Chapter 3 - The Attack On The U.S.J & Familiar Faces
(Y/N):Man,It seems that Toshiko attracted the attention of those guys
I said referring to the multitude of reporters who were at the gate of the U.A. It is appreciated that they have a security system so that they cannot enter
I saw Izumi walking through the crowd avoiding answering their insistent questions. I approached the gate and they quickly approached me
Reporter 1:Can you please...
I said as I walked into the school, ignoring every reporter who wanted to ask me a question.
I went to my homeroom and sat at my desk waiting for the rest of my classmates to arrive. After several minutes everyone entered the classroom,Aizawa being the last
Aizawa:Good Work on yesterday's combat training. I saw the video and results. Bakugo,you're talented so don't act like a kid
Bakugo:Tsk! okay!
Aizawa:Midoriya,you settled it by breaking your arm again,huh? you can't keep saying that you can't help it because you can't control your quirk. I don't like saying the same thing over and over again. As long as you fix the controlling issue,there's a lot that you are able to do
Izumi:Y-Yes! Ms Aizawa
Aizawa:And (Y/N),You did a great job,good plan,good acting. Pretty good but you can still do better
Aizawa:And now back to homeroom business. Sorry for the late notice but I'll have you to decide on who to be the class representative
Everyone shouted excitedly wanting to be class representative,before this could continue,Tenri got up from her seat.
Tenri:Silence,everyone! It is a job with the serious responsibility of leading others! It is not a job for just anyone who wants to do it! It is a calling that requires the trust of those around you! If we want to use democracy to decide on a true leader,then we should hold an election to choose one
Tsuyu:We haven't known each other for that long,so how can we trust someone we don't know yet?
(Y/N):Isn't that how elections work?
Tenri:Don't you think that is precisely why whoever receives multiple votes here can be truly considered the most suitable person? What do you think,Ms Aizawa?
Aizawa:I don't care who's the class representative. As long as you decide before homeroom is over
Tenri:Thank you!
After a while of choosing who was going to be a class representative,I decided for Tenri,that speech was quite good and I also think that she really has what it takes to be a class representative.
After scoring our votes and passing them to the front of the class,Tenri put them on Aizawa's desk
She got out of her sleeping bag and started counting the votes
Momo got an amount of three votes which does not surprise me,what I could see from her is that she is very intelligent although she does not seem to have great confidence but other than that I think she can do a good job. Then there was Izumi,I don't want to be mean but she doesn't seem like the right person for this,she is quite shy when attention is on her. And then there was me with five votes...WHAT?!
I got up from my seat and stood in front of the class with Momo and Izumi
Tenri:A vote?! someone voted for me?!
Aizawa:Well,since (Y/N) has the majority of votes,he will be the class representative and since I don't feel like doing another vote,Yaoyorozu and Midoriya will both be deputy class representatives
(Y/N):Well...I guess I'll do the best I can! for my classmates!!
I could see how Momo and Izumi smiled
Denka:I guess this might not be too bad after all
Dekan said as she looked at me with a smile on her face
Eiji:Yeah I can get by with (Y/N)
Eiji said also smiling
After all that,lunch time finally rolled out. As I walked through the corridors to go to the cafeteria,I could feel again how someone was watching me,rather as if an unwanted presence for me was nearby
(Y/N):...I must be going crazy...I'm in a very safe place...maybe it's just stupid paranoia of mine
I kept walking but turned to look behind me to make sure there was no one following me
(Y/N):I can still feel it...what the Ah!
I could feel how it is that I had collided with something...very soft,it felt like a couple of pillows,I opened my eyes to see the pro hero and one of my teachers,Midnight
(Y/N):Sorry about that! I should have paid more attention
Midnight:No problem,sweetie. But you should be in lunch right now,a big boy like you needs to eat well~
(Y/N):Heheh don't worry I will,I don't want to worry my sexy teacher~
I said giving her a wink,I walked away from her just to see how she blew me a kiss
I got to the cafeteria to get something to eat, even though that feeling that someone was watching me had disappeared it was still something I couldn't let go.
