Episode 14 - New Year, New Mario, New Y/n
Location: Peach's Castle - The Rooftop - The Mushroom Kingdom
Date: December 31, 2017
Time: 11:55 PM
It's that time of year again in the Mushroom Kingdom as everyone gathered around on the rooftop to celebrate the new year coming out as they all partied like crazy.
Wario: Alright, here we go! (Eating all of the food on the food table like crazy)
Then we see Bob and Boopkins playing with some sparklers as they're both fascinated by the pretty colors in the night.
Bob: LoOk At ThE pReTtY cOlOuRs I'm gOiNg bLind, ShIt! HoLd Up I gOtTa Go GrAb AnOtHeR dRiNk.
He then went to go grab another drink until he came across a Bob-omb and hands him his sparkler to get another drink, which is a major bad idea as the flames from the sparkler lit up its fuse to make the Bob-omb explode.
Bob: HeY, cAn U mInD tHiS fOr mE fOr A sEcOnD?
Bob-omb: Well shit...
Then we cut to Y/n, SMG4, Meggy, Ember and Luigi relaxing with Y/n and SMG4 playing with some of the fireworks as they admired by the pretty colors of the fireworks.
SMG4: POW! HAHA! POW! Look at the pretty colors!
Y/n: Yeah, so pretty. (Turns to Meggy and Ember) Hey guys, are you enjoying the party so far?
Ember: It's pretty dope, bro!
Meggy: Yeah, this is such a fun New Year's Party.
Y/n: What's your New Year's resolution gonna be, Ember?
Ember: Hmm...I guess it would me trying to control my anger from my wolf from because I can get really dangerous while I'm in my wolf form.
Y/n: I see. What's yours gonna be Meggy?
Meggy: I'm gonna train harder to win the next splatfest!
Y/n: Well, I hope you do that cause you got the skills to beat the competition.
Meggy: (Blushes) Thanks, Y/n.
Ember: What's your New Year's resolution gonna be, Y/n?
Y/n: I'm gonna be make sure Mario doesn't cause more damage to the Mushroom Kingdom and I'm gonna help out as much as I can to the people of Creation City.
Ember: That makes sense.
Then suddenly, Mario came by to make an announcement to the people that attended the party.
Mario: Hello! Ho ho ho! 'Scuse-a me everybody!
Then everyone turned to Mario to hear what he has to say.
Mario: Mario just found out about what New Year's resolutions are! :D Mario is gonna be a changed man this year! :D
Y/n: That's great, Mario! What's your New Years resolution?
SMG4: Yeah...what is your New Year's resolution?
Mario: Lose some weight!
Everyone went silent until they started laughing at him, but Y/n, Meggy and Ember are the only ones that aren't laughing at Mario that wanted to lose some weight as his New Year's Resolution.
Y/n: Oh, real mature guys. Real mature.
Ember: Yeah, you can't just laugh at him just because Mario wanted to lose some weight. That's just so mean and cruel.
Mario: Why are you guys so mean to me?
Meggy can truly understand and respect for Mario that he's willing to lose some weight for his own friends.
Meggy: Oh, come on guys! At least he's trying to improve himself! I'm sure we all have our own resolutions...right?
Y/n: Yeah, she does have a point here, guys. I bet you guys have your own resolution you guys want to share with everyone here.
Luigi: I...always wanted to be more braver...
Bowser: Yeah...I should spend more time with my kids I was neglect.
Yoshi: I gotta fix my weed addiction.
Peach: GUYS SHUT THE F*CK UP!!! It's almost time for New Years!
With the last few seconds of the year 2017, the bell started ringing and everyone started watching the beautiful fireworks that Peach set up to celebrate the New Year of 2018. Mario does not like this after everyone but Y/n, Meggy and Ember laughed at him that he wanted to lose some weight as his New Year's Resoultion. So, he decided to prove them wrong that he can lose some weight and Y/n and Ember are both willing to help him out.
Mario: Oh hell no! Mario is gonna prove them wrong!
Y/n: That's right, Mario! And me and Ember are gonna help you out to make you lose some weight.
Ember: Yeah, we'll show those guys that you can lose some weight.
Mario: Hell Yeah! Let's-a-go!
Mario's New Year's Resolution: Lose Some Weight!
