Chapter 4 - Low Rank; Rampage Aftermath

Last we left off, Kanba had successfully managed to fend off the Rampage and keep Kamura safe, however, he comes face-to-face with Magnamalo, the Tiger of Malice, and Nergigante, the Eater of Elders. And after some quick discussion, the goals were clearer than a crystal: Slay Magnamalo and Nergigante. But that would come later, for now, he returned to the village with Elder Fugen, Iori, and Yomogi, the warrior speaking to Fugen when they got back.

Fugen: Kanba! Good work in there! Thanks to your efforts, Kamura has emerged from this relatively unscathed.

Kanba: I'm glad I could help, Elder Fugen.

Fugen: But, as you and I both know, things are gonna get hairy with Magnamalo and Nergigante running around now.

Kanba: Yeah, you're right.

Fugen: Like I was telling you back at the Stronghold, those fiends showed up during the Rampage fifty years ago. Old Ham just about lost his neck just to stop it from destroying the village. That was until Nergigante showed up and drove it away, didn't even bother to pick a fight with us. Maybe he's got a grudge against him for a rude awakening.

Kanba: I see.

Fugen: Kanba, the safety of the village rests in your hands. Hunt down those fiends and finish them for good. We don't know what's behind this dang Rampage, but if we find something out, you'll be the first to know.

Kanba: Yes, Elder Fugen.

After speaking to Fugen, he goes to Hamon to learn about the "Ramping-Up" option, adding Attack Boost 2 to his Longsword before going to speak to Hinoa.

Hinoa: Oh, hey, Kanba! You're gonna have a lot of trouble juggling Magnamalo, Nergigante, AND the Rampage. But with Kamura united, we can do anything. There is always a bright dawn after the darkest night.

Kanba: You're right, we all have to play our part here. Especially me, I've been appointed to this role for a reason. I have to stop Nergigante and Magnamalo.

Hinoa: You will, I have faith in you. As of right now, we have no information about Magnamalo or Nergigante's locations. So please tread carefully...

Kanba: I will. Let's take care of those remaining Three Star quests shall we?

Kanba accepts another large monster quest, Barroth, heading out to a new locale in the desert, the Sandy Plains.

A lifeless stretch of land
Nothing but dust and sand
Barren and forlorn
Lifeless and storm-torn
In the shadows monsters thresh
Mad with lust for blood and flesh

We enter the Barroth cutscene, with Grimalkynes trying to catch a Vespoid before encountering a Barroth.

Desolate wasteland
Perfect for light-hearted hunts
But do not let your guard down
Don't pull any stunts
For the mud hides secrets
And none of them are good
Where once was sand and water
A monster is now stood

Wasteland Warrior: Barroth

Kanba arrives at camp in the Sandy Plains, starting off by searching for materials in the scorching heat.

Kanba: Man, all this sand is making me thirsty... But I can manage.

He finishes up and goes to fight with Barroth, the battle beginning as soon as he arrives, and thanks to Attack Boost 2, the fight goes a little faster than expected and he defeated the beast.

Kanba: That Ramping-Up stuff is definitely a major help, glad I considered it.

He returns to the village before returning to Hinoa.

Hinoa: Kanba, welcome back. How was the fight with the Barroth?

Kanba: I was hot, and got splattered with mud a few times. But as always, I pulled through.

Hinoa: Like always, you're unwavering.

Kanba then signs up for the Kulu-Ya-Ku quest, heading out to handle it as the cutscene plays, the chicken like beast trying to steal an egg from a couple of unsuspecting herbivores.

A moment of peace
Soon to be disturbed
A threat approaches
Its hunger uncurbed
It rakes up its lunch
Chows down without grace
But inside this nest
Thieves have no place
It needs to escape
Or get egg on it's face

Ovivore Outlaw: Kulu-Ya-Ku

Kanba arrives at camp and starts the gathering phase of the hunt.

