That Day: The Fall of Shiganshina, Part 2
They first appear over one hundred years ago,Giants humanoid creatures with the taste for our blood....
The difference of power between mankind and their newfound enemy was overwhelming.Soon,mankind was driven to the brink of extinction.
The Surviving humans built three walls;Wall Maria,Wall Rose and Wall Sina.They then lived the next century in peace,under the wall's protection.However...
Third Person's Pov
Blood were everywhere,As the remaining people of Shiganshina run for their lifes.A rat come out of nowhere near the broken piece of the wall where an arm of a human and a boot that was also covered in blood were placing near the stone and a crow;Start seem eating the arm as the crow made a loud noise.
A man's voice shout "Until that time a wretched soul and parted" as the people around the man screaming as the titans got closer "From God was I,and wholly avaricious.Now as thou seest,I here am punished for it" a mother and her child hide in their house as a titan walked passed it.
The same man shout as he hold a book and a wooden staff(?) "What avarice doth is here made manifest.In the purgation of these souls converted" Titans in difference sizes come through the hole of Wall Maria that was created by the skinless 60 meter titan.
"And no more bitter pain the Mountain hath" The man yell out nonsense as a woman ran to alleyway between the houses and she came to an end dead of the alleyway as she place both of her hands on her mouth to slow down her heavy breathing but to only to feel a huge shadow upon her.
She looks up to see a titan was above her as the titan grabbed a hold of her head while she scream "Please! No!!" The shoe that belong to the woman dropped to the ground as the titan ended her life there.The people ran as they push each other to get away from the titans while the same man yell "What more,O Avarice,canst thou do to us,since my blood so to myself hast drawn,"
A middle-aged man ran but he was grabbed by a titan near by as he scream in horror.A titan with long hair destoryed a house and grabbed a woman as she scream."It careth not for its own proper flesh?" The man continue to shout out as a huge shadow came upon him.
It was a titan looking down on the man as he stare at the titan in horror.The man thought he could avoid the titans if he shouted nonsense but that was the case.This titan followed sound not sight as the said titan grabbed the man as he shouted "What more,O Avarice-" He was cut off by the titan devouring him abd end his life there as the man's book dropped to the ground with his blood on the ground else well.
(Y/n) was still flying through the skies while carrying the two adults and two kids around her age as she watch the titans devouring the people with tears across her cheeks but She can't save them now,Her top mission was to bring her friends to safety no matter what's the cost.Mikasa starts to has flashback of her parents when she saw many deaths below them.
The mindless titans were aftering her when they saw her across the skies along with the ones that she was carrying them with her,The titans tried to grabs her but she starts attacked them with her feather-knifes to injured them not killing them evently but it was enough to give more time for the remaining humans to ran to safety.
Eren was amazed by (Y/n)'s flawless moves if like she know everything about the titans' weakness and how to slow them down.Mikasa took notice of a 13 meter titan with black hair behind them about to jump on them by the help of the other titans.
Mikasa was shocked to see this;It was unusual for titans to help each other since she heard that they were mindless but in this case...Not really...,Hannes notice Mikasa's slightly wider eyes as he follow her gaze to see...
"WATCH OUT! A 13 METER TITAN IS ON US!" Hannes exclaimed as Eren turn to look the direction where the 13 meter titan had already jumped toward with their mouth wider open but (Y/n) didn't notice it or did she? Just as the titan's mouth had them inside of their large mouth with their sharp teeths ready to end their lifes there.
Eren and the others just look at it in horror thinking it was their end here,Just when the titan's mouth was about to shut close.(Y/n)'s body starts to glowed in a faint (Favourite Colour) as her eyes has the same shade of the faint light but still has the tint of (E/c) in them.
In the blink of the eye,They were outside of the titan's mouth once again as the said titan fell to the ground along with another titan underneath them.Everyone were shocked to what has just happpen to them just now?
"W-What just happen?!" Eren cried out turning to stare at the (H/c) haired girl who only focus on ahead of them "Never hear of teleportation?" She stared at the teal eyed boy before turning her attention back to the other wall "I can explain it later but for now..." She slightly glance around the areas as they flewed passed by.
She caught a sight of the people been crashed by the stone or the houses and some were running toward the gate where some soldiers were using canons to get rib of the titans from destoryed the other of Wall Maria before entering Wall Rose "Let get somewhere is safe for us to land..." (Y/n) mumble quietly as they flew for the wall while avoided some titans along the way.
