Chapter 39 Take Back The Falls (part 2)
So a quick preview if i must.
The survivors launched an attack on the Fearamid. While the Shacktron kept Bill and his minions occupied, Dipper, Mabel, Stan, Wendy, Soos, Pacifica, Sheriff Blubs and McGucket entered the Fearamid to free Bill's captives.
And now back to the real show.
"Many years ago, i found ten symbols around a cave. Some.. i recodnized then and some i recodnized now,"
"The native people of Gravity Falls prophesized that these symbols could create a force that's strong enough to vanquish Bill,"
"With Bill defeated, his weirdness would be reversed and the town could be saved."
The old man steps forward, closer to the graffiti. "This whole time, i thought that it was just superstition... but seeing you all here, i finally understand that it's destiny."
(y/n) still remained clueless as Will seem to get it. The Cipher twins are created by Bill Cipher, but Bill keeps secrets that you won't even believe.
"Dipper, the Pine Tree." The old man pointed at an odd symbol.
And so the pine boy, did so. He steps forward to his symbol, a bit shocked and a bit comprehended that what Will or either Bill was calling him the whole time was a sign that he's in the wheel.
"Mabel, the Shooting Star." Mabel stepped to her symbol,with a proud look that she's now an specific person and a part of things, which she was the whole time but she just doesn't see it yet.
"The Question Mark!" Soos butted in, confronting his symbol. He pinched his chin, "this one's unsolvable.."
And now to the heart with a stitch symbol, "that one's easy!" Wendy exclaimed, pushing Robbie to the heart-stitched symbol. "You've been rocking that dumb hoodie since seventh grade,"
"Whoa, destiny hoodie!" The teenager exclaimed with an astonished tone, not knowing that he was important before.
Soos steps to his symbol as Dipper proclaimed, pointing at an odd pentacle. "The tent of telepathy sign! That must be.. Gideon!" He gasped.
Gideon Gleeful shifted forward to his symbol which was beside the Shooting Star. "Whoohoo! An excuse to stand next to Mabel!"
"Don't turned this into a big deal.."
"Oh i won't," then he murmurs, "i will."
Will seemed to comprehend. Ten symbols placed around a wheel, hand in hand. They'll all bond the seal.
The demon seemed forget something, but what?
And now with Bill, he gets hitted wth the shack multiple times until he tumbles down, wth the Shack-Tron on top of him.
The demon overlord recodnized something, "what the--"
Though the Shacktron managed to fend off Bill and his minions for a time, Bill ultimately discovered that only the Shack itself was immune to his power, with the rest of the Shacktron's parts being vulnerable.
He clunged on the robot's legs, "hey, Achilles."
"Nice work with the.. heels!" Bill ripped off one of the Shacktron's legs, and used it to damage the robot. The Shacktron was destroyed soon after.
Meanwhile with the others. "Hold hands everyone! This is a mystical energy circuit," Ford announced as he gestures the Cipher's wheel.
"Ice?" Dipper glanced at the ice bag symbol, but then glanced back at his great-uncle, sympathetically stating. "Who's ice?"
"The symbols needn't to be all literal, Dipper. It just has to be someone cool in the face of danger.." Ford retorted, grabbing-ahold of Robbie's hand who was now feeling uncomfortable, cause he has never hold anyone in the hands besides Tambry and Wendy.
Wendy's gang, who was by the way there, started to cheer for their friend, "Wendy! Wendy! Wendy!"
Wendy snorted, "shut up you guys." She approached Dipper as she pulled out a hand. Dipper anxiously accepted then held her hand.
(y/n) was of course, grinning widely about Dipper, for the first time. Holding his major crush's hand without scampering or chickening out, but she still likes Dipcifica. Will, on the other hand was smirking as he folds his arms, teasing his friend as Dipper gave him a playful glare.
Ford then adruptly spoken. "Much like the sceptacles needed to be someone scholarly," he gestures on the symbol near the Ilama symbol.
And so Fiddleford Hadron McGucket shifted towards it, then stopped once he had stepped on it.
"This is freaky," Pacifica says as she steps on the Ilama symbol, glancing at her Lamba-haired sweater.
"Okay everyone, hold hands." Ford spoke.
The hillbilly reached his hand out to the rich girl, as the old man's hand was dirty and was encircled by flies.
"Eww, i'm not touching that."
"Do it, sweetie." Preston Northwest emplacen his hand on his daughter's shoulder, "do the one thing no one in our family has ever done: touch the hillbilly."
Pacifica holds McGucket's hand with a grimace slithered on her face, a feeling of remorse and cringe, once after she'd done this attempt everyone in the circle glows. Thunder rumbles and smoke circles around the Fearamid.
Dipper proclaimed, "Great Uncle Ford! It think it's working!"
