Chapter Seventy: Will The Circle Be Unbroken?
Ethan's Pov
I had a hard time coming to school. I really didn't want to be here.
Alyssa dragged me out of bed and helped me get ready. She made me breakfast and made sure all my stuff was in my bag before we left for school.
I was currently putting some books away in my locker while Alyssa stood next to me.
"Babe, I know that your best friend helping the enemy is terrible, but you can't let that bring you down" Alyssa softly said.
I sighed and closed my locker and turned around to face her.
"Right now, he's my ex-best friend. And I know I shouldn't let it bring me down, but it just hurts" I said.
"I know it does. Believe me, I would be feeling the same way you are if I was in your position. But you have to find a way to move past it" Alyssa softly explained.
"I don't know if I can" I sighed.
Alyssa frowned and took my hand into hers, caressing the top of it gently.
"Ethan!" a familiar voice yelled out to me.
I furrowed my eyebrows together in confusion and turned around, only to see Melissa running towards me.
She looked...relieved...?
And why was Principal Hackett with her?
When she was close she immediately brought me into a hug.
"Oh, Ethan, thank god you're here. I was worried about you" Melissa sighed.
I glanced at Alyssa, who looked confused as I was, before hugging my sister back.
"Yeah, I'm fine. Why would you think I'm not?" I asked, confused.
She placed a kiss to my head before pulling away.
"I texted you last night but you never responded and I freaked out when I didn't see you in bed this morning" Melissa explained.
"Oh, well my phone died last night" I shrugged.
"And I had gone over and woken him up so we could head to school together. I didn't want him to be late" Alyssa piped in.
Melissa sighed in relief as she sent my girlfriend a thankful smile.
"Just don't scare me like that again. Now, please tell me you know where Spencer is" Melissa begged.
I frowned in confusion and shook my head.
"Spencer? No, I haven't seen her" I said.
"Are you serious? Aren't you two always together?" Melissa asked, the fear was returning.
"We are, but she told me she needed some space, she was going through some things" I explained.
Melissa let out a groan as she tugged at her hair harshly.
Alyssa scooted closer to my side, placing her hand onto my arm, causing me to glance at her.
"Melissa, you're scaring me, what's going on?" I asked, clearly worried.
"Spencer didn't come home last night. She's not answering her phone, I was hoping she was with you, which is why I came here" Melissa explained.
Hold up, what?
Spencer...she's missing...?
Where the hell did she go last night? And why hasn't she called any of us or texted us?
"She didn't tell you anything?" Melissa asked.
"No, she really didn't tell me anything" I frowned.
Melissa sighed as she gripped her purse tightly.
"Ethan, do you know where your friends are?" Principal Hackett asked.
"I think I saw them in the courtyard" I said.
"Alright. Well, your sister will talk to them and if they don't know anything, we'll call the police" Principal Hackett said.
Melissa nodded while my eyes widened.
The police...?
"Ethan, please keep your phone with you at all times and if you hear from Spencer, tell me" Melissa sternly said.
"Yeah, I will" I nodded.
Melissa gave my head a quick kiss before her and Principal Hackett walked away to find the girls.
When they were gone I let out a breath I hadn't known I was holding.
Oh god...where the hell are you, Spencer?
After School
Finding out that my sister is missing has taken a huge toll on me.
It's taken a bigger toll on me than when I found out Toby has been helping Mona.
Where the hell could she be? Why did she run off without telling anyone where she was going?
The girls and I met up and now we're exiting the school building. Of course, we're discussing about Spencer.
"Melissa must have the police looking for Spencer by now" I said.
"I do not need more police in my life" Hanna groaned.
"Yeah, none of us do. Ok, the only thing that counts right now is finding her" Aria said.
"Now, bubs, are you sure that Spencer didn't say anything about what she was going to do?" Hanna asked.
"She didn't tell me anything" I sighed.
"I talked to her before. She told me that I should stop looking for Toby" Emily said.