People ran faster as they could toward the entrance of the inner wall of Wall Maria,A man fell down as the titan behind him grabbed him by his waist while he scream with tears at the corner of his eyes."Hurry up keep your eyes on the gates!" A soldier shouts as the people ran into the entrance of the inner walls and hurry up to the ships.
"Drop everything! Use the ships to escape! Hurry up if you don't want to be eaten! Move it! This things aren't going to give you a head start!" The same soldier shouts as the first ship starts move toward Wall Rose.
The small,closed off areas surrounding the walls,such as Shiganshina,were used as baits to attract the Titans,fulfilling their role of lowering costs of defense and military.As a result of this design,the people of Shiganshina could escape the assault of the Titans by traversing only one gate.
A soldier threw a bag on the ground near the ships as he shouts "Toss all luggage! We might even fit one more if you do that!"the remaining people waited for their turn to get on the ship as Armin look around the crowd of people searching for someone or should i say some people.
Armin's grandfather told him to sit down but Armin refuse "I will...just looking for my friends" Armin state as he start to get worry when he thought if he couldn't get to see his friends and the girl that he likes as he turn back his head to crowd of people.
(Y/n)'s Pov
We've soon made it over the inner walls and just in time to see the crowd surrounded where there were two boats but one boat had already left and the second boat about to left soon.Just as soon,we landed on the greenish grass.My wings vanished into thin air and good thing that no one saw them,Hannes bought us through the crowd easily as we get on the second boat
"Phew....I manage to save Miss Carla from facing her death..." I whisper quietly that barely can be heard but good that no one didn't heard it or else they will think that I'm weird or something.
But I'm confuse to why did i had dreamed that kind of dreams,Dreams becoming real...? Could i be seeing things that tell me the future or something? But then again...It's almost feels like that I've saw that scene before...but where actually? Miss Carla is alive and breathing so maybe it's my brain was tricking me this whole time.
When we were about to get on of the second ship,I heard Armin's voice calling for us "Hey! Over here! Eren! Mikasa! (Y/n)!!" I turn my head to see Armin waving and next to him was an old man sitting near him,He must be his grandfather.But Eren wasn't looking too good,He has this look of horror and anger on his face.
'He just saw many people died in front of his eyes,So I can't really blame him...I already used to seeing deaths...' I starts to remembering the old times with the titans back there before this chaos even happen....
"Heyyyyyy! John!!! Adalwine!!! How long am i going to be carrying this?!" I exclaimed as I pouted when I felt my legs were about to give up in me if I don't drop the bag full of stones in it?! And to make it worse,WE ARE AT THE MIDDLE OF A SNOWSTORM WITH NO WARMER CLOTHES ON!!!
John turn to look at me AND DID HE JUST ROLL HIS EYES AT ME?! "In case if you had forgot...this is apart of your training to maintain your powers" John state in of fact as he was leading us toward the top of a mountain.It was only me,John and Adalwine since the others were busy hunting foods for me...I has such good friends that look out for me.
'What did i do to deserve their kindness? All I remember was Adalwine told me that she and the other titans found me at a river...' I shrugged my shoulders as we continue our way toward the top of the mountain with John and Adalwine leading the way.
I always wonder how I can't remember much about myself or my past before meeting them.But then again,Those dreams I've been having lately were somehow becoming real but I doubt it.Maybe it was fate or the mind just going crazy.
I soon realize John and Adalwine were far away from where I was,I clenching my holder of the bag full of stone as I ran giving my all as fast as my legs can carry me while the heavy snow storm almost covered my vision completely but I manage to catch up to them.
We kept climbing up to the mountain until I saw that we were almost reach to the end.Excited,I starts running toward the top leaving both John and Adalwine behind as I made it up to the top and the snow storm had already calm down before we could reach to the top.
The frog started to clear and what i saw was the most beautiful thing in my life;The Sunrise.I heard about the Sunrise and more things that has are the most beautiful thing,And that I wasn't the only wanting to see the true beauty of this world.
I was told that our kinds are also curious to see more of this world,If our kinds are still alive then What's made the titans so afraid facing them? Sure the titans has bigger bodies but why?
The gentle wind starts to blowing my hair in a soft movement as I stare at the Sunrise,Through this harsh training with this painful injures on my back because of the stones and how heavy it was causing my back to hurt a lot and my body was shivering by the coldness of the snow.