McGucket cheers, "hoohoo! Heehahahaha!"
"Yes! This is it!" Ford plastered a smile on his expression, referring to the people outside the circle, "the rest of you get out. It's too dangerous!"
The people did so, excluding the people in the circle, Ford declared once he'd notice (y/n) and Will, still standing there, still. "(y/n), Will! Get outta here, it's too dangerous! No one knows how powerful the wheel is!"
(y/n) scowled by this, reckoning that what Stanford said was preferring that she was weak. "No, we're all in this together!" Will legitimated his sister as he crossed his arms, "yeah, I agree with (y/n). We've handled things for so long, right now, I will never again, leave your side!"
Ford sighed, "fine. But are you sure that this won't affect you two? This wheel was created to vanquish Bill, not his kids."
"Yeah, we can't afford you to get hurt, losing someone I care about is one of the nightmares I had!" Mabel butted in.
(y/n) snapped, "hey! We're staying here, right here! Right now! If we'll die, I wanna die seeing you guys from the last time!"
"Oh fine. Now, we just need one more person..." Ford eyed to the corner of his eye, calling his twin brother from behind. "Stanley! Stanley, get over here. You're the only one left."
Stan turns around with a acerbic impression, "You realize this is a bunch of hogwash, right?" He pointed out iver his shoulder to Bill, who was still fighting the shack-tron, "you really think some caveman graffiti is gonna stop that monster?"
Gideon curtly ranted, "dang it, old man! Now's not the time!"
"Come on!" Wendy joined along, snapping.
"What are you doing?" Pacifica joined as well, "you're gonna ruin this!"
Robbie fumed, "I've never held hands this long and I am very uncomfortable!"
Stan raised his hands above his shoulders defensively, "whoa. Hey. I'm not the enemy here, people." He swaggered forward adjacent to the circle. "Don't forget who literally created the end of the world." He pointed to his brother aside him.
Ford was disconsolated and perturbed, "I'm sorry, Stanley. I know. Just help me fix it." He begged his brothed, "please."
Stan blunted, "fine. Just do one thing." Takes a step forward, finishing his final sentence with, "say 'thank you.'"
"I spent thirty years trying to bring you back into this dimension and you still haven't thanked me!" The old man repeated, "you want me to shake your hand? Say 'thank you.'"
Ford rolled his eyes, reckoning and asking himself why? Why does this even important to Stan? It's already the end of the world and he's still too stubborn! "Fine. Thank you." He had a feeling of remorse.
Stan holds Ford's and Soos' hands whilst saying, "now, see. Between me and him, I'm not always the bad twin."
"Between 'him and me.' He beated, "grammar, Stanley."
Stan then gets offended by this, "I'll 'grammar, Stanley' you!" He then lets go of Soos' hand and hits Ford, "You stuck up son of a gun! I mean come on!"
Ford lets go of Robbie's hand and hits Stanley along, "don't jeopardize this, you idiot! Everything's on the line!"
Mabellets go of Gideon and Pacifica's hands, and scurries to Ford and Stan, "guys, stop it!" Dipper did so too. (y/n) joined along as well, "stop! Stop fighting! This isn't right!" Will was shocked as he remembered. "Ten symbols placed around a wheel. Hand and hand, they'll all bond the seal. But break the chain, and pay the cost. The prophecy shall all be lost."
Dipper and Mabel pulled at Stan and Ford, who are fighting and yelling unintelligibly at each other.
Dipper cries out, "join hands!"
Ford and Stan instigated to stop fighting once a large triangular shadow shades their views, they turned to see the one and all, Bill Cipher, hovering there, playfully wielding the totem pole of the Mystery Shack.
"Oh no, it's Bill. Right? Isn't that what you're all thinking?" Bill stops once he perceived Gideon right over the circle, "hey, Gideon, why aren't you dancing? Chop chop, huh?"
"Ha ha ha ho! This is just too perfect! Didn't you brainiacs know the zodiac doesn't work if you don't all hold hands?" Bill smirked deep inside, "and what's better, you've brought every threat to my power together in one easy-to-destroy CIRCLE!" By a wave of his hands, the wheel burns with blue flames.
Dipper yelped, "oh no!"
"Oh gosh!" Will gripped on his longish blonde hair.
Pacificanotices that her hair is on fire and patted it with her palms constantly, "ah! My hair!"
Robbie also perceived that the fact that his hair was also burning, "ah! My hair also!"
Billlatched Stan and Ford with some illusionary ropes, "you guys wanna see what happens to your friends when you can't get along?"
Will glares ballistically at his father while (y/n) was beginning to be sympathetic with this sensation.
McGucketsnapped, "Hey! You give them back!"
Gideoncurted, "You've gone too far, Cipher!"
Wendy legitimately ranted, "yeah! We're not scared of you!" She snagged her ax from her back pocket. McGucket pulls out his banjo.