Kanba: As far as I know, this thing just looks like a giant chicken. This should be a cakewalk.

Kanba finds the Kulu-Ya-Ku and fights it, the battle being relatively quick since this was merely a weak Bird Wyvern, killing it after a few escapes.

Kanba: Sorry my friend, your egg stealing days are done.

Kanba returns to the village, reporting to Elder Fugen.

Fugen: Kanba! I need you to go see Hamon. He said he wanted to have a word with you. "Kamura is more than just steel and monster hunters". Iori's been struggling to get what that means, but I think old Ham is trying to clue him in. In his own way, of course. Old Ham used to be as cold as Tatara Steel, but I guess he's getting softer with age. Heh! Anyway, don't keep our man waiting.

Kanba: Yes, Elder Fugen.

Kanba goes over to Hamon to see what he has to say.

Hamon: ...Hmph, you're here.

Kanba: Okay, Hamon, what did you want to speak to me about?

Hamon: Do you know of the monster, Bishaten? It's a fanged, thick-tailed beast with unpredictable movements.

Kanba: I don't think so, but it sounds like trouble. What's the problem?

Hamon: It's attacking anyone passing through the Shrine Ruins. An urgent quest has been issued for you to hunt it.

Kanba: Okay, I'll take care of it. But is there some reason why you're asking me to help take care of this? I didn't think you of all people would need help from me.

Hamon: Let's just say there's a delivery for me that's passing through there, it's important to better improve the Stronghold against Magnamalo, Nergigante, and the Rampage.

Kanba: That sounds reasonable enough. Okay, I'll do it.

Kanba goes to Hinoa to sign for the Urgent Quest.

Hinoa: Oh, Kanba! An urgent quest has come in! It's a quest to hunt down a Bishaten, a BIG monster with a BIG tail that likes to monkey around. Most of the monkeying around is using that big tail to attack you, so keep an eye on it, okay?

Kanba: Yeah I pretty much got the gist of it. Let's do it.

He signs for the Urgent Quest to hunt Bishaten, heading off to the Shrine Ruins. The cutscene starts with Bishaten guarding his territory from anything that enters it.

On the road to perdition
Stands a false sentry
With a devilish mission
Once it spots movement
It puts its tail into position
It's plan to pelt prey
Coming to fruition
For this is its territory
And there is no admission

Frenetic Ascetic: Bishaten

Kanba arrives in the Shrine Ruins, starting the hunt with his usual routine.

Kanba: This monkey sounds like a real joker, and not in the good way either.

He finishes up and goes to fight Bishaten, the apish beast toying around with Kanba, but the warrior unwavers and continues to fight, undisturbed by the beasts antics, finally killing it.

Kanba: Your monkey business stops here.

Kanba returns to the village, reporting to Elder Fugen about the defeated Bishaten.

Fugen: Kanba! Great work handling that urgent quest! Taking care of that monster allowed old Ham to finish his thingamabob. Go check it out when you can.

Kanba: Of course, Elder Fugen.

Fugen: Don't run off just yet, there's more good news! You can now take on Four Star quests! Get them from Hinoa when you're ready!

Kanba: Yes, Elder Fugen.

Fugen: And one more thing, Magnamalo and the Rampage are almost upon us, Nergigante soon to follow as well. You're doing good out there, don't lose focus.

Kanba: Very well, Elder Fugen.

After getting some better equipment from Hamon, he goes to Hinoa to handle the Four Star quests.

Hinoa: Kanba, good job out there handling those quests! Oh, by the way, have you noticed how excited Elder Fugen and Master Hamon has been recently?

Kanba: Can't say that I have.

Hinoa: My sister says that Master Hojo in the Gathering Hub has been in a super good mood too! He's croaking in delight!

Kanba: Hm, what's going on?

Hinoa: My guess is that they all used to be famous hunters back in the day, and now they're reliving their glory days vicariously through you. Hehe.

