Chapter 30 - The Provisional License Exam
[Third Person-POV]
Katsumi:Come on!! I need more clones!!! I still have a lot of moves to try!! God damn it!!
Ectoplasm:T-There's no need to shout
Ectoplasm created several more clones in front of Katsumi.
All Might:I can see that Young Bakugo was back to her old self.
Aizawa:I can assure you that even she got even louder,what did you do with her?
(Y/N):Mmh? I just explained what really happened at the time of my kidnapping,that was all.
Aizawa:...I'm not buying that
All Might:Me neither
(Y/N):...Same...It seems they all update their costume
Aizawa:Because of how they have improved their ultimate moves,it is the best option for them...and it's the best they can do
(Y/N):Is The Provisional License really going to be that hard?
All Might:You can expect to see a large number of students there,some may be more experienced than you.
(Y/N):That remains to be seen,I have faith in my classmates!
(Y/N) looked around seeing how everyone was practicing their new Ultimate Moves,he fixed his attention to Tokoyami and how he was using Dark Shadow as armor.
(Y/N):Tokoyami's quirk is very interesting as well as powerful,I still remember how powerful Dark Shadow in the woods was...I'd like to see how powerful it can be...tsk! I still sound like my least I'm not going to sink low enough to steal someone's quirk
(Y/N) walked to Tokoyami
(Y/N):Hey! Tokoyami!
Tokoyami:Hey (Y/N)
Tokoyami greeted (Y/N) with a fist bump.
Tokoyami:How have you been?
(Y/N):Very good,I could see that you have improved your control with Dark Shadow
Tokoyami:That's right,I want to compensate for my physical weakness and close-combat vulnerability by making Dark Shadow cover me like armor.
(Y/N):That sounds amazing!
Tokoyami:You want to try?
(Y/N):Huh? try what?
Tokoyami:My quirk,I can see that it attracts your attention
(Y/N):Hey,I don't know. Your quirk is very impressive and interesting but clearly you have years of advantage
Tokoyami:If you want I can help you train
(Y/N):Woah! thanks man...
Tokoyami brought his hand to his head and...pulled out a piece of his hair
Tokoyami:Here,from what I understand you need my DNA for your quirk to work
(Y/N):Wait...has it always been hair?
Tokoyami:Always has been
Tokoyami:Something happens?
(Y/N):Now I realize I must eat your hair to get your quirk...this can be gross
Sero:Hey guys,what are you doing?
Sero said as he approached Tokoyami and (Y/N)
Tokoyami:Well,that (Y/N) about to copy my quirk
Sero:Really? I want to see how it works
(Y/N):Hmm...the thing is...
Mina:Hey! what are you doing?
Sero:(Y/N) is about to copy Tokoyami's quirk
Mina:Really? I want to see how you do it!
(Y/N):Ugh!...I have to eat Tokoyami's hair,okay...I have to do that
Tokoyami:Hey! I bathe every day
(Y/N):Well, I go
(Y/N) swallowed a bit before putting Tokoyami's hair on his tongue and then swallowing it,a chill ran down his spine
(Y/N):*Sigh* the way good shampoo
Sero:That's all? now you have a Dark Shadow?
(Y/N):I don't know,something comes out of my back?
Tokoyami:Maybe you need time for my quirk to manifest itself in you.
(Y/N):That doesn't make sense,once I got my quirk I already had access to all those quirks that I had previously obtained. Even those that I had gotten a minute before...uh?!...MHHH!
(Y/N) clutched his stomach as he put his hand over his mouth.
Mina:(Y/N)?! are you okay?!
Aizawa:What's going on here?
Everyone except (Y/N) turned to see Aizawa approaching them.
Sero:E-Ehm..w-well something happens to (Y/N),we don't know what,he was just going to copy Tokoyami's quirk
From (Y/N)'s mouth came a white thing which began to float in front of him
Sero:W-What is that?
Mina:I just hope it's not what I have in mind!
At that moment the white thing began to move,this changed its appearance to what seemed to be a ghost.
(Y/N):...Oh god,I thought my organs were the ones that wanted to escape from my body.
Mina:A-A ghost?!