But made it to the top and seeing the Sunrise was totally worth it 'When I get stronger...' I turn my head to glance at John and Adalwine were watching me with a smile on their mouths revealing their sharp teeths but it's didn't scared me not one bit.
I turn to face the Sunrise once again with a grin on my lips 'One day,I will find a way to end your endless nightmares John...Adalwine...everyone that's a promise' I felt like that I want to stand here forever watching the Sunrise with my friends was the best thing that had even happen to me.
But all good times must come to an end as the Sunrise had finally reach to the now blue skies and it was time for us to climbing back down which I groan in annoying as We starts to heading back to our home.
After a few hours of climbing down the mountain,We've went into the forest and just walking until I caught a sight of a familiar 5 meter titan laying on the ground with stem coming out of their body.I wider my (E/c) eyes in shock to realize that they were actually look almost lifeless as I dropped the bag of stone in them and ran toward the titan.
"Adrian?! What happen to you?! And most importantly WHO DID THIS TO YOU?!" I cries out as tears starts to rise up in my eyes,the titan turn his large head toward me and I was right it was Adrian but his face was badly damages almost that I can barely recognize him but he got this weird looks on his eyes and he was grinning creepy at me.
Before I could say anything else,Adalwine grabbed me and lift me up to her shoulders as she use a tree and threw it to Adrian's wide mouth leaving him to fell backward as the stem starts to covered his body more than it had before.
I look at Adalwine with shock "Why did you do that for?!" I shouts didn't realize that I had raise my voice on her,Adalwine turn her eyes on my form "He was trying to devouring you (Y/n)" Adalwine state as she and John watch the now dead body of Adrian starting to disappear one by one while I just stood on Adalwine's shoulder movelessly.
I was at tears as I watch Adrian's body had vanished into thin air then Adalwine turn her head turn the other direction which I look up at her confuse before I starts to follow her gaze and what I saw was the most terrible sight that I has even see...
The Titans that were out hunting foods for me when I was on my training this morning were now laying dead on the ground and their blood were burning the grass and trees as the stem covered the areas blocking my point of view to see there were a few of them are here but where are the others?
"They must be somewhere else around here since I don't see my older brother here..." Adalwine state as she stare at where Adrian's body was before with sadness clouding her black eyes "I'm sorry Adrian..." She muttered as a single tear fell from her right eye.
I know Adrian was Adalwine's little brother and it's must be painful to finish him off and watch him dead right in front of you.I turn to watch the other titans' bodies started to disappear one by one sadness covered my heart and that's very day was the cause of the fire within my desire to save others no matter what's cost and I promise that with the bottom of my heart.
Flashback End
I snapped out of my memories when I heard the shouting of the people when the ship started to move forward and saw some of them jumped to get on the ship that we were on but failed as they fell into the water.Then the loud sound of the canon fired was heard catching everyone's attention to where it's come from.
Third Person's Pov
Men were firing the canons where the titans were heading toward the gate as the remaining people ran into the entrance of the inner walls and the soldiers starting to run inside when the gate was about to shut close."Wait! Are you out of your mind? Don't shut it yet we still got people out there,Give them a chance!" Hannes shout as the other soldiers working on closing the gate.
"We can't let the titans get through the inner gate,If that happen the handful of lifes out there would be least of our problems.There aren't any ships for the whole human races to retreat to between the next wall would be break through" One soldier state as Hannes yell out in anger "Listen to yourself! We're soldiers,We don't get to decide who'll live or die!"
Two soldiers come running behind Hannes and one of them shout "What are you waiting for?!" And the soldier next to him continue "The titans are getting closer toward the gate!" The soldier that was arguing with Hannes give the order to shut the gate closed.
Soon,The gate slowly start to shut close and Hannes tried to stop them but was held back by the two soldiers from before as he try to break free from their grips until they heard loud footsteps that made a certain chocolate brown haired boy look up as Mikasa and the others look at him in shook when they saw the looks on his face.
The soldiers that were still outside of the inner walls step back when a titan with armored plates of skin across its body as the titan ran toward the gate in a running position that humans would run like leaving the dust trailing behind them as one soldier mumbled "What the hell...oh no fire!"
The sound of canons was heard but the titan was unharm as they kept on running toward the gate "WHAT?!" the soldiers has a looks of fear as their attacks didn't harm the armored titan not a slight scarth on their body."We got the hell out of here!" One soldier exclaimed as the soldiers yell "RETREAT!"
