↳❈Lost in Our Memories❈
Username: CristinaMiru1
Genre: Fan Fiction
Tags: #draco #dracomalfoy #dramione #dramionefanfiction #fanfiction #granger #harrypotter #hermione #innovativeawards2020 #lostmemories #lostmemory #malfoy #memories #memory #originalcharacter #thecoronation #therainbowawards #thesunsetawards2020 #thewildflowerawards
After the Battle of Hogwarts Draco Malfoy left England. He's been traveling the world in order to gain field experience and to escape the way people were looking at him. Meanwhile, Hermione Granger is working in the Ministry of Magic, for the Department of Magical Legislation, fighting hard against the inequalities between species in the magical world. She's happy with her life, but the downside is that some of her memories are gone, especially the ones containing a certain blonde. Three years later Draco comes back home and drama starts to unfold. Lost memories come to light for Hermione, and a dark plot is uncovered.
𝙸𝚗𝚝𝚎𝚛𝚟𝚒𝚎𝚠 :-
Hi, can you tell us about yourself?
I was honestly dreading this question xD. My name is Cristina Miru, and I'm from Europe, Romania. I am a quirky person who loves to read and write. I love cats (own two fluffy ones. Such monsters) and I love my sleep, even though it evades me. I prefer sunny days to rainy days, and I always get headaches during full moons. I'm not a werewolf, but I suspect I was a cat in my previous life.
I love cats though! What are their names? I think being a werewolf would be cool lol.
So, the boy is Chibi (yes I love Japan and Animes and I thought he would remain small and cute like a Chibi. Definitely a mistake on my part; he's grew to be big and scary xD). The girl is Kira. Again, my love for anything Asian can be noticed xD. Yes, I believe being a werewolf would be cool, if only it did not involve lots of pain during transformation. I hate pain.
Chibi and Kira; those are really cute names. I'm a fan of Anime, too! And yeah, the pain is a big turn off. So, when did you first realize you wanted to start writing?
5th grade actually. Up until 6th grade. So yeah, Primary school was the realization point. My literature teacher was old and weird but she had a knack for talent. She actually decided to start a school magazine. She gathered different types of pieces from different genres and gathered them all in a magazine. I first got my story selected for the magazine in the 5th grade. It was a short fan fiction about Mickey Mouse and some golden harp I think. *laughs* I realized I liked creating stories.
Then I kind of forgot about this passion. I do not know why exactly, but I found it again a few years ago. Last year, when I started writing my first Harry Potter fan fiction, Broken, I actually felt like I had found a lost friend. It felt good writing again. And thank you. They (cats)are anything but cute sometimes *laughs*
That's wonderful! I certainly like your literature teacher. She evoked the passion of writing in you and I can see that you started writing Fan fiction since then. Is that the only genre you write? If yes, why?
Yes, she did have a role in igniting the spark. And no, I used to write short bits of stories that were fiction mostly. I remember a rather sad one about a snowflake who told me its story as it slid down the window. Mom said she felt like crying and I called her mental *laughs*. I guess I do like fan fiction though, especially Harry Potter ones *activates Snape voice* obviously, but I prefer all Fiction and Fantasy.
My favourite two series had been Lord of the rings during high school. I discovered Harry Potter later. As for the reason why I like fan fiction, It's because It's fun to play with characters that already exist and to create ships that have not seen the light of day (e.g.Dramione ). One of my favourite forms of fiction though is Historical Fiction. I am obsessed with history and I love creating stories that are set in the past. Whether real or fictionally created.
That's amazing! I would love to read the story of the snowflake. I also love Lord of the Rings. My favourite character was Gollum *laughs* I agree though, creating ships is fun! What inspired you to write your book, Lost in Our Memories?
Thanks! Unfortunately, the story melted just like the snowflake *laughs* It disappeared at some point. I remember liking Frodo and Legolas.
Oh, that's a tough one. I am honestly struggling to remember where the actual spark came from. I think I watched something. Probably a K-drama, because they love using memories and amnesia in their plots *laughs* and was thinking, what if Hermione ends up forgetting about stuff? Even better, what if Draco is the one she doesn't remember? Also the fact that I had written something but never got to use it in Broken. The whole thing with the attack three years ago was supposed to appear in Broken, but it never felt right. Therefore, I wanted to create a setting for that scene and thought it would be more dramatic to add a bit of memory loss in the mix. Like I said, I love creating drama in stories.
Awww I was looking forward to reading it. Hmmm, it's amazing how people can derive story ideas from just about anything. While writing, what kind of things do you do? Maybe eat snacks and listen to music? Or do you prefer absolute silence?
I'm sorry. Perhaps I will write another one at some point. In memory of the lost snowflake. Hey that is actually an interesting title for a story.
*Ponders* Yes, anything can give us inspiration. See the above example. Hmm, I need absolute tomb-like silence. I cannot stand to even hear someone breathing in the same room as me while I write *laughs*, and I am not joking. The more I focus, the likely I am to be perturbed by the smallest sound. When I am trying to mix ideas or create something, I stare off into the distance. Everything happens in my head. Like trying to make a puzzle with just your mind. And also, to my shame, during my writing seasons, I am a slob. I barely can get myself to do anything besides sleeping, eating and writing.
I can't believe I just inspired you! That's incredible! What do you like to do when you're not writing then?
Yes you actually did. I noted down the title and if anything comes up, I will be sure to mention you as my inspiration*grins* . Therefore, huge thanks to you!
