Chapter 4: Sapphire dragon academy part 2-let's begin the training

Lincoln and lynn gasped in surprise and happiness at the sight of the person who was at the temple door. He was an old man with white hair, a gray bushy mustache, a blue sapphire gi with a black belt and wraps around his bare feet. He was also holding a black cane. He looked down at lincoln and lynn and smiles happily.

Lincoln and lynn: pop-pop!

The two loud siblings hugged their grandfather, albert.

Albert: hello my look alike grandson and my strong granddaughter. Welcome to the sapphire dragon martial arts academy. (Sad) I heard about what happened to your family and I'm really sorry.

Lynn and lincoln had sad looks on their face.

Albert: they're in a better place now and whoever did this won't get away with it, I guarantee that.

Lincoln and lynn: (in their minds; angry) your darn right they won't.

Albert: well c'mon in guys and make yourselves at home. I would also like you to meet my pupils.

Lincoln and lynn walked into the sapphire dragon temple. It was very decorative and classy. Pop-pop showed them to their rooms to put their stuff, the rooms looked great as well.

The two loud siblings then joined their pop-pop in the dojo area. The area had a lot of space, full of training equipment and there was several students who were about lincoln or lynn's age. Some were fighting one another, some were meditating and some were practicing weaponry. Albert raised his cane and hits the golden gong bell, emitting a loud sound throughout the dojo, getting the students attention.

Albert: alright everyone, gather around. I have two new students I would like you to meet!

The students gathered in a straight line.

Albert: okay. I would like you to meet my grandson lincoln loud and my granddaughter lynn loud.

Some of the students gasped in surprise and some were muttering among themselves, saying "they're from the loud palace" or "are those two really master albert's grandson and granddaughter?"

Albert: (Looks at lincoln and lynn) why don't you two introduce yourselves and tell them what type of animal spirits you possess.

Lynn stepped forward with a proud smirk.

Lynn: my name is lynn loud, fourth oldest daughter of emperor lynn Sr and empress rita. And my animal spirit is the fierce tiger!

Lynn got into her tiger style stance as red aura surrounded her body, creating a spiritual imagery of the tiger.

The students gasped in surprise and awe.

Lincoln stepped forward to introduce himself.

Lincoln: my name is lincoln loud, fifth oldest and the only son of emperor lynn Sr and empress rita. And my animal spirit is...the mystical dragon.

The students gasped in surprise as one of them spoke.

Student: one of the most powerful and rare animal spirits in history!? You actually have that power?

Lincoln nods.

Another student spoke.

Student#2: no way. Even if he is the son of the emperor and empress of the loud palace, there's no way he achieved it.

Lincoln scoffs at the comments of some of the students as he got into fighting stance as orange aura surrounded his body, creating a spiritual imagery of the dragon.

The students gasped in surprise.

Student: he really does have one of the most powerful and rare animal spirits of legend.

The dragon spirit vanished as lincoln fell to one knee, breathing heavily as lynn and pop-pop approached him.

Lynn: you okay lincoln?

Lincoln: yeah...summoning the spiritual imagery of the dragon spirit takes a toll on me, I still need to master this power.

Albert: (laughs) I never thought I'd see the day when you two unlocked true powerful animal spirits. But I help you with your training as well. Alright everyone, back to your activities!

The students went back to their training.

Albert: if you guys need anything, don't hesitate to ask, I'm gonna get dinner ready for you all.

Albert left as lincoln and lynn were approached by a couple of students.

One was a dark skinned boy who was lincoln's age, had a black afro and wearing glasses. He was wearing a blue gi with a black belt and black wraps around his bare feet.

???: hello lincoln. My name is clyde mcbride, nice to meet you.

Lincoln: (smiles) nice to meet you clyde, I hope we can be good friends.

Clyde: great. I'm surprised that you have one of the most powerful and rare animal spirits in history! You're the third person I've ever met who can summon a dragon spirit.

Lincoln: really?

Clyde: yeah. Your grandfather was the first one since he has the spirit of the  sapphire dragon.

Lincoln: and who's the second.

Clyde: ronnie anne.

Lincoln: who's ronnie anne?

Clyde: master albert's star pupil and the toughest girl in the academy. She's a great fighter in the dragon style martial arts, and has the spirit of the black dragon.

Lincoln gulped nervously.

Lincoln: is she here?

Clyde: least not yet. Whatever you do, don't get on ronnie anne's bad side.