I sighed and once I had my tray with food I started looking for an empty table but that search ended once I saw Mina waving her hand at me.
I went to her table and I could see that next to her was Toru/Momo and also Kyoka Jiro
She looked away as she started to blush
Toru:Where were you? You were the last one to arrive.
(Y/N):I was...doing a few things until I ran into Midnight
Mina:Oh! and what happened next?~
(Y/N):Don't think about it too much,we only talk about unimportant things
I said as I sat down next to her.
Momo:So how does it feel to be the class representative?
(Y/N):I don't know,I don't know how much I have to do but I'll do my best,besides,who voted for me?
Mina:Me too!
Momo:After the great explanation you gave yesterday with the battles,I could not think the person better than you
Kyoka:I also vote for you
(Y/N):Really? I appreciate it but why?
Kyoka:I thought I would do great as a class representative,you make things look funny and not so serious
(Y/N):Yeah,I guess you're right about that,thanks
I said while smiling at her,she also smiled
(Y/N):...Wait,with them there are only four votes...who was the fifth vote?
Mina:By the way,who did you vote for?
(Y/N):Well I was a little hesitant,I was for Momo and Tenri
(Y/N):Yeah,you're pretty smart and I think you'll do great at this
Momo tried to hide her blush with her hands
(Y/N):But I ended up choosing Tenri,don't take it the wrong way,I just thought her excitement about this was very surprising and wanted to give her the opportunity. After all I had no doubt that you were going to come out as a deputy class representatives
Momo:O-Oh! t-thanks for that
But before we could continue speaking an alarm began to be heard all over the place
-There has been a Level 3 security breach! I repeat! There has been a level 3 security breach! all students please evacuate outdoors immediately!!-
I stayed a few seconds to eat everything on my tray and left with the rest of the students.
Once I made it out of the cafeteria,I could see how overcrowded the main hallway was.
(Y/N):Woah! this looks like those discount days in America! AH!
I began to be pushed by others until I ended up face to face with Tenri
(Y/N):Hey Tenri
Tenri:(Y/N)! you're good?!
(Y/N):Yeah,a little beaten up but I'm fine AH! who was the asshole who elbowed me in the face?!
Tenri:As expected of the best of the best,everyone reacting quickly in a crisis!
(Y/N):Not in the way they should! Ah! my foot!
I looked around seeing how they were crowding even further in the hallway until I saw Toru being pushed around by everyone. Being invisible has the disadvantage that no one can be careful with you in situations like these.
I extended my arm and wrapping it around her waist. I lifted her above the crowd and drew her down to me
(Y/N):Are you okay,Toru?
Toru:My hero~
She said while hugging me,I put my arm around her preventing her from being pushed until I saw through the window those reporters entering the school through an opening in the wall.
(Y/N):Look,they are not villains,they are those reporters
Tenri:...I have an idea,(Y/N),wrap your arm around me and lift me over everyone to get their attention.
(Y/N):Alright,be careful with your skirt
I wrap my arm around Tenri's waist and lift her above the crowd
Tenri:Everyone,everything is fine! It is just the media! there is nothing to panic about! everything is fine! This is U.A! let us act in a way befitting the best of the best!
Tenri yelled making everyone stop and see through the window what was really happening,the crowd calmed down and began to disperse.
I got down to Tenri and uncoiled my arm from her waist
(Y/N):Phew! everything is over
Toru:It seems so,thanks for saving me
(Y/N):Is nothing
Toru:Heheh I think you deserve a reward,my hero~
At that moment I could feel something on my cheek,Toru had given me a kiss on my cheek
Toru:Heheh see you in class~
Toru said while walking away from me but not before turning around and from what I can guess she blew me a kiss
I smiled as she walked away until I noticed the wall that had been destroyed.
(Y/N):More than being seems that if it had been disintegrated
I do not overlook this,I do not think that a simple reporter can have a quirk that can disintegrate a wall that easily
I went back to my classes still thinking about everything that happened, this couldn't be just a coincidence...could it? but anyway,when homeroom arrived I was surprised to see Izumi wanting to leave her position as deputy class representative and give it to Tenri.
