Chapter 10- Whirlpool of emotions

Whatever happened was good, what's happening it's going well, whatever will happen, will also be good. You need not have any regards from the past. You do not worry about the future. Live in the present.

-Gita Shlok

Rajmaata Kunti was going through melancholy of emotions that she couldn't decipher. The day started with celebrations but by the evening the coin reversed and now she's unable to point her finger on the one situation that is piercing her wailing heart. Her eldest child abused her daughter in law in the worst way possible on this planet. She felt like a failure, she failed in saving her child from the venom of hatred. Her suryaputra was tested and humiliated to that extent that he bursted open in that wretched assembly and he not only insulted a pious lady but maligned his own reputation. She failed in protecting her daughter in law from the humiliation. Poor girl accepted everything in her life and what did she and her sons give her? A life full of pain and separation from her sons?

Kunti was so lost in her thoughts that she failed to notice the arrival of her nephew until he wiped her flowing tears.

"Bua. Please don't cry" Shri Krishna replied in his melonchaly voice.

Kunti replied in a tear filled voice "What else can I do other than crying Kanha? Once day.. just one day ruined everything my sons poured their blood and sweat for. Wealth and kingdom can be achieved again but Putri Draupadi.? What about the amount of humiliation she faced? Can I show her my face again Kanha? What would've happened if you wouldn't have come to her aid? That single thought is killing me from inside." With that Mata Kunti broke down into a heart wrenching sob.

Krishna wrapped his hands around his aunt and let her cry. He then spoke up in a slow and serious voice " you know what happened today Bua. The loss of Indraprasth and the wealth is not that grave as the humiliation Sakhi Draupadi faced. The main culprits are Rajkumar Dussasan Yuvraj Duryodhan and Angraj Karn." Fresh set of tears flowed out of Kunti's eyes at the mention of Karn.

Krishna continued "Whatever happened cannot be reversed Bua but sometimes we can stop situations from deteriorating further. There's no chance with the Gandhari nandan..... but Angraj Karn? Bua it's high time Angraj gets to know his identity."

Mata Kunti felt as if all the air has been sucked out off her. Panic settled in her first when Krishna mentioned about Karn's original identity then she contemplated about the idea and she agreed.

"You're right Kanha. Only if I had disclosed this truth much before this wouldn't have happened but yes better late than never"

Krishna led Kunti towards the banks of Ganga where Karn was. "What if Karn becomes more angry and hurt with this Kanha? Will he ever forgive me? What if instead of diffusing the situation my truth will lead to new problems?" Mata Kunti felt scared.

"Worry not Bua. Angraj is a matured man he'll understand your situation and I'm sure he'll not worsen the situation instead he will try to make things correct. He's already repenting his behavior Bua"

Thus reassured both the Aunt and nephew duo reached the banks of Ganga and Krishna approached the man who was shining as a miniature sun himself but his face was lack of his charming smile.

Sensing someone near him Angraj Karn turned towards the direction.

Those yellow colored clothes shine more on the dark skinned man who is the epitome of calmness and the bearer of the knowledge of the worlds. Angraj Karn mused at the thought of becoming mesmerized every time he sees the man of perfection who the world calls as Vasudev Sri Krishna. During the musings what Karn failed to notice is the disappearance of the ever present smile on the face of Krishna.

Karn with utmost respect and devotion bowed down a bit and greeted the revered king of Dwaraka "Pranam Vasudev. I hope everything is fine."
Krishna maintained the stoic face and replied "Yes apart from the fact that my younger sister is back in her maternal home with her child even when her husband is alive but only because he has to go to exile."

That's when Karn did snap out from his devotional trance and came back to this materialistic world. His head bowed down again but this time due to shame and guilt. He lowered his eyes and fumbled various words in his head but none came out of his mouth.

"Cat caught your tongue Angraj? Or do you speak only in a dyut sabha?" Asked Krishna Vasudev in a serious voice.

Karn snapped his head towards the person standing in front of him and then and there he realized just how uncultured he behaved in that cursed hall not that he never realized it before this question by the peacock feather crowned man but he was left with an increased guilt and saddened heart. "I'm sorry Vasudev. I know I've committed a sin and I'm repenting this" replied the king of Anga with a lowered head and sincere voice.

Krishna let out a chuckle "your sorry would not help my sisters Angraj. One will never forget the amount of humiliation she faced while the other would not forget the departing picture of her husband and family never to return before 13 years."
Sri Krishna's voice boomed in the forest like a thunder bolt making everything eerily sielient. The flowing river water and the one two chirps of a bird nearby was prominently heard by the two occupants.

"Life gives us challenges setbacks and lessons Angraj. We need to accept everything and move forward. I've once told you that time and life don't stop you need to move forward and start everything afresh. You carry your insults and sad parts of your life everyday one day they become heavy and they stumble out of you and come out. Tongue looks weak but is the most powerful weapon in this whole world Angraj. I expected you out of all to know this and use your tongue properly but alas you disappointed me."

