It's now the next day. Scarlette, Violet, Ruby, and Sunny are now walking to their class to meet Skylar, Poppy, Bella, and Jade.
Violet had her camera on her, Ruby, and Scarlette while she was talking to her fans.
"Rainbow High update!" she said. "We just got our semester project, and it is hashtag intense!"
Ruby nodded in agreement. "Brutal!" she said. "Full on runway show. Eight looks, big sets, hair, makeup, music, and we do it in front of the whole school."
Scarlette nodded. "Do you know how much time flies when you have a project this intense? This'll be practically impossible!"
Sunny then jumps in behind Violet and Scarlette.
"And if we mess up, Ms Wright says we'll get cut! So much pressure right?" she says as the girls make it to the room. "Did Violet tell you we've known each other forever? Because we've known each other forever!"
Violet turns off her camera as they walk into the room. As they are in a loud voice appears through the speaker.
"Good morning!" they say, scaring Skyler.
"Ah!" she screams before looking at everyone's expressions as they are looking at her. "Sorry, did not expect that."
"I'm Ms Morton," the voice rings out again. "I'm your adviser. I'm sorry I can't be there in person. When New York Fashion Week calls, you jump."
Jade smiles. "Yeah you do," she said, fist bumping Bella.
"But Rainbow High is tough, and it'll be easier if you can rely on one another. So welcome to the Glam Slam. a scavenger hunt to get to know each other better."
Everyone's phone dings and an hourglass timer appears.
"You have until the sand runs out. Good luck, and take this seriously. I'm sure Ms Wright told you what happens when you don't succeed at Rainbow high."
With that she cuts off.
"She cannot mean we'll get cut if we fail a scavenger hunt?" Bella scoffs.
Scarlette shruggs. "It may not be beneath her."
"Just saying, she could," Poppy chimes in.
That's when Skyler's phone buzzes.
"I got a clue!" she gasps. "Find a locker with Ruby's top selling item on it."
"You sell things?" Scarlette asks. "What do you sell?"
"I know," Bella speaks. "She showed us in the room! She sells clothes she custom paints and her top seller is...sneakers!"
Ruby smiles. "You got it B! Lockers, let's go!"
The girls run to the hallway and watch as Poppy looks through the lockers for the next clue.
"Sneakers, sneakers...score!" she said, picking up a picture of Ruby's custom shoes. "Sweet kicks...and a clue! The locker combination is the runway number of awards Bella won for set design at middle school, Cinched Drama Fest, and Runway Riot."
"Really?" Scarlette asked.
"Overachieving much?" Jade questions Bella.
"I win a lot of awards..." Bella says.
"How many? We need numbers!" Violet screams.
"Oh! 8, 5, and 13!"
Skylar hurriedly types the cods into the locker. It opens and Skylar picks up an iron with a clue inside.
"Go where you'd find this, then look for something Violet sponsors- Sponsors?" Skylar asks after reading the clue.
"She has tons," Sunny brags. "Her photography won so many awards, and she got all these followers, and now she's a major influencer. And the videos she posts? The best!"
Violet smiles at her friend. "You really think so?"
Jade then jumps in.
"Yes, she's super supportive, now, let's take that energy to the salon because that's where our next clue is."
The girls then run into the salon where they are now looking for the next clue.
Sunny looks in some of the drawers. "Not here...I bet it's over here!"
Poppy then starts scrolling on her phone.
"Stalking your socials, stalking, stalking...score! Hair foam!"
Skylar then runs to the desk where a bottle of hair foam is on. "I see it!" she said before taking the bottle to examine it. "Nothing on it? No no, I think we're wrong. What else do you sponsor, Violet?"
Ruby then walks to Skylar. "Hold up!"
Ruby then takes the bottle from Skylar and presses down in it. A roll of paper comes out and she hands the bottle back to Skylar as she winks.
"One of you published cartoons in a magazine. Find the cover of that magazine and get your next clue."