Izumi:I just think Tenri would be a much better deputy class representative than me,seeing as how she was able to defuse the situation before so easily,I think she's better prepared for something like this than I am.
Although some initially doubted this,most were in full agreement that Tenri should be the new deputy class representative.
Tenri:Are you sure about this? I mean...Ms Aizawa,what do you think about this?
Aizawa:I don't care how things are,if the majority thinks you can do a better job then I don't see why I shouldn't make a change but hurry up,this shouldn't take longer than it should.
She nodded and accepted her new position as deputy class representative.
After all the events that happened yesterday, today so far everything has been quiet. I was sitting at my desk until Aizawa entered the classroom and stood behind her desk
Aizawa:Alright everyone,so for today's hero basic training we'll have three instructors for this class which consists of myself,All Might and one other person
Tenri:Excuse me! but what are we doing today?!
(Y/N):Every time she is louder
Aizawa:Disasters,shipwrecks and everything in between. It's rescue training
Denka:This seems like it's going to be a lot more work than before
Eiji:Well what did you expect,this is the duty of a hero. My arms are ready to rumble!
Tsuyu:No one can beat me in the water *Kero*
(Y/N):Heh that was adorable
Tsuyu didn't look at me but I could see how she blushed at my words
Aizawa:The day you let me finish speaking I will really smile. You can decide if you want to wear your hero costume or not,mainly because your costumes might limit your abilities but that's up to you. The training will take off-campus so we're taking the bus. That is all. Start getting ready
Aizawa finished speaking and everyone got up. I got up from my seat but at that moment I had that same feeling as yesterday
(Y/N):...I must accept the fact that they found me again...but for now I am surrounded by pro heroes...
Aizawa:(Y/N),is something wrong with you?
I snapped out of my trance once I heard Aizawa genuinely concerned
(Y/N):I'm...fine...something just came to mind for a second,I'm going to put my hero costume
I went to the men's locker room and quickly changed into my hero costume. Since my costume was not that complicated to put on I was the first one in the school gate.
(Y/N):...*Sigh* Calm down,they are not going to risk attacking a group of teenagers who will be accompanied by pro-heroes....
Ochako:Hey (Y/N)!
I turned to see Ochako approaching me along with Izumi who was wearing her PE uniform.
(Y/N):Looks like you won't be wearing your hero costume
Izumi:Y-Yeah,it was a bit destroyed after combat training but I am waiting for the support company to fix it
I was going to keep talking until we all heard a whistle,we all saw Tenri with a whistle
Tenri:Class 1-A,gather around! Form two lines by your student numbers in order to make boarding the bus more smoothly! Class president! you should be here to set a good example!
I approached her but first I took a look inside the bus,I could see that there was enough room for everyone without any problems.
(Y/N):Tenri,there is no need to do all that,there is a lot of space inside
Tenri got on the bus and could see how much space there was
Tenri:You're right,an observation that only a good class president would give,amazing!
(Y/N):I...just looked inside the bus,Tenri
I sat in one of the seats,at that moment Katsumi got on the bus and sat next to me
(Y/N):You could have told me that if you wanted to sit with me earlier,I would have assured you a seat
Katsumi:Tsk! don't be stupid,I just sat here because there weren't any more seats!
I looked around seeing how the whole bus was still empty
(Y/N):Yeah...that excuse doesn't work very much
Soon everyone got in the bus,I ended up sitting in the middle of Katsumi and Eiji.
After a few minutes the bus started moving and we began to head towards where we were going to have our Rescue Training.
Tsu:Call me Tsu you need something?
Tsu:It's just that I noticed that your quirk is like All Might's
Izumi:Y-Y-You think?!
Izumi said clearly nervous,I know her well enough to know that she is not very good at making excuses and I know that I am the only one who can save her from this.
