Chapter 8

Pointing at the table, I ask, "Who sits up there?" Grimly, he looks at me, then disappears. I wildly look around and realize he's not coming back anytime soon. I sit down heavily in one of the nearby chairs. What do I do now?

You know how bright lights are becoming a thing now? Yeah, it happened again. Lights suddenly dance around my vision like I've been hit by something heavy. Vision blurry, and eyes hurting, I run straight into a chair trying to find my way around.

"This is the human you've chosen," says a booming voice, clearly demanding attention. "He doesn't look very intelligent." Someone who sounds like Yelqua says, "Please, just listen. He was the only one who was able to make it through the portal. That has to mean something, right?"

Trying to determine where the voices are coming from, I blink the spots from my eyes and look up. A huge creature sits in front of me, with 3 others on either side of him. From where the eyes appear to be, they look like they're staring straight at me. I shiver involuntarily. Creepy. At least his wings aren't as ugly as the others, though I don't think I can say the same for his looks.

The one I was just thinking about snarls. "I'd watch what you're thinking, human. I don't know why we decided to apprentice your kind in the first place, but I'm starting to regret it. Don't make me angry, or you WILL be a pile of ashes."

I just sit there glaring at him when it hits me. "W-wait... Did you say apprenticing...?" I have no clue what he means by that. "You mean that I like learn stuff from you guys? That type of apprenticing?" The creature sneers at me, obviously debating whether or not to kill me. " Gee, you're bright aren't you. Where'd you think of that, smart guy?"

"You don't look like a sharp one either, wise guy. If I was you, I'd watch what you say about me," I fire back. We glare at each other before Xander breaks the silence. "Your honor, he's the best chance we have at getting more students, and then more Watchers. You know we need more of them. Please. And maybe someone he knows will come looking for him and we'll get someone else!"

The two then proceed to start arguing, which leaves me to just sit there and observe the other Watchers. Including the leader, Xander and Yelqua, there was 7 members sitting at the table. At least 4 male Watchers, and 3 female ones. Yelqua was the least beat up of the females, the same for Xander. The leader was probably in the worst condition looks-wise, but his wings looked fine.

The leader and Xander ended up arguing for a few minutes, and it looked like it was getting heated, though I couldn't understand half of what they were saying. Then something happens. The leader makes a motion to strike Xander, and my mind goes blank instantly. All that's left is basically a burning ball of fury.

Quick as a flash, I'm up in the air holding up the leader's arm with a glittering black sword that magically appeared out of thin air. Literally. I'd checked my inventory before, while I was being held by the scruff of my neck. Even more amazing than that was a pair of sleek, giant, magnificent wings that had sprouted out from my back. Most of the feathers were grey, but there was an assortment of scattered colorful feathers, almost liked the wings had been dyed and those were left over.

The blade of my sword is dark and glistening, which gives off an ominous blacky-purplish glow. The blade itself seems to be made of void, though I didn't think that was possible. The hilt is much more simple, with basic soft leather wrapped around the handle.

Everyone in the room freezes, and the room, to some degree, feels colder. The blade seems to be sucking all of the heat and the tension out of the room. The leader's face has become extremely pale, the skin looking as white as his hair. His mouth opens and closes and it struggles to form words to explain what it's thinking. His eyes seem to be bulging out, and I notice something as he takes his arm away from my sword. The spot where the blade touched him was quickly disintegrating the robe, turning the skin underneath black.

"Where... Where did you get that," he wheezes, obviously in a serious amount of pain. It's amazing that he was able to speak. His cocky smirk from earlier has long since disappeared, leaving only a look of terror frozen on his face.

I don't answer. Instead, I glare at him, still filled with a fiery rage. Since everyone's eyes are on the blade, they don't see the quick motion that I make. Faster than the eye can see, I make a quick motion. The leader's head tumbles to the floor, the body slumping over, very much dead.

I'm breathing quite hard, almost like I'd run a marathon. It becomes hard to see, and I'm dimly aware of myself dropping my sword and clattering to the floor. As I slip into darkness, I hear a whisper, almost like it's assuring me I'll be okay.

Okay hi! Sorry this chapter was out later, I was really busy over the weekend, so I sadly wasn't able to post over the weekend. I hope you all had a great weekend, as I did!

Red <3

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