Chapter 3: We've regret so much, Jaune.

With Teams RWBY, J(n)PR, The Arc & Cotta-Arc families, they are seen standing on top of a hill as they're seeing a big, golden city with advanced technology that seemed to be far superior than Atlas before it fell years ago

This city is Jaune & his family's kingdom, Arcadia

(it looks like Iacon from TFP, by the way)

Nicholas: woah...

Charlotte: what is this place?

And then...

Arcadian Royal Guard 1: The Kingdom of Arcadia!!

The teams and the families turn around and see group of Arcadian Royal guards and raise their swords at them while glaring under their helmets, then June grew a mad look on her face after hearing the name ''Arcadia'' and knew that it was the name of her grandparents' dream kingdom that they planned to form until they died eventually

(These are the Guards)

Then June marched up to the guards

June: Why is your kingdom called Arcadia?! That was my grandparent's dre-

Then she was stopped as another Royal Guardsman raised his sword at June's neck, making her squeak in fear and look at the guard

Arcadian Royal Guard 2: 1, our king named this kingdom 8 years ago. 2, even though you didn't ask who our king is, (smirks) you'll find out soon.

Then the Royal Guard leader gestured the rest of the guards to cuff teams RWBY, J(n)PR and both the Arc & Cotta-Arc families (minus Adrian) were put on a transport and drove towards the kingdom and eventually, the Castle where Jaune is at now


At the castle, we see Jaune (wearing his armor and helmet) breathing quietly in anger while Marceline sitting next to him placed her hand on his shoulder to calm him down

Marceline: just try to calm down, hon. When they get here, just ask them about what happened back on Remnant after you arrived here, okay?

Jaune nodded in response to his wife, then the castle doors opened as Jaune & Marceline see teams RWBY, J(n)PR, and lastly.... Jaune's former dirtbag family that abandoned him, seeing them made his blood boil up and wanted to say all the things he wanted to say about them for a long time since childhood

Then he noticed Adrian who is now 8 years old, which surprised Jaune and Marceline as they glanced at each other with wide eyes, but then Marceline whispered in her husband's ear and turned invisible. But as the teams and Arc/Cotta-Arc family made it to the thrones, the royal guards pushed them down on the floor and laughed

Teams RWBY, J(n)PR, Arc & Cotta-Arcs then looked up and see Jaune stand up and approach the very people & family that left him alone years ago and seeing his armor made them both impressed and scared at the same time

(Alias until reveal: Arcadian King)

Arcadian King: .... Why have you come here?

He asked in a cold, dark tone as the Arc mother, Charlotte Arc stood back up and spoke while trying not to cry

Charlotte Arc: (quivering) We, we.... We're just looking for our so- I mean, Ex-son because we want to apologize for what we've done to him.

Arcadian King glared at her and his ex-dad, then looked at his ex-sisters and ex-sister-in-law, Terra, who are seeing having sad faces and are looking down in shame for what they've done

Then the Arcadian King looked at Team RWBY & his former team, except Nora because she's not with them and thankfully, the king doesn't want to know where she is now

Arcadian King: he's here. But before I show you where he is.... Tell me what has happened after you betrayed and disowned him 8 years ago.

His betrayers then stare at each other with faces of 100x more shame and regret after remembering the events that happened since Jaune's disappearance 8 years ago and stare at the Arcadian King

(French Voice: Later)

After they finished explaining to the Arcadian King about what happened after Jaune's expulsion from Beacon Academy and after he disappeared, the academy fell to the Grimm and way later after that, the found out that the Grimm had a queen named Salem and when they said that they defeated the leader of Remnant humanity's greatest and feared ancient enemy, the Arcadian King was having very, VERY PISSED OFF Thoughts at hearing everything his ex-friends & family just said to him because they basically stole everything from him 8 years ago, his future, him being remembered as a hero for ages to come, all of it, it made him very mad

Meanwhile with Marceline, who remained in the Throne room and is still invisible, was fuming in undoubted rage and grew a thirst in wanting to rip them apart until...

Arcadian King: so, you basically stole Jaune's entire future and want to be forgiven for everything you've done to him?

He asked in a pissed and ballistic tone, making teams RWBY, J(n)PR, and the Arc/Cotta-Arc family scared at hearing his tone as Adrian hugged his moms

Ruby: Y-yes?

Under the king's helmet, both his eyes twitched in anger and sighed deeply

Arcadian King: (stern tone) you already found him.

Then he removed his helmet, revealing that the Arcadian King is actually their ex-son & friend/teammate, Jaune Arc, who now goes by Jaune Arcadius, making his ex-friend's & family gasp

Charlotte Arc: (tears up) J-Jaune?

But before she could touch Jaune's face, he grabbed her arm and did what nobody ever expected him to do


Jaune broke his ex-mom's arm as blood spewed out from it, making Charlotte scream in agony while her daughters covered their mouths in fear after seeing Jaune break their mom's arm as Adrian cried and hugged his moms' tightly as they comforted him

Pyrrha covered her mouth in disbelief as tears started forming in her eyes while Ren looked shocked at witnessing Jaune injure his ex-mom and as he looked at Ruby & her teammates, he saw that they all had the same reaction Pyrrha had

but before Nicholas could make Jaune let go of his wife, he was punched by a Royal Guard, making him grab his face in pain

Charlotte Arc was breathing heavily as she stared at Jaune with tears flowing down her eyes like waterfalls and sees that he's pretty pissed off right now

Jaune: Do you really think I would ever forgive you all After WHAT YOU'VE DONE TO ME!!!!

