-------------Authors Note-------------
Once again this still isn't my art.
Also It is Meant to Be Naruto And Akage, Pulling Pranks.
Whoever makes these pictures, I thank you a lot.
On With the Story! :D
~~~~~Akage's POV~~~~~
Naruto is looking at me weird. I Wonder why? "Um....Naruto...? Are You Okay, There buddy...?" I asked him. After I said that Naruto looked like he had just woken up from a dazed sleep, "Huh....? Oh! Yeah I'm fine!" He said, But I didn't believe him, but I let it slide. "Akage, Do You have parents?" Naruto Asked me. When he asked this, My mood darkened considerably. Naruto must of seen the look on my face because afterwards he said, "So.... You're like me....No Parents...". "Yea..........." I said. That's when Ayame gave us our Ramen. "Itadakimasu!" Naruto and I said, simultaneously. About 30 seconds later both of us had finished our Ramen.
"Akage, It is time to go see the Hokage.", Kakashi said. "But, Kakashi-nii-san~! I don't wanna leave Naruto yet!", I said to Kakashi. "Well....I guess Naruto could join us in visting the Hokage." Kakashi said. "YAY!" Both me and Naruto said.
~~~~~Time Skip~~~~~
Me, Naruto And Kakashi were walking down the street with only a little bit to go until we got to the Hokage's office. Then I felt Naruto Stop and looked to see what he was doing. Naruto was looking into a mask shop, one of them in particular caught my attention and I started staring too. But soon our gazing was stopped, when the owner of the shop started yelling at us, He was saying, "Hey, Brats, get Out of my shop!". "Mister," I said, "Can I buy two fox masks, Please?"
The owner looked at me like I was mad. "I have money." I said holding up my small fox purse. "Fine, I'll sell two fox masks to you, But that kid your with has to get out, Where are you parents anyway? You shouldn't be with him." The Owner said. I was shocked, the venom I heard when he talked about Naruto, actually shocked me. But I had to answer the mans question, I said, " My Parents......are Dead...." When I said that, the tears I had been holding all this time, came out, not all of them but some. Naruto seeing my tears, tried to comfort me by saying, "Akage, Don't cry, Please don't cry.". Then they owner started getting angry, saying, "Hey Kid! You aren't allowed in my shop! You hear me!" After he said this he pushed Naruto away out of the shop, only for Naruto to trip over a rock and bang his head off another rock and he lost consciousness.
I watched all this happen in a shocked state, I couldn't move, all I could do was stare. When Naruto was pushed I felt it too, and took a step backwards, but when he fell I was paralysed, until he hid the ground and lost consciousness. When it happened I felt a searing pain in my head and my vision started to go black, but before I lost consciousness, I managed to buy both masks and get out of the shop.
~~~~~Kakashi's POV~~~~~
I was at the end of the street, I checked for Naruto And Akage, But they weren't there. I looked back at the street, only to see a crowd forming. I started walking back up the street with I heard a scream of pain and the sound of two people hitting the ground. I had started running at this point. While I was pushing through everyone, I passed a couple of women. "That blonde kid got what he deserved, but I feel sorry for that redhead kid that was there as well." One said. "She got what she deserved, for standing up for that demon." The other one said.
When they said these things I sped up my decent through the crowd. When I finally made it to the middle of the crowd, I found Akage and Naruto outside of a shop, Unconscious. "Akage! Naruto!" I shouted, Ignoring the voices around me. I ran over to them, and picked them up, Akage on my left arm, Naruto on my Right. As soon as had lifted them up, I went off to the Hokage.
I was doing paperwork, when Kakashi Hatake came bursting into the room, two small kids in his arms. The first thing I noticed was that one of the kids, was Naruto, But I didn't know who the other one was. Such a bad Hokage, I don't even know some of the villager's names. But instead of thinking about what a bad Hokage I was.