(Y/N):I don't think that's the case,Tsu,All Might doesn't get hurt every time she uses her quirk. They only look a little alike and nothing more
Eiji:(Y/N) is right about that and besides it is nice to have a cool augmented quirk,Midoriya,since yours look like you can really do some flashy moves! My hardening quirk is strong against others but it doesn't look much and can't really do anything to cool
Eiji said while showing how her hand hardened
(Y/N):What are you talking about? for me your quirk is very cool
Eiji's cheeks reddened as she looked down at the floor
Aoyama:My Navel Laser is pro-level in both flashiness and strength!
Aoyama said very proud
Mina:But it's not great that it gives you a stomachache
Mina said making Aoyama sweatdrop. Now I could realize Mina's hero costume which was a tight suit just like Ochako's
At that moment Mina looked at me and gave me a smile and then blew me a kiss,I looked away only for my gaze to fall on Tsu's hero costume that...surprise,it was also a tight suit
She looked at me and gave me an adorable smile
Aizawa:Everyone stop messing around,we're here
Aizawa said as the bus stopped and she stepped out of the bus with the rest of us. In front of us was a gigantic dome-shaped building,from the entrance a person came out to welcome us.
???:Greetings student,I have been waiting for you
In front of us was...
Izumi:The Space Hero,Thirteen! The hero who has rescued tons of people from disasters!
I think Izumi explained it quite well
Ochako:Oh,I love Thirteen!
After everyone was done fanboying and girling over her,we all went inside the great building. I was surprised at how big the place was from the inside.
Eiji:Wow! it looks like the Universal Studios!!
Thirteen:This is the trading grounds I made with different types of accidents and disasters,welcome to Unforeseen Simulation Joint or USJ for short...I would like to tell you that today you are not allowed to use your quirks for attacking
Katsumi:W-WHAT?! why?!
Thirteen:You see,I have a very powerful quirk,my quirk can suck up anything and turn it into dust,while I did save lots of lives my quirk can take lives just as easily. It can do good but it can also cause a lot of damage and that is the point of this test,you will learn how to control and use your quirks outside of combat,If one day you want to become heroes,you have to learn that not everything is based on fighting but also on saving people...
Thirteen kept talking but I could see how Toshiko wasn't here
(Y/N):How weird,she told me that today she would be here for a special class
I took out my phone and tried to call her but I could see how there was no signal
(Y/N):This is even weirder...
At that moment I felt that sensation again but this time it was bigger. I began to look around until my eyes fell on the fountain in the middle of the U.S.J. The fountain stopped working and then a small vortex began to generate out of nowhere.
I caught Aizawa's attention by making her look at where I was looking. The vortex began to enlarge to create a dark purple portal.
(Y/N):I know of only one person who can create portals like this...K-Kurogiri
Aizawa:Everyone! Gather and don't move! Thirtee,protect everyone!
Aizawa stood in front of us as she put on her goggles. I was thinking of going there and fighting but I knew that if they saw me then they wouldn't hesitate to do whatever it takes to get me back.
From the aforementioned portal, a multitude of villains began to emerge,but the one that stood out the most was a girl with blue hair with hands clutching her body
After she came out of the portal,next to her another portal opened but this time it was a bigger one than the previous one,I opened my eyes in panic when I saw the thing that had come out of that portal.
(Y/N):A-A f-fucking Nomu?! this has become 10 times more dangerous than before!
Before the portal could close,a last person came out of there.
(Y/N):Huh?...I-I have a slight memory of having seen him before...but I don't know him at all
???:So this is the U.S.J,nice place
Momo:Doesn't the school have trespasser sensors to prevent this from happening?
Thirteen:Yes,we do but...
Shiyori:If the sensors aren't responding then perhaps they have someone with a quirk to do that. An isolated area separated from the main campus when class is supposed to be here it would be the perfect opportunity to strike. They may be fools but they're not dumb
(Y/N):That is a great observation,Shiyori...
(Y/N):But we have to go now instead of keep wasting time/I need to hide so they don't know that I ended up in the U.A./Denka,quick,use your quirk to try contacting the school!
