
(Later at 12:20PM in the main city)
In the busy city where everyone was minding their businesses and traffics are a classic leaving a ton of noises, there is one figure who is standing atop a tall building. A very familiar feminine figure.
Roll, now having glowing purple pupils and veins coming out from the neck to her cheeks, pointing her arrow buster at a large crowd where she is preparing to aim while at her feet, there are small tints of purple glows that are slowly corrupted the ground, which it is popping out glowing purple spider lilies strangely enough.
"Now... do it." The speaker on her ears commanded her, which the voice belongs to Harold.
Roll shoots the arrow right above the crowd, causing a large purple explosion that heavily damaged the tall building.
"OH MY GOD!!!"
The entire crowd are screaming and panicking as the building and the explosion have killed dozen of people and reploids. There were blood and purple particles spread everywhere as more of those purple spider lilies starts popping up again.
The survivors are running far as they can while the police tries to guide the people.
"EVERYONE! This way! Quick! Over here!" One policeman yelled to guide the others, however one reploid officer's eyes flashes purple for a quick moment, then he turns to the officer, "People! Please ca-AH!"
Suddenly, the reploid shot the policeman off guard completely, then soon, the other surviving reploids starts attacking the humans out of nowhere for seemingly no reason. It was pure chaos as so many people were killed in a beaten up manner.
Roll aims at the other building and shoots it down again, where other people got crushed by the rubbles where they are nothing more then splattered mess, and the reploids are becoming mavericks out of nowhere. She watches the chaos unfold where there's a single tear coming out from her left eye.
(A couple of minutes later)
While Zero is writing his school work, the speaker called "Zack Knight. Please come to the principle office immediately. Zack Knight. Please come to the office immediately right now."
"Huh? But-" before the socially awkward reploid Maths teacher could object, Zero quickly gets up and rushes out of the class without the second thought.
"Hey! Wait up!" Passy yelled out as Zero managed to run up to the principle's office and sees not just the principle, but Gavin as well is there.
"Huh? What's going-" Before Zero could give his input, Gavin grabs Zero by the wrist and rushes out.
"Thanks principle! Gotta go!" Gavin said in a massive rush.
"Oi! What's going on?!" Passy asked him in annoyed tone.
"Maverick attack happened!" Gavin told them, which shocks both of them completely.
"Another one?" Passy asked him.
"No, this is completely different." Gavin said, "You'll understand once you see it."
Gavin takes the two out of the school and rushes to his car as they drive off which some of the students who were closer to the windows notices, especially Alyosha and Seran.
While Gavin is driving the two to the situation as fast as possible, Zero looks out of the window and notices a massive purplish-grey smoke coming out from the city.
"Wha-what the heck is that?!" Zero asked in shock.
"I don't know, but it's dead serious." Gavin said. "It's in the central area, and it's causing a lot of deaths there... along with a lot of Maverick attacks from normal civilians."
"What?! That's impossible!" Passy blurted out, "The Maverick virus should have been gone after the Elf War thanks to the Mother Elf!"
"Ah!" Zero remembered that information back when he was in the library a few days ago.
Zero, the legendary Maverick hunter alongside with Axl and X, was analysed by Camille Vernier in 23rd April 2161. Prof Vernier created the Mother Elf, that will allow to cleanse the Maverick virus, thus ending the Maverick war on the 12th February 2163.
(Flashback ends)
"You're right. It SHOULD have." Gavin emphasised it, "But somehow, it's back and it seems much more stronger then it was centuries ago... and more infectious as well."
"S-are you serious right now?!" Passy blurted out, ("No... there's... but only Harold would be able to make such quick results, but I don't want to believe Harold would do something so fucked up... why... is he already this fucked up in the head from the beginning, no! It makes no sense... it just makes no sense.")
A few years prior, Harold watches the beautiful night sky with the neon futuristic city below it where Passy flies up to him and says, "Harold. Ciel was looking for you. She needs to ask you a few questions."
"Oh! Sorry. I got a little daze, that's all." Harold told her with a sobering smile.
"You okay? You seem... sad?" Passy noted, which Harold chuckle half-heartedly.
"You're not... sorry. Just having a difficult time right now." Harold admitted, "People still saying horrible things about me... that one day, I will become just like Albert Wily and my grandfather..."
"Yeah... I can imagine." Passy said.
"Hey, can I tell you something super personal?" Harold asked her.
"Sure?" Passy said.
"When my grandfather was arrested for illegal human experiments that he secretly committed... my mum divorced my dad to avoid the scandal and my dad committed suicide out of shame." Harold admitted to her, which took her by shock.
"That's messed up!" Passy blurted out.
"You're right, it is." Harold admitted, "We're the most hated out of the family trinity all because, not just my ancestor, but also a lot of my ancestors did the exact same thing. I want to break it so badly and prove those people wrong. That's what I want more then anything."
"Still, you shouldn't strain yourself." Passy told him.
"I know that, but I don't want my son to meet the same fate as my dad." Harold admitted, "Everything I'm doing is to redeem the Wily name so that my son could live a happier life where people would finally accept him despite his lineage."
"Harold..." Passy mumbled.
"That's why I must work as hard as I could. Even though I'm sacrificing my relationship with my son. Giving him a future where he is accepted is much more important and that's a price I'm willing to pay."
"Anyways, I will go and see Lady Ciel. Let's go, Passy." Harold said.
"Yeah. Let's go."
(Flashback ends)
("If Harold is responsible for this, then is he truly gonna drag innocent people into this mess!?") Passy thought angrily as her face contorted into anger, ("Is he seriously gonna do so crazy like this?! I can sort of understand him setting up a trap back in the ruins, but this is too much! Way too much! This is pure madness! I want to believe... he has nothing to do with this situation and this is just my mind being paranoid.")
"Passy, you okay?" Zero asked her.
"I'm fine..." Passy lied.
"Here we are!" Gavin yelled out as he immediately gets out of his car and rushes to the scene. Zero looks at Passy and she nods where Passy enters into Zero's body and suddenly, his armour is on his body, which she goes out of his body.
Zero gets out of the car with Passy and they see the horrific scene that would haunt a normal person's dreams.
"Wha... how... what...?!" Zero blurted as his eyes widen in shock.
A/N - Sorry that there's no action here YET. I have to end it as a cliffhanger because this part is getting long enough as it is. Sure, I could have removed Seran's scene, but I wanted to do a calming before the story kind of thing, you know? Regardless, the next part will definitely contain the action. Also, just as a fun thing. Here is Roll's corrupted design where I took some inspiration from Network version.
As you can see, it's a very old drawing, back before I got my new drawing tablet along with getting used to my drawing app, but one day, I might redraw it with my now new tablet and improving my skills. Not right now, it might take awhile due to how busy I am currently, but hopefully, I'll get to it one day. Anyways, I hope you all enjoy this part and if you did, leave a comment. Have a good day!
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