chapter 20 : Troll in the dungeon and Cassius gets hurt

It's been a week since Adrian fainted in his best friend's Cassius arms and to say he was absolutely embarrassed was a complete understatement. Cassius has been Way too overprotective lately. He barely leaves Adrian by himself now days.
Calla noticed this and finally said something.

Calla said " Hey Cassius, do you want to Walk with me to class? Just you and me?

Cassius said " Sure my Love. I would love to walk with you to class. I needed to talk to you about something that's been bothering me for a while and no it's not our relationship.

Calla said " Okay. Let's go Love. Bye Adrian.

Adrian said " Bye Calla. I will see you in  class.

With that Both Cassius and Calla left the great hall for class, not realizing that today was going to be the Last day they would see each other until one week after.

With the first years in Charms.

Hillary, Ella, Noah and Harry were in class and they had assigned seats.  So Ella sat with Susan Bones and Hannah Abbott sat with Megan Jones. Noah Sat With Anthony Goldstein and Terry boot sat with Michael Corner. Hillary sat with Draco Malfoy.  And Harry sat next to Seamus Finnigan and Ron sat next to Hermione Granger.

Professor Flitwick said " one of the wizards most Rudimentary Skill is Levitation or the ability to make objects fly. Now do you all have your feathers?                             Hermione holds up her feather.
He said " good. Now, Don't forget the nice wrist movement we've been practicing. Wingardium Leviosa.

All of the students said Expect Joseph Mackey ,Audrey Mackey, Sam Mackey ,Ava Marks and Annie Marks: Wingardium Leviosa

Joseph said " Wingardium Leviosar.

Hermione turned around and looked at him and said " You are saying it wrong. it's Leviosa Not Leviosar.

Joseph said "  you do it then if you are so cleaver. Go on. Go on.

Hermione said " Wingardium Leviosa. The feather flew into the air and everyone stopped to look at the feather in the air.

Professor Flitwick said "oh well see here everyone.  Ms. Granger' s done it. Oh splendid. Well done Dear.

Seamus said " Wingardium Leviosa, Wingardium Leviosa. Then he accidentally blow up his feather and Harry said " I think we are going to need a another feather over here Professor.

After the lesson was over they grabbed their bookbags and Left for the great hall.

Joseph was walking with His siblings and best friends and said " it's Leviosa not Leviosar, she's a nightmare Honestly. No wonder why she hasn't gotten friends except for Weasley and Potter. She is nothing but a stupid little Mudblood and don't even get started on Ella Potter. She is a little crybaby and She is very Shy and stupid I sometimes wonder if she can talk.

Joseph then Feel someone brush against his shoulder and he saw Ella and Hermione with Tears in their eyes. He laughed at them and continued walking.

Sam said " I think that they heard you.

At the great hall with Daniella, Marcus, Calla, Cassius, Terence, Addison, Graham, Serena, Alison,Adrian, Peregrine and Jenna.

They were Waiting for Hillary, Ella, Noah and Harry to come to the great hall so that can eat at the Syltherin Table as a family.

Harry, Hillary and Noah arrived at the great hall and Saw their sisters and their sisters best friends and boyfriends.

Harry said " Ella will be along. She had to use the Bathroom so She will Join us after.

Calla didn't question it. She knew that Ella was going to join them in a few moments.

They started eating dinner when Professor Quirrel came Running into the great hall and Shouted " TROLL, IN THE DUNGEON!! TROLL IN THE DUNGEON. thought you might want to know. He fainted on the floor and the whole Hall started screaming.

Professor Dumbledore Shouted " SILENCE. now Perefects will their house back to the dormitories and Teachers will follow me to the Dungeons.

Ron and Harry were looking for Percy Weasley and Found him. Calla kissed Cassius goodbye and Led her house to safety.  Cassius and his friends led Slytherin House to safety. Daniella led Ravenclaw house to safety.

With Harry and Ron

They were following Percy when all of a sudden, Ron stopped and grabbed Harry's arm.

Harry said " what is it Ron?

Ron said " Hermione and Ella Don't know about the Troll. We need to go warn them.

Harry and Ron left the group and found the Troll Going into the girl's bathroom. Harry immediately Walked in and Ron followed.

Harry Shouted " ELLA , MOVE.
Ron Shouted " HERMIONE, MOVE.

