Chapter 116: Act 2: GMOD Scary Map

(WARNING: This Chapter Contains images that some readers may find disturbing and might make you feel uncomfortable. You've been warned.)

Minecraft didn't exactly go as planned. You weren't expecting to fight an Enderman and you still don't know why it was so strong.

But it was over and now you were about to play the next game. Which as the announcer had stated yesterday was GMOD.

Kasai: I'm still wondering what we're gonna do for Gmod. Are we gonna play Hide N Seek again?

Y/N: Probably. Either that or Prop hunt.

Intercom: Welcome back, students of HOH! As you know, tonight's focus will be Garry's Mod! I bet some of you are wondering..."What are we going to do in Gmod?"...and to that, I say several things! Varying depending on the groups, which will be addressed right now!

Your Group
- Y/N
- Issei
- Kaminari
- Jaune
- Lotte

Y/N: Ey! We got the Bros Kaminari and Jaune! We also got my precious little bean, Lotte! Issei too I guess.

Kaminari: Let's give these guys a show!

Jaune: So what exactly will we be doing...?

Intercom: I'm glad you asked! The five of you will be assigned to a Horror themed map!

Kaminari: Wait what?! A scary map?!

Issei: Oh god...

Y/N: How scary are we talking?

Intercom: I don't know. It all depends if you've got the guts or not!

Lotte: Well if it's a scary map then I'm glad that I'm going with you, Y/N.

Y/N: Feeling's mutual. If you feel scared or uncomfortable you can hold my hand.

Lotte: Thank You!

Jaune: You guys are so cute!!

Y/N: Bigger Grab.

The next thing he knew, Jaune was being picked up by you as you tossed him across the stadium as he let out his usual Jaune scream.

Intercom: Are you ready? Hold onto your seats!!

Lotus: Do your best, guys!

Kasai: Don't piss yourselves either!

Maquist: Somebody's gonna do that. Probably Jaune or Issei.

Y/N: Ya'll gotta cut my man Jaune some slack.

Lotus: You literally just THREW him across the stadium. Don't even try to be defensive now.

Y/N: And I'll do the same to you if you don't shut your heck!

Lotus was about to say something when you and your group were warped away from the stadium and into the scary map that the Intercom had spoken of.

Time Skip

Y/N: It's not as unbeatable as Hit's.

Jaune: Huh?

Y/N: Nothing.

The five of you now found yourselves in a large room. It was a complete mess with there being broken glass on the floor, the walls were littered with holes and some questionable graffiti, and some windows were also broken.

Jaune: Oh boy, here we go...

Issei: Dude what the hell are these graffitis...?

Kaminari then looked to you as you were covering Lotte's eyes after you saw some of these drawings. Some of them were offensive slurs and others were inappropriate drawings.

Y/N: They're impure that's what they are. Also is anybody gonna point out that we have crowbars?

As you had stated, everybody including you had a crowbar in their hands. Seeing as for this event you had been striped of your weapons, everybody felt slightly safer to be armed.

Of course you were always armed with the deadliest weapons of all. Your bare hands.

Kaminari: Well let's go somewhere! I wanna explore!

Y/N: We weren't even given an objective to do. We just roam...?

Issei: Looks that way...

Y/N: Well then we best head out and find something before something finds us.

Kaminari: Bet!

With that the five of you left the room and wandered for a bit. It seemed like you were in an abandoned building, that was until you reached a certain door at the bottom floor.

Upon getting closer to this door you heard several strange sounds. Nothing sketchy yet, but it was still weird.

Everybody was hiding behind you as an attempt to gain cover from a potential jumpscare.

Jaune: Dude! Give us a second to prepare!

Y/N: Really? Guys we just got here. I doubt there's any jumpscares this early in...

With that you placed your hand on the door knob and opened the door. At the same time you looked towards everybody else and pointed to whatever was on the other side.


The whole area on the other side of the door flashed red as a sudden loud scream could be heard behind you. Everybody else jerking back and almost screaming as well.

You quickly looked towards the door and saw that there was nothing there. You unintentionally missed the Jumpscare that was supposed to be there.

Everybody else saw it. But you only heard the scream part.

Y/N: Huh...?

Issei: I know damn well you didn't just dodge a jumpscare...

Kaminari: Ultra Instinct does crazy things...

Lotte: You're so cool, Y/N!!