"Oh this is definitely Sunny!" Scarlette exclaims.
"Yeah," Violet agrees. "Happened the last day of sixth grade. My mom took us for makeovers to celebrate. Hashtag middle school goals!"
"I remember that!" Sunny exclaims dreamily. "It was my first gel mani-pedi!"
Jade then jumps in again between Violet and Sunny. "Amazing story, loved it, might even journal about it...WHICH MAGAZINE?!"
"Oh right!" Sunny snapped back. "Winnerz. Oh! And I know where we can find the cover! Follow me!"
The girls run back into the hallway and Sunny runs up to a framed magazine cover and gestures towards it.
"Tada!" she said happily until she saw no note. "But I don't see a note. Frowny face."
"Never surrender!" Bella says as she reaches behind the frame and grabs a note. "Bella for the win! the next clue is the background set design Scarlette did for the famous movie, 'lovers in Paris.'"
Sunny squealed loudly. "I loved that movie so much!" she said. "Her backgrounds were unreal! it made everything so much better!"
Scarlette chuckled. "Thanks, Sunny, and I know where we can find the design. Follow me!"
The girls followed Scarlette to the art classroom where they saw the canvas with the design on the wall it was a design of the Eifel tower. Sunny then walked over to it and looked around the poster but didn't see anything.
"Wait, which set was it?" Sunny asked.
Scarlette walked towards the set. the looked around it until she put her hand over the top of the tower.
"the point of the tower is...pointier than what I painted." Scarlette said before looking up.
The other girls looked up as well and saw another note above them, though it wasn't on the ceiling.
Ruby was confused. "wha? huh? how?"
Scarlette and Sunny looked at the note for a second before Scarlette tapped on Sunny.
"Sun, give me a boost."
Sunny nodded as she put Scarlette on her shoulders. The other girls watched as Scarlette grabbed a hold of an opening and pulled on it, letting the note fall down to the floor.
Ruby put her hands on her hips as Sunny let Scarlette off of her shoulders. "Okay, how did you know how to do that?"
Scarlette shrugged. "Just because you don't see it doesn't mean it's not there. Learned it from 'Love in Paris.'"
Sunny and Violet laughed at Scarlette as she picked up the next note.
Scarlette read through the note. "Your next clue is on the exact fabric Skylar used to make her dress Sizzle called "the top outfit inspo of the year."
"For reals?" Violet squeals.
"Legend!" Poppy says.
"I didn't submit it or anything," Skylar says. "They just found it and wrote that."
"Whatevs," Bella waves off. "Own it, I would. And I bet we'd find the fabric in the runway classroom!"
The girls then run to the runway classroom.
"That's it! That's the fabric!" Skylar exclaims.
Poppy then reaches into the arm of the jacket made of fabric Skylar was pointing to.
"Jammin'!" she exclaims. "This ones about me! What satellite radio station hear Poppy's music and let her guest DJ? 103!"
"I love that station, but what does it mean?" Sunny asks. "Is the next clue on the radio? Someone tune it in!"
Music then starts to play from Poppy's phone and she and Sunny start to dance to it.
"That's not it!" Bella exclaims. "Sand's almost out!"
"Can't get cut, can't get cut," Skylar mutters worriedly. "103, 103...a classroom number!"
The eight girls run down the hallway. Jade skids to a stop at room 103, and gets the note attached to the room's number.
"One of you has your own makeup line," Jade reads. "What's it called?"
"It's gotta be you right?" Ruby asked.
"Still tweaking it, but it's sick," Jade explains. "It's called 'Look up'. What I tell people a zillion times when I'm doing their eyes."
"Look up?" Bella asked.
All the girls look up to see a poster on the ceiling.
"Okay, we can do this," Bella says enthusiastically. "Human ladder! Everyone on each other's shoulders!"
She then tried to climb up on Ruby's hands until Skylar stops her.
"Wait!" she says. "I've seen that poster before. It was on the wall in the classroom where we started!"