That's not really anything new since Spencer has told all of us to stop looking for Toby.
Especially when the said boy doesn't want to be found.
"What are we supposed to do, just sit in our rooms and do our homework?" Aria sarcastically asked.
"We look for her. We look where the police won't look, because we know her better than them" I explained.
I know my twin sister better than anyone and the girls know their best friend too.
"Like that bookstore that she likes" Aria said.
"Or that crazy lab theater at Hollis" Hanna added.
"We look, we keep talking, and I'll check in with Melissa in case she hears anything" I said.
The girls all sighed before nodding their heads.
Trust me, we're not going to stop until we find her.
At Home
I could hardly concentrate on my homework when all I could think about was my sister.
I searched everywhere. All the places she likes to go, I searched all of them and she wasn't there.
Oh god, the thought of her being in some sort of danger makes me sick to my stomach.
Fortunately, Alyssa has been by my side the entire time, she's been doing her best to help me relax so I don't have a panic attack.
"Babe, just finish the last question and then we can get some rest" Alyssa softly said.
"I can't. My mind is still on Spencer" I groaned.
I tossed my pencil aside and placed my face into my hands.
Alyssa sighed and scooted closer to my side, wrapping her arm around my shoulders.
"Babe, I know you're worried about her, believe me I am too. But remember that Melissa has called the police and they're looking for her. Trust me, they aren't going to stop until she's found" Alyssa softly explained.
"I get that, I really do, but it doesn't stop me from worrying. Spencer's my sister, my twin, and if something happens to her I will go insane" I frowned.
I swear to god if A has her I will hunt down that bitch and beat them to death.
Or if I find out that Toby or Mona has her and they're hurting her in anyway, I'll end them too.
Nobody messes with my sister and gets away with it.
"Don't worry, babe. They'll find her and she'll be home before you know it" Alyssa softly smiled.
"I hope so" I frowned.
"Enough. Stop being sad. I hate seeing my boyfriend sad" Alyssa pouted.
"Oh really? What do you plan to do about it?" I teasingly asked.
Alyssa ran her eyes up and down my body before a smirk appeared on her face.
I gasped in surprise when she pushed me down onto my back and got on top of me, straddling my waist.
"This" Alyssa smirked.
She leaned in and placed her lips onto mine, I sighed in content and began kissing her back.
We kissed each other so passionately, we were desperate just to have some alone time.
Alyssa removed her lips from mine and surprised me when she went down to my neck, kissing and biting.
I let out a pleasurable gasp and closed my eyes, letting myself get lost in this feeling.
Unfortunately, our moment was ruined when we heard loud knocks coming from my bedroom door.
I gritted my teeth, trying to stop the anger that was coursing through me right now.
Alyssa pulled away from my neck and closed her eyes, letting out a groan.
"Damn" Alyssa muttered.
I sighed and nodded as she got off of me and I sat up from my bed.
"Come in!" I yelled.
The door opened and a relieved Melissa ran inside my room.
"Ethan, get your jacket, we're going somewhere" Melissa said.
"What? Where?" I asked, confused.
"I'll explain in the car, just come on. Alyssa, you can come too" Melissa said.
She didn't wait for me to answer and quickly left my room.
Alyssa and I glanced at each other before we grabbed our jackets and left my room.
At Radley
Finding out that Spencer was taken to Radley put all of us on edge.
When we got there and told them we're relatives of Spencer they told us to sign a few things before giving us guest passes.
Alyssa was going to wait for us outside since she wasn't a relative, but Melissa pulled a few strings and they let her enter.
Remind me to thank my sister later.
Right now, the three of us were in a room with Spencer.
Speaking of my sister, she...she looked so different that it honestly worries me.
"I talked to mom and dad. They're trying to get a flight, but the weather's bad. Everything is grounded from London to Spain" Melissa explained.
"Wow. Spain too" Spencer sarcastically said.
"They'll get here as fast as they can. Meanwhile, I will try to get you out" Melissa said.