Each word coming out of Vasudev's mouth was like piercing daggers in Karn's heart. His guilt away increasing with every prick.

Krishna signed and said "Anyhow I feel you're repenting your actions. A person is half less the mistakes he does if he understands his wrong doings and repents it sincerely."

"I'm ashamed of my actions O Keshava! I was blinded with anger and vengeance that I behaved such. I repent my actions from my heart. I promise you Vasudev I'll abide by my principles and won't disrespect them at any cost." Promised Karn with a genuine voice.

Krishna smiled a genuine smile and pulled Karn into a hug and said "I expect nothing less from you Angraj. I'm glad that you realized your mistake at the earliest. But can you forgive someone who realized their mistake after a very long time and is now willing to apologize and make a positive change?"

"Realizing a mistake is important Dwarakdheesh early or late doesn't matter. Seeking forgiveness is the Dharma of the person seeking it while forgiving is the Dharma of the victim" replied the king of Anga.

"Then can you forgive me Putra Karn?"
Karn turned around to face the Rajmaata of Indraprasth.

Before he understood what she spoke he went towards her and seemed her blessings as the propierty demanded. Then with lowered head and folded hands he replied "I'm sorry Rajmaata it's not you but me who should ask your forgiveness for all the misdeeds I did in the dyut sabha. I behaved like an unethical beast and not only insulted the queen but also harmed your blessing Rajmaata. I am ashamed of showing my face to you"

Kunti started crying "what ever happened was your fault but that fault was due to me putra. All the humiliation and rejections you faced in your life resulted in the vengeance that came out of you. All the humiliation wouldn't be your part if I had disclosed the truth the first day I saw you and recognized who you actually are."

Karn was confused at what Kunti was speaking "I'm sorry Rajmaata but I'm not able to comprehend what you are saying. Truth? What truth?"

Kunti answered in a shaking voice " the truth that you are not the son of Adirath and Radha but you are.. you're my son. My first born with the blessings of Lord SuryaNarayan"

Karn felt as if the ground beneath his feet slipped away. He for a minute forgot how to breathe. What was Rajmaata speaking? A joke? Or the truth which made his entire life till then a joke?

Krishna placed his hand on Karn's shoulder bringing him out of his thoughts. "What is Rajmaata saying Vasudev? this a joke? I..I..I.."

"Bua Kunti is speaking the truth Angraj. She is your birth mother while Lourdes Surya is your birth father"

"Yes putra.. I.. I was a teenager when I got a boon from Maharishi Durvasa who was pleased with my devotion and hospitality that I can call upon any Devata and beget a son from him as a blessing. Due to my immaturity and childishness I without understanding the consequences I called upon Lord Surya only to test the boon but then after Lord Surya gave me you that I realized the mistake I did. The fear of society and my father's reputation made me to abandon you in the Ganga. But then on the day of Kalapradarshan I recognized you when your Kovach and kundal appeared but.." Mata Kunti couldn't continue more as a lump formed in her throat.

Karn spoke in an emotionless voice "what you mean to say is that I am not a sootputra but a suryaputra. I am not Radhey but I am a Kountey?" Kunti nodded her head in a yes.

That was the last straw, Karn collapsed on the ground and let out a huge cry.
"Can you understand the level of misfortune of my life O Vasudev? Can you measure the irony of the situations I faced? I am a dev putra but was insulted as a low caste human. I am the son of a queen but my mother raised me as the son of a commoner. I am the eldest brother of the mighty Pandavas but I became their biggest enemy now. One truth changed the base of my life. Those which were mine till the previous minute are not mine now. My father and Radha Maa are not my parents. This? Rajamata.. this is the punishment you gave me for the sin I've committed in the dyut sabha."

Kunti felt daggers stabbing her already pained heart at the situation of her eldest son. The pain and betrayal in his voice are biting her like venomous snakes but she knew she deserved this.

Krishna spoke up in a comforting voice "our intention was not to hurt you or demoralize you Angraj. A mistake of hiding the truth led to this destruction but atleast reveling now would lessen the further damage. I understand that it's hard to accept the truth but trust me it's better to accept and move on because it gives us a path for a better tomorrow. "

There was silence for sometime after which Karn got up from his place and moved towards Kunti " I can understand your situation then but still my heart refuses to accept the situation then and the fact that you had no other option other than abandoning me but I will allow the time to heal that scar. I could not serve you all these years as your eldest son, but from now I'll try my best to fulfill all my duties as your eldest son... Mata"

Kunti felt as if a burden was removed from her head and heart. A wave of relief and happiness passed through her when Karn called her Mata "Putra.. my Putra" both the mother son duo embraced each other.

Krishna spoke up "I place both Yashoda Maiyya and Mata Devaki on the same pedestal in my heart Angraj. I hope you understand what I am referring to." Karn nodded his head in an yes.

