In the world of Warriors, life wasn't always easy.
The story didn't start with felines looking out, hunting, or caring for each other.
Quite frankly, it was every cat for themselves.
But as the thriving valley drew cats to it's forests, it was clear that not all could stay. In return, they built groups, and learned to work together.
But survival was everything. And to stay alive, you needed territory. You needed to conquer.
The Valley is shared by five groups of cats with five landmarks in each of their territories; the Stream Cats, the Moor Cats, the Pinewood Cats, the Redwood Cats, and the Mist Cats. Each cat group lives independently with 5 starter cats- 4 hunters and 1 maxed out healer. Each have a unique territory and camp.
Each group is unique to their territory and can form their own naming system, form a Clan, and elect their own leaders. They'll all function separately, aside from attacks and battles.
If there are three cats that currently do not reside in a group, they can create their own group- but if they don't capture a landmark within 4 moons, it will disband. Unfortunately, the valley only has room for 6 groups of cats- meaning the inhabitants must fight fight to stay.
Independence is something to be proud of. Without being independent, you are nothing.
Every group in this game are classified as enemies. There is no such thing as 'allies'. Only one group can conquer the valley.
Information can only be exchanged between groups during meetings, and of course, secret meetings. Other ways of exchange will be classified as cheating and will result in first a warning, and then a kick from the game.
Public information exchange must be between leaders and both, or all, leaders must put in the command. If any info is being exchanged, it must be in the same comment and under the command.
capable cats : all
The base of the game is the landmarks and territory. Each of the five starting groups has a distinct territory with 5 unique, undiscovered landmarks. By using the /explore command (which must be done with at least one other cat), there is a high chance you will discover one of your landmarks. When a landmark is discovered, it will be named.
After the landmarks are discovered, you must protect them. Landmarks are the conquering point of the game- when you lose all 5 landmarks, your group will fall.
Other groups can capture your landmark by sending a patrol of cats to capture it. If a matching patrol is not sent, it will automatically go to them. If a patrol is sent, the two will battle it out and injuries, deaths, and whoever wins will be randomized.
If you capture another group's landmark, it will become yours and under your list of landmarks. It is then up to you to protect it.
A single cat can not capture a landmark.
capable cats : leader, hunters, apprentices, expecting queens, healers (building only)
Hunting is a necessity to the groups. Hunting is the base of life, as without it, you can not survive. Hunting can be done alone (1 cat), or in groups. Depending on your huntingskill, you can catch a certain range of prey. For every two cats on a hunting patrol, there is a +1 bonus. In the event of twoleg traps, it is possible to get killed or even injured while on patrol. Luckily, otherwise, it is very rare.
Patrolling is a major key to keeping your cats safe. Every moon, the border will fall by one. You must patrol at least once a day to keep it the same strength as the previous moon, and twice to raise it. To patrol, it takes 2 cats to fill one. It can not be done alone.
If patrolling is avoided, you will get an event. The lower your border, the higher chance of an attack.
Gathering sticks is another important part of group life. A gathering patrol is almost identical, except you gather sticks instead of prey. Sticks are used to build dens.
Building dens is another major key to safety. Without dens, you are most exposed to the elements. You are more likely to get ill and it is possible to get injured during storms. When building dens, it takes 3 cats. To build one, you must have the right amount of sticks and cats.
capable cats : all
Only one group of cats can control the valley. The winners of the game must conquer and defeat all other enemy groups and capture all of their landmarks.
A leader can collectively send their group into battle against another to try and hurt the other or even wipe them out. Battling is important and necessary in the game, or there is no point.
When in battle, you have 3 energy to attack and 20 health until you are defeated. You must choose to attack a certain cat who is not hiding, or your command will not go through. After that, you and that cat will match up. The attack and defense score will be rolled based on the battleskills, and the difference will result in loss of health. When you lose all 20 health, you will die.
Healers can also play a role in the battle! Healers can not be attacked or captured unless their groupmates are. During the fight, they can heal 3 cats (of any group), and give 1-10 health back to them.
If you or a cat you're attacking have 5 or below health, you have the opportunity to surrender or capture them. When a cat is captured, they will be taken by the opposing group unless they are defeated. The same is for when you surrender- except then, the group can decide to take you prisoner or let you go.
If queens and kits do not hide, you can capture them. To do this, the day has to have been posted for at least 18 hours.
In a battle, there is a chance some of your resources will be destroyed.
Leaders can choose to call off or surrender in attacks. The battles will continue until one or the other happens, or everyone is dead or captured. Or if everybody runs out of energy.
When a group is defeated, the winning group will capture one landmark.
