Soul of the Lonely Mountain - Part 2 - Thorin x Reader
She gasped. The cool air of the great expanse of the throne room filing her lungs. She had no idea where she was. The last thing that she could remember was arguing with her father. The dagger of the sun piercing her side before she fell to the floor. Her father calling for her mother as he cradled her in his arms. She could have sworn that she had passed over to the next world, yet here she was. Though where she was, she didn't know.
The vast chasm was dark apart from a few bright torches that littered the great expanse. She could never remember having seen anything like it before, but wherever it was, all she hoped was that her husband was nearby. The husband that she feared that she would never see again.
Slowly she rose. Her long white gown draping itself over the cold stone bed on which she had been laying, like a fresh fall of snow. Her naked feet tentatively touching the hard floor as she shakily stood.
"Thrar." She called out. Her hesitant voice echoing around the void. The rock beneath her feet suddenly shaking violently, as if reacting to her voice.
"Thrar. Where are you?" She called out again. Her cry accompanied by another, more violent tremor nearly throwing the elleth to the floor.
Quickly, she began to run. The cavernous halls seeming to stretch on forever as the ground around her continued to shake. Her every word seeming to make that tremors more violent.
"Thrar. Please. Where are you? I need you. My father.........." The elleth cried as she fell to her knees. Great boulders falling from the lofty roof as the ethereal creature began to weep.
The mountain around Thorin shook. The king under the mountain nearly falling from his bed as the foundations of his kingdom seemed to want to shake themselves to destruction.
After finally getting back Erebor from Smaug. After the battle of the five armies, and barely surviving his fight with Azog, Thorin had hoped for some peace. Had hoped that his people could return to the Lonely Mountain and feel safe. But as the mountain shook once again, Thorin couldn't help but think that he and his line were cursed.
Quickly he jumped from his bed. Grabbing for his sword as he raced out into the great halls. Many of the other's doing the same, as they feared that maybe, somehow, the great dragon had survived Bard's arrow, and had come back to claim the mountain.
"What's going on?" Thorin called out. As Dwalin and his nephews moved to his side. The sound of a soft cry seeming to be the cause of the mountain's movements.
"I don't know. But whatever it is, if its tryin ta get in, its gonna regret it." Dwalin declared as he gripped tightly to the handle of his axe. The Durin folk ready to face whatever else was coming to face them.
Balin stared in disbelief at the exquisite elleth that sat sobbing on the stone floor. He had no idea where she had come from, or even how she had made it into the mountain. But as the mountain trembled at the sound of her cries, the old dwarf knew he had to do something. Like everyone else, the oldest son of Fundin had been shaken from his bed. But unlike others, Balin somehow sensed that there was no threat. And whatever it was needed help more than anything else.
"My lady." Balin said quietly, as he cautiously came up behind the crying elf. His old heart beating violently in his chest as she turned to look up at him. The true extent of her beauty finally revealed.
"Master dwarf." The elleth said. Feeling slightly happier that her eyes had now found one of her husband's people.
"King Thrar. Where is king Thrar?" She asked. Balin's eyes growing wide at the name of the legendary dwarf king.
"King Thrar?" Asked in disbelief, as the elf gracefully rose to her feet. The mountain no longer shaking.
"Yes. Where is my husband? She enquired. As she smiled softly at the old dwarf. The mere presence of the elleth making Balin feel young again.
"And who might you be, if ya don't mind me asking?" Balin continued, as he tentatively moved closer to the beautiful creature.
"Forgive me. I am lady (Y/n). Daughter of the sun and moon, the first of our kind. And wife of the great dwarf king Thrar. It is a pleasure to meet you Master Dwarf." (Y/n) said respectfully, as she gave Balin a slight bow.
"Now please Master dwarf. Where is my husband?" (Y/n) continued. An air of concern in her voice.
Before Balin could reply, Thorin, his nephews, Dwalin, and others came racing towards the pair. The mass of dwarves barrelling into one another as Thorin suddenly stopped and stared, mouth agog, at the elleth next to Balin.
"Thrar!" (Y/n) suddenly exclaimed, as she threw herself into Thorin's arms and held him tight.
"Thrar. I thought that I would never see you again. I thought that I had lost you forever, my love. My father.........he......he........Oh Thrar, I love you." (Y/n) told Thorin as she took the shocked kings face in her hands and kissed him softly. Thorin not sure what to think, but knowing that whatever it was, he didn't want it to end.
"Thrar. What's wrong?" (Y/n) asked, not knowing why her husband seemed so shocked.
"I..........I'm not........." Thorin began, unable to get the words out as the elleth gently brushed her finger across his cheek. His own hand reaching up to rest on that of the beautiful elf.
"My lady. I am so sorry, but I am afraid that we need ta speak. There are some things that ya need ta know." Balin said apologetically as he came up behind (Y/n). (Y/n) reluctantly turning her gaze from Thorin.
"Please my lady. I need ya ta come with me." Balin continued, as he held out his hand for the lady to take. (Y/n) hesitantly taking it and following behind him.
Thorin and the others watched of Balin spoke to the elleth. Her eyes looking up at the great mountain above them as the elderly dwarf told her of the legend of her and Thrar.
Balin had tried to explain as well as he could to the Durin's and his brother what he believed may have happened. But as he continued to speak with the obviously distressed elleth, not one dwarf present could still believe what they were seeing.
"Do ya really think that she's tha soul of the mountain. That she is the great Lady (Y/n)?" Kili asked quietly, his eyes firmly transfixed on the softly glowing elleth.
"There seems no other explanation for what is happening. She is definitely not one of Thranduil's kin. And from what we saw, she doesn't look like she comes from Rivendell either. She's completely different to any elf I have ever seen. And if she wasn't the soul, why would she be here?" Thorin replied, desperately wishing that he could in fact be king Thrar.
"I have explained everything to the lady. She has asked for a few moments alone." Balin said, as he came over to the others. Ushering the younger dwarves out of the room so that the lady could think.
As he moved slowly from the room, Thorin watched as the elleth reached up and pulled the two beads from her long hair. Tearfully taking down the hair that her husband had braided so many moons before. The beads dropping to the floor as she wiped away the tears from her cheeks. Thorin fighting back the urge to what to run over and take her into his arms.
"What do we do with her?" Dwalin asked Thorin and Balin, as the King finally joined the others.
"She is the soul of our mountain. Its wife. The Arkenstone is her heart. She belongs here more than any of us. And if it wasn't for her, we wouldn't have a mountain to call home." Thorin replied, slightly more harshly than he had meant to.
"I think that what Thorin means, is that we should see what the lady wants to do." Balin added, as he placed a reassuring hand on Thorin's shoulder.
As if on que, (Y/n) appeared from the room. He beautiful eyes reddened from crying, but still looking as exquisite as ever.
"King Thorin." (Y/n) began with a respectful curtsy.
"My apologises for what transpired earlier. I thought that you look just like.........I was hoping that you would be kind enough to allow me to remain here. I can't imagine that I have any kin left in this world. And I have nowhere else to go. And as this mountain means as much to me as it obviously does to you, I hope that you and your people will accept me as one of them." (Y/n) asked, holding back more tears as she looked at Thorin.
"Of course, you can. You can stay as long as you like. Why don't you let us show you your rooms?" Kili said excitedly, as he and Fili took the elleths hands. The princes leading her down the corridor, not even waiting for their uncle's answer.
"Well, there's your answer brother. It looks like those lads have decided for all of us that the soul is staying exactly where she belongs." Balin chuckled, as he and Dwalin followed after Kili and Fili. Leaving the King under the mountain to his thoughts.
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