Chapter 2: First Encounter with "The Goddess"

-Narrator's P.O.V.-

(On the previous Chapter...we saw Auditor showing up, standing tall at the top of Tricky's skull, Somewhere in Nevada...

Also Hank and Sanford were dead next to the said demonic clown...

Auditor felt victorious...but it lasted less than 5 or even 10 seconds of his glory...

Noticing there were nothing left, he decided to teleport himself to another place...he chose to teleport to Japan...

And boy was he astonished of how futuristic and convenient Japan was...

The cities, buildings, vehicles and even the people were out of his imaginations...not to mention they were really nice and kind to him...

Out of boredom and curiosity, he went to get his favorite drink inside a paper cup and a straw, drank it and read at a newspaper...

After flipping pages, he saw an audition for an idol agency called "Hololive"...

He then felt intrigued and interested about this, without wasting time, he saved the paper and went to buy a small house so he can look through their website...

He read some interesting articles, there were many generations, known as "group of people", he also discovered they had another idol agency called "Holostars", there were other branches called "HoloID" and "HoloEN"...

After this small recap...we're at Auditor's house, where his getting ready for his meeting with the CEO of Hololive, Motoaki Tanigo, also known as "Yagoo"...

Now, without wasting any more time...

It's time for "The Auditor" meeting "The Goddess" of Hololive...)

-Auditor's P.O.V.-

(I was on my way at Hololive HQ, after making the appointment, the receptionist that answered my called two days ago, her name was A-chan, told me the time and location of her building where she works at...

Japan really is nice to live, many people on social media kept mentioning about it...

Anyways, as i was walking down the streets, i heard some ruckus inside an alleyway...knowing what kind of noises were, i guessed some random people are trying to have their ways on the victims...)


(I walked over, hid behind the dumpster and took a small peek...what i saw was disgusting...

Three random "big men", one of them is wearing glasses, surrounding two girls, one of them has light purple lavender hair, purple eyes and she has cat tail and ears, the other girl has brown hair and eyes, but she has dog tail and ears...

Of fucking course those fat bitches are trying to rape them...)

Guy 1: "Come on, be good girls for us~ We'll make it worth your time~"

Dog Girl: "No! leave us alone!"

Guy 2: "Don't be that hostile~ we're just here to help you have some fun~"

Cat Girl: *hides behind Korone, her tail and ears flops down out of fear*

Nerd: *pushes his glasses up, smirks* " one's going to save you two, there's nothing that can stop us~"

(My last straw was drawn...hearing enough of these three bastards threatening those girls, i immediately released some of my powers and headed over to them...time to face your soul collector, fuckers...)

-Change to 3rd P.O.V.-

Guy 1: *shivers in fear* "U-Uhm...d-do you guys feel t-that?"

Guy 2: *nods shakily* "Y-Yeah..."

Glasses: *turns around* "S-Show yourself-" *his eyes widen up in fear*

(The other two guys followed his eyes, both of them were scared shitless of what they were seeing...the demi-duo, however, they showed a bit of fear but they felt relieved that someone just stopped those three perverted guys)

Auditor: "..." *glares at the guy with glasses* "...Do you really think you three can get away with this?..."

Nerd: *held his hands up* "H-Hey now...w-we were just-"


(The trio of perverts fell down on their butts on the ground, completely shocked and scared that just with his voice, he still managed to push them down with force)

Cat Girl: "...w-woah..."

Dog Girl: *holding her close*

Auditor: "You three ugly virgin little shit better apologize to those girls and NEVER attempt to pull a stunt like that ever again...or you will face the consequences of your own actions."

(He then summoned two swords in his hands, letting his halo glow brighter as small red particles start to struck some small sparks around him and on himself...

Terrifying from his threat, the three ran away from the alleyway, screaming like little girls...

Auditor then calmed himself down, making the swords disappear into thin air)

Auditor: *looks at the demi-girls* "Are you two alright?"

(They nodded their heads, sprang over toward him and hugged him)

Dog Girl: "Thanks for saving us, mister!"

Cat Girl: "For a second, we thought we were about to get raped by those nasty people..."

Auditor: "Fret not, they won't be able to be seen ever again..."

(He then pat their heads, giving them a small smile)

Auditor: "Stay safe on your way back home..."

(He put his hands away and walked back to his way to Hololive HQ)

Cat Girl: *looks at dog girl* "Ne, Korone... Why didn't you used your boxing skills for protecting us?"