"What is it Kakashi? Who is this girl, and why are they Unconscious?" I asked him. "The girl's name is Akage, Sir, Akage Uzumaki, and I'm not sure what happened." Kakashi said, calmly, but swiftly. I was about to say, Bring them to the hospital, when I stopped, and revised what he said.
"U-uzumaki....?" All the Uzumaki's had died years ago, when the hidden Eddy village was destroyed, the only survivors were, Lady Kushina and Lady Mito. Now, with them both dead, and the only other Uzumaki being Naruto, I was actually confused, Unless...
"Kakashi, Do you remember the day of the nine-tails attack?" I asked. "Of course, Sir, October 10th, 6 Years ago." He replied. Of course he remembers, its the day his Sensei died.
"Argh!" A red haired woman screamed.
"Kushina, It'll be Okay, Just a little longer..."A blonde haired man said squeezing Kushina's hand for support.
Suddenly A cry came over the entire room.
"Waaaa!" "Waaaa!"
The blonde looked around to see what had happened, and saw his newborn son being wrapped in blankets.
Kushina, thinking it was over tried to get up, but was enfolded in pain once again.
"What the...Minato, What is happening!?" She said/asked.
"It isn't over, remember Akage?" Minato told her.
"Oh, yes, they were twins, I forgot, Silly me..." Kushina said, lying back down.
About 3 and a half minutes later, another cry filled the room, this one being a little sweeter than Naruto's.
"There she is, My little girl!" Kushina said.
Minato Looked at his children, They looked ever so much like their parents.
Due to the fact that their eyes were open, they were staring at each other, Minato laughed at what they were doing then studied them some more.
Akage got her looks from her mother, that's for sure, but there was some ginger and blonde at the ends of her hair and her hair was spiky, but a little calmer than Minato's, she had also got her mother's eyes, with a hint of Minato's blue. The one thing that made the twins not look like them were the whisker marks going down their cheeks, 3 on each side to be exact.
Naruto, Looked almost exactly like Minato, the only few differences were in his eyes instead of being completely sapphire blue, like Minato's, they had a few flecks of Kushina's Purple, Having the whisker marks, and his skin was a... how do I put this...More tanned than the rest of them.
When Minato looked down he noticed that the twins had stopped crying and were playing with something.
A moment later he realised what it was.
"No-No-No" He said, trying to take it off them, but he was too late.
The twins had been playing with a device that Shikaku had made for him.
It was to help Minato teleport anywhere without using any Chakra.
The twins had teleported Minato to the house.
Minato laid the twins in their crib, the moment they were in it, they were asleep.
He tried and tried and tried again, but to no avail.
Minato couldn't teleport to Kushina.
Then, He saw it.
The Nine-Tailed fox.
The beast, was right outside of the village.
She can't survive the extraction!
Going as quick as, the Yellow Flash Of the Leaf, could go, he Made his way to just just outside of the village, Just in time to save Kushina and bring her to Naruto and Akage-Mea.
"I'll be back." He said, leaving Kushina there with their children.
Naruto had started crying, so Kushina went over to comfort, her son.
"Shhh...Shhhh, Naruto, Don't cry, It'll be alright..." Kushina said, in her most soothing voice.
As if sensing something was wrong, Akage-Mea woke up and started crying too.
Kushina attempted to calm them both, but with no success.
Then she remember the toy, that Minato had bought for the two of them.
"Where is it...?" Kushina, asked to no one.
"Last time I saw it, it was over here..." Kushina said, getting up from where she was, and slowly walking towards the dresser.
She fell over a few times, but got back up, her determination was amazing.
"Got...it..." Kushina said, the ghost of a smile forming on her face.
She went back over to them, and started playing a small tune on the panpipes.
When the twins heard the lovely music, they stopped crying.
About five minutes had passed, and neither of the twins had even moved.
Suddenly, Minato flashed into the room.
"Kushina, Grab Akage-Mea, and hold onto me." He said, with urgency in his voice, he grabbed Naruto, while saying this too.