Sero:It looks nothing like Dark Shadow
Tokoyami:It looks completely opposite
Mina:Yeah,it even looks like when you could transform into that hideous thing,no offense
(Y/N):How do you want me not to offend me with that?...but you're right,it looks like me when I could change form
The ghost looked at (Y/N) and quickly straightened up while placing it hand on it forehead,similar to what a military man does
Aizawa:I don't know but it seems like it's waiting for you to give it an order.
(Y/N):huh?...hmmm...oh! Ectoplasm!
Ectoplasm shifted his gaze to (Y/N)
(Y/N):Can you please create a clone?
Ectoplasm created a clone of him in front of (Y/N)
(Y/N):Okay,ghost! Kamehameha!
The ghost nodded and put both hands together and then put them at his side
The ghost fired a Kamehameha at the clone destroying it.
Tokoyami:Your ghost can even use your abilities!
(Y/N):Yeah it's amazing...but wait,I think I can create more
(Y/N) closed his mouth and then opened it again for another ghost to come out of his mouth.
Ghost 2:Ta-Dah!
Mina:Does this mean you can create an army of ghosts?! that is awesome!
(Y/N):Y-Yeah...weird,this is far from being the same quirk as Tokoyami...but why is it so different?
(Y/N) thought for a few seconds but then he saw at his ghosts
(Y/N):I have no answers but it is amazing! my ghosts can serve as attackers and support!
Ghost 1:Yeah!
Ghost 2:Awesome!
Tokoyami:He can even speak as Dark Shadow
At that moment Dark Shadow came out of Tokoyami's stomach and approached the ghosts,the three of them looked at each other for a few seconds and then smiled.
Ghost 1:Haha! the three of us will be the best!
Ghost 2:Yeah! we will make the master powerful!
Ghost 1:Hell yeah!
The two ghosts talked to each other until they both shook hands
Everyone managed to protect themselves from the explosion
Sero:Can they even explode?!
Aizawa:You better practice a lot with your ghosts,they are more dangerous than they seem!
(Y/N):Y-Yeah,Even I was caught off guard by the fact that they can explode too
All Might:This is an assumption but it seems that the quirks that you copy may tend to be very different.
(Y/N) turned to see All Might approaching them
(Y/N):Do you think?...well my quirk is still new to me so I still have a lot to learn
(Y/N) said as he got up from the ground and dusted his clothes,he approached All Might to talk about it but what they both did not know is that a rock started to crack as it breaks and was making it's way to (Y/N) and All Might.
Katsumi:HEY!! HEADS UP!!
Katsumi warned (Y/N) and All Might,Aizawa rushed to try to get them out of the way but at that moment Izumi appeared on the two of them using the One For All Full Cowling,she destroyed the rock with a powerful kick.
Izumi:One For All:Full Cowling! Shoot Style!
This left All Might and (Y/N) surprised and proud
All Might:Bingo
(Y/N):You finally started to grow on your own
Izumi:(Y/N),are you okay? what about you,All Might?
All Might:I'm fine,don't worry
(Y/N):Woah! Izumi,that kick was amazing,where did that new Ultimate Move come from?
Izumi:Well,I put these iron soles on my shoes,it was Hatsume's idea. I decide to learn some moves from Iida to change my style but I think this is still far from calling it an "Ultimate Move". You could say it's just a stopgap
(Y/N):Oh come on! You are not giving enough credit to your "stopgap" I am sure it will serve you a lot in the license exam
Izumi:Y-You think?
Izumi said while blushing at (Y/N)'s compliments
All Might:Rest assured that you will do well on the exam if you go in this way,and remember girl,if you want to be a hero,you should always put a smile on your face
All Might:I assure you that with that in mind you will be able to pass the exam with ease.
At that moment Vlad King entered the Gym Gamma together with class B
Vlad King:Eraser. Get going,now
Aizawa:We still have about ten minutes left,It is a good idea that we use all the time we have effectively
At that moment,Monoma comes out of nowhere and put an arrogant smile in front of everyone
Monoma:Did you know? The provisional license exam has a 50% fail rate. I bet you're all gonna fail,Class A
Monoma said as he started laughing like crazy
(Y/N):...Why does this guy have to dress so eccentric?