Aizawa:Thirteen get the students out of here!
Izumi:What about you? Will you fight by yourself? With that many,even if you could erase their quirks...Eraser head's fighting style is capturing after erasing the enemy's quirk. A frontal battle is...
I put my hand on Izumi's shoulder,she looked at me and I gave her a reassuring smile
Aizawa:You can't be a hero with just one trick. I'm leaving it to you,Thirteen!
Aizawa went down the stairs and quickly went to fight against those cheap villains,I knew that they were not a big deal and that Aizawa was very experienced in this so I would not worry so much...the only problem was that Nomu,I knew that those are at another level
Thirteen:We need to get out of here now!
They all started running to the exit,I followed them from behind until the road was obstructed by Kurogiri. I quickly got behind Thirteen so that he would not recognize me
Kurogiri:Nice to meet you. We are the League of Villain. It may be presumptuous of us,but we have invited ourselves in to the home of the heroes,UA High School in order to have All Might,the Symbol of Peace,to take her last breath. Or so we thought,apparently there has been a change of plans...
(Y/N):Damn it! Kurogiri is also a great danger.
Kurogiri:Well,I have a separate role to play in this mission so it will be better to fulfill that task,where is he?
Before he can do anything,Katsumi and Eiji stood in front. I quickly began to manipulate my body from the inside to change my vocal cords. Yeah,I have that ability,I don't see anything useful but hey,it's there
(Y/N):Katsumi! Eiji! There's a weak spot on his chest! Near his collarbone of him!
Kurogiri:W-Who said that?!
Kurogiri said very angry,Katsumi and Eiji were about to attack him but we were all quickly surrounded by the dark mist. At the last second I looked at Tenri and I had an idea
(Y/N):...Tenri! Run and get help!
She looked at me confused but I extended my arm and pushed her to the exit before I was teleported to mid-sky. I extended my arms and managed to grab from the ceiling beams to land more safely on the ground.
(Y/N):I hope that Tenri managed to escape...I need to hide my identity for now
I quickly surrounded myself with pink smoke to change my appearance
(Y/N):Okay,Kurogiri doesn't know that I can change my appearance into this...I hope,only Toshiko/Aizawa/Katsumi and Izumi know about this...huh?
At that moment several villains walk in front of me
Villains:Hey! have you seen some of those teenagers around here?
(Y/N):...No man,I have not seen any,look elsewhere while I go in that direction
I said pointing behind me,the villains nodded and left
(Y/N):How easy are these guys to fool
I began to jump between the rocks of the mountain zone where I had fallen. While jumping I could hear a scream near me,I could see in the distance Momo/Kyoka and Denka fighting against some villains
Well actually Kyoka and Momo were fighting while Denka decided not to meddle.
(Y/N):I've seen what she can do with her electricity,she can't control it and that can cause her to hurt the villains but also Momo and Kyoka
I hurried to where they were. Once I was near there I could hear Kyoka arguing with Denka.
Kyoka:You're the electric girl,aren't you? Hurry up and take care of them!
Denka:I can only cover myself with electricity! I can discharge electricity,but it's not like I can control it! I'll hit you two,too!
(Y/N):...I guess I'll have to give her a push...literally
I stretched my arm grabbing Denka from the collar of her clothes and threw her against the villains causing each one to be electrocuted.
Denka:Huh?...I don't know what happened but it's working! I'm strong!
(Y/N):Well that worked to give her some confidence
One of the villains launched a boulder against them. Kyoka plugged her earjack to her speaker that was in her shoes,she destroyed the boulder completely with her sound waves
At that moment more villains appeared and charged at the same time with the three of them.
I quickly stepped in front of the villains and fired a strong wave of energy at them that was enough to send each of them flying through the air without hurting them...of course,except for the fall they were about to suffer.
(Y/N):The fall will not be pleasant,you are...
Denka:Another villain! and this one looks horrible!!
Momo:I-It's your voice...b-but what happened to you?
