Chapter 9: More Questions, Less Answers

-Narrator's P.O.V.-

(On the previous chapter, Team RWBY and Y/N went to Vale for spending their weekend on The Vytal Festival...

As they were enjoying their walk, they crossed path with Vale Police Department blocking an area where a shop got robbed...

However, the shop didn't have any dusts but only money, that makes the detectives more confused on why anyone would've stole dusts instead of money...

Y/N talked with these two detectives and offered to investigate the case with the V.P.D. to find out who the responsible is...

After making the deal, the knight went back only to find Weiss and Blake arguing about White Fang's intentions for equals between humans and faunus...

A monkey faunus appeared at the wrong time and started to run away from the cops after trespassing, stealing and humiliating a detective...

Weiss and the others tried to keep up and chase the monkey, unfortunately for them, they ran into a ginger haired girl named Penny Polendina...

Y/N immediately recognized the girl as she also recognized him by giving him a back cracking bear hug, which the knight returned the gesture with a gentle hug of his own...

After Penny and Team RWBY introduced each other, Weiss asked Penny where the "ruffian" is, that caused Blake to argue against the Schnee once again...

Time passed by, it was nighttime, Y/N was heading back to his dorm after catching up with Penny, as soon as he was close to the room, he saw Blake with tears in her eyes without her hairband, exposing her cat ears trails...

Y/N got frustrated about how Weiss treating faunus like her father does back at Atlas, so he decided to spend his night in a hotel back at Vale...

He then meet Blake at the fountain on the courtyard of the academy, the two of them were talking as Blake wanted to be alone for a while...

But as God- i mean Oum intended, the monkey faunus, named Sun Wukong, was also with the duo as they all went to Vale...

It is time for the cat spilling the beans to the knight...)

-3rd P.O.V.-

(As the screen turns on, Y/N, Blake and Sun were seen sitting on a table with drinks...

Blake was drinking her tea as Sun was constantly asking questions to Y/N about his title and semblance...

After the mood got lighten up a bit, Blake sets her cup of tea down on the table with her eyes closed...)

Blake: "...So, you want to know my secret?.."

Sun: "Oh look! She finally talks! And yes, i wanna know why you left your friends back there"

Y/N: "Patience is the key...Let her be"

Sun: "Right, Sorry y'all"

Blake: *sighs* "...It's fine..." *looks down at her cup* "...I-I used to be a member of the White Fang..."

(Sun spits his drink from the shock, Y/N on the other hand, he was surprised and yet his guts was telling him there's more than that...)

Y/N: "..."

Sun: *coughs* "I-I'm sorry, what?!"

Blake: "N-Not too loud...I-I left them to hide in the shadows..."

Y/N: "...Can we get more details about your coalitions with White Fang back then?..."

Blake: "...Y-Yeah.."

(She took a deep breath, getting herself prepared as she started talking about her past as a White Fang Member...)

(A/N): Play at 0:49 till her story ends

Blake: "...And there you go, most of my life was growing up by being a member of White Fang"

Sun: "...My Oum..."

Y/N: *finishes his tea* "...Blake" *she looks at Y/N* "How exactly did you left White Fang?"

Blake: "...Adam and i had a mission to take down a train with dusts in it...but the train was from Schnee Company-"

Y/N: "-Causing to shut down the transportation between trains since the attack..."

Sun: "How did you know that?"

Y/N: "I have my ways..."

(A waitress walks over to their table with the check of what the trio ordered...)

Waitress: "Is there anything i can get for you three?"

Y/N: "All good..." *puts his lien on the table* "...Thanks for the tea"

Sun: "You're paying for us?"

Y/N: "Least i can do, don't sweat it" *stands up* "Let's go"

(He then walks past the waitress and walks out of the cafe as Sun and Blake follow him...

The camera was following the trio as they were walking down the street, but they kept the conversation about White Fang and the recent robbery...)

Sun: "I still can't believe you were one of them...B-But i'm actually glad that you changed your mind!"

Y/N: "However...that doesn't explain why would the cops think Torchwick could've stolen all of that dust..."

Sun: "Maybe because they're working together?"

Blake: "White Fang have a code, never work with humans...that's literally impossible"

Y/N: "...Unless they didn't seal a contract together..."