"Me too. Trust me, we don't want you staying here any longer" I nodded.
"Don't bother" Spencer shook her head, waving us off.
Uh...excuse me, what?
The three of us glanced at each other before looking back at Spencer.
"Don't bother?" Melissa asked, confused.
"It's a 72-hour evaluation. It'll be over by the time they get here" Spencer said.
What is going on with her?
Why doesn't she want to leave? Doesn't she want to go home?
"Spencer, what happened?" Alyssa softly asked.
"How far back do you want me to go?" Spencer asked, trying not to snap at her.
Considering Spencer likes Alyssa, she doesn't want to sound mean.
Melissa pressed her lips together as a few tears streamed down her face.
Spencer looked at her and rolled her eyes, letting out a soft scoff of annoyance.
"Right. I'm on a psych ward, and you're the one crying" Spencer said.
Melissa wiped her tears before sitting down on the couch that was across from Spencer.
"I'm responsible for you. Not just you, but Ethan too" Melissa said.
"It's ok, Melissa" Spencer sighed.
"No, it's not okay, none of this is okay" Melissa raise her voice, looking at Spencer in disbelief.
Alyssa shifted from where she stood, I can tell she felt uncomfortable for being here, she must feel like she's intruding on personal family business.
I gently placed a kiss to her temple, hoping that would calm her down a little.
"Then it's not ok, it's all screwed up. Does that make you feel better?" Spencer asked.
Melissa looked at her in disbelief while I was seconds away from dropping to my knees.
"Spencer, please, just stop it" I sighed.
"I'm sorry" Spencer frowned, looking away from me.
Silence took over us.
None of us said anything. We didn't really know what to say.
Until Melissa sighed, breaking the silence as she spoke up.
"All this time, I just thought you were being cruel. I never thought that you might be...unwell" Melissa frowned.
"That's a big relief for all of us" Spencer scoffed.
Melissa sighed and shook her head while I tried not to let the tears fall.
I pulled away from Alyssa and walked towards Spencer, sitting down next to her on the couch.
I wrapped my arms around my sister, burying my head in her shoulder.
I let out a huge breath of relief when Spencer didn't hesitate to wrap her arms around me.
At The Brew
After visiting Spencer in Radley we all left, thinking that Spencer might need some rest,not to mention it was getting late.
I told Melissa I'd be going to the brew to meet up with the girls since they want an update on Spencer.
Melissa told me she would take Alyssa home since she didn't want her going home this late at night.
I hugged my sister and kissed my girlfriend goodbye before heading to the brew.
The girls were all there and I was explaining everything to them.
"Melissa came into my room after receiving a call from someone and told me they knew where Spencer was. The three of us rushed to Radley and Spencer really was there. And it turns out, Dr. Sullivan called her" I explained.
The three of them glanced at each other before looking back at me.
"What's Sullivan have to do with this?" Aria asked, confused.
"Sullivan found Spencer at Radley. That's where the rangers sent her" I said.
"What? Where was she?" Aria asked, worried.
"Melissa said that Spencer was in the woods all night" I said.
"Wait, she was just wandering around in the woods? Why?" Emily asked.
"Was she looking for Toby?" Hanna asked.
"I don't know" I sighed.
Apparently the girls told me that A sent them some sort of message, making them believe that Toby is dead.
I don't believe that and they don't either.
No doubt that A is trying to trick us and Toby is still hiding from us.
"You guys, we have to go there. We have to talk to her" Hanna said.
"Family visits only. It's some kind of mandatory evaluation" I sighed.
We heard a phone ring and we saw Hanna sigh as she took her phone out.
"Seriously? So only you and Melissa can see her?" Aria asked in disbelief.
"Basically" I nodded.
"How come Alyssa got to see her? She's not family" Emily asked, confused.
"Melissa pulled a few strings and they allowed Alyssa to see Spencer with us" I shrugged.
Aria frowned at that while Emily sighed and shook her head.