Lincoln: noted.

Lynn: it's okay linc. If this ronnie anne gives you trouble, I'll set her straight.

One of the girl students spoke in a boyish slang.

???: wow! You got guts and momentum just like me. My name is polly pain, nice to meet you lynn.

Polly pain was lincoln's age. She had brown hair in pigtails and a has a large chin. She is sporting a yellow gi with a black sash, blue wristbands and wraps around her bare feet.

Lynn bumps fists with polly pain.

Lynn: nice to meet you polly pain. What animal spirit do you have?

Polly pain: (smiles widely) my animal spirit is the cheetah, the world's fastest animal! It's fast and energetic like me!

Lynn: (smiles) I think we're gonna be good friends.

Lincoln: clyde what's your animal spirit?

Clyde: the hawk.

Lincoln: a wise animal spirit, nice.

Clyde: (smiles) thanks.

Another female student spoke in a british accent.

???: oi! You two have great animal spirit. Name's tabby, a pleasure to meet ya.

The girl named tabby was lincoln's age and as tall as him too. She has long black hair in a wavy fauxhawk mohawk with a light purple streak. Tabby was wearing a sleeveless light purple gi with a black sash, wraps around her hands, slim black spandex shorts and wraps around her ankles.

Lincoln: please to meet you tabby.

Lynn: what's your animal spirit?

Tabby: (smirks) the white wolf, (howls) AAAAAARRRRRRRRRRROOO-OOOOOOOOOO!!!!

Lincoln and lynn frown as tabby reminded them a little of luna. Tabby stopped howling and noticed lincoln and lynn's frown.

Tabby: (frowns) what's wrong mates? Did I do something to offend you?

Lincoln: (stuttering) n-no! No you didn't do nothing wrong?

Lynn: you just remind us of someone we cared about that...passed away.

Tabby: oi. I'm sorry mates.

Lincoln: it's okay.

A boy student spoke up in a countryside accent.

???: I'm sorry that you lost someone you cared about. If my mam maw passed away, I would feel down too. Anyway, since my gal tabby introduced herself, I'll give my courtesy. I'm liam, nice to meet you both. (Showing a two buck toothed smile)

The boy named liam was lincoln's age and as tall as him as well. He has orange hair in a bowl cut style and freckles on his face. Liam also had on a dark green gi with a black belt.

Lincoln: nice to meet you too liam, what animal spirit do you have?

Liam: the strong ox. Me maw always told me that I was as strong as an ox when it comes to yard work on the farm.

Lynn: wow. I hope to spar with you and to test your skills.

Liam: sure.

Lincoln then felt a dark presence as he turns around to get spooked as a pale skinned girl appeared right in front of him. She was about his age, had long black hair in a downward braided ponytail with the hair covering her left eye and reflective purple eyeshadow. She wore a velvet red long robe gi with a black belt and black wraps around her bare feet. She spoke in a monotone voice.

???: I sense great pain within you. The pain of loss...

Lincoln: how'd you-

???: the feeling is in your aura. Allow me to introduce myself, I am haiku and my animal spirit is the crow...a pleasure to meet you.

Lincoln: a pleasure to meet you too haiku.

Haiku: sigh...

Lincoln frowns as haiku reminded him of lucy.

Haiku: the painful feeling within you is there something you need to talk about?

Lincoln: n-no I'm good.

Haiku: you can't hold in that pain...or the pain of loss and despair will consume you. When the time is right, see me, clyde, tabby and liam next break and don't hesitate to leave out the details...let out the truth and you will be at peace.

Lincoln turns away from haiku for a moment then looks over to see that haiku was gone.

Lincoln: she vanished?

Clyde: she tends to do that. The element of surprise is one of the reasons why I have a crush on her.

Lincoln: you have a crush on her?

Clyde: yeah. She may be dark and brooding but she's quite sweet and intriguing and the poems she write, they're dark but beautiful and alluring.

Lincoln: have you told her?

Clyde: she kinda already knows but she hasn't said anything about it yet.

Lincoln: oh.

Polly pain: (smiles) now that we met one another, let's spar!

Lynn: (smirks) you took the words right out of my mouth.

Another boy spoke.

???: hey you mind if I join too?

Lynn turns to the boy.

Lynn: sure if you want-

Lynn stopped her sentence as she looked at the boy. He was about her age, had tan skin and black hair. He was wearing a blue gi with a black sash, black wristbands and wraps around his bare feet.

