| Chapter Eleven | The Kingdom Of Dragons

Word Count: 2973 words

"Home is where the heart is."


Ty and Adam were hidden, Adam had his hand on his stomach as Ty was looking at them. They know that people are after them, and they can't leave without being seen.

"We have to get go Seto and Statilia," Adam said. Ty nods.

"Yeah, we—Are you okay?" Ty asks looking at him. Adam nods. Adam presses his back against the wall, Ty noticing his skin is pale.

"Yeah, I'm fine...just hurts...a lot," Adam reassured. Ty goes over to Adam as he winces and groans.

"I'm sorry, I—"

"Ty I would have come whether you agreed or not. So stop blaming yourself." Adam said. Adam looks down at the ground, he grabs one of Ty's arms for balance. "I...I just need a minute..." Ty helps Adam sit down.

"You need to rest, the nurse was right. This is too much for you, it hasn't even been two weeks since your wound—"

"I'm fine. Just give me a minute to catch my breath and I'll be fine." Adam mumbled. Ty stared at him, not convinced. Ty hears someone snap and he looks behind him. He puts his hands on Adam's arms, gripping his sleeves.

"Adam, what do I do? Tell me what to do." Ty said. Adam looked at his hand.

"Damnit." He mumbled. Ty looked at his hand, his eyes widen seeing blood on Sky's hand.Ty grabs Sky's wrist.

"Oh god, your stitches," Ty said.  A guard comes through the hole in the wall and Ty hears them. He grabs a sword standing in front of Sky. Sky lets out a shaky breath, his vision blurring, he sees Ty fighting and another guard comes out beside the opening by him. The guard chuckles.

"Ooohh you don't look so good." The guard said. They kneel down, pressing their sword on Sky's throat. "Hey!" Ty stops fighting, seeing Sky at sword point. His eyes widen.

"No! Don't!" Ty said. The guard grabs Sky's arm, yanking him up. Sky groans, his legs giving in a little. Ty's sword was knocked out of his hand.

"He's good as dead, leave him." The guard behind Ty said.

"Princess Rosani said the both of them." The other one said. Ty felt a potion hit him causing him to let out a thin scream of pain as it rippled through his body and then accompanied by a wave of drowsiness that took over him. He passed out. Sky struggled, the pain overwhelming him. Sky complied, he did not have the strength in him to fight back and could barely see straight anyway. He squeezed his eyes shut and opened them, his vision clearing only slightly. 'I just have to have poor eyesight, to begin with, and blood loss isn't helping it..' Sky said. Sky flinched slightly, his sunglasses helped a bit even though most don't. He almost wears his sunglasses all the time to make people think that Sky could be blind yet he says he isn't. Sky's eyes look at the destroyed castle, they get pushed inside, they walk down the hall before they enter a room that if not for the hole in the wall and the vegetation growing on the walls and floor, it might look like nothing ever touched it. But his eyes went immediately to Seto, Seto's wrists chained to metal posts, he's on his knees with his head hanging low seeming unconscious actually. Sky winces, pain flaring up in his stomach.

"Aaarrrgghh." Sky groaned, blood starting to stain his shirt. Sky looks at some girl who walks pass Seto and up to them. She looks at Ty. She starts speaking in a foreign language that Sky can't understand. He looks away from her and looks at Seto. "Seto." Seto doesn't move, the girl walking beside Sky. She touches his wound making him flinch and groan.

"Ohhhh...so he was right. You're hurt pretty bad Commander Sky." She said. Sky stares at her, especially at her wings. 'They look almost like Ty's, but she has a different coloring than his.' Sky thought. Sky looks at her eyes, she takes his sunglasses off, he winces at the bright light, squinting. She raises an eyebrow at him. "So...what's causing your eyesight to go?"

"I don't know, I've always been--Wait who the nether are you?" Sky asks. She chuckles.