(Y/N):It's part of my quirk,I can change form to this
Denka:R-Really?!...w-when I said horrible I meant horribly cute!
(Y/N):I think you already made your point clear
I looked behind me to see more villains appear.
(Y/N):Man these guys really are stubborn
Momo:...Done! It takes some time to create something big!
I could see how Momo had created a very large sheet. Momo threw the sheet over me and Kyoka covering the three of us except for Denka.
Momo:It's an insulation sheet 100 millimeters thick. Kaminari!
(Y/N):Great idea,do it,Denka!
Denka:Okay,let the action begin.
Denka said and then discharged a large amount of electricity around her causing all the villains in the area to be electrocuted.
Momo:It worked!
I turned around trying not to look at Momo
(Y/N):Momo you are somewhat exposed...
Apparently Momo realized what I was talking about. I got out from under the sheet to let Kyoka help her.
Kyoka:Most of the boys would have taken this opportunity to see
(Y/N):Yeah,well I'm not that kind of guys
Momo:Yeah,you are a gentleman
I looked in front of me and I realized that Denka still did not move,I approached and she had a dumb expression on her face
(Y/N):It seems that the villains are not the only ones who ended up fried,Denka's brain is too...Girls,help Denka,I have to make sure everyone else is okay
I said as I started jumping between the different areas of the U.S.J. to make sure everyone was okay.
(Y/N):Everyone is doing well,I do not see that there is someone hurt for now...I will go back to the center,that Nomu is worrying
I took a big jump in the air to go faster to the center,once there I could see Aizawa fighting a few villains. There were also Izumi/Tsu and Minori in a pond looking at Aizawa
???:Huh?...Heh hey Homura,apparently we have someone who also wants to join
The guy with the scythe said to Homura who was next to her. I landed in front of the pond to help Izumi/Tsu and Minori get out of there.
I covered Izumi's mouth with my hand before she revealed my name.
(Y/N):Yeah it's me,let's get out of here quickly
I helped Izumi/Tsu and Minori get out of the pond to see how Aizawa had defeated all the villains
Aizawa:Trashy villains like these are no match for me
Homura:Pretty impressive,EraserHead but this is not over yet,you have yet to face the final boss!
???:Before you send the Nomu to fight,let me get rid of those scum
Kurogiri:Master won't like that
???:I don't think he cares if anything happens to these guys. It will be fast
The guy charge against the villains and cut them all in half. Aizawa was petrified of what she had just seen,Izumi and Minori covered her mouth paralyzed when she saw what had happened and Tsu hug my arm tighter
???:Reaped souls don't talk,shut up and come to me.
The guy said and then fired a blast of energy from his hand to finish off the villains. A rare dark colored aura appeared out of nowhere and then transferred to the guy.
???:Heh! that felt great! ripping the souls of guys like them is! energy like this should not be wasted.
The guy said as he pulled out a light dark colored orb from his pocket,the orb suddenly turned a darker color than before.
???:Yeah,that'll work.
Shroom or better known as The Grim Reaper,his erratic behavior makes him stand out among the other members of the league,Master trusts him but his desire for chaos and destruction is something very worrying,It is something even more worrisome than Homura Shigaraki's
Shroom:A good amount of energy but not enough...hey,weren't you going to make that Nomu fight?
Homura:Y-Yeah,you're right,Shroom. It's time for you to face the last boss,EraserHead
Aizawa:Last boss,huh
Aizawa said while throwing her wraps towards Homura and Shroom causing both of them to be captured
Aizawa charged against Homura to elbow her in the gut,I could see how she stopped Aizawa's attack with her hand but I could realize one thing.
Aizawa's elbow began to harden and turn brittle. Little by little her elbow began to sag,beginning to show hers muscle tissue
(Y/N):So she was the one who disintegrated the wall of the U.A yesterday!