Tokoyami:At this point I don't even know what's going on in his mind. yet...he's right. In this test,we will be as beasts thrown into the is our fate to crush each other
Aizawa:Not quite. Classes A and B will be registered in different places to take the exam
Vlad King:The hero license exam takes place each June and September in three locations simultaneously across the country. To avoid students from the same school fighting each other,all students should split up their students by time or location
(Y/N):Shame,I would have liked to see how strong the class B have become
Monoma:From such a stick such a splinter,there are times when children are so similar to parents
(Y/N) made a serious face upon hearing Monoma's comment,he approached him
(Y/N):Do you have a problem with my father being a villain?
Monoma:Well,we all have to watch our backs with you,who knows if in the end,you are just like him
(Y/N) clenched his fists but he decided not to lower himself to that level,but at that moment a giant shadow appeared over Monoma
Monoma:Uh?...oh Uagh!!
Kendo hit Monoma on the back of his neck with such force that he fell hard against the ground.
Kendo:I-I'm really sorry for what he said to you!
(Y/N):Hey,it's okay,no problem,I'm not going to lower myself to the level of Monoma either
Kendo smiled but at that moment (Y/N) began to hug her taking her by surprise,she after a few seconds melted into the hug while she began to smile.
Kendo:So warm~
Kendo closed her eyes as she felt the warmth that (Y/N)'s body released without her noticing that the other girls and Aizawa were looking at her very jealous.
(Y/N):Hah!...Ngh! HUAAAHH!!!
Right now it was night but despite that,(Y/N) was training with Piccolo,he was dodging some energy balls that Piccolo had created,these energy balls could follow the trajectory of (Y/N) so they were helping him to avoid different targets while having a better reaction time.
(Y/N) created an explosion in front of him which caused the energy balls to explode in a chain.
(Y/N):Phew!...I think I have improved my reaction time
Piccolo:A little bit,yeah,but you have a long way to go,those were just balls of energy,nothing more. You will have to get used to facing several enemies at the same time.
(Y/N):That's what I trained at the Training Camp with Aizawa
Piccolo:EraserHead trained you? for how long?
(Y/N) know...two days
(Y/N) cried out in pain as he felt Piccolo's fist in his gut,he fell to the ground and spat blood from his mouth.
Piccolo:You didn't dodge,what? Did you expect me to say "dodge" or something? No,that's stupid,very stupid. But as you can see I gave you an example that you still have a long time to train,your body did not react to a simple punch. Anything can still take you by surprise and it will be worse for you if you are on a battlefield.
(Y/N):Okay...Ugh...I already understood,danger is not going to come to me with a warning. I have to be prepared for any imminent danger.
Piccolo:I knew you would understand...It's too late,go back to your bedroom,you better go to sleep.
(Y/N):But I still want to keep training
Piccolo:And I just said go to your bedroom to sleep,without a good nap,how do you want to train better tomorrow?
(Y/N):Yeah,you have a point there...I guess we'll see each other tomorrow
Piccolo:...Keep one thing in mind the day you go to take the exam to get your license.
(Y/N):What thing?
Piccolo:Maybe most of those students already know your quirks and skills but they don't know anything about your new fighting style,you have that advantage there but you also have other advantages over them. I won't tell you which ones,I'll let you realize all that.
(Y/N):...Okay! I will keep that in mind,bye Piccolo
(Y/N) teleported back to the Heights Alliance,even taking into account what Piccolo had said
(Y/N):Piccolo is right,I need to come up with new ideas if I want to pass that exam...I think it's time to try a lot more combinations of quirks.
[A Week Later - (Y/N)-POV]
A week had already passed and the day of the exam had already arrived. We arrived by bus to the place where we would take the exam
(Y/N):So this is our test site. The National Takoba Arena
Kyoka:I'm getting nervous now.
(Y/N):Hey,you'll do fine,just be calm and focused.
I told Kyoka while I patted her head,that helped her calm down a bit but I could still see how nervous she was.
Minori:I still don't have a clear idea of what the test or the other students will be like. Can we really earn our licenses?
Minori said nervously,I approached her and crouched down to get to her height.
(Y/N):Minori, don't say "I can" better say "I will" because I know you will get your license just like the rest!
Minori:R-Right! of course!
Tenri:Woah,(Y/N),it seems today you come with the energy to cheer everyone up.