Sun: *looks at Y/N* "What do you mean?"

Y/N: "Torchwick's goons were borrowed by a bartender who runs a night club here at Vale...White Fang has been known for being group of faunus that used to be pacifist side..."

Blake: "Are you saying...Someone higher than them made a deal with both White Fang and Torchwick?"

Y/N: "That's my guess..."

Sun: "Then let me help you with this info of mine" *Y/N looks at him* "I managed to eavesdrop their conversation about the dusts, they're hiding them inside this hangar"

Blake: "How big is this hangar?"

Sun: "REALLY big, it's a huge dock, Schnee Property"


(Y/N checks his scroll and notices he missed 20 calls from Ruby and a message from Yang)

Blake: "Who's calling you?"

Y/N: "...Ruby" *looks at them* "You two go, catch you both at the docks" *stares at Sun* "No Funny Business."

Sun: *holds his hands up* "C-Crystal!"

(Y/N then walks away as he looks at Yang's message)

Y/N: *reads it* "Yo Knight...You've been out for three day, Rubes is sick worried about you and Blake, once you read this message, try to call my sister..."

Y/N: 'We were gone for 3 days? How the fuck?' as he thought...

(He then replies the message by saying he's fine and he'll explain everything...

Once sending the message, he calls Ruby...)

-Scene Change-
-Vale's Street-
-Ruby's P.O.V.-


Yang: "GUYS! COME ON! WHERE ARE YOU!" *looks at Weiss* "Weiss! Aren't you worried about them?"

Weiss: "About Blake? Not really, about Y/N? He can handle himself"

"Ugh! You're not helping Weiss!"

Weiss: "You know who else can help us? T¹:he Cops"

Ruby/Yang: "..."

Weiss: "...What? It was just an idea"

Yang: "Yeahhh...a real bad one..."


(Both Yang and Ruby's scrolls just went off, they look at it and see Yang has a message while Ruby has an incoming call, both of it are from Y/N)

"I-It's Y/N!" *quickly answers it* "Y-Y/N!"

Y/N: "Missed me?"

"Where are you?! You and Blake are outside for 3 days!"

Y/N: "Don't scold me...I've been out for 3 days because i can't find Blake..."

Yang: *leans closer* "And your message said you're fine, seems you were busy"

Y/N: "I did take some sleep, only for 3 or 4 hours..."

"Why did you sleep so shortly?!"

Y/N: "Investigation while searching for Blake...What do you think?"

Yang: "Yikes...Sorry man...

"...Y-You didn't sleep that much just to try finding Blake?"

Y/N: "Affirm..."

Weiss: "Are you running out of herbs for making the tea?"

Y/N: "...Still have some left in my patch..."

"Like one of those leather bags from medieval era?"

Y/N: "It's still useful"

"Please come back...I miss you and Blake, we're a team remember!"

Y/N: "I'll find her soon...Just wait a bit longer..."

"Don't stay out for too long...I-I'm scared you'll end up getting y-yourself hurt..."

(Weiss was shocked to see Ruby acting like this, Yang was just smiling sadly as this kind of situation remind her of their deceased mother...)

Y/N: "...Ruby...You still there?"


Y/N: "...Remember these words: 'No matter where we are, No matter how far we are...Our bonding friendship is always in our heart...The only way they have to take that away from us is by killing one of us..."

Ruby/Weiss/Yang: "..."

Y/N: "I'm hanging up, still working on finding Blake while solving the dust case..."

"...O-Oh ok! A-And Y/N?"

Y/N: "Yes?"

"..." *blushes slightly* "...S-Stay safe...D-Don't get killed..."

Y/N: "...Don't worry Ruby, i'll be fine...Yang, Weiss?"

Yang: "We're here, wassup?"

Y/N: "Keep an eye on her while i'm gone...I'll be back soon"

(I then heard the call hanging up...i don't why but what he said earlier just made me feel having butterflies inside my stomach...

He's so caring, kind and really cool person to hang out with...i-i really like him-)

Yang: *smirks* "Ooo~ Is that a blush my little sister?~"

"Eek!" *covers my head with my hood* "S-Shut up, Yang!"

(I hear her laughing at my embarrassment, UGH! I hate when she does that!

...but...i-i can't deny it...e-everytime i think of him, i-i can't help but b-blushing and make my day b-better...)