"Oh, but you should be." Bill snapped his fingers as everyone excluding Dipper, Mabel, Ford and Stan hovers up beside him.
Mabel yelps, "Agh!" Dipper did too, "oh no!"
(y/n) gripped on her longish blonde hair, "ugh, this is so horrible! I can't look!" She lunged to her brother, hugging him as her brother patted his sister back and was solemn by his father's actions.
Bill adruptly said, "you know, this castle could really use some decorATIONS!" By flicking his palms, the people who he was holding up are replaced by tapestries with pictures of them screaming in front of their symbols, "looks like it's too late for your friends, Stanford."
Dipper and Mabel screamed as a blue triangular cage encases them. Stan concerns, "Ah! Kids!" (y/n) and Will were binded with arm ropes; like Stan and Ford's, too, slumping them down on the neon rainbow floor and making them kneel.
Billadruptly warned, "but you can still save your family. Last chance: tell me how to take Weirdmageddon global and I'll spare the kids!"
"No! Don't do it!"
"Yeah! Bill makes bad deals!"
Bill glided down to Dipper and Mabel's change, stating. "Don't you toy with me, shooting star. I see EVERYTHI--!" His eye shows a picture of a galaxy; but Mabel unanticipatedly sprays paint in his eye with a spray can, "OW! NOT AGAIN. WHY?! EVERYTIME!!"
Stan praised his niece, "nice shot, pumpkin." Ford and Stan are released from Bill's illusionary arms and plummeted to the ground.
Bill yelped, "I just regenerated that eye!"
"I know that hurts because I've accidentally done it to myself! Multiple times!" Mabel told the enormous neon yellow demon over-lord.
Dipper snagged out the height-altering crystal flashlight and enlarged their triangular prismed cage. Dipper and Mabel jumped out as Bill continues to scream in pain. "Save yourselves. Run! We'll take care of Bill!" Dipepr cried out.
"Whhat? That's a suicide mission!"
"Trust us." The boy slumped forward, "we've beat him before..."
Mabeldid so too, aside her brother, "...and we'll beat him again!" She fist bumps Dipper, "hey! Bill! Come and get us, you pointy jerk!"
Bill growls in anger, Dipper and Mabel runned off into the Fearamid. Before leaving, Mabel blows a raspberry as a annoyance preferred to the demon.
Ford concerned, "what? No! It's too dangerous!" Ford and Stan planned to run after Dipper and Mabel, but Bill stops them by clenching his own palm as both of the old man were gripping on their necks as if Bill Cipher was strangling them in the neck.
Billopens an eye, "not so fast." He flicked his arm up as another cage rises up from the ground, caging the two poor old mans. "You two wait here!" He shape-shifted to his human form and then coverted his own yellow form into a red and yellow patterned one, with six arms grown from his sides. (y/n) wishes to cover her eyes, after sight of her father's cringing monster form, but too bad she couldn't cause her arms were tide up. Will was squirming, trying to escape to help his mortal friends, but still. Failed.
"I've got some children I need to make into CORPSES!" Bill announced with a deep voice, "See ya real soon." He crawls off in a manner of a spider, he instantly leaves with his psychopathic laugh leaving behind.
Stan cried out, "no! Wait! No! No! Oh, what do we do? What do we do?!"
Ford pounds on bars as he panicked. "Kids!"
Dipper and Mabel run through the Fearamid, with Bill chasing them. "When I get my hands on you kids, I'm gonna DISSASEMBLE YOUR MOLECULES!"
He tries to scoop and latch the two up with his arms, but the two flewn away by Mabel's wrappling hook. "You've tricked me for the last time!"
Stan and Ford was remaining hopeless while they were trapped in their triangular prisons, "oh, I can't believe this." He places his palm on his forehead, "the kids are gonna die and it's all my fault. Because I couldn't shake your stupid hand!" He slumped down, covering his whole face with his palms in remorse. "Uh, dad was right about me. I am a screw-up."
"Oh, don't blame yourself. I'm the one who made a deal with Bill in the first place. I fell for all his easy flattery. You would have seen him for the scam artist he is."
Will was closing his eyes shut as his head was looking down straight on the floor, (y/n) was sobbing and didn't know what to do.
"How did things get so messed up between us?" Stan was sympathetic at this moment.
"We used to be like Dipper and Mabel. The world's about to end and they still work together. How do they do it?"
Stan retorted, "Easy. They're kids. They don't know any better." Ford stood up, "whoa, where you goin'?"
"I'm going to play the only card we have left. Let Bill into my mind." Ford was now blank, "he'll be able to take over the galaxy and maybe even worse," he swiveled to face his twin, "but at least he might let the kids free."
Stan freaked out, "What?! Are you kiddin' me?! Are you honestly telling me there's nothing else we can do?!"