???: hi there. I'm francisco, I saw you and your brother's animal spirits. The tiger and the dragon are two of the most rare and powerful spirits ever seen. I too have a tiger spirit, the white tiger and I was hoping we could spar with each other.

Lynn said nothing as she continues to stare at him. The boy named francisco had a confused look on his face.

Francisco: hey are you okay?

Lynn said nothing as she continues to stare at him. Lincoln noticed this and shook lynn's shoulder.

Lincoln: hey lynn? Lynn?

Again, lynn didn't say anything as she was acting strange. The white haired boy noticed the faint blush on lynn's cheeks as she continues to stare at francisco.

Lincoln: lynn?

Lynn: (still staring at francisco; infatuated)

Lincoln: (shouts) lynn!

Lynn shook her head as she snapped out of it.

Lynn: (laughs nervously) hehehe, sorry about that. I'm lynn and yes, you can join us for a sparring match francisco.

Francisco: (smiles) thanks.

Lynn: (smiles) so you have the white tiger spirit? Show me!

Francisco: sure.

Francisco got into his fighting stance as blue and white aura surrounded francisco's body, creating a spiritual imagery of the white tiger as said animal spirit unleashed a mighty roar.

Lynn: (amazed) wow. Your animal spirit is as strong as mine.

Francisco: thank you. Your tiger spirit wasn't that bad either.

Lynn blushed as she laughs nervously.

Lynn: well on the sparring match, shall we?

Lincoln, clyde, tabby, liam, polly pain and francisco nodded as the seven students of master albert lunged at each other, beginning the sparring session.

Lincoln was matching clyde blow for blow as the white haired boy sensed liam charging straight for him. Lincoln palm strikes clyde away and blocked liam's fierce punch, the two then begin brawling as lincoln and liam locked hands with each other.

Lincoln: (smirks) you're not bad!

Liam: (smirks) neither are you, partner! Hey guess what?

Lincoln: what?

Liam: headbutt!

Liam headbutts lincoln in the face, making the white haired boy stumble back. Lincoln recovers as he sees liam charging in with a flying kick until lynn came in and caught liam's flying kick and flipped him to the ground.

Lincoln: thanks lynn.

Lynn only smirked as she delivered a low sweep kick to lincoln, making him fall on his back.

Lynn: (smirks) this isn't a team sparring match, it's every man for himself. (Gets into fighting stance) now on your feet, grasshopper!

Lincoln kips up and got into fighting stance.

Lincoln: (smirks) all right then, bring it on! Yaaaaaaaaahhhhh!!!

Lynn: Ataaaaaaaaaaahhhhhh!!!

The two loud siblings let out their battle cries as they lunged at each other, delivering an assortment of punches and kicks to each other. The two locked hands with each other, glaring into each other's eyes while smirking.

Lynn: you're not bad linc. You're actually getting stronger, can you feel the momentum flowing through ya bro?

Lincoln: yeah. I can feel the momentum alright. You're getting stronger too. I can't wait to win this round.

Lynn: hey now. Who said you were gonna win? You may be strong but you have a long way to go before you can beat me.

Lincoln: (smirks) care to test that theory?

Lynn: (smirks) oh yeah.

Polly pain: yo lynn! Forgot about me already?!

Tabby: oi! ya still have to contend with us mates!

Lincoln and lynn look to see polly and tabby running towards them.

Lynn: we'll have to cut our fight short.

Lincoln: right.

The two loud siblings split up as lynn took on polly pain while lincoln fights tabby.

Lynn was barely dodging polly's swift attacks. Lynn tried to punch her but polly quickly dodged it and began to run circles around lynn. Lynn could see a thousand polly pains in blurs as the cheetah style martial artist ran around a circle formation. Polly then appeared in front of lynn and kicked her in the jaw, sending her flying in the air. Polly jumped up and goes for another kick but lynn countered with a backhanded fist to polly's face. Both of them landed on their feet to the ground as lynn and polly glared at each other.

Lynn: (breathing heavily; smirks) you're not bad. You're quiet fast polly.

Polly pain: (breathing heavily; smirks) you're not so bad either. You're very strong and you're dangerously close to making me angry.

Lynn: heh...that makes two of us.

Polly pain: (smirk widen) get ready lynn cause the gloves are coming off this round!

Yellow aura surrounded polly's body as the spiritual imagery of the cheetah was summoned.

