Ch.7 Mikey gets Shellacne and the Evan cousins get twinlized part 2

Haley's point of view:

I enter the kitchen where Aunt Harley was frantically preparing for the annual family Christmas party that was happening in 2 days. Cole was behind me, making sure he was near me as he gets a soda from the fridge. Megan and The twins where decorating gingerbread houses. It was so cute. The twins where making chocolate disk and Gumpdrop roofing while Megan placed a chocolate snowman on the top of her gingerbread house. They where diffently creative.

Aunt Harley looks up from her cooking satiation to look at me.

"Haley I'm glad your here, I need your help" Aunt Harley said.

I rubbed my head nervously.

"I... I was meaning to tell you something Aunt Harley, I got asked out on a date tonight" I admit.

Aunt Harley looks at me, starring into my eyes.

"Is this a nice boy and where do you how him from ?" Aunt Harley asks suspiciously.

I expected Aunt Harley to act like this because she sometimes overeacts.

"He's super nice and I know him from school" I reply.

Aunt Harley just looks at me. It was the truth but she just wanted more proof which I kinda get.

"Cole is going on a date too, he's going to same restruant like I am" I explain.

Aunt Harley scoffs.

"He's always on a date with some girl" Aunt Harley scoffs.

"Did I hear Hales is going on a date ?" Jades asks with a grin as she enters the kitchen.

"She got asked out on the wrong time" Aunt Harley groans.

"I don't need to go I can stay with you and help, I'm nervous anyway" I said.

Jades slings her arm over my shoulder.

"Come on cous there's nothing to be afraid" Jades said.

"I know it's just this my first date and I don't know what to do" I said.

Jades thinks about before smiling.

"What if I bring Milo and we make it a double date !" Jades exclaimes with excitment.

"Oh I don't know about that" I said feeling awakard.

"Come on it will be fun !" Jades said.

I sighed knowing that I didn't have much of a choice.

"Fine" I sigh.

" Just be home by 10" Aunt Harley warns.


I can't believe I agreed to this or the fact Jades conviced me this was a good idea. Jades and Milo sit next to me while Ryan sits across from us in a booth. He didn't look like this was bothering him. But I knew Jades would so how make things humurs. I look at the booth behind to make sure Cole was there. Cole was alone, just waiting for his date.

"It's very nice to meet your friends Haley" Ryan said potiley.

"Friends ? Ha ! Where more than that, we're family" Jades said, correcting him.

Ryan looked confused. And I sighed knowing we had to explain our family history of how I am related to Shina Jade who is Japanese and I'm American mixed with an little Italian.

"You two are related ?" Ryan asks.

"Heck yeah we're related, I've know this girl since she was a baby" Jades said exited as she slings her arm over my shoulder.

"Please no baby stories" I beg of her in a whisper voice.

"Don't worry I won't" Jades said giving me a little wink.

"Are you guys related from the male side ?" Ryan asks.

"Pal your in quite in store for a story" Milo chuckles knowing our family history.

I look at Jades.

"You got this ?" I ask her.

"Yeah I tell him" Jades said as she brings out a picture of our grandparents when they where in thire 40's.

"This two lovely people are Charlotte and Chung Kenta Evans our grandparents" Jades said.

"Kenta was Charlotte's second husband years after her first husband passed away, they agreed to keep his last name Evans to honor his memory" Jades explains.

"Our Aunt Harley was 11 and my dad was baby when they got married" I added.

"After they got married they had my mom mom and aunt Yoshe,

Cole's mother" Jades explains.

"So thire family is a mix of Japanese, Americas, and a bit of Itlian" Milo adds.

"That sounds like a cool family" Ryan said which kinda of susprised me.

Normally when we told people that story, people though it was weird.

"Yeah we are a pretty cool family" Jades smiles and I smiled back at her.

"Hey Cole" an all too fimilar voice said.

I turn behind me to see Cole and Karai togeather on a date ?!

I quickly looked at Ryan.

"I have to use the bathroom" I said.

"Oh okay will wait for you" Ryan said potiley.

I quickly get up and march up to Cole grabbing him by his arm and dragging him to a conor.

"Hey where on a date !" Karai shouts at me.

"What the heck Hales !" Cole snares.

"You on a date with the SHREDDER'S daughter !" I whisper shout.

"She's not all that bad" Cole whispers.

"She's with the people who took my dad" I snare.

"She's not like them, Hales" Cole argues.

"The guys might have a field day on this !" I snared.

"I don't care ! She's the first person to understand what I went through" Cole said clenching his fists.

I look at him, knowing I hit a nerve.

"Cole..." I tried.

"Haley don't, I'm going home" Cole sighs, knowing he couldn't do his date.

Cole storms off. I suddenly feel pain as I hold my arm in pain. I see Cole whincing in pain.

"Cole" I whimper in pain.