Hermione said " HELP. HELP.

Ella said " HELP. HELP.

Ron said " Hey Pea Brain. He started to  throw pieces of wood at the Troll and Harry Jumped on the Trolls back just as Cassius and Marcus Came in to what is going on.

Cassius said " Wingardium Leviosa. Harry flew from the Trolls head and into Marcus' arms.

Cassius stood in front of Both Girls and said" Bombarda. The spell hit the Troll and it got the two first years time to escape. Cassius got the Trolls Attention instead. The Troll picked up Cassius and got thrown through some of the toilet wall stalls. Cassius fell and was knocked out cold by the Troll.  Meanwhile Marcus had just gotten the first years out of the bathroom. He arrived back to see Cassius knocked out.  He Said " Wingardium Leviosa. The club flew out of the Troll and Hitted it the head. He then said' Accio Cassius. Cassius flew into his friend's arms and the Troll fell down on the floor. The first years stepped into the bathroom and Hugged Marcus tightly.
Marcus Hugged them back. The professors then came into the bathroom and Saw the first years hiding behind Marcus.

Professor Mcgonagall said " oh my goodness, explain yourself Marcus. Why is Cassius knocked out?

Ella said " it's mine and Hermiones fault. We were insulted by Joseph Mackey. He called me a Crybaby and He called Hermione a know it all and A stupid Little Mudblood. Me and Hermione came in to cry because we don't want to see anyone. Then Ron and Harry came to warn us about the Troll. Harry Jumped on the Trolls back and that's when Cassius came and Used the Levitation charm to get Harry away from the Troll. He then used the Explosion charm to distract the Troll and it gave me and Hermione the opportunity to escape. Marcus then gotten us of the bathroom.

Marcus said " then I run back in here and I see Cassius knocked out cold. I used the Levitation charm to make the club hit the Troll on the head. I then used the Summoning charm to move Cassius out of the way and then I knocked the Troll out.

Professor Snape said " I will be having a word with Mr. Mackey about Making Fun of his classmates and I award Marcus 15 points for getting the first years of Harm's way and taking down the Troll.

Ella saw Cassius on the floor and started to Pull Marcus into a another hug. Marcus Hugged her back and Led her back to the Huffpuff common Room.

In the Gryffindor common Room.

Fred ,George and Percy Weasley were really  worried about Their Little brother Ronald and Ron's brother in all but blood Harry.

Suddenly They came into the Common Room and Percy Hugged all three of them and A sign escape from the Weasley twins. Ashton saw His Brother Harry and Hugged him and Ron. He was happy that they were okay. He saw Hermione Granger looking down at the floor and he went to Her.

Ashton was the Second Fifth Year Gryffindor perefect and he wanted to make sure That Hermione was okay. He Hugged all three of them and checked them over together with Percy Weasley and The Weasley Twins.

Ashton asked " Hermione, Harry and Ron, are you three Allright? What happened?

Harry explained what happened to Ashton and he knew that they were going to be safe.

He sent three of them to Bed and they went to bed and they all took showers.

The Next Morning

Hillary, Ella, Noah and Harry were sitting with their Other siblings including Calla. They had to tell her About Cassius and they knew that she was not going to handle it well.

Ella said " Calla, I have something I need to tell you and it's about Cassius. He's knocked out and it's because of the Troll. Hermione and I were insulted by Joseph Mackey and we went to hide in the bathroom because of the things he said and we didn't really want anyone to see us crying. Harry and Ron then went to warn us about the Troll. So just as Harry Jumped on the Trolls back, Cassius came in, Used the Levitation charm on Harry to get him off the Trolls back and he flew into Marcus' arms and he led us away from the Troll but When we returned to the bathroom, Cassius was being held in Marcus  arms knocked out and the Troll was really knocked out. So yeah. That's what happened to Cassius.

To say Calla was upset with the whole Troll situation was a understatement and she started crying and left the great hall to visit Cassius in the Hospital Wing where he was.

End of the chapter!! Next chapter will be the Quidditch Game Slytherin  House vs Gryffindor house and then Cassius will wake up soon in the Next Chapter.

I really appreciate you guys reading this story and I hope you continue to enjoy it.

Hope you all have a great summer!! So until Next time Bye!

See you guys next chapter.

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