While Aizawa watched as her elbow began to sag,Shroom destroyed Aizawa's wraps and charged against her
Shroom:Let's see if you like some of this
Shroom said as he raised his scythe over Aizawa and ran it through her. Izumi/Tsu and Minori closed their eyes wanting not to see the harsh scene but in reality nothing happened,Aizawa had not suffered any damage
Aizawa:Heh it seems you failed
Shroom:That's what you think
Aizawa didn't think twice and charged against Shroom but before she could get any closer,she fell to her knees and began to breathe heavily.
Aizawa:*Pant*...W-What...*Pant* what is happening to me?
Shroom:Find out for yourself. I'm not going to say anything
Aizawa got up with great difficulty from the ground and took out a her knife,she tried to use her quirk but could see that she couldn't do that anymore.
Aizawa:...Huh?! m-my quirk?!
Shroom:Don't worry,it will come back after a few minutes...or hours I the way,by the official canon this big guy will give you a big beating
Aizawa turned around in shock to see the Nomu behind her.
Shroom:Nomu,my kid. you know what you have to do.
The Nomu nodded with Shroom's order,Aizawa tried to defend herself but the Nomu began to beat her mercilessly.
(Y/N):...N-No...I can't...if I use my quirk then they will know who I am...but I can't let Aizawa...
Shroom:Hey,Kurogiri,you took care of the rest,right?
Kurogiri:I put Thirteen out of commission,but there were students that I was unable to disperse and one of them was able to run away
(Y/N):Yes! Tenri managed to escape,just wait for the pros to has to be fast
Homura:If you weren't a warp gate,I would've crushed you to pieces...we can't win against dozens of pros!
Shroom:Don't be a cry baby,I always like challenges
Homura:It's game over! it's game over this time. Let's go home!
Shroom:Tch! You're just a lazy bitch
Minori:They are going to go? yes! we're safe!
(Y/N):This is weird,for them to simply retreat after doing all this...they must be planning something
Homura:But before we leave,let's smash some of her pride as the Symbol of Peace!
Homura said as she quickly charged against us but more specifically towards Tsu,before she used her quirk on Tsu I got in the way but once she touched my chest I could see that nothing happened to me.
Homura:...This...this is impossible!
Homura said seeing how her quirk hadn't worked on me,even I was impressed. I quickly grabbed her from her arm and threw her away from us causing her to fall to the ground
Tsu:You...saved my life
Homura:That's cheating! that's a clear cheat!
Shroom:Behave like a fucking normal person and get up,there you have the reason why your quirk did not work.
I looked where Shroom was looking. My eyes widened as I saw how Aizawa had used her quirk to save my life,now she was being grabbed from her head by the Nomu.
Shroom:I'm impressed that you managed to force the use of your quirk,that can really take a lot of one's energy. It is a pity that you no longer have enough energy to breathe.
(Y/N):...Fuck it!
I quickly charged against Nomu and I punched it so hard that a shockwave was created around me making almost everyone back off. I threw Nomu against several trees until it fell into the Mountain Zone,I could see how several rocks fell on it
I took Aizawa on my shoulders and extended my arm to grab Izumi/Tsu and Minori to carry them away from the place.
(Y/N):But what a damn coward I am! I thought about myself during all this time and not about the safety of my classmates and teacher. Not only did I let my teacher get severely hurt but I almost lost a friend...damn it!!
I stopped at the top of the stairs and put Aizawa on the ground. I also let Izumi/Tsu and Minori go
(Y/N):Take Aizawa out of this place now
Izumi:And what will happen to you?
(Y/N):Nothing,just get out of here and forget about me
Minori:Those villains may kill you!
Tsu:We will not leave you alone!
(Y/N):I will say this only once. Take Aizawa and get out of here!
I shouted as I ran back to the U.S.J. center to face Homura/Shroom and Kurogiri.
(Y/N):I will sacrifice anything. You are not touching my classmates!
Shroom:It seems you managed to make friends,which is funny. I doubted that you could get someone who really loved you
Kurogiri:Shroom,stop. You know how powerful he is
Shroom:Not really. The old man confirmed to me that he has not yet unleashed all the latent potential he has. The Nomu will be enough for him.