"Let him go, he isn't a threat." She said. The guards let go of him. "I'm Princess Rosani, Seto's told me a few things about you Commander Sky." Sky looks at Seto and then at her.

"Can I have my glasses back, the light hurts my eyes." Sky said. She gives them back to him and he puts them on. "Why did you knock out, Ty? What did you do to Seto and Statilia?" Rosani's eyes look to the side.

"Seto's okay, he's just sleeping. My people aren't too fond of magic users of any kind, especially the evil ones. I'm sorry I had to lock him up, but it is to make my people rest ease at the fact there is a wizard on the same island." Rosani said. Rosani walks over to Seto, she goes down on her knees, Sky sees her whisper something in Seto's ear. He almost notices that her hands are on his chest and lower back. Seto picks his head up, he looks at Adam. Sky smiles.


"I'm fine, Sky. But you're bleeding again." Seto said.

"It's not that bad. When will Ty wake up?" Sky asks. Rosani looks at Ty, she stands up. She crosses her arms at the guards holding Ty up.

"They weren't supposed to knock him out in the first place," Rosani said.

"He was resisting. What else were we suppose to do?" The guard asks. Rosani walks over to Sky, she touches his arm.

"Come on, let me fix your wound and I'll tell you everything I told Seto." She said. She walks past him, Sky looks at Seto.

"Go on, Sky. We'll be fine." Seto said. Sky turns around and goes after Rosani. But as they walked, he started to stumble, she puts his arm around her neck, helping him walk.

"Um..thanks." Sky said.

"No problem. I'm sorry if we are being harsh, after what happened to this Kingdom, trust is something that we barely have anymore." Rosani said. Sky nods a little.

"I c-can understand t-that." Sky said. Rosani and he make it to the infirmary or what's left of it. A small room with beds here and there, a hole in the wall with vegetation breaking in and medical supplies on the counters with layers of dust on them. Rosani helps Sky lay down in a bed. Sky groan slightly, to him it felt nice laying down, but it made him want to sleep and rest his achey eyes. Rosani shifts through containers till she finally finds it. She grabs some bandages and a cloth as well. She walks back over.

"This should heal your wound in about 10 minutes. But it is gonna burn when I apply it." She said. She pulls a chair over beside him, she pushes up his shirt. She smiles a little. "Commander, if you need to rest, I'm okay with it. Your wounds probably have taken a toll on you, you should rest for a while." She undoes the bandage carefully.

"Are you s-sure?" Adam asks. Rosani nods.

"Yeah, you don't look too good anyway. Rest and I'll talk to you when you are feeling like yourself again." She said. Adam coughs, she pulls back the bloodied bandage, she puts the cloth against his wound. Adam closes his eyes, falling asleep soon enough. She applies for the medicine on his cut, his cut deep and across his stomach. She hovers her hand over his stomach, the bloodied bandages removing themselves as she mumbles under her breath, the new bandages rolling out and wrapping around Sky's stomach. She lowers her hand, she throws out the old bandages and puts the stuff away. She opens the door and flinches seeing Seto standing there.

"Wait..how did you—oh nevermind. I should expect you to escape easily." Rosani said. Seto smiles a little. She looks at his wrists. "Your wrists are all cut up, is that from the chains?"

"I mean..yeah but—"

"Sorry. I didn't think about that." She said. She grabs his hand, pulling him in. "Come on, let me treat those cuts on you."

"R-Rosie, I'm okay," Seto said, his cheeks redden slightly feeling her hand squeeze his.

"Sit down," Rosani said. Seto was about to argue but Rosani looks at him impatiently. He sits down in a chair. She grabs a bowl, she fills it with water. Seto looks over at Adam.

"How is he?" He asks.

"He's okay, come here, Harvey," Rosani said. Seto gets up, going beside her. Rosani pushes his sleeves up, he takes his gloves off, she inspects the cuts. "I need to clean them."