(Y/N):That's right,I've seen that I haven't done a decent job as class president before so I'm going to change that. I'll make sure all my classmates get their licenses and I'm sure all of you will,you trained and worked hard for this,didn't you?!
Class A:YEAH!!
(Y/N):So let's show our efforts to everyone! All together now! PLUS!...
A tall, simple-looking boy from another school with a cap on his head finished the sentence.
Student:It's bad manners to intrude on another group's huddle,Inasa
Inasa:Ah! You got me!...I AM SO...VERY...SORRY!!!
Denki:Who's this whacked-out big ball of excitement? his enthusiasm does not give me much confidence
(Y/N):Wait,those caps
Sero:They're from that famous school on the other side of Japan!
Katsumi:U.A in the east,Shiketsu on the west
Inasa raised his head from the floor and started to apologize,I didn't take him into account,I realized that Camie was among them,she followed her group and didn't even turn to see me.
(Y/N):...Is she...upset about what happened?
I took my phone out of my pocket and looked at the messages that I had left for her.
(Y/N):No single answer...If I have time,it would be better if I talk to her about what happened.
???:Hey! EraserHead!
I took my eyes off my phone when I heard that voice,at that moment Aizawa stood behind me,she seemed as if all the physical energy in her body had disappeared in a second.
Aizawa:Help me
I looked at the person Aizawa was referring to.
???:Hmmm?...Hey! you must be (Y/N)
(Y/N):Yep,That's right.
Aizawa:(Y/N) she is Emi Fukukado
Emi:That's right,I'm Aizawa's best friend!
Aizawa:Of course not
Emi:See! you even know how to say good jokes
Aizawa put on a face of total disgust
(Y/N):This is a slightly peculiar friendship
Aizawa:I guess now you should go with your class
Emi:Why? they are already here
Emi looked behind her at the group of students,she called her students to meet us.
Emi:Ketsubutsu Academy,second years,Class 2! They're my class. Please be kind!
A boy who could perfectly be Izumi's older brother began to introduce himself his own way.
(Y/N):So this is the school we're going to face...
Aizawa:Okay,enough. Change into your costumes. The info session's about to start so stop wasting time.
We all went to change into our heroes costumes and once we were all ready,we gathered into this large room along with other students from other schools.
Izumi:There's so many!...
Ochako:I know!
(Y/N):Hmmm...I wonder what kind of quirks all these people have
Shiyori:(Y/N)...I do not want to indicate anything but that way of speaking is the same as your father's.
(Y/N):...Maybe you have a bit of reason in that
At that moment a person who could be seen to have not slept in many days appeared and stood in front of the podium.
Mera:I'm...Mera,with the heroes public safety commission. My favorite type of sleep is non-rem sleep. Nice to meet you all
(Y/N):Damn,his sleep schedule is fucked up
Mera:Basically 1540 examinees compete in our free-for-all exercise or whatever we're calling it this year. See...we've got a lot of pros around,and since Stain was arrested,many have expressed doubt about heroes in our society...
(Y/N):It amazes me that a single person was able to make a whole society think.
Mera:In addition to the U.A student,(Y/N) Shigaraki also imposed the possibility that there are villains that can be saved. The people have also questioned what is a true villain and who can truly be saved.
They all started whispering and looking at me
(Y/N):Did you all hear that?
Izumi:Yeah,your fight against All For One was televised all over Japan,everyone heard that great speech you gave!
(Y/N):I-I see...even I am not sure of the words I said...Shroom made it very clear that maybe not all villains can be saved...but what difference is there between one villain and another?
Mera:That said as far as individuals go...motivations aside,telling those who risk their lives in order to save others to ask for nothing in return...would be rather harsh,especially in modern society. So...whether it's done for compensation or out of dedication to the cause,we have no shortage of heroes out there working to save people and put villains away. And when it comes to villains,we may still think of them as unsaved people who do not deserve a place in society...but perhaps something caused them to become villains. Whether it's because of the heroes,people,or even other villains,we can't confirm that yet. But leaving that reflection aside now I am going to explain all this to all of you. You are here trying to receive your Provisional Licenses,so you'll be swept under this tiresome mess yourselves pretty soon. Those of you who don't have the speed simply won't cut it. Which is what you'll be tested on today...the first 100 students who fulfill the requirements will pass today
(Y/N):J-Just 100 students?!'ll be given 3 targets to place on parts of your bodies,alongside that will be 6 balls. The targets are made so they only light up when hit by these balls. If all three of your targets lit up,you're out. The one who lights up your third target is the one that officially defeated you. You get through this round by defeating two people. That's it for the rules
(Y/N):Just that? then this will be easy,thank goodness I don't show too many quirks
Tenri:What do you mean with that?
