Getting to Know Each Other

Trio POV
     'Aw man I can't wait to see the look on her face.' Isabel and Farlan thought. 'Tch. I have no doubt that we cleaned better than she ever done.' Levi thought.

Your POV
     We arrived to our destination, I open the door to see something wonderful, but not something that I expected. I look back to the three of them.
"Surprise." Both Farlan and Isabel said in unison with jazz hands. Levi was in the middle doing the usual, nothing and staying quiet.
"I can't believe it." I say.
"This is what you were expecting, right?" Isabel asked me.
"Well, no, not really."
"EH?!" They all said.
"Look. I know the room is shiny and you put all your effort into it but where is the TLC?"
"What the hell is that?" Levi finally spoke.
"So you speak huh. Anyways it stands for tenderness, love, and care."
"You're kidding right? It's a room. It's not some trophy." Farlan said.
"Are you doubting me, Cadet Church? I'll have to remind you that some of us are unfortunate to even have a roof over their heads. I thought you would understand since you came from the Underground but I guessed wrong. Come on I'll show you the way I clean, WITH TCL." With that being said I lead the trio to my office/room. I open my door wide open to make sure that every eye sees the masterpiece. They all widen their eyes but Levi just a bit.
"W-wow. I guess your right. I'm sorry, Corporal." Farlan apologized.
"It's alright. At least now you learned your lesson."
"The true power of TLC. Such beauty and power." Isabel said getting down to her knees to see my room so clean that the sparkles sparkles more.
"Oi, what did I say about the floor?"
"Oh! I'm sorry." She got up to brush away the dirt off her pants.
"So, you do this everyday, all by yourself?" Levi asked.
"Yes. You should try it some time." Once I said that I forgot that they were from the Underground which meant that their parents were killed or died from illness. They soon turned all gloomy. "I'm sorry. I forgot about that, well don't worry cause you guys aren't the only ones."
"What do you mean?" Levi asked.
"I mean that I too don't have parents." They stare at me wide eyed.
"What happened to them?" Isabel asked.
"Well more like, what they did. I say that we talk this outside so the room won't go all down and depressing. I'll talk some things about me if you guys do the same, deal?"
"Deal" they said in unison.
We all walk outside. We all stand under a tree and start to talk.
"I'll go first." Isabel said.
"Then I will go after Isabel." Farlan said.
"Levi, is it okay for you to go after Farlan?" I asked since I had to gather up the strength for my emotions to stay inside of me.
"Sure. Whatever." He said.
     After hearing both Farlan and Isabel similar back stories of how their parents both died of murder and they both lived on the streets. But Farlan was the first who met Levi and Isabel came along when some men chased her down for not paying to go above ground and both Levi and Farlan saved her. Now it was Levi's turn.
"I'll make this short, so listen up. My mother was a prostitute, had me with a client. Never knew my father. She died from illness when I was young. My uncle took me in, only to abuse and train me. He just disappeared one day leaving me all alone. There."
"Wow. That's horrible. Well, guess it's my turn. Here goes. I am from the Beast Tribe as you already know. My parents were alcoholics who came home late at night wasted just to beat me up for no reason. Some days they would just leave me in the house all alone till late at night or run some errands. Then one day my parents took a place no child should ever be. The only thing that I remember of that moment was my mother say 'Here she is. Quite worth the money, isn't it?' At that moment she handed me to the man and left with my father not saying anything. The man put my wrists and ankles in shackles and took me outside. I see all men and the smell of alcohol all around. I knew at that moment what my parents did to me, they sold me off to those drunken perverts for entertainment. I have never so scared in my life. Also at that moment as they were bidding me off, I wished that something would happen so I could escape that hell of a place. That's when titans appeared." I say with no expressions, successfully holding back the tears.
"Wow. I always thought that Levi Bro had it really bad but know you have been through so much. I'm sure that Levi Bro agrees also, right?" Isabel said looking at Levi. He nods.
"But let me ask. Why are you wearing the shackles even though it brings you pain from the past?" Levi asked me. I look down at my shackles and clutch my hands together and answer him.
"I use this memory and pain to use. My motivation to prove to people that nothing can hold me down from now on, no one can stop me from what I believe."
"Alright, what will happen when someone or something you hold dear is gone?" He asked.
