Duck Of The Abyss - Part 1
I have no idea if this is going to be silly, crack, or serious or whatever - all I know is that I am grinning like a loon and laughing while writing this.
Setting; Loonatics Unleashed
OC; Abaddon Azazel Bushroot - OC that I have already created and used for my DuckTales stories, and has made cameos or were mentioned in some of my other stories as well.
Death; ?????
Reincarnated As; Danger Duck
Pairings; ??????
Abaddon Azazel Bushroot is my OC that has shown up in all my DuckTales stories - more so in "Different Flowers, Same Garden", as that one is the furthest along than the others - some not even being out yet -, and for those who haven't read those stories, he is not a nice duck. If you look up what his first and middle name means, it's easy to see this. Most of the time, in a cartoon, the character's characteristics show a lot in their names.
Oh, he's a family duck through and through, and he'd do just about anything for those he sees as his or family. But he's not nice. He is the third richest duck in the world, officially. Unofficially, he's more richer than anyone knows. No one is for sure on what his true job is, but he does have many business to his name - in the spotlight and in the criminal underground. He has his fingers in many, many pies, quite a few out of sight of the public. Many fear his name and there are a ton of dark rumors about him - and he just doesn't care, lets them spread, smirks about it, or makes it worse just for giggles (and because he is a troll). Really, in what is called 'his cities', he runs and owns the criminal underground. He is not afraid to hurt others or use whatever means he has too to get what he wants or do what he has to do.
He is tall, he is dark, he is threatening - and he is more than likely to kill someone just because he wants to, and most likely has a body count up in the five digits at the least.
So, I thought it would be fun to have him reincarnated in Danger Duck's place in Loonatics - an egotistical hero who wants the spotlight and attention of all, the total opposite of Abaddon.
Know you can see why I am smiling so hard and laughing as I write this. Abaddon is going to shake the whole world for good and worse and just smiles about it.
Loonatics might not have been the best cartoon ever, but I still enjoyed. I thought it had a lot of potential. Having said that, I hope that I bring out some of that potential in this story. I am going to be adding more and building up the world. After all, where Abaddon had lived and the Loonatics world is two different places, and that's not counting time periods. And with Abaddon being in Duck's place? Yeah, this cartoon is going to be nothing like canon.
-Chapter Start-
2700's. More then halfway to the 2800's. The 28th century.
That was when one duck was born for the second time.
Left at an orphanage at a young age, a young, dark feathered duck grew up with memories of another life. With old eyes and an older mentality, this duck was unlike any other after his first death.
Abaddon Azazel Bushroot had died, leaving behind so much. Everything he had built, bled, screamed, and fought for before was gone.
His family was gone.
- His precious Camellia, his Little Queen, is now forever gone. Even if he sees someone that looks like her, it wouldn't be her, not truly. While he didn't even love his wife in any way, he did truly love his Camellia. Not in love of course, but all the love that he did have in his darken heart was for her. And now, she was gone.
......He was gone too.-
He expected death, he truly did. Being at the top like he was, having blood all around him and staining him, he expected it sooner rather than later. For as long as he lived, he died a lot later than he had thought. But that was just a testimony to how far and strong he was - to how smart and stealthy he was.
What he didn't expect was to wake up as a baby, breathing and with a beating heart once more.
The woman who left him at the orphanage, he couldn't really see her with his newborn eyes. In the end though, it didn't matter. He once worked his way up. Bled, screamed, fought, killed, and broke his way to the top. Made sure that no one could take it from him even after his death. Played the public like a fiddle and tricked everyone into thinking that he wasn't as high up on the food chain as he really was.
He'll just have to work his way up once more. This time he had experience on his side. Swearing to himself, Abaddon knew he was going to get to where he wanted within forty years at the least.
At least he was reborn as a duck once more. The same dark, abyss like feathers covered him. A similar orange beak, only with a slightly different shape to it, but he'll chalk that up to evolution playing a part. The only thing that made him pause was his eyes.
Two pair of light sky blue eyes greeted him in the reflection when he first saw himself.
- Her eyes were staring back at him. She never left him, did she? All he has to do is look into his reflection, and all he can see is her looking back at him, with that ever knowing glint and something more in it.
Now he knows and understands why her eyes looked like that. Why they were so old and knowing. It made him chuckle, knowing what he did now. Who knows, maybe he will see her one day, in this life or in another. He can only hope she is happy and recalls him enough to smile at him.