Kanba: Hm, well it's good that I helped them remember the good times of their heyday.

Hinoa: I wonder if they remember doing Four Star quests... Well, I'm sure it'll all come back to them now that you've unlocked them!

Kanba: Hm, and that means tougher monsters to handle. Good, I was looking for a tougher challenge. But I still have to take care something, so if you don't mind.

He signs for the last large monster quest for the Three Star quests, Anjanath. Heading out to handle the tyrannosaur like beast. The cutscene plays out with a lone Grimalkyne trying to escape the wrath of a hungry Anjanath.

Tremors in the night
A Felyne runs in fright
Hiding out of sight
But soon it is found
Shivering in fear
And when it looks around
Its foe's already here
Run, young Felyne, run!
You have to get away!
For this beast is never done
Until it snags its prey

Relentless Ruffian: Anjanath

Kanba arrives at the Sandy Plains camp, starting off with the same old routine.

Kanba: This is about to get tough. But I'm ready.

Kanba then does battle with the prehistoric beast, and it goes as you would think, the Longsword warrior taking down the Anjanath and carving for parts.

Kanba: A well fought battle my friend, but I'm afraid there was only one way this would end.

Kanba returns to Kamura and takes care of the spare quests before he immediately signs the quest for the first large monster of the Four Star quests, Basarios. Heading out to a new locale within the vicinity of a large volcano, the Lava Caverns.

Trial by fire
Torrents most dire
The dead beckon
Atop their pyre

The Basarios cutscene plays as a couple of Wroggi were patrolling before they encounter the rocky titan.

In the darkness of night
Cherry blossoms bloom
As bandits prowl, out of sight
A sudden resounding boom
This is not the mountain's roar
Do not be mistaken
What seemed like rocks are rocks no more
And as soon as they awaken
The monster shows its actual form
Both prey and Earth are shaken

Bellowing Boulder: Basarios

Kanba arrives at the first camp outside the volcano, gathering up materials and Endemic Life.

Kanba: A flying wyvern with rocks as armor? Never heard of such a thing. Guess it's time to learn.

When he was done, he goes to fight Basarios, being wary around its rock armor and fire blasts until he was able to beat it.

Kanba: That was an interesting battle.

He heads back to Kamura and signs for the next large monster quest, Volvidon, heading out immediately as the cutscene plays as the armadillo type beast rolls down the volcano towards a few Slagtoth.

Austere mountain
Devoid of reason and laws
A rounded mass descends
Made of fangs and claws
Tumbling, tumbling
Closer and closer
And when it unfurls
Your time will be over

Crimson Cannonball: Volvidon

Kanba arrives once again at the Lava Caverns and starts the gathering phase.

Kanba: Armored, just like Basarios, but I know what to do.

Kanba soon does battle with the armadillo beast, and defeats it after learning of the armor and he manages to break it a little for parts.

Kanba: Armor won't save you this time my round friend.

He returns to Kamura and completes a delivery quest before signing for another large monster quest, Tobi-Kadachi, heading out to the Flooded Forest. The cutscene plays out with the POV of another monster, perhaps a Slagtoth, as the squirrely predator leaps around the small canyon to try and charge itself up by brushing against foliage and stuff.

A silent shadow
Stalking through the night
Swift as the wind
With eyes shining bright
Always craving blood
Lightning running through its fur
When it swoops down onto its prey
All becomes a blur

Flying Sparks: Tobi-Kadachi

Kanba arrives at the camp for the Flooded Forest, heading out to start gathering.

Kanba: My first monster that uses electricity to it's advantage. Better be careful with this one.

The warrior goes to face Tobi-Kadachi and fight it, being extremely wary with its lightning capability before he's able to put it down.

Kanba: You were agile and fast, but not fast enough.

Kanba returns to the village and tries out a Special License quest, since he breezed through most of the quests with ease before returning to the main quests and choosing the Rathian quest, heading out to the Sandy Plains. The cutscene plays out with a Rathian hunting for sand fish.