When all five of your landmarks are captured, your group will automatically disband.
capable cats : leader, healers, hunters, apprentices
Each cat has a set of skills based on their rank- leaders, hunters, and hunter apprentices will have the skillsets of (hunting, gathering, battle), while healers and healer apprentices will have the skillsets of (healing, foraging.)
The base level is level 0, and the highest (maxed out) is level 5. Each level is individual, and one does not affect the other. Every time you train, your chosen skill will go up 1/2. If you train twice, it will go up by 1.
Without training, it is impossible to raise your skill level, as no cat is put into the game with complete maxed skills. Training is encouraged when you are an apprentice and assigned a mentor.
capable cats : healers, healer apprentices
Foraging is an action exclusive to healers and healer apprentices only. Without foraging for herbs, you will not be able to heal any cats. Foraging for herbs can be done alone, in pairs, or in groups. You get different amounts of herbs based on your foragingskill level.
capable cats : healers, healer apprentices
Healing your groupmates is the most important part of being a healer. There are many different sicknesses and injuries to heal, and you can only do so by having the right amount of herbs and the proper healingskill. Here is a list of sicknesses and illnesses in the game :
- Injuries (Broken Bone, Slightly Injured, Injured, Severely Injured, Near-Death)
- Illnesses (Fever, Cough, Whitecough, Greencough, Redcough)
- Exclusives (Prey Poisoning, Berry Poisoning, Nightcough, Rabies)
- Miscellaneous (Hayfever, Allergies, Dehydration)
The amount of herbs and skill level it takes to heal an injury or sickness will be touched upon in the Charts and Commands page.
capable cats : leader, healers, hunters, apprentices, expecting queens
In this game, bonding gives you the opportunity to become mates with another cat! When you use the bond command, your bond level will raise by 1. Like skill levels, the max bonding level is level 5- when you reach level 5 with another cat, you have the option to become mates with them. The bonding chart is below.
Bond Level 1 - Acquaintances
Bond Level 2 - Friends
Bond Level 3 - Good Friends
Bond Level 4 - Close Friends
Bond Level 5 - Companion and/or mate
Any cat of any rank can take a mate of any gender, and they can also breed. It is not recommended for any cat with healer duties to breed unless you have a maxed our successor- as, in the event of a time you are needed, you may not be able to provide such care.
Some things are meant to be secret. Not every cat is truthful.
This game is not exclusive to commands and ideas that are public. There are secret commands you can put in.
Some of these secrets reach beyond the borders. Password are first 3 characters in your bio. If you have no bio, put none.
Secret Mates - secret mates can be within your own camp or can reach across the borders. By committing to a secret relationship, you must ask through me and send a request to your desired cat. When both are accepted, they will meet in secret every moon unless one party decides not to. They are subject to accidental litters if the mates are cats of the opposite sex.
Secret Breeding - like public breeding, secret breeding takes 1 energy. It will not be announced and will show up as an accidental litter unless you breed with another mate that same day.
Secret Meetings - unlike the previous two secret commands, this one is not romantic. It is the meeting between two cats to exchange ideas and information. It takes 1 energy. This only pertains to meetings between two cats of different groups.
Murder - murder can only be done to a cat in your own group- it can be individually motivated, or work for another group. Murder is not guaranteed to be successful, and there is a chance you'll be caught.
Kidnapping - kidnapping is a beyond the borders secret command! Cats of another group can kidnap a cat of another group and hold them prisoner. This takes 1 energy.
Destruction of Resources - some cats are not loyal to their own group. If you are one of those cats, you can use a command to destroy prey, herbs, or branches. It takes 1 energy.
Escaping - escaping your group must be done with motive. If you successfully escape your group, you will live on your own.
Spying - if you are suspicious, you can spy on a cat of your own group! This takes 1 energy.
Ranking up is simple- at both 6 and 12 moons, you will rank up to the next rank when you use the proper command. At 6 moons, kits rank up into an apprentice (healer or hunter) and are assigned a mentor. At 12 moons, if you have the proper skill set to rank up (at least level 2 in every skill), you can rank up to a healer or hunter.
At your choosing, 12 moons is the age to announce your sexuality, or come out as transgender or non-binary is you choose (please do not overflow this option.)
When you sign up on the waiting list after the game starts, the only customizable option to choose is your gender. Your looks are inherited by the parents you are born to, and your names will be chosen by them. You can not choose or voice any opinion on the name you are given if you are a kit.
In the event of not being able to have kits, it is possible to search for kits! It's a risky command, as there is a high chance you will run into trouble and not find what you are seeking for.
It is also possible to have accidental litters! These are unplanned litters that are born to you and your mate/secret mate. They can be born any time, so be careful. This is likely a result of being overfertile. On the flip side, it is possible to be born infertile/have a very low chance of fertility, so you may want to keep that in mind.