The same soldier who seem to be the leader of the group yell to the other soldiers that were inside of the gate "Shut the gate now! We been unmatched! NOW! NOW! NOW!" The armored titan ran and crashed through the gate breaking another huge hole for the other titans to get through as the soldiers near by were sent flying mid-air.
Some soldiers were staring at the armored titan in shock as Hannes turn to the now broken walls "Oh...god.." Hannes mumbled in disbelief as Eren was staring at the armored titan with the same wider teal eyes.(Y/n) was also staring at the armored titan but her staring wasn't fill with hatred or fear just sadness clouding her (E/c) orbs.
'Poor guy...' The (H/c) haired girl thought as she saw the armored titan's memories when her eyes land on him,She just hopeless stared at him as the titan's eyes caught her intense staring eyes.They stared at each other for a few moments until people starts screaming in horror when the smaller titans went through the huge hole....
Bad news travel fast,hours after Shiganshina fell.Every men,women and children within the inner walls knows the unthinkable had came to pass.Terror spead like wild fire.
South Side of Wall Rose
Trost District
"Is it true that Shiganshina was invaded by Titans? Unbelievable.How could the walls fall after lasting an entire century? One man with a bald on the top of his head leaving half of his hair below asks clearly shock to heard the sudden news "The truth is out there,a ship carrying refugees is already here!" An older man answered before turn to face the rest of men in the room.
"It's reported to have 500 people onboard." The same older man state as a new voice join him which in resulting the older man look down on a dirty blonde man "The question is whether Shiganshina was all we lost." Then a man with a moustache spoke up "But there is no way they could invade Wall Maria..."
Silence fill the room before the same dirty blonde haired man decide to break it "Anyway, let's contact the center and wait for orders.We can't handle such an emergency by ourselves" A soldier slammed the door open "Excuse me! We just received some words! Wall Maria has fallen and the Titans have invaded the area beyond!"
The looks of shock were showing on the men's faces when the words had reached to their ears until the same soldier exclaimed once again "And Oh! We also received some words from one of our soldiers that they saw a girl with wings flying through the skies while carrying some of the people and even saw that she had fought the titans flawless it's like that she wasn't even a human in the first place!"
This caught the whole men's attention as they were having a looks of suprise on their features "What is her name?" One mumbled quietly while raising a eyebrow when the soldier look at the said man "I believe her name was (Y/n) when the soldiers heard the people that she was carried shout it so i think that was her name"
"Let her join the 104th Scout Cadets then,She could be the key to the truth behind this chaos" the dirty blonde man state as he stood up from his seat while the other men stare at him before slowly nods in agreement.
More titans were coming through the broken hole of Wall Maria as Hannes stood on a rooftop staring at the titans with fear and he was injured but he still can move around as he mumbled "This is the end" back to where Eren and the rest of the people were looking at the direction of their lost home "That's it,We are all dead.We're dead standing in the gate of hell" One man said as the people around him have darker looks of fear while praying to gods for safety.
"It's gone,our home.It's all gone forever...forever" Eren muttered as tears were now flowing from his eyes when he remember the sight of the people dying in front of his own eyes,He couldn't help but weak that he couldn't save them from the titans.If it wasn't for (Y/n),His mother would be dead by now.
His tears fell on the his dirty palm as he cleched them into a fist then Eren stood up and walked to the railing of the ship "No this isn't over yet" Eren mumbled as Mikasa stood up and stared at his back "What are you.."
"Eren?" Carla asks her son confuse to why Eren was mumbling about as Armin grabbed hid shoulder and asks "What's wrong? You see something?" But Eren pushed Armin's hand away from his shoulder "Eren..." Armin said in confused as Eren put both of his hands on the wooden railing while saying in a anger tone of voice "I'm going to put a stop to this"
Armin saw the tears in his best friend's eyes which shocked he as Eren kept said in the same tone of voice "I'll killing them all.Every last one" Armin call out his friend's name as he stared at him with slightly wider eyes.
"Do you really think that you can actually do it?" (Y/n) blurted out as she's waited for Eren's answer while Mikasa,Carla,Armin and Eren look at her to only see the serious glint in her (E/c) eyes.Eren still has tears in his eyes but he answered her anyway "If I could join the 104th Scout Cadets and Survey Cops then maybe I will"
(E/c) eyes shine when she heard these words left Eren's mouth "What if you aren's strong enough to beat them? What will you do by then?" She kept on asking questions while Eren look at her in suprise to heard those words from a girl even the others were suprise to heard how serious the young girl is.