Korone: "...Oh right! i forgot to do that, sorry Okayu~" *smiles sheepishly*

Okayu: *pouts* "Mouuu, Korone"

Korone: "Gomen Gomen"

(The duo walked out of the alleyway and went to their houses, this time they made it without anyone trying to stop them)

-Change back to Auditor's P.O.V.-

(Now that's been taken care of, i managed to arrive at Hololive HQ, i'm not gonna lie...this building is quite taller than i expected it should be, but hey, i'm not complaining)

*walks inside and heads towards the front desk*

(After i made my way to the front desk, i saw the receptionist talking with an idol...

...the more i look at the idol, the more i feel like some godly power from her...but judging from her appearance, she could be just a human)

*ahem* "Excuse me, ma'am?"

Receptionist: *looks over* "Hai? [Yes?] How can i help you?"

"I believe we talked each other on the phone, A-chan, right?

A-chan: "Oh! you're that guy on the phone, nice to meet you in person" *gives him a small bow*

"The feeling is mutual" *does the same* "So, did i interrupt your breaktime with that girl?" *points at the idol*

A-chan: "Oh no, we were just talking, that's all" *looks at the idol* "Sora-chan, this is the guy i mentioned to Yagoo-san, he's...uhm..."

(Oh right...i forgot to tell her my name...i'm an idiot)

"Auditor, that's my name"

A-chan: *nods* "Hai, Auditor-san asked me to make an appointment with Yagoo-san, he agreed and now there he is"

Sora: "I see, good morning, Auditor-san!, I'm Tokino Sora! It's nice to meet you!"

(That smile...this bloody girl is so innocent and this why the other idols call her "The Goddess"?)

*gives her a smile of my own* "Nice to meet you too, Sora"

Sora: *looks at A-chan* "Ne, A-Chan, can i come with you two?"

A-chan: "If it's ok for Auditor-san..."

"I don't mind it, i see no problem with her coming with us"

Sora: "Yay!" (⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠)

A-chan: *a bit surprised, smiles* "Alright then, let's go to Yagoo-san's office"

(They then guided me through the building, showing me some rooms on our way to Yagoo's Office)

-Change to 3rd P.O.V.-

(The camera shows the trio talking to each other as they're taking an elevator, which he presumed Yagoo's office is on higher floors...

After a couple seconds, he heard a "ding!", which means they have arrived at the higher floor...

The doors started opening and the trio walked out of the elevator)

Auditor: *looks around* "Is this where Yagoo's office is?"

A-Chan: "Not really, his office is two floors above us, we're currently walking through streaming floor"

Sora: *points at AZKi* "This is the recording room where we sing either our original songs or cover songs!"

(He looked over and saw an idol singing inside that room, she was wearing headphones so she couldn't hear much outside the room...

...from what he learned from their website, her name was AZKi, one of the member of Gen 0, but she was actually on music group of Cover Corp....sad to say they disbanded the group, as if a miracle happened, Yagoo hired her and made her as official holomember of Gen 0)

Auditor: "I take it as she's your 'genmate', right?"

Sora: *nods* "Mhm!" *looks back at AZKi, waves at her* "Hi AZKi-chan!!!"

(The singer heard muffling sound from outside, she looked over and noticed her genmate, the receptionist and their tourist...

She then smiled and waved back at them before going back singing the song)

A-Chan: "She's really passionate with singing, but she also plays a few guys with the other girls"

Auditor: "Using technology for streaming and stuffs?"

A-Chan: *nods* "Correct, Yagoo's dream is making Hololive into Idols, as he quoted"

(Auditor was confused by her statement, he already thought they were idol, so why A-Chan was saying that?)

???: "Hey! who invited this loser here?"

(The three of them looked over at the girl who just spoke...and Auditor was making a lot of height jokes about her...

...the little witch was Murasaki Shion, Auditor would've guessed she's from Gen 2, before anyone could speak, she stated...)

Shion: "Look here, pervert, i don't know who you are or why you're here, you should be grateful that i wasn't the one who caught you sneaking in..." *points at Auditor dramatically* " pervert! leave at once!"


A-Chan: *tries not to laugh* "T-that girl, is actually one of the idols...Murasaki Shion-san"

Shion: "Neeee, A-Chan! He called me 'Sassy Lost Child'!"

Auditor: 'But you're acting like one' as he thought

Sora: *smiles* "Hello Shion-san!"

Shion: "A-Ah! Hi S-Sora-senpai!"

(He then thought "Oh, now you're acting nervous???")