"Look, I left Dr. Sullivan a message, hopefully she can find a way to get us in" Emily said.
"Guys" Hanna muttered, fear shown in her tone.
We turned around and saw her staring at her phone with wide eyes.
She looked up and slowly turned her phone around so we could see what was on it.
When we saw what was on it, our eyes widened and our jaws dropped.
It was a picture of Ms. Marin and Detective Wilden that day she ran him over with her car after he threatened her.
And, of course, the letter A was written on the picture.
Oh god...
When was A there? More importantly, what is A going to do with it?
The Next Day
The girls and I met up in the girls bathroom to discuss Spencer.
The girls desperately want to meet her but they still aren't allowed to. It's still only family visits.
"We could just say that we're her cousins" Hanna suggested.
Emily sighed and rolled her eyes while Aria shook her head.
"Buttercup, nobody's ever gonna believe that" I deadpanned.
Hanna pouted and looked down while I sighed and shook my head.
"We have to find out why she's so sure Toby's dead" Emily bit her lip.
"Well, they have to let her out after 72 hours" Hanna said.
"No, they don't have to let her go at all if she's know..." Aria trailed off.
"What are you saying?" I asked, a little angry.
"I'm saying, A's been turning the screws so long, one of us was bound to snap a string. Just never thought that it would be Spencer" Aria explained.
Honestly, none of us did...
"I did" Hanna sighed.
"Why?" Emily asked, confused.
"Because there's a downside to being too smart" Hanna said.
Well, she does have a point on that.
"You were never the weak link, Emily. Spencer was" Aria softly said.
"First of all, Emily nor Spencer were weak links. None of us have ever been weak links. Second of all, the only reason we're all the way we are is because of A. All of this is because of A, not to mention Mona. It's only gotten worse after we found out that Toby is helping the enemy. It's all bullshit" I angrily spat.
I swear to god the shit we're in makes me want to rip out my hair.
The door to the bathroom opened and we all tensed when we saw Mona entering.
We all glanced at each other and nodded, getting ready to leave, not wanting to deal with her shit.
Mona walked towards the mirror and took out her makeup.
"So, where's the fourth musketeer? Haven't seen her today" Mona asked.
Ok, you know what, I've had enough of this girls bullshit.
She's been pushing my sister's button for a while and because of her, Spencer lost Toby.
Not only that, but she's in a place she shouldn't be.
"Bubs" Hanna muttered.
I ignored her and the others and walked towards Mona.
"If you mean Spencer, I think you know exactly where she is, she's in Radley, and you're the reason why" I glared at her.
"Radley?" Mona asked, looking shocked.
The nerve of this girl to pretend to be shocked when she knows damn well what happened.
"Don't play dumb, Mona" Hanna spoke up.
"It's not a good look on you" Aria added.
Hanna, Emily and I snorted in amusement while Mona glared at her.
Good one, Aria.
When we managed to calm down, we went back to glaring at Mona.
"Could've gotten through senior year and been finished, but you wouldn't leave it alone" Emily said.
"Listen to me..." Mona trailed off.
I cut her off by slamming my fist onto the bathroom sink.
The girls all flinched, looking at me with wide eyes.
Although my hand hurt from the hard impact I made, I'm not showing any weakness.
"No, you listen. If my sister doesn't get out of Radley soon, you're gonna wish you broke your neck when you fell off that cliff!" I angrily spat.
Mona's eyes widened as she stared at me in shock and fear, her lips pressed together.
Good. That's what I was aiming for.
Soon the P.A turn on and we heard one of the staff's voice through it.
"Attention, Aria Montgomery, report to the Principal's office. Aria Montgomery, to the office"
I turned my attention away from Mona and turned to Aria, who's eyebrows were furrowed in confusion.
Why would Principal Hackett want to see her?
I gave Mona one last glance before leaving, ignoring the girls calling my name.
If I stayed there any longer, I really don't think anything could've stopped me from lunging at that girl.
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