Chapter 9: Resting Time
It had been around two hours since the "Field Trip" had come to a close, everyone was now safe in sound in the academy as everyone was now resting in the Ballroom
Y/N: What a day...first Mizuna and then those other two guys...
You were currently hanging out with the usual squad, Kirishima, Yang, and Amanda who had been accepted into the group
Kirishima: So were the guys you fought in the forest strong...?
Y/N: Yeah, I was able to take on the first one in my Devil Form, but that's when this other guy named Merno showed up...
Yang: "Merno"...?
Y/N: Yeah, the the craziest part is, he's an Angel like Whis.
Amanda: Who's Whis...?
Y/N: Whis comes from our reality, in my multiverse there is 12 universes in all, each having a Creator God along with a Destroyer God, the Destroyers all have an attendant that trained them to become gods of destruction, Whis is the attendant of the Destroyer of my universe, the 7th.
Kirishima: He must've packed quite a punch!
Y/N: Well he certainly did, he was able to keep up with me in my Omni God form with Two Limiters, and he's not even the leader, before he left, he said something about his Boss...whoever that is...
Yang: Wow, there aren't many who can keep up with that kind of power...
Y/N: Well...I get the feeling that this reality is crawling with people as strong as Mizuna and Merno...if not, Stronger...and honestly...just thinking about's getting me fired up!
Yang: Man...I wish I was there to see you fight...
Y/N: Yeah, I did leave quite an impression on Barbara over there though.
The four of you then looked over to see Barbara talking with Hannah and Diana about your performance in the forest a few hours ago
Hannah: He has another form?!
Diana: Please Explain.
Barbara: He was fighting with this guy who had a skull like face and another guy with a large cape, the second guy was a lot stronger and they almost had him...but then his hair flashed to an awesome shade of white!
Hannah: White Hair...?
Barbara: Yeah, I could tell that this one was different from the rest since he had red markings on his body one on his chest and another on his forehead, and BOY was he Strong...!!
Hannah then hung her head low in jealousy as she began to growl and whine as Diana just kept sipping on her tea
Hannah: You're so Lucky...that form sounds so amazing...
Barbara: It's even more amazing than it sounds!
Todoroki: Were you guys talking about Y/N...?
The three girls then looked to see Kiba, Todoroki, and Ren all standing beside them as their shadows loomed over them
Hannah: Barbara says that she saw a really strong form!
Kiba: Care to describe...?
Barbara: He had red markings on his body along with shiny white hair and eyes!
Ren: Yup, that sounds like his Omni God Form.
Meanwhile Amanda was also questioning your White Omni God form as she raised a brow and tilted her head
Amanda: "Omni God"...?
Yang: Yep! It's a Transformation that transcends beyond Blue, tapping into a whole different kind of power that almost nobody can overcome!
Diana: Really...he can become that powerful...?
Kiba: Oh Yeah...he can also stack his Kaioken on top of it.
Hannah: Kaio-what...?
Todoroki: From what I know, his Kaioken can multiply the strength and speed of his powers up to 20x normally, but once saw him take it up to 100x, so we don't know for sure.
Diana: That on top of his Omni Form must be terrifyingly strong...!
Hannah and Barbara look at each other in surprise as they had never seen Diana this surprised before
Amanda: Wait a Sec! I might have an idea of what it looks like!
Y/N: Huh...?
Amanda then began to explain how she once saw it seven months ago with a look of shock and excitement in her face
Amanda: Around Seven Months ago, we were all doing our Usual Thing at our school when some portal looking thing appeared in the sky, it showed someone with white hair and red marks on his body fighting someone, was that you, Y/N?!
Y/N: Woah, You must be talking about the battle with Ark, I remember Whis saying something about a multi-rift opening at some point, so you were one of the worlds to see that...
Amanda: What do you mean "World"...?
Y/N: Y'Know, Yang comes from her world, Kirishima comes from his world, I come from my world...
Amanda: I'm lost...
Y/N: Alright...hold on...
You then created five small orbs of Ki, each one being a different colour, the colours consisted of Blue, Yellow, Red, Green, and Purple
Y/N: So let's say that these orbs of energy represent our worlds, when I mean worlds I mean Multiverses, depending on the world, my world is a Multiverse, when others might be a single universe.
You then took the blue orb and slightly pushed it away from the others
Y/N: This one represents my world...and these ones over here individually represent your worlds
Amanda: So wait...are you saying that we're not even on the same planet anymore?!
Y/N: Yes and No, You aren't on your home planet, nor are you in your one universe for that matter.
You then took all five orbs of Ki and placed them close together
Y/N: What all of our worlds share in common is that they are all part of the same reality, the first.