"Flying Thunder God Technique!" Minato said, teleporting them to a clearing, with the...Nine-tails.
"I only have a little Chakra left but I can do a few more justu's." Kushina said.
"Adamantine Sealing Chains!" Kushina yelled, restraining The Nine-tails.
The, now restrained, Nine-tailed fox, looked around to see what was happening, and saw the Uzumaki Family.
Now a very Angry Nine-Tails, The fox attempted to break through his restraints, but to no avail.
"Time for my turn," Said Minato, "Eight Trigrams Divination Seal Spell Formula! Soul Split Technique!" "Rat! Snake! Dog! Horse! Monkey! Ram! Bird! Tiger!" Minato Yelled.
Minato, doing this justu,split the Nine-tails into 7 pieces. Two hearts. Two Souls. Two Minds and one Body.
Suddenly, two sealing Alters, appeared from thin air.
"I'm sorry, Kushina." Minato said, Taking Akage from her, and Placing her and Naruto On a sealing Alter each.
"No, Minato! You can't... You can't make them bear such a heavy Burden! Why do Naruto and Akage have to be sacrificed, For the sake of the village!" Kushina screamed at him.
"Its because, their our children, Kushina." Minato said.
"Yes! And That is exactly why, I don't want to them to bear such a Heavy Burden!" Kushina yelled at him.
"Tell you what. I'll seal all of our leftover chakra inside them, so we get to see them when they are older." Minato said, trying to strike a deal.
"Fine, But only if, after you seal they the Nine-tails into Akage-Mea, let me send her to another world, with a different name, face and new memories." Kushina said.
"Ok, now I'm going to seal The pieces of the nine-tails inside of them." Minato said.
As Minato started sealing 3 peices of the Nine-Tails inside Naruto, While Kushina Opened a portal, to another world (Earth).
"Hello there, I am Akage Minashigo." A black haired 5 year old girl said, "I will let your Akage take over my body for 6 years, then she will come back here, Ok?"
"Yes, now just let Akage-Mea get The Nine-tails and a part of me and Minato sealed inside her, and then you and her can leave through the portal, Oh and two people from this world she will remember are: Kakashi Hatake and Itachi Uchiha." Kushina said.
"Ok." Minashigo said.
Minato was done sealing everything into Naruto, and started on Akage-Mea.
It didn't take long, a few minutes later all that was left of the Nine-Tails, was a small little Baby Nine-Tails.
"One last thing. Sealing Justu: Reaper Death Seal!" Minato Yelled.
With this last Justu, Minato pulled what was left of the Nine-Tails, into himself, and with whatever Chakra he had left he took all of Kushina's and put equal amount of each into each twin.
"Here." Kushina said, Hand her daughter over to Minashigo, and they stepped through the portal together.
~~~~~Flashback End~~~~~
"So...Akage, is Naruto's twin..." Kakashi said, Bewildered. "Yes, You see, today is the day that Minagshigo turned 12, so It was time for Akage-Mea to come back." I said. "But...What happened to them...? I know Naruto hit his head on a rock, But what happened to Akage...?" Kakashi asked. "You see, Kakashi, Beacuse twins are so rare, Only getting Two or Three pairs a Generation, There is a curse on all twins, in this world, cases may vary, but they are all near the same. If one twin gets hurt so will the other, If one is feeling sad, the other will get sad aswell, and They have a telepathic link to each other. Seeing as the only other pairs of twins are the Uchiha Twins, and the Hyuga Twins, We now also have the Uzumaki Twins back with us." I said, "And Since The academy is starting tomorrow, I am going to make sure Naruto and Akage-Mea Start with the other twins aswell.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Author's Note ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Hey guys, I finally made 2254 words, be proud of me! :D
The reason why I added the Uchiha and Hyuga Twins is so, Akage gets a Rival (Uchiha) and a boyfriend (Hyuga)
Also If you have finished Shippuden ****SPOILERS**** I am planning to make Indra and Ashura's little twin sisters.
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