"Then I will fight until the end,If I can't beat them...I will just keep on fighting until I give humanity a better chance for our freedom!" Eren said with confident in his voice while (Y/n) just stared at him before speaking out once again "Alright.I will help you on your journey,You can count on me and don't worry Miss Carla.Eren is in good hands when I'm around with him in the battlefield of course"
(Y/n) walked over and place her arm around Eren's shoulder to which made him blush a bit,Carla just look at them worried "Are you sure that you can handle it? I meant you has your powers but I don't want you get yourself hurt just protecting Eren" Carla state as Mikasa agreed with her since she doesn't want her friend to get killed by the titan while protecting her adopted brother.
"Nah~ I promise that I won't get eating by the titans and my guardians already taught me to fight and defend myself! So no big deal" (Y/n) give out a huge grin as she said this,Carla just sighs but slowly nods before looking out to the front where the ship that they were on moving to Wall Rose.
That year,The Central Government decided to withdraw all human activity inside Wall Rose.The Titan devoured 10,000 people.
Somewhere in the forest of Wall Rose,Grisha was hurry up in a carriege toward somewhere with a darker shadow upon his face 'Eren! Carla! Mikasa! Please be alive...' Grisha thought as a single tear escape his eyes.
Eren's Pov
I starting hearing Dad's voice calling out for me "Eren! Stay with me boy! Wake up!" It was blurry but all I can see was a small fire in front of me then I heard a very familiar voice that sound just like me?
"Stop it! Please you're scaring me!" Then I saw Dad's face while holding a syringe with strange liquid in his hand as the voice from before shouts once again "I don't understand what are you trying to do?!" Dad's voice yell "You don't have to! Give me your arm!"
However the voice refused to "No! You're insane!" Then the same small fire appear once again but it's only last for a moment before a very familiar key appeared before a image of Dad tried to injected the strange liquid into a blurry figure's arm...wait? Was that me? When did this happen?
"Shut up!" Dad shouted as i heard myself screams "Let me go!" Trying to break free from Dad's grip "Damn you! This is the only way!" Dad exclaimed as he injected the strange liqud into my other self arm "You aren't making any sense!" My other self scream in pain before everything starts faded out,I heard Dad cries out
"You cannot forgot the key,Whatever you do.You must reach it,It's the way to the truth! One day,You will understand!" then the sound of key rang through my ears as I woke up with wider eyes.
I realize it was only a dream but it's felt so real yet...The huge bell rang as I felt two figures were near me and my head was resting on one of them's laps "Hey,It's okay you were just dreaming..." I heard Mikasa said as I stared at the blurry figure while they were staring down at me with worried showing their features.
Soon,I notice it was (Y/n) and now I know that whom's laps I was resting on "Eren? Are you okay? You were moving a lot seeing like that you were having a terrible nightmare so I've decided to let you rest on my laps to calm you down but boy watching your sleeping face was cute" (Y/n) chuckled as I blushed in embrassement.
'Well to go me...The girl that you like thought you were cute! Great...Now she's going to think that I'm weak and don't see me as a man when we grew up...' I thought secretly sighing to myself as I got up from (Y/n)'s laps and notice the key that Dad kept around his neck somehow was around my neck and I don't remember having it with me yesterday...
Mikasa stood up and turn to me and (Y/n) "Come on,They are handing out rations at the warehouse" I hide the key under my shirt and stood up on my feets and walked toward the opening with Mikasa and (Y/n) trailing behind.
"This place used to be food reserves.The people who came by ships have now gathered here" Mikasa state as a ray of sunlight was blocking my vision till starts to clear for me to see there were only a few people from our home,Shiganshina survived and some soldiers were giving breads to them.I wider my eyes as I slowly lower my hand down.
Third Person's Pov
"Hey stop cutting in line!" A man shout as another man grabbed him by the collar of his shirt "Shut up!" Their fight had the attention of almost everyone around them as Eren turn to look at them "I haven't eaten anything since yesterday!" The same tried to break free from the other man's grip as he said this.
"We will still struggle for our survival" Mikasa said as her eyes were watching the men fought each other until Armin's voice call out to them "Hey guys!" Three children turn their heads to the direction of the blonde boy who held fours loaf of breads in his small arms.
"Armin..." Eren mumble as Mikasa smile a bit while (Y/n) hide herself in a brown cloak that she bought it with her before she came here "Glad that I caught you,Here Grandpa grab some extra by telling this for the kids" Armin state as he give one bread to Mikasa while she thanked him and his grandfather.
