Chapter Twenty Five: I Swear I Will Not Leave You Broken

(Your POV)

I slowly open my aching eyes. It takes me a moment to focus completely but I realize I am back at the Air Temple in my room. Slowly and painfully I sit up. Raiden worked my ass of it seems. It seems to be... Early Morning? Huh... I go to stretch which, although hurt, felt nice. I then hear footsteps heading in my direction. Before I even call out the door opens to reveal Kya. She looks at me wide eyed for a moment before walking over quickly to hug me. I grunt in pain but hug her back. I smile as we stay that way.

Kya: "I'm so happy you're okay." She says as she pulls away from me. She then slaps the back of my head looking a bit angry. "I said be careful! I was worried sick when I saw you passed out like you were!" She shouts at me as I rub the spot she hit. She then hugs me again.

You: "Sorry... I had to save the benders... And Korra..." I said as I hug her back. I hear her sigh a bit in frustration. "I... Also finally admitted it to myself." I said a bit quietly like it was a secret. She pulls back when I say that and looks at me confused. "I... Admitted I love Korra." She then smiles wide for a moment before it fades. I then go wide eyed and stand quickly. I put on a shirt and look at Kya. "Where is she?" I ask slightly frantic. She stands up quickly from her spot.

Kya: "Her room." She replies quickly knowing i'm worried sick. I nod, give her a quick hug and leave my room quickly. I do not stop to say anything to anyone, my only concern was seeing her. I quickly got to her room and gently opened the door. She had her hair down and was laying on her bed sleeping still. I sigh slightly as I sit next to her. I brush some hair from her face before holding her hand gently.

You: "I... I'm sorry... I'm sorry you had to go through this." I said in a whisper. "If I was faster then..." I shake my head. No, no she wouldn't want me to blame myself. I then just sit there in silence... I intended on telling Korra how I felt when we got to the northern Air Temple but... All this happened. Now I think... I may keep it quiet for now... At least until she's... I don't think better is the word. I then begin to nod off. Just before I go out I feel my head land on her bed.

(Korra's POV)

I wake up slowly feeling completely weak... It's a task just to move my head right now... Maybe it'll pass. I try and move my right arm but I feel my that my hand is being weighed down by something. I turn my head slowly only to met with (M/n) holding my hand while he's sleeping with his head right next to my hand... He must've woke up before me and came here... Worried about others over himself again... Foolish, foolish guy... It's one of the reason I like him so much. I smile at him and gently squeeze his hand in turn. I didn't think it'd wake him up but it somehow did. He began to stir and sit up. He let's go of my hand to my disappointment and rubs his eyes. He then looks at me blankly before realizing I am awake. He immediately jolts slightly and hugs me gently yet deeply. I smile and hug him back to the best of my ability. He lets go after sometime and looks at me.

You: "Do you need anything? I can-" I cut him off by raising my hand up.

Korra: "No... Just stay." He smiles gently at me and nods once to let me know he understands. I, quite bravely, reach for his hand once more. I grab it and he looks at me. I smile at him and he squeezes my hand in turn. I then see him gain a sad look which concerns me. "What's wrong?" I ask with concern. He doesn't respond for a bit. It's like he's concentrating. He then looks at me with sad eyes... This isn't good.

You: "My time... Fighting assassins... Gave me knowledge on poisons." He said as his sad look only intensifies. "They poisoned you with mercury... It... *sigh* it attacks the muscles... And judging by what I can sense... It severely affected the muscles in your legs..." I go slightly wide eyed... Is he saying that... "You... May have to relearn to walk..." He finished very sadly. He is... No...

I see him begin to tear up after he says that while I sit here and try and process what he's told me. I then begin to tear up and once he notices he frowns, let's go of my hand, and hugs me tightly. I hug him back and begin crying. He lifts himself onto my bed and helps me sit up. I then bury my head into his shoulder and continue to cry.

(Your POV)

I'm crying to... She's the one in pain and here my stupid ass is crying with her... Why her? She didn't deserve this... Just like when I confessed at the temple, she's clutching to me like I may run. I did the same to her at the Temple. I will never leave her. Short of death nothing will make me leave and even then I'd find a way into her dreams to help. I say nothing. I just rub her back and hold her tightly to try and comfort her. I have no idea how long we sit there not that I care. Even when she stopped crying loudly she didn't let go, not that I minded. We both then heard a knock on the door. We let go though I get the feeling she didn't want to. The door opens and it's Tonraq.

Tonraq: "You're both awake goo-" He cuts himself off when he notices our faces. I was crying very little in comparison to Korra. He looked concerned. "What happened?" He asked sounding very worried as he rushes inside to check on the two of us. I look back at Korra and she nodded letting me know I can tell him. I look at him and sigh sadly.