Location: The Dumbbell Local Gym - Creation City
As Y/n and Ember help Mario get ready for his time at the local gym in Creation City, the Dumbbell Local Gym as Mario puts on some workout sneakers, a headband and a workout outfit, he is ready to lose some weight.
Mario: It's-a Mario time!
Mario then stepped on the scale to see how much he weighed and the three of them were shocked to see Mario weighted at over 9,000 pounds, estimating at 12,988 pounds.
Y/n: Dear God!
Ember: Holy cow, Mario! How are you weighing at this amount of pounds!
Mario: I don't know....but we're gonna do our best to get me to lose this much weight.
Y/n: I'm way ahead of ya, Mario and Dr. Healer has something for you to try out that will help you lose weight faster.
Mario: Oooh, what is it?
Y/n: Dr. Healer, show Mario what you got for him to try out.
Dr. Healer then appeared in the workout room with a whiteboard as he explains about this new invention, which is a potion that should help him lose some weight faster while he works out in the gym that Y/n rented out for the day.
Dr. Healer: This potion that I invented will guarantee to help you lose weight faster in one day. All Mario has to do is to chug down the whole thing and he'll lose all of that weight in one day.
Mario: Really? Are you sure about that, doc?
Dr. Healer: Yes, I added spaghetti flavoring to make it go down easier.
Mario: Ooooh! Okie-dokie then. (Grabs the potion) Well, bottoms up.
Mario then drinks the potion, and it does taste like a plate of spaghetti that he always eaten, and he feels all pumped up to lose all of that fat.
Mario: WHOO! That hit the spot. Alright...(Inhales deeply then exhales) Let's-a-go!
So then, Mario started doing a full-on training montage of him exercising through the whole day with Y/n, Ember and Dr. Healer helping him out. He started doing push-ups, sit-ups, squats, side-to-side jumps, a 10-kilometer run on the treadmill, weightlifting from the smallest set of weights to the bigger and much heavier set of weights, shot-put, vertical jumping, whack-a-mole and the punching machine. He even started playing some Wii Sports on the Nintendo Wii and started eating some low-fat spaghetti to improve his diet in order to prevent Mario from gaining any more pounds.
Mario has lost over 12,700 pounds, leaving him to 258 pounds.
Mario: Oh yeah! I lost weight! This calls for a celebratory spaghetti!
Y/n/Ember/Dr. Healer: YEAH!!!
Mario eats the plate of spaghetti, which causes him to gain just one pound.
Y/n: Oh well, at least you only gain one pound.
Ember: Yeah, and you proved to everyone that you actually lost weight.
Mario: Yeah, thanks for helping me out, guys.
Y/n: No problem, buddy.
Ember: Yeah, we got your back bro.
Dr. Healer: Yes, another successful procedure.
Y/n: You guys wanna go to Applebee's?
Mario/Ember/Dr. Healer: HECK YEAH!!!
Bowser's New Years Resolution: Be a better father!
Location: Bowser's Castle - The Dark Lands
Bowser heads over to his castle to do his New Year's Resolution by spending more time with his kids as he heads over to his son, Bowser Jr.'s room to spend some quality father-son time with him.
Bowser: C'mon Bowser, you can do this. Just go up to him and spend time with him...
Bowser goes up to Bowser Jr and watches him playing Team Fortress 2 on the computer, assuming that he was watching hentai.
Bowser: Hey, Son! I see you're watching one of your hentai!
Bowser Jr.: Uhhh... this is a Let's Play...I'm watching someone playing Team Fortress 2 on Youtube.
Bowser: Then what the hack is hentai?
Bowser Jr.: You really don't want to know...
Bowser pushes the table aside and asks his son to spend some time with him.
Bowser: A-Anyway, stop watching videos like a loser and do cool stuff with your papa...like that 'dab' thing.
He tried doing the dab move, but he doesn't seem to know what the dab really is.
Bowser: Look at me, am I cool yet?
Bowser Jr.: Uh...no, dad.
Bowser: c'mon! Play some vidja games with your old man!
He then went over to his son's chest full of video games as he pulls out a Call of Duty game for the PC that he thinks it's a Sonic game for an Xbox that he thinks it's made by Nintendo.
Bowser: Oh! How about Sonic for the Nintendo Xbox!
Bowser Jr.: Oh, my fucking god....
So then, the two of them decided to play Golden Eye 007 for the Nintendo 64 as Bowser thinks that this game is something else that is not part of Golden Eye 007.