He always had a soft corner for Mata Kunti and now his love and Admiration increased at the revelation but he cannot deny the fact that his love for Radha Maa has no boundaries and it won't reduce even a bit with any revelation.

"Angraj.. hmm no.. Bhrata Karn now that everything is out you now have the right of a father over the children of the Pandavas and now in their absence it is your responsibility to teach them all the skills you know."

Karn felt the fatherly affection for the kids but he also knew the outcomes as well as the future circumstances after the exile period is over for the Pandavas.

"Vasudev I know what the future holds. If there is a war in the future I'll have to side with Mitra Duryodhan and fight against my brothers"

"What are you saying putra!? You'll stand against your brothers in the war? You'll raise your weapons against them and they'll raise their weapons against you? This is wrong putra" exclaimed Kunti, she cannot imagine her sons against each other on a battlefield.

"Mata I'm indebted to Mitra Duryodhan and even if I return back Anga desh to him and join Pandavas it would be wrong. The war if happens would be for the punishment of the adharmis who partook in the dice game and humiliated Drupad Kumari. I am one of the adharmis. Only because I'm your son and Pandavas' elder brother I shall not be excluded from the deserving punishment. That's against Dharma. I'll make sure the Uppandavas and Abhimnyu get all the education and skills I possess but if the war happens I'll fight from the side of the Kauravas as that is my Mitra Dharma and also my way of getting the punishment for my wrong deeds."

"Wonderful Bhrata Karn! You are a man of morals. But only for the behavior of one day that your character got maligned. You know what is Dharma and what is Adharma." Said Krishna.

"I'm fortunate to hear such thoughts from you Vasudev but alas all these knowledge did not help me when it was needed. Anyhow now I'll make sure the kids get everything I possess. For me the kids of my brothers are as dear as my own kids are." Said Karn with a fond and affectionate tone.

"The kids are fortunate Bhrata Karn. They are presently in Dwaraka. I request you to accompany me and Bua to Dwaraka. The kids will love to meet their Jyesth Pitashree."

With that Krishna along with Karn and Kunti departed from the forest and headed towards Dwaraka.

While the two kings and the Rajmaata of Indraprasth were having the conversation at the same time in Dwaraka sat the princess of the palace in her old room looking at the blue waters of the ocean visible from her balcony with a blank look. To on lookers she was immersed in the wave patterns but in reality she was immersed in various thought patterns.

She thought about her separation with her husband, the humiliation of her elder sister, the unfair politics of Hastinapur, the future of her children who will grow up without the safe shelter of their fathers and mother. She was undergoing through an internal turmoil which she is not aware of how to express and whom to express.

Rajmaata Rohini, the mother of Ananta Balrama and Subhadra was standing at the threshold of her only daughter's chamber looking at her daughter's state. The ever cheerful girl was sitting in a trance looking over into oblivion.

She as a wife can understand Subhadra's plight as she once was separated from her husband and worse she did not knew whether he would ever see the open sky or he would be held in the dungeons till he lived. She can understand the plight of her daughter as a mother of children whose future seems dark and empty with the loss of their parents as she was also scared about her Balaram's future then as she was unaware of the fact that Kanha was also her child. But the mother in her was more devasted at her daughter's loosing morale and it's her responsibility to make sure her lil girl overcome obstacles and come out as a warrior.

Rohini Mata then straightened up her spine and took a place near her daughter on the couch and placed a loving hand on her head bringing out the wife of Sabyasaachi out of the whirlpool of thoughts.

Subhadra did not utter a word but buried her face into her mother's lap and sought a bit of solace. Rohini caressed her hair and spoke up "I was as devasted as you are when I got to know your father was held captive along with his new bride. I did not know what will happen next. I was like a person who was drowning in the ocean without any means for survival but you my child know what's in the future and a source for your survival. Putri you have a floating log in the ocean of sadness with which you can swim across it. That log is the responsibility of your children."

Subhadra had a ray of hope in her eyes. She knows all these things but still her mother's words brought in a new relief into her.

"Remember one thing my child, you have your family your parents brothers with you but your children have only you to look up for. Chin up and struggle for them. They are the future. Remember a mother always nourishes her child no matter the situation and that nourishment carves the future of the child."

Subhadra shared a close and special bond with her Mata Devaki but today when her heart and mind were at a war it was Mata Rohini who made peace. Mother and Daughter relationship is a different kind of relationship it is not what the world sees but there's understanding beyond words and comfort beyond the strict rules a mother places on her little girl.

She may have a constant battle to fight daily to survive and protect her children but Subhadra knew she will succeed and so will her family that's living in the forest. They will return and the glory of Indraprasth will return.

Yet again a smile in the name of grimace came upon the red lips of the dark skinned God on earth who was near his city riding his chariot when he heard the thoughts of his younger sister. "You'll win for sure Subhadre because Dharma always wins but glory.." the lord of the three worlds trailed off in his mind.


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Stay safe! Stay happy! TATA

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