I like reading. It recharges my inspiration batteries and I also watch a lot of K-dramas. I just fell in love with them and watched episodes like I would read chapters from a book. They played a huge part in my evolution, especially when it comes to creating drama in my stories. I also like to take walks. It usually helps me to get ideas or resolve issues with my plots. Walking is the best antidote for writers block for me.
That will be one of the best things to ever happen to me. I do hope you write one! That's surely a nice way to spend your time. I love K-dramas too. Hmmm, walking, I'll definitely try that sometime. What was the hardest scene for you to write in Lost in Our Memories?
I feel more motivated at the moment to write about a poor snowflake.
A fellow K-drama lover. I see. That's great *grins*
The hardest were actually the scenes near the end where McKinley talked about his reasons. His story, his past; the whole thing took me quite some time to build. I am a perfectionist and love the plot to be perfect. That means no loopholes or potholes, or anything that could seem unjustifiable. McKinley was very fun to write, but also difficult toward the end because he had to seem complex, relatable, but also cruel. I have no idea if I got the desired effect, but nonetheless, it was fun to write the dialogue between McKinley, Hermione, and Draco.
Lmao, I bet you can do it without actual snow. I can assure you that it had the desired effect. He's a pretty difficult man to understand. Wicked for sure, but I don't want to go deeper, or we'll give new readers spoilers .Can you tell us one thing you've learned while creating your book?
*Laughs* Thanks for the vote of confidence. I am very glad to know it did.
I do not like spoilers so yes, we'll be mum about it.
I hope readers will find reading it as entertaining as I had found writing it. I've learned that characters start to have a life of their own as soon as you begin a story. Sometimes you want to write a scene in a certain way, but the characters simply do not feel it is right. The story evolves continuously and, sometimes, you need to adapt to it. That is one of the thing i have found while writing my stories. That and the fact that you need to be open to possibilities and change. It was not easy in the beginning, but with Lost in Our Memories, it became natural.
Lol you're welcome! I do agree. It's like they're weaving their own story and you get surprised by what you write along the way. What do you feel when you write about a certain character? Do you feel the same things they feel?
Hmm, sometimes I do. Though, not completely. I write what I know that character should feel based on the situation, his/her circumstance and past, but I never let that character's emotions take over me. Even McKinley for example. I never felt his rage or hatred. I knew he felt them, but he was he. The characters are my creation and I never identify myself with their emotions. This is the main reason why I prefer writing in third person rather than first; it allows me to distance myself from the characters emotion and to remain impartial. I have to be objective and rational so I can write better characters, rather than let one character possess me.
Hmmm, do you think feeling your character's emotions can affect the writers mental health?
Not necessarily his/her mental health, but the ability to remain partial towards other characters. An author, in my opinion, needs to be like an omnipresent being who sees everything and knows everything. But if you let yourself be controlled by one character, what about the others? Would you be able to write them just as good as the one who possesses you? I do not think so. Therefore, I prefer to maintain a distance. I am both reader and writer when I create my stories. But even as a reader, I never allow foreign emotions to control. Yes, I feel the character's love and passion, happiness and sadness, but only to a certain point. There is always a line that I draw which I never cross.
Feel, but don't let it control you. That's amazing. So, what does your family think of your writing?
Oh, that will be difficult to say. I know about my partner's opinion, since he's the one that encouraged me the most. He told me to stop worrying and just write. What will be, will be. Apparently, he was right. I also know my mom is glad that I am writing again. My closest friends think this is a good thing for me and support me to continue. Even though neither of them are Harry Potter fans, they actually tried to give my fan fictions a chance. I appreciate them for it. I hope it was not excruciating for them.
That is absolutely wonderful. Well, I also thank them for the love and support they have shown you. What about your readers, what kind of feedback do you get from them?
Thanks a lot. You're very sweet *smiles*
So far, the feedback has been wonderful and amazing. I honestly never expected Lost in Our Memories to receive such a positive response. Sure, I worked my best to build the story and thought it was good, but the feedback made it all worth it. Based on what I noticed, the readers seemed to have enjoyed the story and that itself makes me happy beyond words. Everything that I write is for my readers. I want them to enjoy it, and it makes me happy when they do. When you start writing a story, you never know how it will end up or if the readers will see it the same way you do. So the feedback is helpful, both for the morale of the author as well as for improving the story. So far, I want to thank all my readers for being amazing and for enjoying the story!
Lol thanks! I'm also a reader, so I'd like to say that I appreciate your work and I urge you to keep going no matter what. How old were you when you published your first book on Wattpad? And how old are you now?
You're welcome, and thank you again! I will keep up the good work.
I began publishing Broken last year, so not much time has passed. Ah, asking a girl her age is always a delicate matter *laughs* I have well passed a quarter of a century *winks*
*Laughs* You're welcome! Ah, if we actually calculate that, it means you've lived for 25 years. Sadly, this is the last question. I really enjoyed this interview.
Do you have any advice for our fellow writers?
I enjoyed it too.
The most important advice is to keep on writing and improving. You should challenge yourselves but keep in mind write about the things you like. Readers can feel the author's passion through the words. I believe that means if you write something you do not particularly enjoy and are only doing it because it is expected of you, then you will do it poorly. Rather than doing that, write freely about things the that you find enjoyable. Imagine you are writing the book that you would definitely love to read! That would be it.
Thank you CristinaMiru1 for giving Team Anna a chance to interview you. We hope you've enjoyed every second of your time with interviewer Ikstrordinari .
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