Bowser: Oooh this seems interesting from turtles playing as casual humans. I just want to warn ya son, I'm pretty rough when it comes to games so don't compl-
Bowser Jr.: Dad...you just died already.
Then we see Bowser just got shot to death by his own son as he clearly is not smart enough to play this game, but Bowser is not gonna be beaten that easily by his own son.
Bowser: Ehehe...beginner's luck! Now THIS time I'm-
Bowser Jr. did another kill shot on his father again.
Bowser: You can do this, Bowser. Just a little bit longer..
Then he got shot again.
Bowser Jr.: Huh. That was easy. Oh silly, papa. Did you forget your old man glasses again?
Bowser: No, you big piece of shit! (Looks at the TV to get himself shot killed again) OH COOOME ON!!!
Bowser Jr.: Hahahahaha! Thanks for playing with me dad. This is the most fun I had in a long time. We should definitely do stuff like this more...
Then suddenly, Bowser Jr. finally got killed in the game as Bowser started celebrating his victory for getting his very first kill shot in Goldeneye 007 and then he started going crazy and burned down the game system with his fire breath.
Luigi New Year's Resolution: Be more brave!
Location: Somewhere in Downtown Creation City - A Local Bus Stop
At a local Bus Stop, somewhere in Creation City, Luigi made a New Year's Resolution that he should be braver since he has been afraid in recent chapters, so today, he's gonna do his best to be a brave man and not be scared.
Luigi: Oh yeah! Luigi can do this! Today is gonna be a good day! :D
Then suddenly, he spotted a Boo holding a suitcase and wearing a hat sits next to Luigi, much to his horror that he's deathly afraid of ghosts.
Boo: Uh...you alright, man?
Luigi: My dick's fallen off!
Boo: WHAT?!
Luigi got a major heart attack, and he went dead on the Bus Stop bench. The Boo was so shocked that he immediately called 911 to get Luigi some help right away.
Boo: I'll call the hospital-
But then, Luigi came back to life and started acting crazy as he made the Boo feel really uncomfortable as he started backing up away from Luigi. Luigi then realized that he managed to get through his fears and acted like a brave man (Sort of.).
Luigi: Hey! I made it! And I stayed pretty calm too! :D
Wario's New Years Resolution: Donate Money
Location: Somewhere in Downtown Creation City
In Downtown Creation City, Wario was walking along with a plate of potatoes until he spotted a homeless man trying to get through the day to get some cash as he lost his job and his home that gotten him living on the streets.
Wario: What the hell? (Spots bucket) Hmmmm....
Wario then placed a chocolate coin in the bucket that the homeless guy was using for people to donate money to the man, but a chocolate coin doesn't actually help. At least Wario tries his best to donate "something" to someone like the homeless guy.
Homeless Guy: Dafuq?
Wario: (Laughing)
Then as Wario starts walking away satisfied, a guy stopped him after he just saw him give the homeless guy a chocolate coin instead of real cash.
Guy: Hey buddy! Di...did you just give that guy a chocolate coin?
Wario: I'M DOING THE BEST I CAN! (Running away crying)
NeoDracunyan: CUT! You can do better than that! Moving on!
-TAKE 69-
Wario then stopped at the end of the street as he spotted a nearby bank as he started to remember the time when he and Waluigi did a robbery together while holding people hostage at that same bank.
(Quick Flashback Moment)
(End of Flashback)
Wario: Eh....maybe I should actually save my money in a bank this time...
He then heads over to the bank to start a savings account by making a deposit as Wario makes his way to the bank teller.
Wario: Uh yeah...I'd like to make a de...po...sit?
Banker: Certainly sir! And how much will you be depositing?
Wario: One dollar.
Banker: Ok then.
Wario then tries to hand over the dollar to bank teller, but as the bank teller try to take the dollar, Wario doesn't seem to want to give him the dollar to the banker.
Banker: Sir, please let go of the bill!
Wario: I don't need it...I don't need it...
Then suddenly, the banker managed to get the dollar from Wario along with his arm that is still holding the dollar bill.
Banker: Thanks sir, I'll go put this in our safe right away.
Wario then sadly watched the Banker head over to the vault to put his dollar (And arm) inside the vault to complete his deposit.
However, as the Banker opened up the vault, Wario was already inside the vault wanting to make a withdrawal!
Wario: Hello, I'd like to make a withdrawal! :D
Banker: Jesus Christ...