"Bill's only weak in the mind space. If I didn't have this darn plate in my head we could just erase him with the memory gun when he steps inside my mind."
Stan wondered, "What if he goes into my mind? My brain isn't good for anything."
Ford chuckled a bit, but was still upset. "Heheh. There's nothing in your mind he wants. It has to be me. We need to take his deal. It's the only way he'll agree to save you and the kids." He clings to the prison's bars.
Stan did so too, "do you really think he's gonna make good on that deal?"
"What other choice do we have?"
"What other choice do you have?!" Will ranted. "You two are hopeless and useless right now, I know that! But I'll ask you. Building that portal for years, did you gave up Stanley?! All those years in being in the Nightmare Realm, what did you do?! You two were afraid, but still you guys didn't give up!" He legitimately fumed, "all that years of suffering over everything! Don't tell me that you guys are giving up. You both can do amazing things by yourselves!" (y/n)'s attention was diverted to her brother.
"Like Mabel, Mabel can turn bad or horrific situations into fun situations, she always knows what do! Dipper, his smarts and talents in discovering mysteries had helped him in various adventures. Both two are exactly amazing at the same time, but because of different ways, they've gained a fight. If those two combine their ways, they can do amazing and impossible things in this world! Like you two, you guys are talented. But the point is, ya gotta team up to do even more better! Without Stanley's childish plays, every situation will be dangerous and terrifying. And without Ford's brains, things wouldn't be solved, and the solution could still be a problem!"
(y/n) joined too, "I have an idea! But it'll require for me and Will to cover our eyes."
"What? Why?" Will turned to his sister while furrowing a brow.
Dipper and Mabel continued in scurrying inside the Fearamid, till they ended up in a dead end. "You know, I'm starting to think there's no way out of here."
Mabelgrinned as she pulled out the height-alternating flashlight from her sweater's pocket, "like Grunkle Stan always says, when one door closes, choose a nearby wall and bash it in with brute force." She enlargened her hand with the flashlight and punched it through the wall, "AHHH!" After finishing this attempt, she shrinks her fist back to normal with the flashlight.
Dipper felt glad that he had his twin sister by his side all the time, "ha! Now let's round up the townsfolk and together we can defeat...oh, no!" Both of the two witnessed the rest of the refugees tied on the ground, guarded by the demons; Bill's henchmaniacs.
"You'll never take us alive, monsters!" Grenda snapped.
"That's fine with us!" Teeth responsed giddily, and then eats Schmebulock, everyone gasped by this action.
"Oh, no."
Bill appears in a bad timing, "peeka-boo!" The dream demon catches both of them in a yellowish tinted tractor beam.
"Aaah!" Both Dipper and Mabel screamed.
Billre-enters the main room with Dipper and Mabel in his right hand, clutching the two. "Alright, Ford. Time's up. I've got the kids." He swerved his hand near to his eye, Dipper and Mabel started to punch Bill's fist, but alas. Didn't gave much use to them. "I think I'm gonna kill one of 'em now just for the heck of it! EENIE.." eye twitches to Mabel's shooting star symbol, Will was afraid as he was wide-eyed. "MEENIE..." flicks to Dipper's pine tree symbol, both of the two's hearts were racing, their heart beats can be easily heard to Bill, Will and (y/n), the girl demon was afraid for Dipper to be selected. "MINEE." Bill made his final decision, showing the shooting star zodiac symbol once again, "YOU!!" Both Will and (y/n) were tearing up, Bill holds up Mabel to his other hand, preparing to snap his fingers.
"Wait!" Stan spoken, enthralling Bill to him, "I surrunder!"
"Good choice." The demon drops Dipper and Mabel, the Pines twins plunged to the ground in a thud.
Stan grips on Ford's collar, shooking him instantly, "don't do it, Ford, it'll destroy the universe!!"
"It's the only way." Ford shouts back.
Bill shows up, in front of their cell, making their fighting stop, "HAHAHAHA! Oh, even when you're about to die, you Pines twins can't get along." He snapped his fingers as the cage was then slumped down, Bill's neon reddish arm ropes tied up Ford and surprisingly letting go of (y/n) and Will, removing the ropes.
Ford glared at the demon, while stating. "My only condition is that you let my brother, your kids and our kids go!"
Dippercried out, he couldn't believe that his great-uncle was teusting this demon and affording him to enter his own mind and also destroying the whole universe, "no, Grunkle Ford! Don't trust him!"
"It's a...DEAL!" Bill pulls out his hand as it litted in blue flames, Ford reaches out his hand, and remained unperturbed and staid.
(y/n) covered her mouth with her palm in a worried manner, hoping that the trick would work, but calmed down a little once her brother emplacen a hand on her shoulder.
