The Other Bin of Scrooge McDuck

Charlotte was lying in her bed, trying her best to rest. She tossed and turned, but she just couldn't for the life of her. She felt like something was lurking in the shadows and a shiver was sent down her spine every few minutes. She finally had enough and sat up. Something is going on, and I'm gonna find out what.

She began to walk around the mansion, inspecting every room she came across. She entered the triplets' room to find the three of them surrounding a Bigfoot. Charlotte stared at the four of them not in shock, but in confusion. "Charlotte! Please don't tell Uncle Scrooge!" Dewey pleaded. Charlotte only tilted her head in confusion, wanting an answer. "I found Tenderfeet in the woods in need of help and I helped him. A friendship bloomed and then I brought him here." Huey summarized. "Please don't tell Uncle Scrooge about Tenderfeet. He is so sensitive and Scrooge is on the hunt." Dewey said.

Charlotte stood there in thought. Mr. McDuck is also searching the mansion? Interesting. Charlotte looked up at Tenderfeet. Tenderfeet is definitely up to something, but this isn't what I'm looking for. Whatever it is that's keeping me on edge is still in this mansion. Besides, I'm sure they can handle Tenderfeet on their own. Charlotte looked at the triplets and crossed her heart, promising them not to tell Scrooge. Huey and Dewey sighed in relief while Louie only crossed his arms. Even if Huey and Dewey don't know what Tenderfeet is up to, it seems Louie does seem to suspect him as well. So they're in good hands. At least, I hope so. Charlotte soon left the room.

Charlotte continued to search the mansion when she spotted Scrooge searching the halls, crossbow in his hands. Whatever it is he's hunting for must be really dangerous, and I doubt that it's the Bigfoot he's hunting. She then thought about something. If he really is hunting for something, then there is only one person who would know exactly what he's hunting. Charlotte then made her way to Webby's room.

Once Charlotte made it to Webby's room, she knocked on the door and waited. When there was no answer, she knocked on the door again and waited once more. There was still no answer. Please don't be mad at me, Webby. Charlotte opened the door to find no one inside. Wasn't she supposed to have that sleepover with Lena today? She looked at Webby's room to find a projector facing ya board on the wall. Charlotte climbed up the ladder to Webby's bedroom but didn't find her or Lena. Where can they be? Charlotte then left the room.

Charlotte walked around the halls of the mansion when she felt a shiver down her spine. She looked back to a door she passed and slowly approached it. As she did, she felt more shivers be sent down her spine. She opened the door to find herself in the garage. She walked around the garage until she spotted an open vault door that was disguised as a painting. She stood in front of the entrance and felt a massive shiver shake her entire body. It's gotta be in there. I just know it.

She entered vault to find a spiral staircase. She walked down the stairs when she heard a voice that she recognized. "They're dates! June 4, 1956, the day Scrooge captured the sword horse." Webby? "And, as you'll recall from today's lecture, the date Scrooge earned his Number One Dime was..." Charlotte then heard Lena mumbling, trying to remember the answer. Lena, too? "1877!" Both Webby and Lena said together. "Come on!" Webby said as she dragged Lena along with her. What are they doing here? Charlotte rushed down the stairs in order to catch up to them.

Once she did, Webby and Charlotte were standing in front of a chamber. "Here we go. 1877. Scrooge's Number One Dime." Webby said. Before Lena could open the chamber, she gasped as she spotted Charlotte. Webby looked and spotted Charlotte as well. "Charlotte!? What are you doing here?" Webby asked. Charlotte took out a small notepad and pencil from her pockets and wrote down, 'I can ask you the same thing.' "We wanted to see Scrooge's Number One Dime." Webby answered. 'I don't think that's a good idea. We should probably leave.' Charlotte wrote. "Don't worry. Everything will be fine." Lena answered. Something about that answer doesn't sit right with me. Charlotte then studied Lena's face and detected a hint of sadness. That sadness in her eyes... their almost too familiar to me.

