Chapter 23: The suprise D! (Part 2)

I have nothing against the song Hello by Adele :) You'll understand what I mean later.

Also this chapter is dedicated to janoskians_war for always commenting and voting. Thank you love❤️ :)

Ellie's P.O.V

"I look awful!" I whine.

"I haven't even seen it." Alec said on the other said.

Please don't start singing hello.

"But I can see it and I'm telling you it looks awful." I said looking at the wide mirror.

I'm currently standing inside a dressing room of a bikini shop wearing a black fringe bikini (Picture on the side)


Well, after Alec and I ate our breakfast (with no interuptions of tiffany) He insisted that we change our choice of attire because we look like a complete 'outcast' with our skinny jeans and shirts.

"Just open the door Ellie." He said before starting knocking in the door.

I looked at myself one last time before nervously opening the door. Alec peaked his head, He was only in his black swimming trunks leaving his upper body bare.

"You look," Alec paused before raking his eyes on my body,"breathtaking." He finished.

Is it just me or his eyes turned a darker shade of blue?

I blushed and was about to wrap my arms on my stomach but Alec gave me a warning look.

Alec took my hand for the umpteenth time and pulled me out of the bikini shop.

"Where are we going?" I asked as he weaves us through a thong of people.

"To the second part of our date." He answered.

I raised my brows I surprised,"You had this planned. Haven't you?" I asked.

"You ask too many questions. Just shut up and follow me." He said.

I kept quiet after that and just followed him. It was now half past eleven and the sun was there shining brightly.

We entered a shop where surf boards are rented and I was astonished at the design that each boards have.

"Alec! My boy! It's nice to see you!" A man greeted from the counter.

He was around his early thirties and has brown hair and he was consist of pure muscles and tanned skin.

"Jeff! Just the man I was looking for!" Alec grinned and from what I could see they look very close.

Alec let go of my hand to give Jeff a manly hug while I stood there  awkwardly. Jeff eyes landed on me and his smile grew wider.

"Oh look! You caught yourself a girlfriend and she's pretty too!"  He said acknowledging my presence.

I blushed,"Oh! You're clearly mistaken sir uh we're not dating." I said shaking my head profusely.

Jeff looked at Alec with a questioning glance,"Yet." Alec stated.

My heart beated faster as those words left his mouth and I'm sure I blushed harder than before.

Jeff laughed,"She looks like a red fire truck." He commented.

They both laughed making me even more flustered.

"So. What can I help you boy?" He asked after their laughing fit.

"I'm gonna teach her to surf. So, Can I rent two surf board?" He asked.

Jeff grinned,"You gonna teach her your way aye? Go find a surfboard that you'd like then bring it afterwards here." He said.

Alec procedeed to find the his own. I scanned the different surf boards and spotted a white one on the dusty corner. I coughed as some dust flew before picking it up. It looks like it haven't been used but the scratches in it says otherwise. There was a simple black dove near the pointed one and has some lines on the side.

I was about to pick it up when my eyes strained into something. It was small and black and it read 'Freedom only comes in surfing.' with the initials K.K.

I shrugged before picking it up. I didn't struggle carrying it since it wasn't that big.

Alec and Jeff was already talking with Alec's chosen light blue surfboard. They turned their attention to me and Alec's grin dropped when he noticed my surfboard.


"I choose this one." I said shyly.

Jeff looked troubled,"Sorry Ellie, This is not for rent. It has an owner." He said giving me apologetic smile.

My smile faltered,"It's okay. I'll just find another one." I said before picking it up and returning it to the dusty corner.

"Stop," I turned around to see Alec with a pained look,"I'm sure the owner of that wouldn't mind Jeff." He said looking at Jeff and they did some telepathy with their eyes.

Alec words were full of pain but what made my curiosity spike up is the way he said it. It was as if he was really sure that the owner wouldn't mind.

Jeff grinned,"You're right. It's been a while since that board is used." He said.