.....Maybe, one day, he'll see him too. But, knowing his karma, he won't recall a thing about him. It's okay though, he isn't about to let that effect him; His wants, goals and desires. Crying is only for children. He'll make do with what he has, waiting for no one.
Because life gives no guarantees, save for that it all ends in death. -
After finding out what he looked like, the next was finding out information about where and when he was. Going into something blind was not something he wished to do, so information gathering about the world itself was a must before even finding out his own name.
- They just called him "Duck". He didn't know if that was supposed to be his first name, middle name or last name, or if they just called him that to make it easy on themselves and because that was what he was. So, he went up to one of the workers, stated that he wanted to change his name.
They tried to argue about it, but he pointed out that parents can change a child's name when adopted, so why couldn't he? He also pointed out that he is the least likely to be adopted before the worker could even try that angle. Stated it bluntly and factually. There was no point in hiding his intelligence or adult like ways, so why bother? It threw the worker off, but it worked in his favor.
It also helped that he knew that said worker was having an affair with another worker while their spouse was traveling for work. Shocking how much adults show and say around children, thinking that they wouldn't understand. He even had proof of his claims. Needless to say, the worker gave in without a fight, and he made sure that the worker would not try to retaliate in anyway.
Who used to be just "Duck" was now "Abaddon Azazel Bushroot" once more.
It made him smirk when he heard others comment on the 'unique' name and his 'imagination' and 'creativity' on it. Apparently his name was very out of style and the last name "Bushroot" was nonexistent. All the better, as it was the same in his last life as well. He'll carve his name in history once more. Besides, it was for the best that he had the same name as before.
Just because he had a different body didn't mean he wasn't the same duck from before.-
It really didn't take long to see that not only was the time period different - and he has lived many, many, many years before he died, so he knows about the passage of time very well. Just because he looked like he was in his early fifties when it happened, doesn't mean he was in his early fifties. He had looked the same for so long, it was hilarious how many people didn't notice or connect the dots. - but he was either in a different world/universe/dimension or that the future has forgotten a lot about the past.
There are still keyboards, no touch phones whatsoever. Yet, there are flying cars everywhere and sliding doors. Languages, some of the most common ones he grew up with and knew well enough to be fluent in, are long forgotten or dead. Yet Iceland is still well known and alive. It was maddening to see just how backwards the whole place was. But it was also made Abaddon want to smirk, because he could use this. Oh, could he use this easily with the knowledge he was born with in this second life of his.
And this wasn't even counting the people in history. His name is nowhere mentioned in the pages of history. So many famous people in his first life were not in the pages of history either - some of who that have either saved the world, or were the ones close to destroying it or putting it under their control. This added evidence to this place being a different dimension or world. All the better, no ghost to try and take him down or anyone pointing any fingers at him for looking like or acting like his past self. No one to connect the dots - unless it's someone who was reborn from his first timeline and universe as well.
Then there were humans. Such strange creatures, but just like any other anthro besides the looks. Amusing, it was all the same to him.
Acmetropolis was a strange city. Stranger than even St. Canard, Night Owl City and Duckburg could be. But, St. Canard was still more dirty, insane and dangerous. Night Owl City was more hectic, never staying still or sleeping - the lights were always flashing. Duckburg was like a hurricane, more spontaneous and adventurous.
Acmetropolis, while stranger, was a blank canvas. One that was waiting for someone to spill some dark paint on it.
Abaddon couldn't wait to shake it up. To be the one to spill that paint.
So, he went through life. Made sure that no one adopted him, bribing and manipulating the workers to make sure that no one took him in, got scholarships and others to pay for his schooling and degrees, making sure that no one knew about his darker dealings. He slowly but surely moved up in the world, making a new for himself on both sides of the law. It was the same, yet so different from his first life. Some of those changes, he made on purpose.
- A Botany degree hung on the wall in his office along with his other degrees and official papers, showing his doctorate in that field of science. The youngest ever to get one. Childish feelings made him get it, made him fight to get it as soon as he could. It drove him until he had it in his hands. Yet, there were no regrets in it. Not when he can see her smiling at him every time he looks at it. -
And, of course, on the way of him fighting, bleeding and screaming to get to the top - even if no one knows that he is at the top - something had to happen. He was cursed with that kind of luck. Good thing for him, he was used to making even the darkest of luck work in his favor.
In the year of 2772, a meteor struck the Earth, right at Acmetropolis, throwing the Earth off it's axis.