A-Chan: "Anyway, he didn't sneak in, he's actually here for an appointment with Yagoo-san"

Shion: "Wait, you mean his 'Last Hope'?"

Auditor: "First of all, i'm only here to talk, second of all, i'm nobody's last hope or whatever that is"

Shion: "Hey, you should show respect at us! You're standing with Sora-senpai!"

Auditor: "Respect is something you must earned...Not given by hands...Learn your place, Witch..."

(A-Chan stepped back, leaving her shocked and scared by his voice...

As for Shion...she realized she just messed up big time...)

Shion: *scared* "U-Uhm, y-you can't h-hurt me! I-I'm cute!"

Auditor: "We shall see."

(As he was about to summoned his swords from earlier...

...he got head slapped by Sora herself)

A-Chan and Shion: !!!

Sora: *pouts cutely* "Mou, Auditor-san, you're scaring them, you know?"

(He then looked over at her, surprised by her action)

Auditor: "And do you know that witch started this whole thing?"

Sora: "Oh that? It's pretty normal here"

Auditor: ⊙⁠.⁠☉ "¿Qué?"

Sora: *tilts her head slightly* "Eh?" (⁠ ⁠╹⁠▽⁠╹⁠ ⁠)

(The two of them were staring at each other, utterly confused of what they said)

Auditor: "Alright, let's go with this logic..." *points at himself* "I'm the bad guy" *points at Sora* "And you're the good one" *puts his hand down* "What if i say 'I'm a robber! Give me your money!', what would you-"

Sora: "So, you're an enemy?~"

Auditor: !!!

(He then was paralyzed out of fear by a simple and yet threatening phrase...

He faced Jebus, Hank and even Tricky to get his halo back...

But he had never expected a mere mortal, like Sora, would make him feel actually scared...)

Auditor: 'Tokino Sora...The first Idol who carried Hololive with her "13 knights of round table" my whole life, i've never witnessed someone like her making a blunt and yet fear words...' as he thought

(He then shook his head to recover from his shock)

Auditor: "In that case, you're right...if i was the bad guy, i would've been an enemy"

Sora: "I see, well...that means i was right about stopping you!" (⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠)

Auditor: *nods* "Indeed, you are"

(A-Chan and Shion were in disbelief of what they just witnessed...

Even if they try to explain to everyone, none of the girls would believe them...)

A-Chan: *quickly shakes her head* "A-Ahem! If everything has been solved, we shall continue to walk to Yagoo's office"

Auditor: "Oh right, i forgot about that"

Sora: *smiles apologetically* "Gomenasai, Shion-san, we have to go now, we'll see you around!"

(The trio said their goodbye at the stunned witch, who is still progressing what just happened)

-Timeskip, Yagoo's Office-

(Inside the office, we see the CEO sitting in his chair, facing Auditor, who was sitting with his right leg ontop his left one, elbows on the arms chairs and his fingers interlock onto each other as he's staring back at the CEO...

...Motoaki Tanigo, aka Yagoo)

Yagoo: "So, you're the man who suggested this meeting, Auditor-san, right?"

Auditor: "Yes sir, it is a pleasure to meet you in person."

(A-Chan and Sora were standing at the door, the receptionist was astonished of Auditor's professionally talking skills while the idol was amazed of it)

Yagoo: *smiles* "Sou desu ne, it's also nice to meet you too...i noticed A-Chan and Sora took you here, right?"

Auditor: *nods* "Indeed, they also gave me a small tour about this building and i must say..." *smiles slightly* "...this place sure is meets more than the eye from the inside."

Yagoo: "Sou desu ne, it is a dream of mine to make Hololive as an idol group, like AKB48"

Auditor: "Well, i would like to go straight to the point..."

(He then unfolded his arms, leaned forward and stared into Yagoo's eyes)

Auditor: "...I want to join in Hololive as an official member."

(The trio were completely shocked by his request...

But for the CEO, he felt like his hope has been returned once again after numberless of times where his dream got shattered multiple times...

They knew that Auditor's statement wasn't a joke...his voice was deadly serious...

There's only one thing that our main protagonist is thinking...)

Auditor: 'May the judgement day begins...Motoaki Tanigo.' as he thought

(A/N): Oof! A cliffhanger?! Damn it!
Joke aside, i hope you enjoyed this chapter! for the next chapter, i let you guys choose what kind of manager you would like me to add as Auditor's manager, name any girls from any anime as his manager and the most requested one will be brought on the next chapter! For now, have a good day/night y'all! Until we meet again!!!

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