chapter 32: meeting crymini. (part 5)

(at San Diego AMC theatres)

we see jacob, adam, and charlie arriving at the theatre and got out of the car

jacob: here we are, what do you think charlie?

he asked as he sees charlie having sparkly eyes

charlie: it's huge!!!

jacob: i thought you might say that, now let's go in, shall we milady?

charlie: we shall.

she said as the group of three enter the theatre and as they were about to meet up with the ticket lady, they hear a voice that jacob never wanted to hear ever again

???: well well well, look who showed his face here.

jacob: oh you gotta be kidding me.

he groaned in anger

???: oh i assure you, i'm not.

charlie: who is he, jacob?

jacob: just someone i never wanted to see again.

he said as the group sees a person jacob never wanted to see again, his highschool bully, Francis Jymblonski and his gang

jacob: why are you here, jymblonski?

francis: you know why i'm here. ever since adam posted that video of me trying to kill you, got me expelled, and sent me to prison, i had to be on parole because of you. but when i got out, one of my gang members told me that our world fused together with some sort of demon realm, right?

jacob: yeah, what's it to ya? you may like ruining a person's day, so-

hat guy: or what, string bean?

he said as charlie butted in

charlie: wait, can we work this out or something before this gets out of-EEK!!!

she shrieked as her butt was grabbed by jymblonsky, which made jacob angry as francis said

francis: hey guys, look. a good lookin' demon girl. so what's your name, because mine's francis jymblonski.

charlie: c-Ch- Charlie.

francis: say, why not ditch these two losers and hang out with us.

charlie: NONONONO, i would rather not, and i already have a boyfriend.

hat guy 2: what? WHO?!

he demanded as jacob said

jacob: me.

he said as charlie hugged him, making francis and his gang looked at him and started to laugh

francis: HIM!!!!!! YOU GOTTA BE KIDDING ME!!!! it's not like he's good in bed with a demon girl like you!!!

he said while laughing, thus making charlie pout as adam said

adam: uh, need i remind you that there's security here and you're all causing a scene.

he said as francis and his gang stopped laughing and looked at the cops, which made francis scared that it might affect his parole as he said

francis: this isn't over, jacob.

he said as he and his gang walked away as the cops winked at jacob and the group as charlie said

charlie: i think i'm gonna be sick, and i mean it figuratively.

jacob: yeah, sorry about that, who you met was my school's highschool bully, francis jymblonsky.

adam: or at least he was when he tried to kill jacob and he got expelled and sent to jail because of it.

charlie: that's awful for what he did.

jacob: yeah, it is, and i thought they gave him a life sentence or something.

charlie: i life what?

adam; we'll tell you later, right now let's go and get our tickets.

he said as they walked to the ticket booth, meeting a ticket lady

ticket lady: welcome to AMC theatres, which movie would you like to watch today?

jacob: the retro transformers: the movie, also my girlfriend would like to sign up to be a member for AMC.

ticket lady: ok, 3 tickets for transformers the movie and a membership card for...what's your name, ma'am?

charlie: charlie magne morningstar.

adam: (thinking) her middle name is magne?

ticket: ok, charlie morning-wait, did you say ''morningstar''? as in king luke morningstar, who's a demon but in a different way?

charlie: yep, he's my dad.

she said as the ticket lady was shocked as she said

ticket lady: can you excuse me for a moment, i need to call my boss.

jacob: ok, we'll wait.

he said as the ticket lady dialed on her phone, called her boss, ended the call and said

ticket lady: my boss said he wants to talk to you, he's inside.

charlie: your boss?

she asked as the group went inside of the theatre and see a man in a manager suit and walked up to them

theatre boss: so, you're king luke's daughter?

charlie: yes, i am.

theatre: name's todd watson, i run this theatre and i heard that your people moved here to start a new life and i heard from them that your dad is not only a kind, but also a business man, right?

charlie: that's right, he has his own theme park called lu lu world and he was in a partnership with mammon, who made a rip off called loo loo land until it was burned down by someone, and since then, the partnership ended.

todd watson: hmm, sorry to hear that. how about you and your family make a partnership with theatre company?

he said as he showed the contract, which made the group gasp in shock

charlie: what? a partnership with a movie theatre company?

todd watson: that's right, if you accept, i'll give you and anyone you bring a free VIP pass year round.

adam: (stammers) free VIP pass? do it, please do it!!!

he said quietly to charlie, who was scared that repeat of loo loo land might happen here since the firs partnership didn't end well when that off brand shit hole burned down, but felt jacob's hand on her shoulder

jacob: charlie, it's ok. i know you're scared and worried what happened at loo loo land might happen to AMC, but i think this might be a chance for us to help your people more if you accept this new partnershp and maybe others will help in the future, what do you say?

he asked as charlie smiled and kissed jacob

everyone in the theatre lobby: AWW!!!!!

after they stopped kissing, charlie said

charlie: mr. watson, i accept this new partnership.

she said as she signed her and her family's name, everyone cheered at the new partnership as adam said

adam: YES, VIP HERE WE COME!!!!!!!

jacob: see charlie, i told ya.

he said as todd watson said

todd watson: now, follow me.

he said as the group followed him to the vip room


as todd watson led them to a door and opened it, the group's eyes widened as they see their personal VIP room

todd watson: now, enjoy.

he said with a smile on his face as the group sat down and jacob said

jacob: charlie, i'm not gonna lie, you are a lucky girl a guy like me could ever dream of.

charlie: (blushes) really.

jacob: really, before all that has happened, our lives were boring and i've been wanting to have someone to spend time with me like zuzu, but when your people showed up, our lives were getting awesome...

adam: even the part that you have a harem.

jacob: yeah, and charlie...i thank you for making our lives happy and now, it's our turn to return the favor.

he said to charlie, who had tears streaming down her cheeks and as she hugged him, she started to cry on his chest, and after she stopped hugging, she said

charlie: that was the nices thing someone has ever said to me, except my ex.

jacob: hey, if i ever meet him, i'll make him pay for what he did to you.

charlie: ok, just don't kill him like you did to valentino.

jacob: ok, sweetface.

he said as charlie blushed as adam said

adam: hey, the movies starting.


after a few minutes of watching the movie, we see jacob and adam watching a scene starting, a scene that they loved the most as they said

jacob & adam: one shall stand, one shall fall.

charlie: what does that mean?

jacob: it means that one will survive and the other will die.

adam: but don't worry, it just a movie.

charlie: (sigh) thanks for taking me here on our date, jacob.

jacob: you're welcome, charlie.

he said as he wrapped his arm over charlie's head as the continue watching the movie, but soon jacob will meet more girls in the future as the screen went dark

(end of chaptet, hope you liked it)

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