Bill holds Ford's hand, his form turns into stone, he comes out in a mental form, enters the mental realm with everything as monochrome, rubbing his hands together. "Ahaha! Hahaha! AHAHAHAHAHA!" He shifted towards the old man, leaving Ford in fright. Bill enters Ford's mind, withe verything so white and blank except a door. "Oh, I'm here. I'm finally here." He shifted towards the door, reaching his hand out, "Look at this place: a perfect, calm, orderly void. Gotta hand it to ya, Ford. You really know how to clear your m--" once agter he'd opened the door, revealing Stan on his chair in the Mystery Shack's living room with a paddleball.
Stan makes a clicking sound and points a finger-gun at Bill, the demon freaks out in surprise. "WHAT?!"
Stan chuckles, "Heh heh! Do a pretty good impression of my brother, don't I? Switch clothes and no one can tell us apart." He intacted his back on the backrest of his saddle seat, "welcome to my mind. Surprised you didn't recognize it."
Outside of Stan's mind, Ford takes off Stan's fez and pulls out the memory erasing gun. He entered "Stanley Pines" to it and aimed the gun at his brother, with a grimace of remorse, worry and sadness.
Back in Stanley's mind, Bill Cipher was sincerely getting ouy of control.
"What?! The deal's off!" Bill decided to swivel around but the door behind him, shuts. "What the...No, no, no, no!" He took steps backwards in a terrified expression plastered around his face.
The room starts to burn with blue fire. Stan places both of his hands behind his back, "Oh yeah. You're going down, Bill. You're gettin' erased. Memory gun. Pretty clever, huh?"
Bill was hysterical, but hesitates to panic. "Y-you idiot! Don't you realize you're destroying your own mind, too?!"
Stan shrugged, "eh. It's not like I was using this space for much, anyway."
Bill decides to panic. "Let me outta here! Let me OUT!" He tried to exit by a shot of blue flames from his hands, but didn't much worked. "Why isn't this working?!" He gripped on his sides' tops, then a shadow flowed behind him.
"Hey, look at me." This was Stan's voice, but even though the old man called, the demon was so afraid right now that he'd dissented to turn around, "turn around and look at me, you one-eyed demon!" Bill finally spun around to see the oldan with a solemn look. "You're a real wise-guy, but you made one fatal mistake: you messed with my family."
Bill felt on his knees, and begins to beg. "You're making a mistake! I'll give you anything!" His eye converted a picture of a dollar sign, "money!" Then a star, "fame!" Then converted into a pot of gold, "riches!" And his last one, a galaxy. "Infinite power! Your own galaxy! Please! No!" He begins to bend and melts, he hiatusly glitches a image of his statue found in the woods that made him apoplectic that he'd grown large and red. "What's happening to me?!" He begins to talk in backwards, "NRUTER YAM I TAHT."- rising up from ,the ground, growing larger and angrier . "REWOP TNEICNA EHT EKOVNI I," - gray rotating pyramids, "NRUB OT EMOC SAH EMIT YM" red, on fire. "L-T-O-L-O-X-A," yellow, flailing arms. " STANLEY!!!!"
The man them reached his fist out in front of the demon, then jagged his fist on the poor, flailing demon. "Aggh!!" Stan panted once be finished that action, approaching a desk that shows a picture of Dipper, Mabel and Waddles. "Heh, looks like I was good for something after all." He spoke before the blue flames engulfing his entire body.
Once Ford finishes erasing Stan's memory he drops the memory erasing gun. The others from the wheel return to normal and drop to the floor. Outside of the Fearamid, the rift sucks all of the demons back into the portal. Teeth spits out the gnome as he gets pulled away.
The Horrifying Sweaty One-Armed MonstrosityHey! Hey!
The Fearamid is deconstructed and pulled into the rift. Once it is gone, a wave washes over the town, restoring it to its pre-Weirdmageddon state. The townsfolk look around, and Xyler, Craz and Rumble McSkirmish all fade away. The forest is shown with a bird landing on a statue of Bill, covered in moss and vegetation.
Stan still collapsed on the ground. He fluttered his eyes as Mabel runs to him, with a happy impression, forgeting that they'd erased his mind. She picked up his fez and placed it on top of his forehead, "oh, my gosh! Grunkle Stan, you did it!"
Stan was filled with confusion with the fact that his mind was just erased. "Oh, uh, hey there...kiddo. What's your name?" (y/n) gasped covering her mouth, that she'd hope that wouldn't offend Mabel, but alas. Mabel's voice cracked.
Mabelwas both sympathetic and upset, "eheh. Grunkle Stan?"
Stan turned his head from side to side, "heh. Who you talkin' to?"
Mabelperturbed, "C-cmon. It's me. It's me, Grunkle Stan." She wanted to hug him, but Dipper pulled her back, "Grunkle Stan, it's me!"