Armin give one to Eren and after Eren received it.He stared at it thinking that it's would come alive and eat him but we all know that was silly of him to think that way but we can't really blame him since he just saw the true horror and fear of the titans.Eren then noticed a soldier stood behind Armin as he looked up at him which Armin look confused at first till he turn his head to see the soldier that Eren was staring at.
The soldier who is from Wall Rose looking down upon them with disgust as he 'Tch' at them then walked away while (Y/n) rolled her eyes at him in annoyed "What's his problem?" Eren asked bitterly,not liking the looks from the soldier they received.Armin turn his head back to his friend while saying "Just ignore him" Armin tried calm Eren down but knowing he couldn't if the same person pissed Eren more than he already is.
"There is a shortage.Poor man's probably hungry.By the way,I'd make that last" Armin told Eren as he continued "They were already dealing with venom before we got here.So it's an ugly situation.And you know how people always look down on those who live in the outskirts" Armin then sighed at this as men were fighting against each other for cutting in line.
"Nothing more satisfying than the rations going to animals" The garrison who was giving the distaste or was it disgusting(?) glare at Eren and his friends mused clearly amused "Guess we gotta beef up them though.Eat up the Titans like a little more meat on their bones" The garrison joked earning two glares and a gasp from the trio of the four children.
At this,A certain (H/c) haired maiden was very furious to heard such words from the soldier who never even seen a titan before and how much the horror of the people had saw that day losing everything they had yet someone just has to treat them like some worthless animals.
Eren was pissed off when he remembered the many lifes had lost that day as he stormed up before anyone could stop him "Eren! Wait!" Armin called out to him but Eren ignored him as the same garrison kept saying nonsense "This will just make the food shortage worse.Though keep you in caged,shove you out to the front lines of buffer-"
Eren kicked the garrison's shin clearly in anger "Ow! Damnit! You picked the wrong man,asshole!!" He punched Eren across the face as the other soldier kicked Eren in the stomach causing Eren to fell on the ground.(Y/n) saw this as she ran toward the two soldiers and threw her cloak to Mikasa then jumped in mid-air and roundhoused kicked them across their face.
Before she kicked them on their backs causing them to fell on the ground grunting in pain "What the hell?! Why you little ba-" They stopped their sentence when they look to see (Y/n) glaring at them as a pair of black spiking dragon wings with tint of red decorated around them appeared on her back while her face and arms have red and black scales covered them.Her left eye had changed into a dragon eye; a black vertical slit and the same shade of (E/c) with tint of red in them while her right eye is still the same (E/c) eye she has.
Her (H/l)(H/c) locks of hair was flowing with red flare around them as a spiking black and red dragon tail swing side to side and her hands were now has sharp dragon claws ready to strike an attack at any moment now as she was still in mid-air,The two soldiers were shivering in fear of the sight of her even the people around them looked at her with fear showing on their faces.Eren who was still on the ground stared at her speechless, Mikasa and Armin could only watched the event in front of them.
"I had enough of your worthless shit of words.Punching someone who is way younger than you? How pathetic...Do you realize how much innocent people had we lost for?! 10,000 people that don't deserved to be killed yet you're treating your own kinds like some kind of trash! Look the people around you,WE ALL ARE HUMAN BEING! Every one of us has names and emotions such as fear.Threwing away their lifes is pointless!" (Y/n) cried out in pure anger as the red flare kept on rising around her body.
She soon slowly landed on the ground as she return to her normal self and walked passed the two soldiers not before shoot them another glare then ran back to Eren to giving him a hand to stand up straight again "You okay Eren?" (Y/n) asked as Eren has light shade of pink across his cheeks before respond "Y-Yeah" He grabbed her hand as she've lifted him up to his feets before he shout out to the soldiers "You don't know what it's like!" Tears were now in the corner of his teal eyes.
"You seem one? You seem what can they do?!" Eren cried out as the garrison's eyes widen before approaching the two children "You little piece of-" He was cutted off when (Y/n) stood in front of Eren defending him from the garrison "Don't you even dare to try" Her voice was low and threatening which made him flinched at the sound of her voice.Eren stared at her from behind in awe 'She's amazing!' Eren thought while Armin felt something inside him,Was it...jealousy? He shook the weird feeling off.Even Mikasa was feeling jealous but she doesn't know why she was jealous of who exactly.