Arid plains at night
Flames billowing high
This is where she makes her realm
Best not to go nigh
Fire scorching the earth
Lighting up the sky
Where her highness sets her eyes on you
It's time to say goodbye

Queen of the Land: Rathian

Kanba arrives at camp and makes sure to grab some Antidotes and Herbal Medicine from all the gathering he's done and does it all again.

Kanba: Rathian. Royalty in a sense. I'll give her a show.

Kanba eventually goes to face the female Rath, being wary and cutting off her tail during the battle before she's eventually put down.

Kanba: I had a wonderful fight your highness, now it's time for you to rule another kingdom in the clouds.

He returns to Kamura and improves his equipment further and changes out his Buddies equipment as well before he signs for the second to last large monster quests, Barioth, immediately heading out again to the Frost Islands, the cutscene plays out with Great Izuchi trying to foolishly face off against the saber-tooth beast.

A biting cold
Freezing winds cutting deep
Enter its domain
And the price will be steep
Don't fall for the charm
Of its shining white gown
For it will tear you up
Before taking you down

Flurry of Frozen Fangs: Barioth

Kanba arrives at the Frost Islands and starts collecting resources.

Kanba: Things are about to get a whole lot chiller. But I don't mind, I will do what I must.

Kanba soon goes to face the Barioth, the fight behind quite a challenge, but he pulls through nonetheless and defeats the Barioth.

Kanba: Sorry you had to perish, your teeth looked cool though.

Kanba returns to the village where Fugen has urgent news to tell him.

Fugen: Kanba! The Rampage has returned! And as expected, Magnamalo's ugly face is among the horde, and Nergigante is waiting it out to try and get a shot at the beast! Luckily, Hamon's device was able to draw it away, Nergigante following suit. They both went through a secret passage into the Shrine Ruins. Kanba, this is it! Accept the urgent quest from Hinoa, and take that fiend down!

Kanba: Yes, Elder Fugen! But what about Nergigante?

Fugen: Don't worry, his time will come eventually. But right now, you need to focus on Magnamalo. You can do it, for the villagers and Kamura!

Kanba: I won't let you and everyone down, Elder Fugen!

Kanba goes to amp up his equipment to prepare for the battle before going to Hinoa.

Hinoa: We all knew it was coming and it finally came! I just received an urgent quest to hunt down Magnamalo!

Kanba: Magnamalo will not escape from me this time, I'll make sure of it!

Hinoa: We all trust that you will. Everyone in the village will hold off the Rampage. We'll make sure nothing gets in your way.

Kanba: Good, I'll need all the breathing room I can get. Let's do this!

Kanba accepts the Urgent Quest and immediately heads off to face off against Magnamalo. The cutscene playing out with Magnamalo strolling through the bamboo forest.

A grudge towards all life
Given form in flame
Stalks unsuspecting creatures
That it seeks to maim
Its prey turns round to face it
Preferring a hero's death
Knowing that this purple fire
Will steal it's final breath
Pray for its soul
For this creature of pure evil
Will swallow the world whole

Barbarous Beast: Magnamalo

Kanba arrives in the Shrine Ruins camp to battle Magnamalo, doing his regular routine to prepare.

Kanba: This is it, no more holding back. It's time we ended this.

Kanba searches for Magnamalo before the two finally crosses paths, Magnamalo snarling at the warrior.

Kanba: You don't scare me! Come on, show me what you're made off!

The two engage in a battle to the death, though the fight was grueling and tough to learn, but with tenacity and smart thinking, Kanba was able to deal the final strike to the malicious beast, putting it down for good. Kanba showing respect to the fallen creature with a traditional Japanese bow.

Kanba: You were a worth while battle, my friend. But your hatred seethe no longer, you may now rest for eternity.

Kanba stands and leaves, allowing the Earth to take back the body into the soil.

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