The dark duck had been in a dark alley way out of sight, overgrown plants covering the walls, water tainted with red on the ground, smoke rising in the air from a fire nearby, and wiping his hands clean with a handkerchief when the meteor struck down.
After that - no, even before that- Abaddon Azazel Bushroot rewrote history just by being himself.
-Pinkster Pig POV-
Pinkster Pig was always amazed with Abaddon, the only other anthro in the orphanage aside from himself.
- "Ah, Little Piglet." -
Because of them both being anthros, they were thrown together most of the time. But, Pinkster wasn't mad about that. Abaddon had this air around him. His young mind didn't know or understand it, and that was fine. All he knew was that Abaddon was kind to him and what the workers had told him about his baby years.
- Apparently when he was a baby, he was attached to Abaddon, who was a year older than him. And Abaddon allowed it. That alone showed that Abaddon liked him better than others. Abaddon might be cold and harsh, but he had his soft side. Pinkster can still recall the duck giving him his share of candies and reading to him when he was too young to read for himself. -
When the other human kids tried to bully him, Abaddon was there to make them stop. Most of the time, he didn't even need to say anything to make them stop, just stand there. For some reason, they were scared of the dark duck, even when he smiled. In fact, Abaddon smiling made them even more scared then they were before. The duck was just that strong. Even at a young age, Pinkster knew that Abaddon was going to be great.
- "Hmm, what is this? Racists in the making I see? While I do not care about many, or even like many, this one is mine for right now. Why don't you run along little humans, before I make sure you can't run anymore." -
Abaddon wasn't nice all the time, but he was nice too him and that was what mattered. The dark duck was a puzzle, one that Pinkster knew he would never be able to solve. That was alright though, because he didn't need to solve it to know that Abaddon was his first friend and hero. There was always a glint in Abaddon's light sky blue eyes when he told this.
- "You amuse me." -
Then, there came the day when a couple wanted to adopt one of them, but not both.
- "These two remind me of them in a way. Such horrible parents they were." -
He had thought that Abaddon would be a shoe in for being adopted, as the duck was so smart. It was obvious, even at a young age, that Abaddon was going to go places given the time and patience. Yet, no one even looked his way. The workers sometimes would even skip him over to the parents looking for a child. So, when the couple came, he thought Abaddon would be all over it.
- "I do not need a Mother, Father, Parent or Guardian. Such things are beneath me." -
The young pig forgot that Abaddon wasn't a normal child. Abaddon wanted nothing to do with the couple. Looking them over, then dismissing them as if they were nothing.
- "Worthless." -
Pinkster offered a coin toss to be the one to decide which one gets adopted, but Abaddon shook his head in negative. He didn't know how it happened, but he was the one getting adopted. Pinkster found that Abaddon had a way of getting what he wanted, when he wanted.
- "Pinkster, you are the one getting adopted. Not me." -
Pinkster will never be able to repay Abaddon for giving him what he always wanted; A family. A chance of being a scientist and a police officer.
- "A scientist.....I see." -
To Pinkster Pig, ever since he was young and couldn't understand it, Abaddon Azazel Bushroot was his hero and someone who could do anything.
- "You owe me." -
Pinkster Pig owed everything to Abaddon. All the success is because of Abaddon giving up and letting him be the one adopted. It was the start of a new beginning for him, one possible because of Abaddon.
- "Little Piglet, you are amusing." -
So, when Abaddon Bushroot started to became a big name for many different reasons, he wasn't shocked. Overjoyed and happy is more like it. He couldn't wait to see him once more. Couldn't wait to show Abaddon that he still remembered him and all his help. Was still his friend.
- Light sky blue eyes stared down into his black ones. They had a glint of knowing, yet were old and held something in them that he will never be able to understand.
"Ah, Little Piglet." A dark feathered hand reached over and patted his head. He sounded and talked like one of the workers, like an adult. "You owe me. Stay alive and become what you want before life takes it from you. You are too amusing to just be thrown away." -
Then, the meteor struck down, changing the world forever and bringing super heroes and super villains to life.
-Chapter End-
Abaddon is going to have different powers than Danger. I like to think that personality, the person themselves, played a part in what powers they got. And Abaddon is more than a little different to Danger, so thus, different powers that might have some similarities or not. Also, Danger has proven that his powers evolve with time, so Abaddon's will do the same.
More dialogue and such in the next part.
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