I grinned,"Thank you." I said.

Alec handed some money for the rent but Jeff refused,"Are you kidding man? It's on the house. You and your girlfriend enjoy the waves." He said before giving me a wink.

I was about to cut in again about me and Alec not dating but was shut off by Alec saying,"Thanks man. You're the best." Before proceeding on pulling me out of the shop with out surfboards.

"So. It looks like you and Jeff are close." I commented.

"Yeah. We go way back." He answered tensely.

"Do you know what K.K means? I saw those initials on the surfboard." I said, the question slipping out of my mouth.

I noticed Alec gripped on the surfboard tightened,"I don't know." He said snapped.

I was surprised by his outburst so I just nodded mutely.

I heard Alec sigh,"I'm sorry Ellie. It's just, I don't want to talk about it." He said a pleading look.

I gave him a reassuring smile,"How do you surf?" I said changing the subject.

He gave me a thankful smile and so we spent our day with him teaching me to surf and him laughing out loud when one of us falls to the water. We laughed, played around, and even got to learn more from one another.

His favorite color is grey. He loves bananas and hates ketchup. He likes to surf and work out and hates wearing socks. He absolutely hates spongebob (poor little sponge)

"You sucked at surfing." Alec said as he pointed out all the times I fell into the water.

I pouted,"The water hates me." I said as we both set our boards down and sat on it.

A laugh rumbled out of his belly,"Or maybe you just really suck at surfing." He said grinning at me.

I look at Alec in dazed for a moment. The blue in his eyes stood out more and his usual smirk on his face was now replaced with genuine happiness and it makes my heart beat fast knowing that I can do that to him.

I can make him happy.

"What?" He asked noticing my stare.

"Nothing. It's just . . You should smile more." I said giving him a small smile.

"I look handsome aye?" He asked waggling his eyebrows.

I let out a laugh,"Cocky aren't we?" I said grinning.

He faked gasp,"Me? No way. How dare you accuse me of such thing." He said with playfulness.

I shake my head in amusement,"Thank you." I suddenly said with a closed lipped smile.

"For what?" Confusion in his eyes.

"For taking me out again. After our first date, I honestly thought that we wouldn't be doing another date soon considering about you making me stay away." I said looking at the sunset.

I ignored the small pang of pain in my chest and procedeed to enjoy the view instead.

It was truly breathtaking, The different colors were displayed with so many shades of yellow and orange with a hint of pinkish red.

He took my hand softly,"I'm just making it up to you cookie." He said before pushing a strand of hair out of my face.

I turned my head at him in surprise before letting a huge smile settle on my face as his words welcome me with such warmth.

"This looks so pretty." I said gesturing to the sunset.

He looked at me,"It's breathtaking." I shivered slightly at his gaze.

"You're being cheesy." I pointed out.

"Am I?" He asked as he started to lean in.

"You are." I said breathlessly looking at him in eyes.

"I can't help it because it's true." My heart fluttered at his words.

He leaned in and kissed my forehead before dragging his lips ever so slowly on my left cheek and kissing it softly.

My eyes closed involuntarily at the feeling.

He proceeded to kiss me on my nose and right cheek.

"I've been wanting to tell you." He suddenly said his lips brushing at the corner of my lips.

"Tell me what?" I asked, my eyes opening to meet his blues ones

He kissed me near at the corner of lips.

"If I'm yours then you're also mine and only mine." He said with such possession.

My eyes widened in surprised at his words and at that exact moment he chooses to press his lips on mine.

> > > > >


HOLY MOLY! Alec kissed her! Freaking kissed her! Like damn dude! It's about time you make a move on her. We've been waiting for this to happen since your first date.


I was supposed to post this on monday but I'm gonna be busy this upcoming week so I posted it early.

What's your weakness? Forehead kisses or nose?? :) xx

Mine's forehead ;) xo

Thank you for reading!
I love youu

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