You: "I'm not sure if you know but I can sense the electric impulses in someone's muscles if I focus." He nods waiting for me to continue. "I... Concentrated on Korra's and... The mercury... Damaged the ones in her legs badly... I told her... She'd have to relearn to walk." I finished in a very sad tone of voice while looking down. I look back up and I see his face change from one of concern to one of sadness. "I'm sorry sir..." I said looking down once more. I truly felt bad about what has happened. I feel him place a hand on my shoulder. I look up and see him shaking his head at me in a no fashion.

Tonraq: "No... You saved her... And the others... Don't think that way." He said sternly but I only sigh deeply in response. "Could... You give us a minute?" He asks with some concern laced in his voice. I look at him then I look back at Korra who nods knowing what I was asking. I nod back towards him and get up to leave the room. "Thank you... For saving my daughter (M/n)... I'll never be able to thank you enough." He said to me a bit shakily. I turn back around and look at him.

You: "I'd do anything for the people I care about... No need to thank me... But you're welcome." I say smiling slightly before leaving the room. Once I close the door I sigh deeply before heading to the main area of the temple. The second I enter I am tackled into a hug by a small form. I smile and lift her up to hug her. "Hey Pumpkin. How are you feeling?" I ask Olivia. I hear her giggle and I put her down. She looks up at me and smiles.

Olivia: "Me? What about you? You caused a Thunderstorm!" She exclaimed excitedly smiling at me. I rub the back of my head sheepishly.

You: "That was Raiden... And me... Both I guess?" I asked slightly confused. She laughs at my confusion and I hear two distinct male laughs as well. I look over and see Mako and Bolin. Before I can react I am pulled into a bone crushing hug by Bolin. I begin to lose air and Mako pulls him off me so I can breathe once more. I take in a breath. "Geez Bolin. I didn't die and come back." He laughs nervously as I give him a normal hug in return. Once I let go I see Mako and we bro hug. I look at them and smile.

Mako: "You go see Korra?" Mako asks me knowing how worried I'd be. My smile then turns to a frown and I look down. I look back up and see them all looking worried.

You: "She'll have to re learn how to walk." I say very sadly. They both gain a sad look and look down. I sigh deeply still trying to accept that the brash and endearing woman I love is going to have to go through this. I feel Olivia hug me which I return very quickly. Once we separate Bolin and Mao look at me.

Mako: "We'll all be there to help her... That's all we can do." Bolin and I nod in response. That's all we can do. "Well... Me and Bolin have to help set up the podium for a speech The President and Lin wish to give. See ya man." I nod and wave them off. They leave and I sit down to try and relax.

Olivia has to go train with Ikki and Meelo after sometime so now it's just me sitting here alone. All this crap happened so fast. I was so lost in thought I didn't hear someone sit next to me until they sighed deeply. I looked over and saw Senna. Korra's mother.

Senna: "How are you (M/n)?" She asked with a worried tone looking at me. I sighed and shook my head.

You: "I'm fine don't worry about me... But Korra..." I say looking down. I hear Senna hum in response. "I will not leave her." She looks at me slightly confused. I look at her. "She refused to leave me a broken mess... I will not leave her in the same state. She means to much to me for that to happen." I said smiling slightly. Senna smiles at that and hugs me briefly. I hug back and we separate.

Senna: "After Jinora's Ceremony tomorrow she will be heading back with us and Kya to the Southern Water Tribe to recover." I nod sadly in response. "After Olivia's paperwork goes through... You are more than welcome to come stay there with me, Tonraq and her if you're serious about helping her." She suggested with a small smile gracing her lips. I look at her slightly surprised at the idea. I mean... I would in a heartbeat but...

You: "I... Wouldn't want to intrude... I'd love to be there at all times if she needs help but... What about Tonraq? He may not like the idea." I say looking at her in slight surprise. She goes to say something but a voice cuts her off.

Tonraq: "You may have to stay with Kya since we do not have allot of room but I don't mind." I look at Tonraq wide eyed. "I know you care for her as more than a friend (M/n)." He said very straight forward like. I look down a bit for a bit before looking back at him.

You: "It's true... But... I want to help her for more than that reason." I said flatly. He nods knowing what I mean. "One issue though is if that paperwork goes through... What about Olivia?" He chuckles a bit at my question and smiles at me slightly.

Tonraq: "It's not like you couldn't come back once in awhile... Also it isn't uncommon for children to leave their families for years to train with a bending master." I nod in response. That's very true. In my clan I remember this teenager named Noct who was a fire bender and left for three years to train before coming home. His family visited him once every... Three months or so.

You: "That's true... I also know she'd be safe here... I'll ask Kya before you guys leave. If she says yes... or no I'll be down there." He looks confused at what I said. "You didn't think something as small as me sleeping outside would stop me did you?" I asked smirking slightly. He smiles and shakes his head at what I said.