Ford placed a hand on his niece's shoulder, "we had to erase his mind to defeat Bill. It's all gone." He looked over to his brother. "Stan has no idea, but he did it. He saved the world. He saved me." He kneels down next to Stan, "You're our hero, Stanley." He hugged him.
Mabel fell on her knees and cries. Dipper placed his hand on her shoulder and cries as well, but lowering the bill of his cap, covering the portion of his face.
(y/n) and Will both didn't know what to do and how to restore the old guy's memory back, but then beams of yellow and blue light came, strucking the two's chests. (y/n)'s hair hovered with her eyes sparkling yellow as Will's eyes were glowing blue as his whole body was engulfed with neon glowing blue light, "whoa. What's-- what's happening to us?" Will spoke in a deep voice, while staring at his glowing hand.
(y/n)'s hair was tied up in a style of ponytail, with a blackish hair band, her bangs were still there, covering her forehead and half of her left eye. Will's bruises and scars were healed. "Is it just me or.. did our powers just got back?" Will referred to his sister, turning to look over to her.
"Yeah, yes we did." (y/n) smirked, as she litted her hand which was then no longer blue flames, but red. "But even more powerful,"
Will beamed, "cool."
Dipper knelt up, rising the visor of his cap, revealing a few streak of tears slithered on his face, he wipped it with his sleeves and said. "Come on, you guys. We should be heading back to the shack."
The six all made their way in front of the Mystery Shack, which is laying in a heap in the woods. They walk up to the door. Dipper punched the door until it comes down. Everyone walks into the living room, Dipper, Mabel, (y/n) and Will were all holding Stan's hands.
Stanscanned the area, unaware that he'd remebered anything about it. "Hey, this is a real nice place you got here"
"It's your place, Grunkle Stan." Dipper uttered.
Mabeldid so too, "don't you remember? Even a little?"
Stan sat down in the recliner, "Nope. But this chair hugs my butt like it remembers. Ah." He perceived that everyone else, who are looking at him sadly. "Hey, why the long faces? You guys look like it's someone's funeral." He whispered, "who's that big guy crying in the corner?"
Soos was there, on the corner. Sobbing, but turns away once Stan spoke of this.
Dipper ran his fingers on his longish hair. "We saved the world, but what's the point? Grunkle Stan's not himself anymore."
Mabel swiveled to (y/n) and Will, "guys. Don't have the ability to return back Grunkle Stan's memories?"
(y/n) and Will exchanged quick glances, "how are we gonna do that?" Will finished off his sentence with, "he's mind is empty. There's no memories that you can see there, it's all gone."
"I'm sorry, Mabel. But there's nothing we can do to help," (y/n) concerned.
Mabel was desperate for her great-uncle, all she'd wanted was her last summer leaving after hanging out with the people she'd cared about, but without Stan. They would be all incomplete, "there's gotta be something we can do to jog his memory."
Ford tried to reason with her, There isn't. I'm sorry. Stan's gone." But still Mabel refuses with the fact.
"I know my Grunkle is in there somewhere." She pointed out to Stan, but then begins to wander around, looking for an item for her great-uncle's memory to restore. "There's gotta be something around here that can help bring him back." She spots something, and claims to be her scrapbook. She picked it up and hopped over the recliner, next to Stan and opens it. "This'll work! This has to work!"
The girl pointed and began to try, "Here's the first day we came to Gravity Falls, Grunkle Stan. And here's a macaroni interpretation of my emotions." She flipped through the pages.
Dipperspots it and enjoys along as well, "That time we went fishing? That Summerween we spent together? Don't you remember anything?"
"I'm sorry. I don't know what this is or who you are or-"
Waddles jumps up on Stan, licking his entire face that made the old man sat up from his seat.
"Gah! Quit it, Waddles! I'm trying to remember my life story!" Stan complained.
Dipper and Mabel gasped, "What did you say?" Dipper asked.
Stan repeated, "I said get Waddles off of me."
Ford gasped, "It's working. Keep reading."
Soosjoined the provocative discussion, "skip to my page! He needs to remember our boss-employee relationship."
Stan returned to his chair. "Hey, just cuz I have amnesia, don't go tryin' to give yourself a raise, Soos."
Dipper exclaimed, "It's happening! Keep going!"
Mabelagreed, "Okay. Okay." She'd read. "Day two. Grunkle Stan smells weird but we're starting to bond. He told us a lot about being a business man in the '80s and seemed happy when we pretended to listen. He also gave me a grappling hook which everyone is impressed by. And in more important news, I met some neighborhood hotties." She spoke between laughs. And everyone else laughs with her.
Few days later, Will was in the dinning room, sipping on his cup of tea. "Hey Will! Wha cha doin'?!" Mabel appears aside him that made Will spit his tea.