(Y/N):Well,I have the advantage that I have a large arsenal of quirks thanks to my father. Most of them have not been seen on TV so no one will be able to predict my movements. I realize that...we all show our quirks at the Sport Festival!
Izumi:So...*Gulp*...everyone has a greater advantage over us due to the fact that we show how our quirks work and how we use them.
(Y/N):Don't think about it,what was shown at the festival was only a small portion of our strength, we trained for this last week our Ultimate Moves so we still have an advantage,I know that we are all going to pass the exam.
I said trying to chill out everyone which worked. At that moment the whole building began to open revealing the place where we were going to take the exam.
Izumi:Guys! we should stick together and work as a group
Katsumi:As if! this ain't some class picnic!
Katsumi yelled as she walked away from us
Eiji:Get back here,you idiot!
Shiyori:I'm out too. I can't make good use of my power if we're packed together
Shiyori also walked away from us quickly.
Minori:There's no time left,(Y/N). We are very exposed,we must look for a better place!
Everyone began to move from the place,I followed them from behind.
(Y/N):Guys,I'm sorry but I have to get away from you too.
Mina:What are you talking about? we are better in a group!
(Y/N):Yeah,but most of my quirks are very destructive and it would be best if I stay away from you for now. I still can't control most of the quirks and I don't want to lose control of some and hurt you all
Minori:(Y/N),babe. Can you wait a bit? because right now we are the central objective!!
Minori yelled seeing the amount of students that were in front of us
(Y/N):Fuck!...I guess a little help won't hurt.
All the students threw their balls towards us,I quickly created an energy shield in front of all of us causing us to be protected from the balls.
(Y/N):Now let's see this combination. IMPACT RECOIL!!
All the balls that hit the energy shield were redirected towards the people who had thrown them. Each of the students escaped so as not to be disqualified for a ball that was not theirs.
(Y/N):Heh I like this combination,like I said before,see you later.
I quickly got away from the others. Using One For All I moved at high speed around all the students,seeing each of their quirks. I took a hair from Yo Shindo,the person who had greeted Izumi earlier,without him noticing.
(Y/N):Hmmm Vibrate,gives me the ability to shake anything I touch with my hands...A very interesting quirk...I was thinking of defeating some students but it might take my time.
I stopped on top of a rock to get a glimpse of the panorama until I heard Mera make the announcement that someone passed the test by defeating 120 people.
(Y/N):Apparently someone has had it easy for the exam...
At that moment I turned my head to the side dodging someone's ball. I looked behind me to see that there was no one but that didn't matter,I already knew who the person was who was attacking me thanks to Search and Infrared.
Before she could hit one of my target that was on my shoulder,I caught the ball with my hand.
Camie:Staying idly looking at others even in a kinda weird...but also kinda cool. I'm Camie Utsushimi,by the way.
Camie:In test where they expect a melee like this one,apparently,there are those who go after places they've already got a lot of intel on. That's why I came to see you,since there was a possibility that U.A. would be taken out early. I didn't want to miss this chance to interact with a prestigious school,and I wanted to know more about you all and especially about you
(Y/N):...I see what happens now
"Camie" charged against me and threw two of her balls,I easily dodged the balls but she appeared next to me ready to hit one of my targets but I grabbed her wrist and hit her on the ground. She quickly jumped forward but I created a knife in my arm and threw it at "Camie". The knife passed through her cheek,succeeding in cutting her cheek and getting a little of her blood. Using Metal Manipulation I made the knife come back to me,I licked the blood and was able to confirm my suspicions.
(Y/N):As I guessed. Tell me,what did you do to Camie?
Camie:Huh? you're very weird,I kinda like it.
(Y/N):Enough with this! I clearly know that Camie's quirk is Glamour,not Transformation.
Her eyes widened in surprise
(Y/N):So I'll ask you one more time. What did you do with Camie? Toga
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