"L-Let's just go back find Blake..."

Yang: *giggles* "Alright sis, let's go"

(After embarrassing me, the three of us went back finding where blake could be hiding...)

-Scene Change-
-3rd P.O.V.-

(It was nighttime, the camera shows the docks nearby the sea where White Fang had stolen the hangars...

As the screen moves somewhere else, it stops where Blake and Y/N are hiding...however, they were waiting for Sun since he was missing)

Blake: *whispers* "That's the place..."

Y/N: *whispers* "Yeah...Sun's intel was good...speaking of him, where is he?"

(Right on cue, Sun arrived with 3 apples on his arms, he was already eating one...

Once he looks over to the duo, Blake was angry while Y/N was just deadpanning of his theft habits...)

Sun: *whispers* "Sorry, got hungry on my way here...want one?"

Blake: "...really?..."

Y/N: *whispers* "Save them for later...after we dealt with those guys..."

Sun: *gulp, nods* "Got it"

???: "Come on everyone! We don't have all day! We're on a tight schedule!"

(The trio take a peek and they were surprised to see the most wanted criminal working with White Fang...)

Roman: *taps his foot on the ground impatiently* "Careful with those crates! Our client wants these dusts in one piece"

Sun: *whispers* "You were right...He is working with them..."

Y/N: *whispers* "...Let's play sma-"

(Blake ignores them as she immediately went for Roman...

After managing to get behind criminal with her weapon, she holds the blade of her katana on his neck)

Roman: "What the- Oh you've got to be-"

Blake: "Nobody move!"

(Everyone got alerted by her sudden appearance, they then pointed their rifles at Blake...

She reached for her headband and tosses it away as she reveals her cat ears...)

Blake: "Brothers of White Fang! Why are you aiding this scum?!"

(Some lowered their rifles as others just stared at the cat faunus...)

Roman: "Oh dear little kitten, didn't you know?"

Blake: "What..."

Roman: "The White Fang and i are on a mutual truce by stealing dusts

Blake: *brings her weapon closer to him* "Whatever your little operation is, i will put an end of it!"

(As the timing couldn't go any worse, two bullheads were flying over the docks, making Blake, Sun and Y/N look up out of shock)

Roman: *also looking up* "I wouldn't say this is a little operation..."

(As a bird flies by the camera, the scene changes where Ruby and Penny are...

After countless of times of not finding Blake, Penny suddenly showed up to them and literally revealed Blake's race, which it's being a faunus...

Yang and Weiss ditched Ruby letting her stay with Penny as the two of them were talking about it...

Before any of them could continue, they heard gunshots, metal clashing and grunting sounds coming from the docks...

As the duo rushed towards the docks, the fight was happening right now...

When the criminal was going for the container, a gunshot was heard from the distance, only to get deflected at the nick of time...

Sun and Blake look over and see Y/N on kneeling position with his rifle aiming at Roman...

After the said criminal wipes his shoulder off, he looks over and notices the knight)

Roman: "Well, if isn't it the son of L/N"

Y/N: "..."

Roman: *smirks* "Cat got your tongue?"

Y/N: "The Forgotten will remember your sins, Torchwick"

(He then proceeded to shoot at Roman one more time, this time it hits him with a gravity round, causing him to knock him off the ground...

Soon after, Y/N copies Blake's semblance and starts to go head-to-head against Roman...

The duo were clashing their weapons to each other, parrying each other's strikes one after another...

Y/N copies Sun's semblance as he summons two of his clones made out of his own aura...

Roman was impressed by his semblance and he begins to struggle to keep up against three of Y/N's...)

Sun: "Huh?!?! Since when his semblance is as same as ours?!?!"

Blake: "That's not his semblance, his actual semblance is Doppelganger, he can copy and use our semblance as if they're his"

(Roman was getting frustrated of being outnumbered, so he proceeds to shoot at the container hanging above the clones...

The explosion causes the container to fall onto Y/N's clones, shattering them into ashes...)

Roman: *clicks his tongue* "...Just like your parents"

Y/N: "They're dead for all i care..." *his eyes turn red* "...And so are you."

(Y/N's mask forms into a taijitu mask as a pair of fangs can be seen on his mask...