"Gah, that still scares me!"
Mabel giggled, "hehe. I'm just doing that one more time cause I'm gonna miss ya since Dipper and I are gonna return back to California."
"Wait, you're leaving already?" (y/n) shows up, clinging her book to her chest, "but.. oh,we're gonna miss you. You guys were the only friends we had left."
Dipper peeped, "nah. We're not the only friends you have, Soos, Wendy, Stan and Ford will still be here."
Will dissented, "yeah. But, you guys were a lot of fun. We're starting to think you guys as our family, since.. well. My dad's already dead."
(y/n) rested her cheek of the heel of her hand, "yep. You guys.. were the one who made us feel like we belong here, in this world."
Mabel and Dipper hugged (y/n), "we love you, (y/n)." Mabel perceived that Will was there, she smirked. "Oh come here, and join the hug, William."
Will cocked an eyebrow, "what's a hug?"
Mabel giggled, "oh stop acting so stupid. It's adorable!" She snagged Will's arm to them.
"Seriously, what in the world is a hug?" Will asked as he was hugged by Mabel, Dipper and (y/n).
"Didn't I gave you a hug a few days ago?" (y/n) asked.
"That was a hug? I thought it was a mortal sibling thing."
Dipper and Mabel both chuckled as they pulled away, "we love you, our fellow demons."
(y/n) was touched, "y-you love us?" She smiled warmly as Will was confused. "What the hell is the word 'love'?"
Mabel giggled, "oh you are so adorable!"
Will lifts an eyebrow, "I was being serious."
Ford and Stan appears, "welp. Guess who's B-day is today?" Stan questioned.
Dipper chuckled, "oh come on. Grunkle Stan, we both know that it's our birthday.. Soos' been babblimg about it, all day."
Ford chuckled, "the handy-man sincerely never lies."
"You said it!" Soos appears behind Ford.
Candy, Grenda, Waddles, Dipper, Mabel, Stan, Ford,Soos, Wendy,(y/n) and Will were on the bus stop, waiting for Dipper and Mabel's bus, but before they'll do that. They'll just have to say goodbye.
"Do you really have to go?" Candy Chu instigately and provocatively questioned, "There's still so much we haven't done together."
Mabelsmiled a bit, "Summer's over, Candy. It's time for us to grow up."
Dipper smirked, "But not too much."
They all heard sobbing, which claims to be Will Cipher standing there, tearing up. "Will, are you.. crying?" (y/n) queried to her brother.
Will retorted while sniffling, "it's just.. we've been hanging out with so many adventures with them and they'll be leaving, plus I don't wanna wait a few months just for them to return!!"
(y/n) raised a brow, "wha da ya mean? We could just teleport to their house and visit them anytime.".
Will stopped crying, "wait really?"
Both of the Pines twins chuckled, "oh Will. You're really acting so dumb just for entertainment. But although, we will miss that humor of yours." Dipper spoke.
Grenda obtruded in, "Aaah! I hate my dumb heart for making me feel things." She jabbed her own chest with her fist. "Cut. It. Out. Heart!"
Soosjoined along. "Hey, can you punch my heart, too?"
Candydid as well. "No, mine! Punch my feelings away."
Mabelhugged Candy and Grenda, "Candy and Grenda, thank you for being my people. You'll always be my best friends." She turned to her great-uncle, "Grunkle Stan, thanks for wearing my goodbye sweater."
Stan shyly claimed, cringe to speak of the truth. "Ah, it's cold out. I had to."
Soosqueried, "What? But it's like eighty-something degrees out today."
"Can it, Soos!"
Dipper, Mabel, Candy and Grenda all laughed.
Wendykneels down next to Dipper, "Hey, you mean a lot to me, man."
Dipper shyly fist-bumps Wendy, "You, too."
Wendyswitches hats with Dipper, "Something to remember me by." She handed Dipper a letter, "oh, and this. Read it the next time you miss Gravity Falls."
A bus pulls up.
Bus Driver spoken, "Last bus leaving Gravity Falls. All aboard."
Mabel shyly uttered, "Guess we've said goodbye to everyone except...Waddles." her pig appears as she approaches him, "I...I don't know how to explain this but..." she sighed, "Mom and Dad won't let me bring a pig home to California so... you have to stay here!" She shifted away but was stopped by her pig.
Right now Waddles was chewing on Mabel's skirt, Mabel was trying to brush him off of her and also starts to cry, "Come on. Come on. I have to go. I'm...I'm sorry, Waddles."
Stan couldn't take it anymore, "agh! You know what? Forget it!" He snagged Waddles, approaching the bus. "I lived with this pig all summer, now your parents are gonna have to." He places Waddles on the bus. "Hey, bus guy! This pig is comin' with the kids."