Cole sighs as he walks up to me and grab my shoulder as we walk towards Ryan and explain to him we had a family emergency. Susprisingly he understood.


We walked on the streets to home, slients between us. I was about to say something until I see foot bots in alleyway carring mutagen sussplies. I look at Cole and we nod. We take off our clothes to revel our new Hamtoe ninja underneath. We put on ninja masks and follow them.

We hide behind a wall, watching them.

I noticed a foot soilder with no gloves and I could see his pale hands. I could tell he was human and not a foot bot.

We wondered what the foot had plan with the mutagen.

"Well well, look likes we have a couple of spies, how intriguing" chuckles a smooth accent voice.

We whipped behind us to see the green and black clad ninja we seem before.

"Who are you ?" We demand.

"Call me Siren,ninja twins" She cooes.

We charge at her but she punches me down.

Cole tries to hit her but she pants him and tosses him head first into a garbage can.

"Cole !" I shout as I tried to run at her but she grabs me,restraining my arms behind my back with only one hand. I desperately struggle against which only makes her laugh and tighting her grip.

"Aw your ardouble, too bad I'm gonna give you to a friend of mine" Siren smirks before I feel a prick in my neck before I fall uncouises.

"Night, night ninja girl" Siren mocks.


I groan waking up. I feel my hands and arms clanged down. As I come around I see the walls white and bight lights around me. I look down to see myself strapped down to a metal table. I look across to see Cole right next to me strapped down to a table as well. He looked just as panicked as I am right now. Cole desperately struggles against his binds.

Suddenly an creep looking man wearing a white coat approaches us.

"Ah hello hello your awake I see" The man said with exitment and creepy smile that made me cringe.

"Where are we and who are you ?" Me and Cole asks trying to sound brave.

"My labatory of course my dear and I'm or was a friend of your dear dad" The man said with a sly smile.

"Please call me Dr. L, Siren brought you two to me and may i say I am pleased to see my little twin chemical is working" Dr. L said looking at us.

"That was you ?!" We gasped.

"Of course it was me, I needed to find a way to your father's journal so I used my old experiments chemicals to get what I what... unfortunately for you two you don't have it but fortantly for me I get to use my new mutagen sussplies" Dr. L smirks as he takes out two styinge mutagen.

"No you wouldn't !" I shout as I struggle against my binds.

Cole seemed silent and his eyes where widen in fear.

Dr. L singles men to hold us down. I stuggle and yell. Alot of things I've seen from movies are coming true.

"Relaxe it won't hurt that bad my childern" Dr. L smirks evilly.

"We're not your children !" Cole snares angerly as he struggles against his bounds and the men holding us down

"Oh but all my eximperments are my children" Dr. L smiles evilly as he brings two large syringe closer to us.

I struggle desperately as tears stream down my face. I was almost mutate the night my dad was taken and now I was about to become a mutant.

Suddenly I feel my hand being grab my hand and held tight. I look over to see Cole holding my hand tight. He looks at my eyes sadly as I look at him, I could read his eyes that where tell me that we where going to get though this togeather and that this mad sciencetest won't break us. And for the first time we understood each other.

The syringe went into are necks causing us to both cry out in pain. It felt like something was being pumped into us. I held Cole's hand tighter, shutting my eyes.

"Haley ! Cole !" I hear the turtle's voices.

"Help !" I hear Cole scream.

I begin to hear gun shoots.

Suddenly I see nothing but a pure white glowing light.

Then nothing.


I groan as I open my eyes. This time no glowing light. I sit up and rub my pounding head. I felt werid and different. My eye's for example felt slanted. I look around to see i was in a lab. I hope that all of what happened was a bad dream.

"Haley ?" I hear someone asks.

I turn to see Cole right next to me. He looked normal

"Are you okay ?" He asks concerned.

At that moment I don't know what came over me becauses not a second later I hug him.

"Your okay !" I cheered.

"Well I'm think I'm okay, also can you stop hugging me ?" Cole asks annoyed.

I pull away as I see Raph and Donnie in front of us.

"Are you guys alright ?" Raph asks as he looks at me.

"Well I feel different like my eyes are slanted and my teeth feel sharp" Cole explains pointing to his teeth.

"Yeah I feel my eyes slanted too" I explain as I look at my hands to see nails sharp.

"What happened to my nails" I asks confused.

Donnie and Raph looked at each other in worry.

"Guys ?" Cole asks rasing an eyebrow.

"That mad sciencetest injected you with a mutagen that gave you guys werid powers and when we try to save you both, Cole and you where glowing pure white and it destroyed the lab your where in" Raph explains.

"We brought you back to our lab and I took some blood samples, you guys have animal Dna inside you appear human on the outside but on the inside your mutants" Donnie explains.

"Mutants" We gasps.

Note: I decided to come back and edit this chapter to finish it up. Next chapter the family get together.

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