As a coward he was,the garrison raise his fists and ready to punched the young girl and boy behind her.Armin quickly took action as he grabbed (Y/n)'s smaller hand and pushed her behind him "They're sorry! They didn't meant it! They're just hungry,We all get that right? that's why they are acting this way.." Armin apologized on behalf of Eren and (Y/n)'s action.
Mikasa came over to checked on Eren and (Y/n) to see if they were alright as Armin bowing politely "Please...forgive them!" The (H/c) haired maiden turn to give Armin a 'Are-you-kidding-me?' Looks but he didn't see it since he was bowing down.The soldier fliched slightly from the looks of the people around them "Geez Whatever...It's thanks to us that you aren't dying of starvation! You would've be been dead without us.Even kids should at least be grateful of that!" The soldier said before stomping away slightly angry.
"Y-yes!" Armin stuttered as Eren started grumbling under his breath "Damn it...I'd rather die than leech on people like him..." (Y/n) turned her head toward the direction of the soldiers walked off to as her (H/l)(H/c) locks of hair was flowing gently on the wind and that's when Carla appeared through the crowds to see her children in the center of the crowds "There you are! I've been looking everywhere for you!" Carla came on running toward Eren and Mikasa checking if they were harm or not.(Y/n) wasn't finished with these soldiers yet so she did what Armin didn't except of her to do in the crowds...
Before he could be far away from them,(Y/n) yelled out "Yeah right! Like as if I'm going to listen to you!" Now (Y/n) won't give up that easily since she is stubborn as hell "(Y-Y/n)...!" Armin tried to stopped her from going any further but the soldier turn around with a pissed off looks on his face "You little bastard! You better kept that mouth of yours shut or I'm goin-" He was cutted off when he saw the red flare on the young maiden's palm "Or you what?" She smirked knowing she had won this fight.
The soldier turned and ran as far away from her along with the other soldier that was with him the whole time trailing behind him."There,Now they will keep their mouths shut for a while..." She was grinning to herself as The others looked at her in disbelief "What?" She asked them but they just shook their heads as the young maiden shrugged her shoulders before walking back to somewhere near the warehouse.
But what didn't they knows that three kids around their ages were staring at the young (E/c) eyed maiden the whole time "She's different from us yet she's scary to face with..." one of them whispered as the other two nods in agreement planning out their next step to capture her in the nearest future.
Carla went back to where she was come from before she started searching for Eren and Mikasa,She said to the children that she had some business to do since they already lost almost everything and barely most of them survived.Eren and the others were standing well except for Eren cause he was sitting near the pillar.(Y/n) was back to wore the brown cloak since some people were staring at her afraid what she will do to them.
"I can't do this,I'm going back to Wall Maria.The titans had to payed for it what they had done to us" Eren started as he looked down "Hey now,You're not serious that's your stomach talking"Armin said "No it's not!" Eren exclaimed as he jumped down on his feets "Wake up! The guys standing between us and them are just a bunch of talk!" Eren stared down at his bread before he threw it toward Armin "What the hell with all of them...Here! Go back!"
Armin clumsy caught the bread in his palms "Yeah what are you trying to do? Starve?" Armin asked but Eren ignored him "When will you get sick of everything around us?! We can't do anything against the Titans because we live off of such pity!" Eren yelled as Armin tried to calm him down by talking sense into his head "It's impossible! Nothing can defeat them.Our only choice is to live inside the walls.If you do anything rash,you'll die the same way as my parents did!"
(Y/n) snapped her head up when she heard those words from Armin 'So...Armin lost his parents because they did something that lead them to their death...' She thought with a frown on her lips feeling sorry for Armin's loss of his parents
"So that's why you're sucking up to those people?! Do you have no shame?" Eren argued as (Y/n) tried to stopped him "Eren I think that's enough..." She whispered loud enough for the four of them to heard but Eren didn't responded to her.
"That's all we can do right now!" Armin talked back but Eren wasn't finished yet "That's just an excuse! Just continue living like livestock,you weak piece of shit!" This caused Armin caught off shocked to heard that from his own best friend and that's when Mikasa come and punched Eren on the cheek leading him to fell to the ground twice that day.
"Mikasa?" Armin mumbled as the three of four turn their heads toward Eren who was still on the ground trying to get rib of the sudden pain from Mikasa's punch "If Armin's weak,then so are you and I.We couldn't even escape from the Titans or leave the city by ourselves" Mikasa state as Eren starts to get up from the floor.