Sunny then looks at the timer on her phone. "Oh, we've gotta go!"
The girls make it back to the room where they started.
Ms. Morton's voice appears on the speakers once again as music begins to play.
"Congratulations, you've won the Glam Slam, and now you have a group of friends you can count on for everything Rainbow High throws at you. And, check out the desk. Special gifts for each of your special talents."
The eight girls all go to the desk and get their respective gifts.
"This is sick!" Jade said excitedly. "Ms. Morton, when do we get to meet you?"
"Soon," Ms. Morton replies. "In the meantime, enjoy."
All the girls start to enjoy their gifts until Mrs. Wright showed up at the door.
"Ms. Willow," Ms. Wright said. When Violet and Scarlette looked at Ms. Wright with a confused glance, she sighed. "Scarlette Willow."
Scarlette made an 'oh' expression and made her way to Ms. Wright.
"Come with me," she instructed as she and Scarlette made their way down the hall.
They were walking in silence for a moment before Scarlette finally spoke.
"Ms. Wright," Scarlette muttered. "Am I in trouble?"
Ms. Wright sighed. "No, Ms. Willow, you are not in trouble. I have just simply made a mistake involving your advisory group."
Scarlette was surprised to say the least. She didn't think Ms. Wright made mistakes. It was really uncommon for her to do.
"What do you mean, Ms. Wright?" Scarlette asked.
Ms. Wright didn't answer as they made their way to the first floor. When they got out of the elevator, that's when she answered.
"This is a very rare thing to do at Rainbow High, but your advisory group isn't just going to be first year students, moreover they are also going to be fourth year students."
Scarlette gave Ms. Wright a questioned expression once again as they made their way to a door. Ms. Wright opened it and saw five students.
"I'm telling you," a girl with Red, orange, and yellow hair said. "This project will be more successful with our professional talents!"
As she said that, her and another girl, possibly her sister, posed back to back. That's when they noticed Scarlette and Ms. Wright entering the room.
Scarlette gasped as she recognized three of the students.
"I'm working with the A's?" she asked Ms. Wright.
The five fourth years made their way towards the duo.
"Wait, wait, wait," the blue, green, and purple haired girl from earlier said. "She's in our advisory group? You said it was going to be someone of extraordinary talent, not a first year."
Scarlette gave the girl an offended look until Ms. Wright started speaking.
"Yes, Holly, she is going to be your new advisory partner," she told the girl. "You're going to need someone of her focus for this project, so I expect to give her a polite welcome."
The two girls looked at each other and turned their heads as Avery walked forward and gave Scarlette a warm smile.
"Well then, first year," she said. "If Ms. Wright wanted you to work with fourth years, then you got some potential."
She then starts to introduce Scarlette to the rest of the group.
"You already know me, Avery Styles, I'm a Fashion design Focus," she said before turning to Ainsley and Aidan. "This is Ainsley Slater, she is an Accessory Design focus, and Aidan Russell, he's a Fashion design and Music focus."
She then point at the two girls behind her.
"Those two back there are Laurel and Holly De'Vious. They are twins are are both Performing Arts focuses." she introduced.
Laurel and Holly turned to look at Scarlette.
Scarlette smiled. "Rocking!" she exclaimed. "I'm Scarlette Willow, I'm a Graphic Design focus, though I can also do set design if you want."
"Ooh," Ainsley says amused. "We could use a set designer,"
"Yeah," Aiden chuckled. "We're doing this huge project and we have no set pieces to work with."
Scarlette's face lit up. "Oh, I can help with that!" she said. "I've been doing set designs for action movies since I was ten, where do I start?"
The A's smiled as they showed Scarlette their painting area. Meanwhile Laurel and Holly was looking at Scarlette while she was looking in awe at the paints.
"A first year, huh?" Laurel said, giving a little smile. "Cute."
Holly snickered. "Let's hope she doesn't ruin our project."
"Let's see," Laurel agreed.
word count: 2056
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