"As long as I hold them in my memory, they will never be forgotten but it stills means that I have to move on."
"Come one, bro. Leave her alone. She is just ready for any impact that comes along her way." Isabel said.
"Yea she is. Maybe, can you try to do what she does?" Farlan backed Isabel up.
"Tch. Shut it." He said getting angry.
"See, there it is. If you hold onto that anger and hate in your heart. You might go mad and suicidal, trust me I have been there before. That is something that I can not tell for it is personal."
"I'm glad we all get to know each other a bit more."
"I did as well." Farlan said.
"Me too." Isabel said.
"I guess it wasn't a total waste of time." Levi said.
"Um, Corpr-" Farlan said but I cut him off. 
"(Y/n). No more formalities, just call me (y/n) only when we are alone. Resume."
"Right. (Y/n), if you are from the Beast Tribe, can you tell us what they look like?" Farlan asked.
"Sure. Well, the males and the females had red color hair and pink eyes."
"How come you don't look like them? You have (h/c) hair and (e/c) eyes." Isabel listened and asked.
"I asked that myself also when I looked at my features for the first time. I came up that maybe I am more special than those in my tribe. I think that one day my unique hidden power will come out when I really need it."
"Oh. That's nice. Always stayed positive." Isabel said.
"Yea. It's time to go inside and get our lunch. Let's go."
     As we were walking back inside the headquarters, I look at the trio in the corner of my eye and reminded that they took their tests. I wanted to know their skills.
"Say, Levi, Isabel, Farlan, you guys took the tests, correct?"
"We did." Levi answered.
"Well, can you please tell me your skills?"
"Well, first we started off with slicing titan dummies skipping the test to use the gear, since they have been informed that Commander told them about us already knowing the use of the gear. " Farlan answered.
"Hmm. How many did each of you get?"
"9" Isabel said.
"11" Farlan said.
"20" Levi said.
"Wow. You guys are skilled. Most get lower than a 6."
"How many did you get when you came, (y/n)?" Isabel asked.
"I didn't take that test. I only took the gear test."
"Why?" Levi asked.
"I knocked a tooth out of a titan by saving a soldier and I killed a 15 meter class titan. Both with no gear and weapons, that was the day when the Scouts were on a mission. That is the same day when they found me and took me in."
"YOU DID WHAT?!" Both Farlan and Isabel yelled. Levi just widen his eyes a little. I jumped because they yelled right next to my ears. I stop in my tracks and turn around to face them.
"Ok. First of all, yell at my ears again, I will punch your guts out. Secondly, I killed two titans by sending a strong kick to the nape and there. Bye-bye titan." I said with a mixture of annoyed and anger.
"Are you ears sensitive?" Levi asked.
"Yes. Yes, they are. Everyone has a weak spot."
"I don't." Levi said.
"Oh really?"
"Yes really."
"Ok let's see about that. I already know what your weakness is. You just want to admit it."
"Tch. You know nothing." Levi growled.
"Careful. You don't want to know when you get me angry. We won't want that, do we? I'll let go. So, tell me about your hand to hand combat." I say turning back around to go to the Mess Hall that was few minutes away.
"Oh, it was awesome. I took out three people at the same time. Isabel took down two men twice her size and Levi over here almost killed everyone." Farlan said smirking at Levi and Isabel chuckled remembering that morning.
"Oh, did he now? I don't think he has taken down everyone."
"What are you talking about?" Farlan asked.
"Really, Farlan? Is your memory alright? Don't you remember when the Scouts were there to capture us?" Isabel reminded Farlan.
"Oh! I remember. We were already captured when you fought Levi. That was the best fight I have ever seen. It ended so cool. No one has ever beaten Levi in hand to hand combat." He said.
"No one until now. By the way, Levi were you trying at all?"
"No I just went easy on you since you showed yourself." He said sarcastically.
"Geez fine. You were, but to let you know I was holding back a bit."
"Yeah right."
"Seriously, when I was right at your face I could've knocked you out with one single blow."
"Then why didn't you?"
"I wanted to see your skills myself. I was really impressed by the way you know your opponent's attacks although you should know that just because your opponent might use the same attacks over and over again it shouldn't make you break away your stance."
"I don't care."
"Well, you should. You could be killed with a surprising attack. Ah. Look we're here. Goodbye, Cadets. When you finish eating get some rest you will be training tomorrow early in the morning to get ready for the next expedition."

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