Then Marceline became visible again as she hatefully glared at her husband's ex friends & family

Marceline: Yeah, what you all did was UNFORGIVABLE!!! As for why it's unforgivable, let me break it down for you all. 1, you betrayed my husband over a stack of papers and shunned him for it. 2, you left him all alone so he can die or something. 3, his own family cast him out and left him alone without any place to live in. and lastly 4, YOU ALL RUINED HIS LIFE AND SABOTAGED HIS ENTIRE FUTURE!!!!!!!!

Saphron: (SOBS) We know and we regret every single bit of it!!!

Terra: (tears form) Just please, give us a chance!!

Then Nicholas got up again and stared at Jaune with a lot of regret in his eyes

Nicholas: Jaune, we're sorry for everything. Just.... Please forgive us. We'll let you be in our family again if you do.

His wife and daughters nod repeatedly, but as for Adrian, he stared at his uncle, who didn't notice his ex-nephew look at him because he's too focused on being angry with the rest of his ex-family

Jaune: (stern tone) so that way if I screw up, you'll disown me all over again? NO WAY!!!!! I'M NOT FALLING FOR THAT!!!!

Then he glared at his ex-friends & teammates, Pyrrha & Ren

Jaune: let me guess, you want to be forgiven too? Well forget it.

Then he hatefully glared at his ex-twin, June (aka: his replacement as leader of teak JNPR)

Jaune: and YOU!!! do you really think I would forgive YOU after you said those hurtful things to me when you replaced me?!

Then the words played in June's mind, which made her close her eyes and her lips quiver

Flashback June: (laughs) you never once deserved to be a huntsman leader, you pathetic disgrace. So do us a favor and Fuck off!!

June: (sniffs) I know what I said was very wrong, but I... we all thought about you for 8 long years and we want you back.

Charlotte Arc: just, please Jaune, please forgive u-

Then Simon barged through the entrance doors with Finn, Huntress wizard, and Princess Bubblegum, who are all pretty mad after Simon told them about Jaune's ex-friends and family being here on Ooo


He yelled as he pointed at them both

Finn: yeah, you're both terrible parents to Jaune.

Huntress Wizard: especially his ex-friends and siblings, you're all arguably the worst to ever exist on Remnant.

Princess Bubblegum nodded in agreement with Simon, Huntress Wizard and Finn. But while Jaune's ex-family and friends continued to say that they're really sorry to Jaune, Mary is seen looking at the argument through the hallway doors and then, she heard her dad say a long rant that she was never meant to hear due to her young innocent age

Jaune: No, FUCK ALL OF YOU!!! Like I said already, do you really think I would forgive y'all after Everything you put me through 8 years ago, you Arrogant, Son & Friend abandoning ASSHOLES!!!!!!!!!!

Mary gasped softly at hearing her dad say that and began to realize that the people he said that word to are the people who wronged her dad before she was born (aka: the people that could've been her relatives)

Jaune's ex-friends were shocked at hearing him call them assholes, but as for his ex-sisters... they were taken back and stunned when he called them that word

Jaune: You all treated me like I was property rather than a son!! (glares at his ex-sisters) and YOU, you treated me like one of your dress-up dolls and then years later when we reached our adolescence and adulthood, you just abandoned me over the Dumbest reason ever and kicked me out of my OWN Team and replaced me with JUNE, WHO HAS NO EXPERIENCE IN TACTICS AND SHIT!!! You Can't just dismiss me like that, I mean you Fucking Fucks can just play with my feelings as if I was not important. WELL GUESS WHAT, I'M NOT LETTING YOU CONTROL ME ANYMORE YOU C***S, LET'S F*CKING GO!!!!!!!!!!!

Jaune then breathed heavily after saying his angry rant, which is basically everything that he's been dying to say for his entire life about his family and what happened to him back on Remnant. The Royal Guards were so in shock that they didn't know what to do except see what's gonna happen next


Finn, Huntress Wizard and PB:

Then Simon, Finn, HW & PB turn their attention to team RWBY, Pyrrha, Ren and the Arc/Cotta-Arc families

Nicholas: (pretend it's just a norma tear)


Team RWBY:


Pyrrha had a look of devastation after hearing Jaune's angry rant

(My friend CJandXenaxenomorph drawn these pics below, by the way)

June, Sarah, Saphron, Terra, Adrian, Lucy: (Left to Right)

Jane, Jenny & Maria: (Left to Right)

Marceline just started at them with a glare until she started to grow a look of sympathy after seeing how hurt they appeared after hearing Jaune say his rant

Marceline: (thinks) they... really did regret what they've done.

Mary on the other hand, she just continued to watch the scene in wanting to know what's gonna happen next while she's having a very sad look on her face.

Yang: (sad tone) Jaune.... We just wanted to tell you how sorry we are for everything you've been through...

Weiss then sniffed as tears flowed down her eyes

Weiss: (voice breaks) but we didn't realize how much you hated all of us.

Blake just had a broken look on her face as tears dripped from her eyes and fell on the floor

Ruby dropped to her knees and was on the verge of crying

Then Jaune looked at his guards

Jaune: (in hate) Get my ex-friends and family into a cell in my dungeon, where they belong.

The guards snapped out of being in shock, restrained their king's ex-friends and family, but before they could escort them out of the throne room and into the dungeon, Mary barged through the doors she was hiding behind, getting everyone's attention as they all stared at the little girl

(SpaceGuy: ............ Man, that chapter you just read now was.... shhh, pretty sad and dramatic, to be honest.)

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