Chapter 10

Chapter 10- Not This Town Again

You yawned softly as you stirred awake, hearing the screams of Sokka and Momo chirping.
"Boomerang... what are you-" You got cut off by the small vibration coming from the ground. You pressed your ear against the ground and something big was coming your guys' way.

"Rhino lizards!!" You shouted at the Gaang to wake them up, and Fire Nation soldiers surround you all with weapons drawn.
"Give up! You're completely surrounded!" The leader demanded as an archer fired a flaming arrow at Sokka, who quickly got out of his sleeping bag to avoid the fire.

You picked up Twig and motioned everyone to get on Appa.
"Come on! Come on! Come on!" You yelled, but then felt something missing.
"My scrolls!" Katara shouted.
"My staff!" Aang jumped off of Appa.
"My bandana!" You noticed it near where you slept and a soldier was about to grab it.

You quickly lifted up a rock and morphed it into lava, throwing it at the soldier's way and snatched your bandana up. Hopping on Appa fast, Aang told the bison to fly quickly.
"Wait, my boomerang!" Sokka cried while seeing his boomerang on the ground.

"There's no time!" Katara pulled him back as Appa flew from the scene.
"Oh, I see, so there's time to get your scrolls, and time to get your staff, and to get your bandana, but no time for my boomerang?" Sokka argued at his sister, who simply nodded.

"That's correct!" That made Sokka deflated as you tied your bandana back onto your head, securing it with Twig rubbing his head against you.

'Too close,'


"Sorry about your boomerang, Sokka," Aang told the boy as he wore a hat to hide his arrow. You all landed near a merchant shop to get supplies for the road, with Twig eating some meat you got him.
"I feel like I've lost part of my identity," Sokka sighed sadly as he got up from the ground.

"Imagine if you lost your arrow, or (Y/N) lost her tooth gap smile, or Katara lost her... hair loopies," Sokka went over to grab the basket of food as Katara hugged him for comfort.
"Dang Boomerang, I can't even call you that! Guess I'll have to renickname you," You sighed dramatically as Sokka whined.

"Here's your produce, ponytail guy," The merchant smiled.
"I used to be boomerang guy," Sokka mumbled and sulked away. Katara gave the money to the merchant, and he looked at her with surprise.
"Hey, Water Tribe money!" He smiled.
"I hope that's okay," Katara told him.

"So long as it's money. Have a nice Avatar Day!" The merchant said to you four as he closed his shop.
"Avatar Day?" Aang asked, making you stop and titled your head a little.
'Avatar Day, that's sounds very familiar,' You thought, trying to remember where you heard it from.

"You guys are going to the festival, right?" He asked, walking off to the path that led to the village nearby.

'Actually, this all feels familiar,'


"There's a holiday for the Avatar, who knew?" Aang smiled as you four were in the village looking around, with you wearing a cloak to few somewhat safe.
"Yeah..." You we're still weary of how this looked familiar to you, but your memory is a little foggy.
"Look! They made a giant Kyoshi float!" Katara smiled and ran to see more floats wheeling to the center of the village.

"And here comes Avatar Roku!" Sokka chomped on a pastry with Twig and Momo stealing bites.
"Having a huge festival in your honor is great, but frankly, it's just nice to be appreciated," Aang smiled softly.
"And it's nice to appreciate their deep-fried festival food!" Sokka grinned as he gave you a piece of the pastry, making you smile.

"Still, this whole place feels weird, and- woah," You got interrupted by a float that resembled Aang being wheeled in the center too.
"That's the biggest me I've ever seen!" Aang said, but then his eyes widen by one more float.
"(Y/N), look at that!" You turned to see... you?

"Eh?" You tilted your head with a float that resembled you being pulled too.
"Strange, I ain't no Avatar," You mumbled as a villager came running in with a torch. Twig then pawed your face, making you realize what this village  is.

'Wait... aw (Y/N), you idiot! Now I know what this place is!' You scolded yourself, but before you could tell the others, the villager ran through Kyoshi float, setting it ablaze. Twig scampered under you to be protected by the flames, with the villagers chanting.
"Down with the Avatar! Down with the Avatar!" They yelled, making you wince as Roku float was next to burn.

Next was the Aang float, the eye burning ablaze, and next the you float, making you look away from the sight, feeling all the bad memories flooding into your mind again.
'Don't be afraid, Zhao is gone, he won't hurt you anymore, you won't get burned by him again,' You reassured yourself as Katara ran and bended water to put out the fire when the you float caught fire.

"That party pooper's ruining Avatar Day!" A villager shouted, making Aang jump up onto his float and you bending the earth to get onto yours.
"That party pooper's my friend!" Aang shouted, taking his hat off and revealing his arrow.
"It's the Avatar himself!" The chief said in shock.

"It's going to kill us with its awesome Avatar powers!" Another man cried, making you sigh in annoyance.
"You going to say that to everyone who saves people's lives?" You yelled, pulling down your cloak and Twig on your shoulder hissing.

"The Delusional Bender! No! The Descendant!" The chief said in horror, which made you to roll your eyes.
"I suggest you two leave! You're not welcome here, Avatar and Descendant!" The chief demanded.
"Why not? Aang helps people, and (Y/N) did nothing wrong!" Katara defended you both, glaring harshly at the chief.

"It's true! We're on your side," Aang piped in as he jumped down with you behind him.
"I find that hard to swallow, considering what you did to us in your past life! It was Avatar Kyoshi; she murdered our glorious leader, Chin the Great," The chief explained.
"Oh this again? I thought you had your brains cleaned after I left!" You stood in front of your friends.

"Left? (Y/N), is this the village that exiled you?" Sokka asked with caution, but you just scoffed.
"Like Roku I would ever live here, nevertheless be exiled," You said.
"During my running from you-know-who, I saved these ungrateful chumps from Fire Nation soldiers by scaring them with lava, but apparently they didn't appreciate that!" You explained while shooting a glare to the chief.

"Now they think I'm the descendent of Avatar Kyoshi, which would be really awesome if it was true!" You pinched the bridge of your nose as Twig hissed at the people.
"So that's why they called you the Descendant," Katara realized.
"And that we will call you until you die! Kyoshi killed our great leader, and you're here to finish the job!" The chief crossed his arms.

"Aang would never do something like that. No Avatar would. And it's not fair for you all to question his honor!" Katara said.
"And (Y/N) saves you all, shouldn't that make her a hero? She doesn't deserve this!" You felt flattered that Katara defended you, and made you flustered by her place a hand on your waist to hold you back.

The villagers booed at you and Aang, making you place a hand on his shoulder.
"Give us a chance to clear our names!" Aang pleaded.
"The only way to prove your innocence is to stand trial," The chief stated, causing you to groan.
'Not this again,'
"We'll gladly stand trial!" Aang said with confidence.

"Air boy, please don't-" You got cut off.
"You'll have to follow all our rules. That includes paying bail," The chief continued, making Aang nod.

"No problem,"


"How was I supposed to know they wouldn't take Water Tribe money?" Aang asked as he and you got shoved into jail with wooden panels to make you stuck. Sokka and Katara sighed at Aang's decision, with you banging you head against the wall.

"Air boy, you are lucky you're that your the Avatar, or else I would've strangled you,"

Guys, guys, guys, gays, galls, gays, ghouls, guys-

Wanna see (Y/N) as Lady Dimitrescu?

Nyehehehehehehehehe, look at Twig ( )

Stay healthy and stay tune!

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