The main command kits are given the option to do is playing. You have 6 days to play, and as a make up day, the moon you rank up on. The amount of times you play 0-6 is the skill level you will be given when you rank up to an apprentice. If you play 2 times, you start with level 0.5. When you play 4 times you are granted with level 1 skills, and if you play 6 times you are given level 2 skills.
Another, new, command kits can do is sneak out of camp! This is a single-player command for kits that they can do every other moon. When sneaking out of camp, your motive is to catch a piece of prey. The chance of being caught is 50%. If you manage to catch at least 1 prey as a kit, your hunting levels will be boosted by one. And so on.
Like the waking world, this game has seasons that come with effects, penalties, and special events. Because there are 12 months in a year, there are 3 moons for each season- Newleaf (Spring), Greenleaf (Summer), Leaf-fall (Autumn), and Leafbare (Winter.)
Newleaf - no bonus/penalty, thunderstorms, floods, tornadoes are common, twoleg traps very common
Greenleaf - +1 bonus, thunderstorms, twoleg traps less common, fires, droughts are common
Leaf-fall - no penalty/bonus, windstorms common, fires, droughts more common
Leafbare - -1 penalty, windstorms, frost, and blizzard more common
Events are an important part of game play that you must look out for. There are around 1-2 events every two season cycles, and it is not guaranteed that they will be easy for the groups.
Flood - in the event of a flood, it will take all of your energy to evacuate. Dens and resources are likely a loss, but you do have the option to attempt to save prey, herbs, or sticks. Doing this makes you at higher risk of injury or death. Kits and nursing queens must be assisted away from the flood.
Fire - in the event of a fire, it will take all of your energy to evacuate. Dens and resources are likely a loss, but you do have the option to attempt to save prey, herbs, or sticks. Doing this makes you at higher risk of injury or death. Kits and nursing queens must be assisted away from the fire.
Thunderstorms - unlike the previous two events, thunderstorms do not incapacitate daily actions, but instead have a -1 penalty and is strongly suggested not to hunt, gather, or forage alone. In the rare event, it can spark a fire or lightning could injure a cat.
Blizzard - blizzards are somewhat similar to thunderstorms in the fact that they leave a -1 bonus. In the event of a blizzard, going out alone is highly advised against, as you may get lost in the blizzard, get sick, or die.
Droughts - droughts are definitely an event to look out for in the game. Droughts leave a -1 penalty in the game and will most likely leave a lot of cats, if not all, dehydrated. It can also dry out the prey and herbs, similar to frost, leaving them unusable. If conditions are continually dry, it may lead to a fire or dust storm.
Frost - frosts are events that only take place during Leafbare. Frost is a common event that kills off herbs and leaves them unusable.
Windstorms - windstorms are an uncommon event that, even though they do not cause much harm, they do destroy dens and can cause flying debris.
Duststorms - very similar to windstorms (yet rarer) in the sense that they destroy dens. Unlike windstorms, they can cause illness.
Tornadoes - tornadoes are an extremely rare event and will usually follow days of rain or thunderstorms. In the event of one, you must use all energy to run away- there is no assisting cats or saving materials. It is every cat for themselves, and very deadly.
Twoleg Traps - in the event when twoleg traps are laid, it is very likely that at least one cat of a patrol will be injured, or even die. Twoleg traps are often laid for a moon or two before they are picked back up. It is not advised to go out alone while there are twoleg traps in the forest.
Animal Attacks - because the game takes place in the wild, you are at high risk for animal attacks. These include, but are not exclusive to:
Rogues, Dogs, Bears, Badgers, Large Birds, Sharpteeth, Coyotes, Foxes, Raccoons, Weasels
Anima attacks can be prevented by having a high border level. If the animal is not defeated and everyone is not hiding, then the attacker may kill or injure the unhid.
Animal Settlement - similar to animal attacks, animal settlement is when a possibly threatening animal settles within your borders. These include, but are not exclusive to:
Bees, Weasels, Opossums, Hawks, Owls, Foxes, Rogues, Loners, Bobcats, Snakes
The chance of animal settlement can be lowered by having a high border level. When on patrol to rid of the animal settlement, it is possible to be injured.
Prophecies, Omens, Messages - one of the most exciting events of the game, prophecies, omens, and messages are riddles sent from Silverpelt that warn of a future event or problem. Unfortunately, prophecies can only be received when a gate to the stars is discovered...
Unfortunately, not every cat will survive. With the given nature of the game, your cat is almost guaranteed to pass.
When your cat passes away, you can re-sign up for the waiting list! You will not automatically be placed there, so you must do it yourself. You will then be placed on the waiting list, and when it comes to your turn, you will be rebirthed. There are no reincarnations.
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