Bus Driver spoke, "Now, hold on a second. Bringing animals aboard a moving vehicle is strictly prohibited by--"
Stan pulls out his brass knuckles and Ford shows his gun. Will pulled out a blue flaming sword as (y/n)'s entire body was engulfed by red flames, with her eyes neon white. Will spoke in a deep voice, "LET THE PIG IN UNLESS YOU WANNA DIE."
Bus Driver was then afraid, "Wah...welcome aboard. You can sit in the front row, pig."
Stan swiveled to the Pines twins, "kids, you knuckleheads were nothin' but a nuisance and I'm glad to be rid of ya."
Mabel and Dipper hugged him, "We'll miss you too, Grunkle Stan."
"Oh wait, I almost forgot!" (y/n) called from behind, she pulled out a bracelet and a book from her bag. She gave the bracelet to Mabel, "here. Mabel. To remind you of everyone in the wheel and all of the adventures we had, sure it was pretty frightening and some were pretty fun. But, I didn't want you to forget everything that we'd been through." She handed out the bracelet that had charms; each symbol from Bill's wheel and also an additional of three symbols such as a golden triangle outline with a golden outline of an eye between the sides of the triangle (Bill), a golden eye outline (Will) and a simple golden triangular outline (y/n).
(y/n) approached Dipper and gave him the book that had a silver crest of a pine tree, it's cover's leather was dark blue. Dipper skimmed the pages, but revealed that were no writings. "What is this?"
Will appears, placing his appendage across his sister's shoulder, "it's another journal like Ford's. But guess what? You'll be the one who'll write it."
"Shut up," Dipper's eyes shot open, "so.. you guys are really letting me keep this?"
(y/n) shrugged, "sure. I mean, why not? After all, we've got a feeling that you'll be a great author, and I also sensed that you won't make the same mistake as Ford did."
"Hey, it was only one mistake." Ford folded his arms as he says.
"So, I'll be bringing this to California?" Dipper asked, staring deeply at the book.
Will nodded, "yep. Just don't.. start writing till you get back to Oregon once more."
Mabel queried, "will I ever see you guys again? I mean, not seeing you guys till next year seems so very long."
(y/n) chuckled, "oh Mabel, don't worry. Will and I will always be in your dreams or nightmares, perhaps,"
Will joined along, "plus, always know that we'll be always watching ya. Just say our names three times, then we'll be appearing in no time. we'll just be remaining as one of the mysteries of Gravity Falls."
Dipper chuckled, "gonna miss ya guys." He swiveled to Mabel, "ready to head into the unknown?"
"Nope." Mabel sighed. "Let's do it.
They get on the bus and it drives away. Everyone runs after the bus shouting their farewells. Mabel bid goobye, "Bye! Bye, everybody! We'll miss you."
Dipper smiled, "Bye! I'll miss you guys, too!"
"May we meet again, pine tree!" Will shouted back.
"Haha!" Dipper exclaimed, "we will meet again if I summon you and (y/n) back in California!"
(y/n) was almost crying, seeing the last sight of her two good friends.
Ford placed his hand on Stan's shoulder.
Dipper narrated in hhis thoughts, (y/n) and Will were reading his mins. "If you've ever taken a road trip through the Pacific Northwest, you've probably seen a bumper sticker for a place called Gravity Falls."
In a sudden way, something in the future was then revealed, McGucket walking into the Northwest Manor. He drops his sack and banjo on the ground.
McGucket jubilantly proclaimed, "Well, I've moved in." Placing his hands on both of the sides of his hips.
Dipper so continued narrating, "it's not on any maps, and most people have never heard of it. Some people think it's a myth. But if you're curious, don't wait."
At the Mystery Shack, Soos unveils a statue of Stan. The kids run away screaming. Ford and Stan on a boat. A giant squid attacks them and Stan punches it. (y/n) and Will hanging out in the woods, with (y/n) using her demon magic to grow plants as Will was there, aiming a target with his bow and quiver. And in the present time, Dipper and Mabel on the bus and Mabel was quickly fallen asleep.
Dipper spoke of more, "take a trip. Find it. It's out there somewhere in the woods. Waiting." He stares deeply at the letter that Wendy gave him, he opens the letter, which has signatures from various people and says "See you next summer." Then suddenly something shined on the corner, revealing words that says, "see ya next summer. Pine tree, if ya ever need help, summon us and we'll appear. --yours truly, the Cipher twins." Dipper smiles with this.
Will and (y/n) teleported above the sky, hovering in the air, eyeing Mabel and Dipper's bus. "Man, can't believe that I'm gonna miss those meatsacks." Will smirked, "guess we have to wait for a few months to go adventures with them once again."
(y/n) smiled at her brother, "life's worth waiting for, Will. Mabel and Dipper will be back, someday."
Something deep in the woods, glowed neon yellow.
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