SMG4's New Year's Resolution: Make something funny and original for once.
Location: SMG4's Room - Peach's Castle
SMG4 promised everyone that he would make something funny and original for once, but he fell asleep trying to do that for at least one hour. So that was a complete waste of time for our favorite Youtuber.
Toadsworth's New Year Resolution: Stop letting Peach be kidnapped.
Location: Somewhere in the Mushroom Kingdom
Toadsworth made a promise to Peach that he would do whatever he can to prevent anyone like Bowser kidnap her ever again as he makes sure that the coast is clear, armed with a handgun for Peach to pass through, but Peach informed him that their just getting groceries at the local supermarket.
Peach: (Sighs) We're just getting groceries, Toadsworth.
Then Toadsworth kept looking around until he spotted Frankie walking by, minding his own business and sees him as nothing more than a threat to the princess.
Toadsworth: Threat detected!!
He then started shooting Frankie with a tranquillizer gun as Frankie got hit by a couple of tranquillizer darts as he didn't really do anything wrong at all as Toadsworth threw the unconscious body of Frankie into the garbage can inside the store.
Peach while shopping at the store found some watermelons that might be still fresh for her to eat.
Peach: Oh Toadsworth! Look how juicy this watermelon is! Do you think it's still fresh?
Toadsworth then grabbed the watermelon and threw it down to the floor and began shooting a few rounds at the watermelon, shocking Peach at the sight of him shooting a harmless piece of fresh fruit.
Peach: What the hell??
Toadsworth: You're welcome! It could have had a bomb or poison in there!
Peach then decided to ask a local store clerk if they have any eggs in stock.
Peach: Uh, excuse me, but...
Toadsworth: (Tackles Peach) GET DOWN, PRINCESS! What did that man do to you? Did he threaten the Mushroom Kingdom?
Peach: I was wondering if he knew where the eggs are.
Guy: Oh, the eggs? They're over in that aisle!
But as the guy was about to point out where the eggs are, he went too close and accidently touched her shoulder, triggering Toadsworth's protective nature to take out the innocent man that touched Peach to show her where the eggs are at.
This has caused a barrage of police men to storm inside the store and beat the poor man to death just for touching the Princess. Peach was not amused by what just happened.
Bowser: Wow...uhh...Is this a bad time?
Peach: Nah! Just kidnap me already, Toadsworth is driving me crazy!
Bowser: Ok...
So then, Peach decided to let Bowser kidnap her once again to get away from Toadsworth's over-protective nature. It's probably for the best.
Professor E. Gadd's New Year Resolution: Create the ultimate charming invention.
Location: E. Gadd's Lab
Inside of his own lab, Professor E. Gadd started building his own invention that is supposed to be his ultimate charming invention and did not stop until he is finally done.
E. Gadd: Eureka! I've finally done it!
Location: Peach's Castle
E. Gadd then brought his invention over to the castle to show it off to everyone in the castle.
E. Gadd: Gather around everyone! I have an important announcement to make!
Everyone then gathered around to see what the professor has invented.
E. Gadd: May I present to you...M-410 & Y1N-L1N!!!
E. Gadd then revealed to them a couple of robots that looked like Y/n and Mario.
E. Gadd: M-4R10 and Y1N-L1N are both designed to be playful and entertaining robots! Let them both charm you!
Peach: Oh! Why thank you! I just-
Peach: *Emotional Damage*
Luigi: Okay, pretend you're the bad guys! Weegee is gonna take you down!
M-410 and Y1N-L1N are both confused to see Luigi use his Luigi Doll to fight off against both two robot duplicates of both Mario and Y/n.
Luigi: Go get him mini Weegee! Go on! You can do it!
Then M-410 used a laser weapon at the Luigi Doll that literally reduced him to ashes, causing Luigi to be shocked at the destruction of his favorite toy.
Then the two robots went over to Y/n and Mario with Y/n playing games on his Switch while Mario is eating a plate of spaghetii as the two of them offered them both a hotdog and an Atari system, confusing the both of them.
E. Gadd: Huh...that's weird, it's not functioning properly.
Then they both knocked them both out and took their stuff in the process.
E. Gadd: Oh! Nevermind it works...
But then, the two robots were destroyed by both Y/n and Mario as they're both buff as Saitama, thanks to Dr. Healer's buff increase and weight loss potion, shocking everyone of what they just witnessed.