Before Charlotte could do anything, Lena opened the chamber door and took a peek inside. Inside, Lena spotted Scrooge's Number One Dime on a pillow on top of a pedestal. Lena entered and quickly shut Webby and Charlotte out. "Hey, Lena, I think you locked us out accidentally." Webby said as she pounded in the door. Lena only looked down sadly from behind the door. From Lena's shadow, Magica De Spell, Lena's aunt, took form and began to laugh as Lena slowly approached the dime. "Yes! The time is at hand. Closer, fool. Closer! What are you waiting for? An invitation?" Magica said as her dark shadow began to consume the room. Lena made it to the dime and hesitated to grab it. "Take the dime!" Magica commanded as her red eyes loomed over Lena.

With her command, Lena finally grabbed the dime. "Yes!" Magica shouted as red electricity crackled around Lena as she was being consumed by the inky shadow of her aunt. Lena screamed as she watched herself helplessly be consumed. "Finally! The power!" Magica yelled as her shadow completely covered Lena's body. As soon as she did, Magica began to pull herself out as if she was climbing out of a hole, gaining herself a physical form. "Oh, that felt good. With the dime in my hands, nothing can stand in my way!" Magica yelled as her inky self began to laugh. Lena, the dime still on her hands, shook her head and began to run away. "Wait." Magica said as she used her powers to levitate Lena from the ground and bring her into her hands. Lena whimpered in fear as tears rolled down her cheeks. "You deserve a hug." Magica said as she gave Lena a hug.

Some creaking was heard, catching the attention of Magica. A part of the door was being cut off and soon landed with a thud, showing Webby and Charlotte on the other side. "Diamond dagger cuts through anything!" Webby said. Webby and Charlotte looked up to see Magica and Lena. "Wait, what's going on? Is that...?" Webby began to question. Magica dropped Lena and quickly approached Webby and Charlotte. "Yep. The harbinger of your doom." Magica answered. Charlotte gasped as she spotted the pedestal, the dime missing. "Oh no! The dime! Give it back!" Webby said as she slashed as Magica. However, the attack didn't effect Magica as she returned to Lena's side. "Lena, run!" Webby said as she and Charlotte got into fighting positions. "Why? She's been working for me." Magica said. Webby and Charlotte stared in shock as Lena looked away in shame.

Charlotte stood still to try and process the revelation while Webby slowly shook her head with an angry look. "Scrooge!" Webby called as she began to run away. Magica quickly sent a red beam her way and turned Webby into a doll. "Webby! No!" Lena cried out as she bang to tear up. "She keeps barging in. We've gotta put a bell on her or something." Magica said.

Charlotte stared in absolutely shock before she began to run away to get Scrooge. Before she could get far, Magica levitated her off the ground and brought her closer. "Leave her alone! She didn't do anything!" Lena begged. Charlotte shook in intense fear as she was held in Magica's grasp. Tears poured from her eyes as she tried to get away. "Such quietness. Prior experience of taking orders. Blind obedience. I think I'll keep you." Magica said. Magica placed her hand over Charlotte's eyes and watched in delight as Charlotte began to be consumed in dark ink like Lena did moments ago. Charlotte squirmed around to try and escape, but it was too late. Charlotte was completely consumed, now looking and acting like a brainless, shadow husk.

"What are you doing!?" Lena asked Magica. "Exactly what you've been doing the whole time. Using them, pulling their strings. Here. Allow me to demonstrate the delightful irony." Magica said. Magica transformed her arm into an actual shadow as she created strings from her fingers to attach them to the Webby doll's shadow. Magica then used the strings to move the Webby doll around like a puppet around Lena. Magica then began to imitate Webby. "Scrooge this. Scrooge that. Pink stuff. Hi, I'm Webster! Or whatever." Magica said. "Her name is Webby!" Lena said. "Who cares? I mean, you don't. You were just using her, right? Like a tool. What's the matter? Do you miss your friend, the slide ruler?" Magica asked. "Good one, Magica." Magica said, imitating Webby. "Thanks, dummy. Ha! Little prop humor for you there." Magica said.

Magica then laughed. "Good times! Now, give me the dime." Magica commanded. Lena looked at the dime in her hand before clutching it tight. "I'm not doing anything until you turn Webby and Charlotte back." Lena said. "I'm sorry. I must have misheard you. Are you telling your master what to do? Because that doesn't sound like someone who wants her freedom, does it, Wendy and Charlie?" Magica asked. The Webby doll and the possessed Charlotte both shook their heads. "Let's try this again. Give me the dime!" Magica reached her hand out to forcefully take the dime herself, but an electric barrier formed around Lena by Lena's amulet. Magica's hand came into contact with the barrier, causing her arm to get shocked away. "No! I'm not your puppet anymore!" Lena shouted. "Is that so? Luckily, I have a spare or two." Magica said as she made the Webby doll and the possessed Charlotte attack Lena.