(Y/n) watched them with intense eyes as She was leaning against the pillar near them,Mikasa continued "Even the food we eat is from someone else.There's absolutely no chance of us weaklings taking down the titans not even one of them" Eren wider his eyes before he looked away."What's important is staying alive,Just as your mother said before she thought it was the end for her but (Y/n) saved her from that fate..." Mikasa took the bread from Armin before shoved the piece of bread into his mouth.
"Mikasa..." Armin muttered as Mikasa's hand had fairly hard grip on the bread so Eren would has to eat it and said "Eat it.Do it to survive.I won't let you to starve to death and I'm not going to let both Mom and (Y/n) down yet" Eren finally giving in when Mikasa meantion his mother and the young girl as tears dripping from his teal coloured eyes.
Somewhere in Wall Rose
Year 846
A few days later,many refugees were all sent to cultivate wasteland to boost food production including Eren,Armin,Mikasa and (Y/n).They were all wore old clocks to covered and keep themselves warm from the cold weather as they worked but that couldn't prevent the food shortage.
In the following year of 846,the Central Government launched a campaign to retake Wall Maria using the refugees.Only the adults had do this job as they walked in a huge and long line to the gate of Wall Rose.Armin's Grandfather give Armin give his straw hat and was about to leave but was stopped by (Y/n) "Wait!"
Both Armin and his grandfather turned to see the young girl ran toward them with something in her small palm as she stopped on her track when she was in front of them "Mister Arlet! Please bring this with you as a good luck charm!" In her palms was a simple necklace with a faint glowing dark blue gem.
"I wanting to give those to a few of the people who are going to retake Wall Maria so I thought I could made a good luck charm so please take it as my thanks!" (Y/n) said but what didn't they knows that the necklaces were going to save their lifes from the titans,Armin's grandfather smiled at her kindness as he take her gift before thanking her while she return the smile back to him.
And then,He went to where the other refugees were as the gate opened for them to Wall Maria.There were numbered 250,000 of them almost a fifth of the total population,They were all fighting for their lifes and hardest however,only about almost 2 hundred survived.a hundred of them survived without the gift from (Y/n) and another hundred of them survived because of the maiden's gift including Armin's grandfather.
That's right,(Y/n) had manage to saved a hundred of 250 thousand beside the other hundred of them the ones who survived without her gift.The gift that she made was used to made the titans were seeing nothing if they weren't there in the first place.With their sacrifice,the food shortage has improved,albeit a little for those who survived as Armin was happy to heard that his grandfather was alive but he was shocked to heard that was only 200 of 250,000 people survived.
For those who's family didn't survived were crying their hearts out as Armin was slightly sobbing at scene imagine if his grandfather the only family that he has left didn't survived like how the people lost theirs.Eren,Mikasa and (Y/n) stood near him "We has to find a way to stop them.Our lifes would never be our own until we do.This world would never feel like home" Eren said as Mikasa stayed silence.
Eren bent down next to Armin "That's it,Next year I will be apply to join the Cadets.To become strong enough to fight back" Eren state as Armin stared at him before he turn to face the front of himself "I'm with you" Armin mumbled as Eren looked at him in shocked "You don't to!"
"I do!" Armin said looking up slightly "So do I" Mikasa said making both Armin and Eren stared at her "Damn it! I'm not trying to drag you in! Look there is no point of following me to my death!" Eren told both of them but either of them won't back down from it "Yeah if I can help it then it's wouldn't be your death" Mikasa said as (Y/n) place her hand on her shoulder "If you all going then I will too" She said with a grin as Mikasa look over to her smile slightly.
Eren stood up "Alright together then" Everyone was looking at him before nodding to each other.
Training Camp of the 104th Cadets
Year 847
'Oh I'm a fighter alright and before I've done with them.The titans will grow to hate me' Eren thought as he promise to himself to put an end to the titans and protect humanity.
'I'm going to save the titans and humanity with everything i got within my powers,No one know who the titans really are but i do and I will rescue them along with the rest of humanity from this endless hell of nightmares' a certain (H/c) haired maiden thought as she prepared herself for the harsh training for the next three years of her life.
To be continued....
Hey! Just wanting to say thank you so much for all comments and hearts! Who do you want as (Y/n)'s love interest? It's can be either Boys! Girls! Men! Or Women! 😂 You can also choose the side characters like Mina and etc
Just comments anyone you like!.You can also ask questions if you want.After all,This book is Attack on Titan Various x Reader.See you later on the next chapter!
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