Homura:What are you talking about?...I don't understand what's going on
Shroom:This is conversation between adults,dear. if you don't know something it's for a reason,isn't it?
Homura looked very angry at Shroom but she didn't do anything,she just kept quiet. This did not go unnoticed by me.
Shroom:Nomu! wake up! time to eat!
At that moment I heard the Nomu come out of the rocks that had buried it and quickly charge against me giving me a strong punch to my face that made me back away but I put my arms on the ground serving as an anchor
(Y/N):Heh I could feel that
Homura:Nomu was created with the goal of fighting All Might at her 100%!
(Y/N):That sounds bad but you haven't realized something...I'm not All Might
I then buried my leg to extend it and hit the Nomu on its chin from a distance causing it to fly towards Homura/Shroom and Kurogiri but before they were injured,Kurogiri created a portal around them to dodge the Nomu which crashed and destroyed the fountain in place.
(Y/N):I need to get rid of this Nomu fast! HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!
I fired an energy wave at the Nomu which hit it and created a smoke screen around it.
(Y/N):...Tsk! as I guessed,regeneration
I said watching as the smokescreen faded away and showed the Nomu regenerating it body.
Nomu let out a loud roar and started running on all fours towards me.
I ran against the Nomu and we both collided creating a shockwave around us,we were both holding hands fighting to win the clash until I lifted the Nomu with all my strength and then smashed it against the ground creating a crater underneath it.
(Y/N):...*Pant*...*Pant*...D-Damn it!!!
I screamed feeling how I was starting to get dizzy
(Y/N):I thought that after training I could use all this power...I was wrong...I did not train enough!
(Y/N):OH FUCK!!!
Nomu got up from the ground and gave me a strong punch in my face throwing me into the air and then I fell flat on the ground.
The Nomu wasted no time and ran towards me,grabbed me by the leg and started hitting me against the ground with a lot of force.
(Y/N):It's the only thing that comes to mind...I hope it works
Once the Nomu lifted me up I quickly aimed my antenna at it and fired a pink beam which transformed the Nomu into a cookie. I fell on my legs in front of the cookie.
(Y/N):Huh! I didn't know I could use that on people...although a Nomu is no longer a person...just a being without a soul or mind.
Shroom:What a waste of time...that Nomu was useless. A regeneration quirk and a Shock Absorption quirk to withstand every type of attack and couldn't even endure a while longer. How useless
(Y/N):I don't think that Nomu was useless,it may have another use
Shroom:What are you going to do? eat it?
(Y/N)'s better than leaving it to you.
I took the cookie and ate it,at that moment I began to feel something new inside me. Now I had both Nomu's quirks,I felt them inside me,I felt how the regeneration began to heal my wounds but unfortunately not my energy. On the contrary,it was taking the little energy I had to heal me.
(Y/N):Oh!...HAHAHAHAHAHA!! apparently now I have both quirks of that Nomu!
I acted since I knew that the Nomu was not the only enemy here right now. I changed my gaze to Homura/Shroom and Kurogiri
(Y/N):It won't be long until All Might gets here,I can still fight. Do you really think what you can do against the two of us? hahah! come on!!
Kurogiri:Homura Shigaraki,it's time to go. The pros and All Might may be seconds away
(Y/N):Huh? Shigaraki?
Homura:I may have failed this time,but we'll meet again next time!
(Y/N):Heh hope to see you soon,cutie
Even though her face was covered by one of her hands,I could notice a blush on her face,she stood still for a few seconds and then Shroom grabbed her by the neck and threw her through the portal that Kurogiri had previously created.
Shroom:See you later,(Y/N). I hope you won't forget about us
Shroom said before going through the portal together with Kurogiri escaping from the place. Just then the doors burst open and Toshiko was in the middle of the U.S.J. in less than a second. She looked around until she saw me reverting to my normal appearance
She said very worried
(Y/N):...Toshiko...m-my classmates...are they all alright?
Toshiko:Y-Yes,an ambulance is taking the injured
(Y/N) I can pass out in peace
I said before my sight darkened and I could feel my body hit the ground.
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