Y/n: Don't you ever invent something like that again, old man!
Mario: Yeah, or else we're gonna punch you in the throat! We're both outta here!
Then they both walked out of the castle, leaving everyone else completely dumbfounded that Mario actually proved them wrong about Mario losing weight.
Luigi: Guess he did prove us wrong after all.
Meggy's New Year's Resolution: Learn how to cook.
Lastly, we get to see Meggy trying to learn how to cook, which surprises Y/n, Mario and Ember that Meggy only ever cooked instant noodles her whole life and doesn't know how to cook good food.
Mario: Wait...so you've only ever eaten instant noodles your whole life?
Y/n: That's crazy.
Ember: Yeah. I know how to cook but knowing that you can't even cook surprises me.
Meggy: Hehe...well...gotta train hard, y'know. No time for that cooking stuff!
Ember: That explains why you can't cook.
Meggy: Oh yeah? How do you know about cooking?
Ember: I learned how to cook back when I was training with the special agents that were keeping the world safe from the Dark Star since I was cursed to be a wolf.
Meggy: Ooooh....right.
Y/n: Well, we can teach you on how to cook.
Mario: Yeah, you gotta have a healthy diet! Or else you're gonna be nothing but skin and bones. I mean, look at my sexy body now since Y/n and Ember helped me lose weight.
Meggy was impressed by Mario's new muscular form even if he looked normal as he always been in his traditional outfit.
Meggy: (Shocked) Wow. You did lose a lot of weight.
Mario: I know right? Let the tops chefs, Y/n, Ember and Mario show you how it's done!
Location: The Local Kitchen
As the trio take Meggy to the local kitchen to teach her how to cook as the three of them slowly rise up from behind the counter and they did a pose as they're in some sort of popular cooking show on TV.
Mario: Hello! Are you ready to get cooking?
Meggy: Yes!
Y/n: Alright then, let's get cooking!
So, then Meggy began cooking by cutting some bread, but Mario thinks it's not good enough as he grabbed a loaf of bread and a sharp knife as he threw it in the air, jumped up and sliced and diced the bread into perfect slices. Y/n and Ember did the same exact thing that he did, and they got the same, perfect slices of bread.
Then Meggy started frying up some bacon on the stove, but the frying up ended up in flames, causing Meggy to freak out that she already burned up the bacon.
Meggy: Uhh, guys? I think I broke my food.
Y/n: Broke your food? (Chuckles) You can't break food, Meggy. You must've had too much grease on the frying pan you're using while cooking the bacon.
Ember: Yeah, you just gotta be careful not to....Meggy! You're setting Mario's hat on fire with that burning frying pan!!
Meggy then turned around to see Mario's chef hat catch on fire while he is cooking a whole ham on the frying pan, not noticing that his chef's hat is on fire.
Meggy: Gah!
Y/n: Quick! Put it out!
Meggy then started blowing the fire away from his hat until the fire started burning at the top of his hat. Y/n and Ember immediately ran over to the nearest fire extinguisher to put out the fire on Mario's chef hat while Meggy walks away until the next scene.
Mario: Oh boy! It'sa getting spicy in here! :D
Then as Y/n and Mario are busying cutting up some veggies until they heard the fire alarm telling them that the meatloaf is burning!!
Then way far away from them to the other side of the kitchen they both see the meatloaf burning up and they need to get it out of the oven before it's too late. Meggy then decided to save the meatloaf by grabbing a fork and then she threw the fork that managed to hit the stop button on the oven, thus saving the meatloaf, giving her a 10/10 on her throwing skills.
Y/n: Nice shot, Meggy.
Mario: Yes, thank you so much.
And the oven just exploded, and you broke it.
Soon after completing Meggy's first ever dish...
Mario: Congratulations! You successfully made your first dish!
Y/n: Yeah....it looks....ok....
Ember: Ech...it looks horrible, but at least she tried to cook something.
Meggy's Cooking: KILL ME!!! I'M IN CONSTANT PAIN!!!!
Meggy: Uhh...something seems...off about it.
Mario: Yeah...I think we shouldn't eat this dish...
Y/n: You're right, Mario. I think maybe we should order a pizza tonight.
Ember: Or we could eat something else.
Meggy: You guys want to eat some instant ramen noodles?
Y/n/Mario/Ember: HELL YEAH!
See you next time everyone!
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