Tonraq: "We do what we have to for the ones we love huh?" He asks with a knowing look. I blush slightly and look away. He chuckles a small bit. "Its fine (M/n)... You're a good man... That's what Korra told me when she wrote to me and I saw it in person... Just don't hurt her." He said quite sternly. I look at him slightly surprised but he simply smiles and nods at me.

Senna: "I agree (M/n). I know I said it before but I approve of you." Senna said smiling at me. I knew that's what she meant! "So... Just make her happy if it happens." I look at her, smile wide and nod my head.

You: "Like you need to ask... I may wait though." My tone changed from happy to sad once more and they look at me slightly confused. "She's not in the best place right now..." They nod knowing what I mean. We then sat there waiting for Kya to get Korra ready on her wheel chair. After sometime they came out and I stood up. I went straight over and looked at Korra. "Want me to push you around?" I ask kindly smiling at her ever so slightly. She thinks for a moment before nodding her head. Kya moves and I take the handles and we push her towards the ship.


(Still Your POV)

I am here listening to this 'speech' talking about all that has happened with Korra in the front row with her family and the others. And I am getting a bit angry. Sure they are thanking us and what not but they are acting as if we are not present. They speak as if we don't exist. I'm standing next to Korra and I look at her. I see her looking down in her lap. I place my hand on her shoulder and she looks at me. She gives me a look that says 'keep calm' and I breathe in and out deeply to calm down. As the speech comes to a close I look at Tonraq who is on the other side of me.

You: "They're acting like she doesn't exist... It's pissing me off." I say in a whisper but my anger stills shows. He grunts in agreement with me. He shakes his head before looking at me.

Tonraq: "Hold out for a little longer. Then we can leave." He requested me sternly ythough I can hear the frustration in his voice. I nod trying to keep calm once more.

I look back at the stage and the speaker finishes. I then hear applause. I look at Korra and see a single tear go down her face. I gently wipe it away and put my hand back on her shoulder. She grabs it and squeezes it as tight as she can. Once the speakers leave the stage I whisper to leave.

You: "Want to get the hell out?" I whisper to her trying to hide my obvious anger. She nods quickly and let's go of my hand. I get behind her and begin pushing her once more. Once we leave the crowd I stop and look at her. "Hungry?" I ask her. She nods once not speaking and we head to the same restaurant we ate at on the day we spent together those months ago. I get a table for five and Tonraq, Senna, and Kya join us. We sit in silence until the waiter takes our orders. Once she leaves I finally let some anger out by punching my chair slightly.

You: "They treated this situation like no one was injured." I said sounding quite angry. Korra quickly grabbed my hand to calm me down. I tried to do so by breathing deeply in and out. I nodded to her and she let go of my hand. "Sorry." I said sounding much calmer now. Tonraq and the others shake their heads at me.

Tonraq: "We understand. It is rather infuriating." He said showing his obvious frustration. I could hear the slight hint of anger in his voice as well however. I sigh deeply.

You: "So... What now?" I ask them. Tonraq sighs deeply. Kya is the one to speak.

Kya: "After Jinora's ceremony tomorrow... Korra here will come back with us where me and my mom will help her as well." Kya said sadly as if she didn't want to leave. I nod slwoly in response. I knew that was the answer.

Korra stayed pretty quiet during the lunch. Which makes sense considering what she's been through. She. Every once in a while, grabbed my hand for comfort which I always gladly accepted. After the lunch we all headed back to the Temple at Korra's request. She always requested I was the one to wheel her around. I didn't mind in the slightest. Once we got back she asked me to wheel her to her room so we could talk. I happily obliged and once we got there I helped her sit on her bed with her back on the wall while I sat next to her.

Korra: "... I... I feel helpless." She said rather weakly. I look at her sadly trying not to look like i'm pitying her. She leans on me and I move my arm around her and pull her closer.

You: "There is no shame needing help once in a while... You helped me understand that." I said trying to help her in a soft tone. She sighs in response. "Besides that... This wasn't your fault..." I said as I full on hugged her briefly. She hugged back and we returned to our normal positions.

Korra: "I know... It still feels bad..." She says sadly. I look at her and nod.

You: "It will... It probably will until you start making progress... But you have all of us... Me especially." I said with the smallest of smiles gracing my lips in a gentle tone of voice. I hear her lightly laugh at that. "There's the laugh I like to hear." I said as I look and see her smiling ever so slightly at me. The smile fades once more.

Korra: "I have no idea when I'll be able to do anything again..." She said as her voice cracked a slight bit. I look at her sadly.

You: "I honestly don't know either... I'm so sorry." I said as I hug her tightly. She hugs back and we stay that way for a good while. Once we separate we lock eyes again. I again feel the urge to lean in but resist only to be surprised to see her do so. I decide to follow her lead as my heart starts to pound in my chest... We don't get very far as a knock is heard at the door. She pulls away and leans on the wall as I remove my arm. I try and calm my pounding heart as the door opens. Oh thank the gods its Kya.