"You aren't putting that devil cream on me are you?" Seto asks. She chuckles as she grabs a rag.

"Harvey, in our defense, that devil cream has saved your life before." She said smiling. She pulls out the container. "And stop being a baby, it only stings a little." She soaks the rag and takes his hand in hers, she rubs it against his cuts. He flinches.

"Arghhh" He winced. "That hurts."

"Awww, can you not take a little pain?" Rosani teased. Seto looks at her.

"No." He mumbled before they both smile at each other.

"I missed you a lot, Harvey. Things didn't feel the same without you." She said smiling.

"I missed you too. But if I'm being honest...I didn't want to come back here." Seto said. She looks at him and sets the cloth on the counter. She grabs the cream. She puts it on his cuts. "Ahh, it burns."

"You complain every time I put this on you, stay still!" Rosani said. She wraps his wrist in bandages and starts cleaning his other wrist.

"Won't your people want me in chains?" Seto asks. Rosani looks at him and then at his wrist.

"Yeah, but I know you don't like being tied down like that." She said. She finished bandaging his other wrist. "Is Tobias awake?" Seto shakes his head. She puts away her supplies, Seto pulls his sleeves down, covering up his tattoos on his arms.

"How many people are here?" Seto asks.

"A few dozen, nothing like the population we use to have," Rosani said. He sees her look down at her hands, Seto touches her wrist as he stepped towards her.

"Hey, Rosie, everything will be fine soon. You can restore this Kingdom back to what it used to be." Seto said. Rosani looks at him, their eyes meeting. He gives her a smile, she returns it and looks down, her cheeks reddening slightly.

"I'm really glad you're back. I don't know what I would do without you or my brother." She said. Seto loses his smile.

"I'm sorry I was gone, and Ty...I should have known—"

"Harvey, I know you, if you knew that Tobias was there, you would have done something," Rosani said. Seto looks at her and smiles. She steps towards Seto, gets closer to him.

"Can you not?" A voice suddenly asks. Rosani steps away from Seto, she looks at Statilia. Statilia looks at Sky. "Is Sky okay?" She walks over to Adam. Rosani nods.

"He'll be okay in a few minutes, he needs rest to replenish his strength though," Rosani said. Statilia looks at Seto.

"Why is he roaming around free?" Statilia asks. Seto looks away from her. Rosani touches Seto's arm.

"He's fine, Statilia—"

"Fine? He's a dark mage." Statilia said. Rosani was about to argue back but Seto stops her.

"Statilia, I get why you hate me. But before you start judging my mistakes, you should look at your own." Seto snapped. Statilia rolls her eyes, she looks back at Adam, worried. Seto looks at Rosani. "I should head back to the Sky Army before Jerome and they have a heart=attack that we have been gone for so long." Rosani nods. But as Seto walked away, Rosani grabbed his hand stopping him and making his cheeks redden.

"You are gonna come back...right?" Rosani asks. Seto looks at her, he gives her a smile.

"Of course I will," Seto said. Rosani returns the smile, she lets go of his hand, he jumps through the hole in the wall and flies up into the air. Statilia looks at Rosani.

"I don't know what you see in him," Statilia said. Rosani loses her smile. She looks at Statilia.

"He's isn't that type of person anymore, Statilia. And he told me that you are blackmailing him." She said. Statilia stays silent, Rosani walks over beside Statilia. "I know you may act like you hate him, but he made a mistake. Everyone does--"

"He made a mistake alright...He made loads of them and look at where we are now." Statilia said as she looked at Rosani. "How can you trust the son of Vince Magi? How? The Magi Family is the very definition of untrustworthy and corruption. I don't understand how you can fall for a guy like Harvey." Rosani takes a step back.

"I am not falling--"

"Don't you remember what you told me before this Kingdom was destroyed? You were gonna tell him how you felt but wouldn't because of Wendy. Well...Wendy isn't here anymore and that's all Harvey's fault. I just don't want you to end up getting hurt like I know you will." Statilia said. Rosani paused, thinking of how to respond when it struck her.