Y/N: I didn't—*Sigh*...let's just go.

With that you lead the way and walked through the doorway as everybody hesitantly followed. Once all of you were in the door slammed shut behind you.

Y/N: Oh god I felt that...

With that you all had no choice but to proceed. The hallway looked like the rest of the building. Abandoned and broken.

Lotte: Y-Y/N...can I hold your hand...?

Y/N: You don't have to ask.

With that Lotte took your hand as she stayed right by your side. Practically clinging to your arm as you could feel her shaking with fear.



Y/N: Hey, It's okay. I got you. This is a game. Nothing more.

Lotte: I-I know...

You suddenly heard all of the footsteps behind you stop as you looked back in confusion. Lotte doing the same.

You saw that Issei and the others were slowly backing away as an eye brow raised from you. Lotte was just as confused as you.



Y/N: What are you guys talking about—


You and Lotte heard a door open behind you. Both you and Lotte facing the others at this point so you couldn't see what was happening.

Issei, Kaminari, and Jaune all quivered in fear as something started to emerge from one of the doors. You heard this and slowly turned around to see. But gestured Lotte to not turn around for her sake.


You pushed Lotte in front of you and allowed her to get ahead as you stayed in the back. The creature being right on your tail as you wrapped it around your waist before it could grab it.

Issei and the others tried going through one of the other doors but all of them lead to dead ends. But the door at the end of the hallway that you came in from was also slammed shut and locked.

Issei: Open the damn door!!

Kaminari: IT'S LOCKED!!


Everybody suddenly pushed themselves against the walls as you cupped your hands together and started charging up an orb of blue Ki in your hands.


You then fired a significantly weaker Kamehameha wave at the door as you managed to penetrate it. Allowing Issei and the others to jump through the hole in the door. The creature chasing you was too big to fit through the doorway in general. So it meant they were safe for now.

Everybody else made it through but you were still running. The monster being right behind you as you could it's hand graze the back of your neck.

Jaune:  C'mon Y/N you can make it!!

Y/N: Grr...KAIOKEN!!

With that you suddenly doubled your speed and bolted away as you flew right through the hole in the door.

The five of you all crashed onto each other as everybody was now in a pile. You being on the bottom as Jaune noticed how the Monster was trying to make it's way in. But wasn't successful.

Y/N: Shit...

Lotte: Y/N! Are you okay?!

Y/N: Yeah. I'm fine. You guys doing alright?

Kaminari: No not really...

Y/N: Well now we know to stay clear of that place...

With that everybody got up as you lead the way again. This time you still allowed Lotte to hold your hand but she had to stay behind you for her own safety.

Not that she was in any actual danger. Like you said earlier, it's just a game. A scary one at that.

Issei: I don't think I can put myself through that again...

Y/N: You think this is bad? Try playing the Resident Evil games when you have the chance.

Issei: I-I'm good thanks...

Y/N: Yeah...fucking fetus monster thing...

All of a sudden an alarm went off and caused everybody including you to scream as nobody knew what was happening.

Intercom: That's it! Your time is up! I'm surprised you've lasted this long!

Y/N: What?! We're done already?!

Intercom: Indeed! You did well!

Everybody was suddenly warped back to the Stadium as you had spent a lot more time in there than you thought.

Kaminari: We'll I'm glad that's over!

Issei: U-Uhhh...yeah.

Nobody had noticed but Issei may or may not have wet himself when that alarm went off.

Kasai in the distance: HA!

Intercom: That's it for our first session! Next batch is up now for Prop hunt!

Y/N: Man why couldn't we do prop hunt?!

Intercom: Also, Prepare for tomorrow's game, Rainbow Six Siege!

Meanwhile: Unknown Location

It was as dark as ever in the realm that Yakuza lived. There also lied the lair of his leader.

Yakuza: Boss, it pains me to say that Y/N got Merno...

???: Hm. No matter. That was simply a clone of Merno. The real Merno is still yet to make his appearance.

Yakuza: But Boss! Y/N's gotten even more powerful since the last time we've encountered him!

???: Don't fret. I have a plan. You said that he has a "Devil form" correct?

Yakuza: Y-Yes. From what I've learned it feeds off of all of the negative energy and emotions in him.

???: Good. Perhaps we don't need to eliminate him. He'll be an excellent addition to our forces. 

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