Everyone then watched as you then formed a sixth orb, this one much larger than the others
Y/N: This Giant one, represents the place we're at now, the second reality, a place very far from our home reality, did you catch all of that?
Amanda remained silent as her eyes seemed to stare right past you, slightly creeping you out
Y/N: U-Uh...Amanda...?
Amanda: ...I think I need to lie down...
With that she suddenly fell onto her back, laying on the floor as you held your head in panic
Y/N: O-Oh Crap! I didn't mean to make her faint...!!!
Yang: Relax, Y/N, it's a lot of info to take in at once.
Eye Catch
Eye Catch
Most people were currently resting or even sleeping at the moment, but there was a handful of students that simply couldn't sleep, one of them being you as you lied in the floor, staring at the ceiling
Y/N: Man...I'm Bored...I was tired earlier but after that fight...I just can't sleep...!
You then felt something pulling on your shirt, this caused you to look to your right to see Koneko who for some reason was shirtless
Y/N: Koneko...?
Koneko: Hey Y/N, We Haven't talked 1 on 1 in a while so I thought that I'd come and talk...
Y/N: Okay Then, What's up?
Koneko: Nothing Much...I'm just bored, but I'm feeling better now that you're here with me.
Y/N: That's Good, what do you think of this place? Have you been enjoying yourself...?
Koneko: Y-Yeah, but there's something I've wanted to ask for a while now...
Y/N: Ask away.
Koneko: Do you still love me...?
Y/N: What? Of course I do, what makes you think I wouldn't...?
Koneko: It's just...I know we're supposed to be sharing you and stuff...but I feel kinda...neglected...
Y/N: Neglected...?
Koneko: You're always spending time with Yang...I don't know why it makes me feel this it jealousy...?
All of a sudden Koneko felt a pair of lips gently rest against her forehead, catching her off guard as she stood remained completely still
Koneko began to go bright red as you then pulled away and smiled
Y/N: Don't ever think that you're neglected, I know that I spend a lot of time with Yang, but that's because me, her, and Kirishima are a team, and maybe Amanda, we're still figuring that part out.
Koneko: I-I see...
Koneko was beyond embarrassed as she couldn't even look you in the eyes anymore, seeing her like this made you chuckle innocently as a small and gentle smile spread into her face
Y/N: Alright, C'mere, you can cuddle with me for the night.
Koneko: R-Really...?
Y/N: Of Course! Now C'mon...but first, I've gotta say something.
Koneko: And that is...?
Y/N: Put a shirt on please...or something...don't forget that you're sharing the same room with Issei and Mineta...
Koneko: O-Oh...Alright...
She was about to walk off when you suddenly grabbed her arm, stopping her from leaving as you pointed two of your fingers at her
A beam of yellow energy then shot out of your fingers as you used the Clothes Beam on Koneko, making a lose tank top for her as she smiled
Y/N: There, That should be comfy right?
Koneko then smiled as she lied back down, however, instead of laying in the floor, she was laying on top of you, you were twice her size so it wasn't that big of a deal
You chuckled happily as Koneko nuzzled into your chest while purring
Y/N: Goodnight, my little Lion...
Time Skip: The Next Day
It was now the next day as the sun was rising, some people were up and ready to start the day as others like You and Bakugo were still out like a light
Y/N: *Snore*...*Snore*...Hm...Best dish ever...*Snore*...
Koneko was slowly awoken by your snoring, she was up and walking around as everyone else was up with a few exceptions as Mineta Yelled
You suddenly woke up in a massive panic as you screamed with wide eyed
Mineta: No not that!! I took my limited edition dirty magazines at the forest and I completely forgot that I left them there!!!
Sucy: ...That's just gross...
Amanda: You said it...
All of a sudden Kalasha opened up the front doors as all eyes in the room were then focused on him
Kalasha: Good Morning everyone! Today is gonna be a busy day, so I'd suggest that you get your best outfits on!
Lotus: Best Outfits...?
Asia: What does that mean...?
Kalasha: You see, we have a guest here with us today who would like to get some pictures of all of you training, along with some captures of some arranged sparring matches.
Jaune: Is there any specific reason...?
Kalasha: Yes, some people are quite curious about what goes on at HOH, and in order to get some mission recommendations for you guys, we need to show everyone just who will be helping them.
Rias: I see, so this is basically what will get people to want us to go in missions for them I suppose...
Kalasha: Correct, in the end, we hope to be able to have a small document of every single student here, this will include interviews such as demonstrations of your capabilities.
Midoriya: And who will be recording and interviewing us...?
Kalasha: I actually have him right here with me, you and your class might recognize him, Midoriya.
With that a man then walked into the room, he had messy black hair along with glasses that he wore over his blue eyes, wearing a brown vest as Midoriya did recognize him
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