Kya: "(M/n). I need to talk to you in private." Kya says to me softly. I sigh and look at Korra. She thinks for a moment before telling me its okay since she wants to take a nap. I nod and hug her before wishing her sweet dreams and leaving. Once we exit her room Kya guides me to my room oddly and opens the door to head inside. She sits on my bed as I do the same. "Tonraq said you had a question for me?" She asks me in a normal tone of voice. I then remember it and nod.

You: "After Olivia's paperwork goes through and I get time to adjust I was wondering something." I said in a normal tone of voice so she doesn't freak out. She nods and waits for me to continue. "Do you think I could... Temporarily move into your house so I can be with and help Korra?" I ask looking at her. She seems a bit surprised at my request. "She refused to leave me broken. I won't leave her the same way." I said sternly with determination. She then smiles wide at me. She hugs me quickly before letting me go.

Kya: "Of course. I live with my mother as well but I know her answer. She quite liked you anyway." She said still smiling at me ever so slightly. I sigh in visible relief. "You really do love Korra huh?" She asks me smiling. I smile at the thought.

You: "Yeah... I do." I then think as my smile fades. She notices and puts a hand on my shoulder. "It's just... She's not in a good place right now... I don't want to hurt her accidentally by telling her." I say rather sadly. I look at her and see her nodding.

Kya: "I get it I suppose... You will tell her one day though right?" She asked smiling once more. I smile and nod my head. You're damn right I intend to.

You: "Yes... I will. Regardless if she feels the same way I will be there for her." I said sternly once more. She smiles wider and hugs me again. I hug back.

After that we talked about a few things until dinner was ready. Once it was I grabbed my late and one for Korra and headed straight for her room. I knock and hear her tell me to come in. I do and she smiles seeing me with food. I hand her the plate and eat with her. We talked a bit about things. She never asked about how I caused all that damage which is fine. Maybe someone explained it to her. After a while I notice she fell asleep. I grab her plate and mine. I take them to the kitchen and go back to her room to tuck her in. Once I do I kiss her forehead. She smiles in her sleep when I do and with that I go back to my room to sleep.


(Still Your POV)

I have about five minutes until Jinora's ceremony. Asami got me a 'fancy' suit that I am currently wearing. At least it's in (F/c) and black. This thing is very uncomfortable. But I must endure it for Jinora. Once my hair his brushed I leave my room and head to the main hall where almost everyone is waiting. I see Korra with her dad and I stand next to her. The ceremony begins with Jinora getting her head shaved which if I recall is custom for Air Nomads. She then gets a blue arrow tattooed to her forehead which takes a decent amount of time. After some speaking and vowing of sorts it's made official. She is an Air bending Master. We all applaud and I whistle for good measure. One day that will be Olivia. After that the after party of sorts begins... Though for Korra it doesn't last long... Her and her family along with Kya announce their departure. Me, Tenzin, The kids, Bolin, Mako, Asami, and Pema go with them to the docks. Once there I speak up.

You: "Wait... Can I have a minute with Korra?" I ask looking at her father. He nods and heads onto the ship with Senna. Korra looks at me curiously. I knees down so I am at eye level with her. I grab both of her hands gently and speak. "Once Olivia's paperwork is done and I adjust to the new title I swear." I pause for a moment. "I will be down there." She looks surprised at my statement. I squeeze her hands in a reassuring way. "You refused to leave me broken and alone... I will not leave you the same way." I said smiling warmly at her in a soft tone. She looks taken aback by this. I see tears well up in her eyes, I hug her snd she returns it happily though I can feel some tears soak through my shirt. We stay that way for a bit before separating. She's smiling weakly at me.

Korra: "...Thank you (M/n)...That means... A lot to me." She says slightly shaky trying not to cry. I smiled at her again. "I'll look forward to you're arrival." Once again we hug but only briefly. Then the ship blares its horn. We separate and I wheel her on the ship to her father and Kya. He takes her and I get off.

As the ship begins to move I don't take my eyes off Korra and it seems she does the same. At first. She then looks at her lap sadly. It could take month for the paperwork to finish and she knows that. I then send a small lightning bolt passed her. She looks up and sees me smiling and nodding at her. She smiles at that and waves goodbye to everyone along with her family and Kya. The others after sometime leave but I stay and watch the ship fade into the horizon... I will be there for you Korra. You helped me in more ways than I could've even imagined. I love you with all my heart and I will help get you back on your feet. I swear my life to this promise.

(A/N: Season Three is officially over... One more season and this story ends. That's crazy to me. Be warned the next season will have more original stories and scenarios. I love you all. And enjoy reading. )

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