As the camera moves down to his forearms, his gauntlets switches color from white into black as a pair of blades pops out of them...

After gaining the serpent grimm's trails and ability, Y/N quickly rushes over to Roman as he goes all out on defeating the criminal...

The said criminal was having trouble on parrying or blocking Y/N's attacks because everytime he hits him, Y/N emits green venom poison from his mask, causing the criminal to get an opening everytime he backs off from it...)

Roman: "Grrrr...That's it!"

(He points his cane at Y/N and shoots at him right on his chest, that causes the knight to go flying into the container behind him, knocking him out on the ground...)

Blake: *ears flops down* "Y/N!!!"

Sun: *draws his gun-staff* "You'll pay for it!"

(And then the rest happened like this...)

(After a long fight against Roman and White Fang, the cops arrived at the scene and they all started to deal with the mess...

Soon after, Yang, Weiss and Ruby caught up with Blake, Sun and the unconscious knight on the ground...

The Knight's state causes Ruby to panic)

Ruby: "W-What happened to him?!"

Yang: "Is he dead?!"

Blake: "N-No! He's just unconscious! R-Roman shot at him and knocked him out with his cane..."

(Ruby sighs in relief knowing her crush isn't dead yet...

Yang notices it again and smirks teasingly at her sister...

Later on, Weiss approaches over Blake, the latter was nervous about the whole situation)

Blake: "W-Weiss...I-I'm s-"

Weiss: *cuts her off* "Halt, do you have any ideas how long we've been looking for you?"

Blake: "U-Uhm..."

Weiss: "3 Days...We were been looking for you for 3 whole days and i've decided that..."

Blake: "..."

Weiss: "...I don't care"

(Blake was shocked when she heard Weiss didn't giving a damn how long they were looking for her)

Blake: "...W-What?"

Weiss: "You told us you used to be a member of White Fang, right?"

Blake: *nods scaredy* "Y-Yeah...I-I was-"

Weiss: *cuts her off again* "Ah-uh-uh-uh! I don't want to hear it, what happened in the past, stay in the past...because right now, WE are a team..." *smiles faintly* "...We're here for you whenever you want to talk"

(Blake's cat ears flops down in happiness as Weiss apologizes to her, the two of them started hugging out as Yang was smiling at the whole thing)


Weiss: *lets go of the hug* "However! I still don't trust you." *points at Sun*

Sun: *chuckles nervously* "F-Fair point"

Y/N: *coughs smoke and venom*

(Everyone look at their knight friend, he was coughing again and out of his instincts, he took the mask off and started coughing again...

After coughing his soul out, he gently moves his hair back off his face, revealing his black night colored eyes with his black crow colored hair...

His face reveal made team RWBY blush, making their face cheeks as same color as Ruby's cape...)

Y/N: *holds his head* "...ugh...what happened..."

Sun: "You got knocked out by carrot-head, glad to see you awake!"

Y/N: "Right...He got away..." *stands up, dusts himself off and sees the girls staring at him* "...What?"

Ruby: "Eep!" *covers her face with her hood*

Blake: *looks down as her ears twitch slightly out of embarrassment*

Weiss: *daydreams about Y/N being her knight in the shiny armor*

Yang: *smirks seductively* "My Oum~ You look hot~"

(Y/N was confused of their reactions, then he realizes he wasn't wearing his mask because he took it off for coughing out smoke from breathing it in...)

Y/N: *facepalms* "...Fuck..."

Sun: "Heh, good luck with them, see ya around tho!"

(The knight responded it with a "see ya" of his own as the monkey faunus starts jogging away from the docks and possibly from the cops...

Penny, on the other hand, she was seen being taken away as she looks sad to leave her friends without saying hello...

However, Y/N notices the car where Penny is in, the said android girl smiles widely and waves at him as the car starts driving away from the docks...

The screen slowly fades into black pitch as the silence was filled into the darkness...)

(A/N): Volume 1 of The Forgotten Knight is officially over!!! WOOOOOOO!!!!

Man, it was a short series but MAN did i enjoy it!?

So after posting this chapter, i will make a poll chapter about Y/N getting his semblance nerfed or keep it as it is until further instructions

Anyways, i hope you liked this 1st volume of The Forgotten Knight and i will see you all in the next one! Have a good bloody day/night!!!

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