Lynn: all right!

Red aura surrounded lynn's body as the spiritual imagery of the tiger was summoned.

Francisco: hold it right there!

Polly pain and lynn look over to see francisco in his fighting stance as blue and white aura surrounded his body while the spiritual imagery of the white tiger was summoned.

Francisco: let's see can you two hold your own against me.

Lynn and polly pain smirked as the three clashed into an all out brawl.

Back with lincoln, he was fighting tabby. Lincoln was having a hard time defending himself or countering against tabby's attack. Her style is so wild and unpredictable that it made it difficult for lincoln to either attack or defend. Tabby then low sweeps lincoln off his feet and delivered a series of back kicks to lincoln's gut, knocking him to the ground.

Tabby: (smirks) oi! I know you got more than that.

Lincoln kips up and got into fighting stance.

Lincoln: (smirks) I haven't even gotten started.

Tabby lunges at lincoln, matching him blow for blow. Lincoln then sees liam charging in, joining tabby on the assault as the white haired boy tries to dodge and block the duo's attacks.

Clyde appears behind lincoln to deliver a spinning kick but lincoln sensed it coming and ducked, making clyde hit liam and tabby with the spinning kick instead.

Lincoln then glared at clyde with a smirk as clyde did the same before charging at each other. The two were going head to head one another until delivering a fist to each other's face, bringing the fight to a stalemate.

Lincoln and clyde slowly got up as did tabby and liam as they were all breathing heavily but still want to continue the sparring match. They noticed polly pain and francisco sent flying in their direction as lynn walked towards the six fighters with a confident smirk.

Lynn: you guys did well I'll give that but this is the end of the match where I win.

Lynn got into fighting stance as red aura surrounded her body.

Lincoln: (smirks) not if I can help it!

Lincoln got into fighting stance as orange aura surrounded his body.

Clyde: sorry but I'm taking this victory!

Clyde got into fighting stance as blue aura surrounded his body.

Liam: hold it partner! If everyone's gonna win this showdown, it's gonna be me!

Tabby: oi! I don't think so luv!

Liam and tabby got into fighting stance as dark green aura surrounded liam's body while light purple aura surrounded tabby's body.

Polly pain: I'm gonna be the one to win this match!

Polly pain got into fighting stance as yellow aura surrounded her body.

Francisco: don't count on it! I'm gonna be the victor here!

Francisco got into fighting stance as blue and white aura surrounded his body.

The seven fighters glared daggers at each other before charging at each other for one final assault as they let out their battle cries.


But a loud sound was heard from the gong bell as lincoln, lynn, clyde, tabby, liam, polly pain and francisco stopped in their tracks as their auras vanished. They turned their attention to master albert who rang the gong bell.

Albert: alright young pupils, it's time for dinner! Come and get it while it's hot!

The students head into the mess hall to receive their dinner. Lincoln, lynn, clyde, tabby, liam, polly pain and francisco stared at each other in silent until lynn spoke.

Lynn: looks like there's no winner. this sparring match will be put on hold until we get our energy back up, agreed?

Lincoln, clyde, tabby, liam, polly pain and francisco nodded in agreement.

Lynn: (smiles) good. Now let's go chow down.

The seven fighters head to the mess hall.

To be continued...

(Chapter 4 is finished! If you're a fan of clyde, haiku, tabby, liam, polly pain, francisco and/or pop-pop/albert? Then you're in luck cause they made their appearance in the path of two louds.)

Here's the list of characters, age and animal spirits in this chapter.

1. Clyde, age: 12, animal spirit: hawk.

2. Polly pain, age: 12, animal spirit: cheetah.

3. Tabby, age: 12, animal spirit: white wolf.

4. Liam, age: 12, animal spirit: ox.

5. Haiku, age: 12, animal spirit: crow.

6: Francisco, age: 14, animal spirit: white tiger.

7: Albert/pop-pop, age: (I'm not really sure how old he is), animal spirit: sapphire dragon.

(There you have it. Please like and comment on my sketches in this chapter. Tabby and liam are a couple in this story, as well as clyde and haiku. There will be a lynn x francisco pairing in the story since this chapter was a start to show that lynn is crushing on him. Ronnie anne was mentioned in this chapter but she'll be making an appearance in chapter 5. See you in part 3 of sapphire dragon academy in the path of two louds, this is omegacrow fading to black...)

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