"I'm not the only one falling for someone, you like my brother and apparently you like his best friend too," Rosani said motioning to Sky. "I just got my brother back, so I'm not letting you hurt him or Sky because you like the both of them." Rosani walks out, a little angry. She goes to Tobias's room, his room is intact, a few rooms in the castle are intact, but most of them have holes in the walls. Rosani sits down in a chair by Ty. Ty is still asleep, the blankets pulled up over his shoulder. Rosani looks at Ty than she chuckles. "Ash, what are you doing?" A little what looks to be 10-year-old girl pulls the covers down and looks at Rosani.

"It's big brother....." She said gripping Ty's shirt. Rosani nods and stands up.

"Yeah, but big brother needs to rest, he is weak right now. So come down and let me put you to bed." She said. Princess Asthie, or called Ash by most, she has small black with pink tinted wings on her back, a white gown with pale skin, long brown hair that reaches her mid-back, and has one purple and one brown eye. She sits up, looking at Rosani.

"Is Jimmy here too?" Asthie asks. At first, Rosani was confused by than smiled. She chuckles. 'I forgot that Ash calls Harvey by his middle name.' She thought. Rosani nods. Asthie's face lights up. "Really? Can I see him?! I miss him!" Rosani touches Asthie's hands.

"Ash, he doesn't go by Harvey or Jimmy anymore. His name is Seto now. And he would really appreciate if you called him that? Can you do that for him?" Rosani asks. Asthie nods Ty groans, turning his head. Asthie looks at Ty.

"Tobias!" She shouted Ty opened his eyes as Asthie puts her arms around his neck. Ty tensed up at the sudden hug attack. Rosani grabs Asthie's waist.

"I'm so sorry, Ty. Ash, let go of him." Rosani said she pulls her off Ty. Ty winces, touching his head. Ty sits himself up.

"Arggghhh." He groaned.

"What's wrong?" She asks.

"Hurting," Asthie said pointing at Ty's wrist. Asthie takes Ty's sore wrist in her small hands. Ty looks at the little girl.

"I-I'm fine," Ty said pulling his wrist away but he sees Asthie's eyes glow and his pain suddenly vanish. Ty froze, staring at her. Rosani sighs.

"Asthie! Wait for him to collect his wits before you heal his injuries." Rosani said. Asthie lets go of Ty's wrist and looks at Rosani.

"He was hurting!" She said. Ty looks at his wrist. 'I forgot I had a sprain wrist...but the pain was so dull that I didn't notice. Wait...this little girl did what?!' Ty thought. Ty grabs the girl's hand when Rosani tried to pull her off the bed.

"Wait," Ty said. Asthie looks at Ty. "Wait..how did you do that?"

"Seto said your memory isn't what it use to be, so he was right?" Rosani asks. Ty looks at Rosani and Asthie climbs into Ty's lap.

"Big bro doesn't remember?" Asthie asks Ty. Ty looks at her.

"Remember what?" Ty asks.

"Us...Tobias, do you really not recognize us?" Rosani asks. Ty looks at Rosani. 'Did she just....wait...I recognize these two but...' Ty thought. Ty groans, touching his head.

"I-I do..but it h-hurts to re-remember," Ty asks. Asthie looks at Ty.

"Hurt? I--" Rosani climbs on the bed, she pushes Asthie's hands away from Ty.

"No, Ash. It isn't that type of injury." Rosani said. Rosani looks at Ty. "Seto said that a dark mage put a lock on your memories, but over the past two centuries, the spell has been losing it's effectiveness and memories are slipping through to you." Ty looks at Rosani.

"Where am I?" Ty asks.

"Vasileio ton Drakon...The Kingdom of Dragons." Rosani said. Ty stared at her, processing it. She smiles at him. "You're home, Tobias."

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