Lena gasped as she tried to block their attacks. "You're not my friend! You're a coward! A traitor!" The Webby doll shouted as the possessed Charlotte knocked Lena to the ground. Lena's amulet began to glow. "No! Webby, Charlotte, this isn't you!" Lena said, trying to get through to them. "I know who you really are! A monster, just like your aunt!" The Webby doll shouted as she and the possessed Charlotte began their final attack. As they got closer, Lena's amulet sent a powerful beam in their direction, disintegrating then to nothing but dust. "Whoops. They gone." Magica said. "No!" Lena shouted in agony as she shut her eyes closed.

"Lena! Wake up, you snoring angel." Webby shouted. Lena opened her eyes to see Webby and Charlotte, perfectly fine. "Webby? Charlotte?" Lena asked as she hugged Webby. "Where's the dime? Where-?" Webby interrupted Lena. "There is no dime. There never was." Everyone looked inside the chamber to find a floating dreamcatcher instead of the dime. "The dreamcatcher. From the lecture? It sucked you into-."
"My worst nightmare." Lena finished. "Aw, you were listening." Webby said. Lena looked down in sadness. Poor Lena. It must've been some nightmare she experienced. "I got the code wrong. This one is 1-8-77. We need 1877. Come on!" Webby said as she pulled on Lena's arm, but Lena didn't budge. "No. I'm done. Let's get out of here before anything else bad happens." Lena said. Charlotte sighed in relief as they began to make their way to the exit.

"You know, this was fun, but I'm kind of glad we stopped. I was a little nervous about the whole thing." Webby said. "I know, and I'm sorry I forced you to do something you didn't want to do." Lena said. "What the blazes are you three doing in here!?" All three gasped as they spotted Scrooge, who was getting his Number One Dime back. All three girls froze until Webby looked at the chamber number to find it to be 0001.

"Oh, of course! The Number One Dime was in the number one chamber. Duh." Webby said. Scrooge nodded. "No one thinks to check the first one. But you shouldn't be checking at all! The other bin is far too dangerous." Scrooge said. "Don't blame Charlotte. She was trying to get us to leave. It's all on me. We wanted to see your dime, and we overheard you were keeping it in here, and..." Lena said. "Sorry, Uncle Scrooge." Webby apologized. "You should know by now that if you want to know something, all you have to do is ask. Be straight with me, lassies. What if you were lost or hurt or eaten by the dragon?" Webby ran up to Scrooge and gave him a hug before they walked to the exit, Charlotte following after them. "Aw, man! There's a dragon in here?" Webby asked.

Magica appeared from Lena's shadow. "Blech. Now, listen to your aunt and grab the dime, grab the dime, grab the dime!" Magica whispered-shouted to Lena. "No! Family is supposed to help you, not hold you hostage." Lena said. "They'll turn on you. Call you a monster." Magica said. "You're the monster here, and I know just the hunter to take you down." Lena faced Scrooge as he, Charlotte, and Webby were making their way up the stairs. "Mr. McDuck, there's something I need to tell you. My aunt is ma..." Lena then began to stutter, as if something was controlling her. "Ma... mad... that I haven't checked in with her. I got to go." Lena said. "Well, come on then, lass. Let's get you home to your family." Scrooge said. Charlotte began suspected Lena's words and wanted to stay behind with Lena, but Scrooge ushered her up the stairs to the mansion.

Lena whimpered as she began to touch her shut mouth, unable to speak. She tried to move, but found her feet glued to the ground. Lena fell to her knees as Magica began to overtake the girl. Soon enough, her eyes glowed red as Magica gained full control of Lena. "Huh. I didn't know I could do that. Neat. As the eclipse nears, my powers grow." Magica said. Magica the shook her head, getting rid of her glowing, red eyes to look normal. "Guess I'll just have to get the dime myself." Magica said, now in Lena's voice. "Hey, where do you guys keep your sharp knives?"

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