The Sleepover (Part I)

Taeyeon woke up at six o'clock in the morning. She stretched her body to all direction before she brought herself to sit on the bed. Her gaze soon fell to her phone on the bed and recalled her chat with Tiffany earlier this morning. An unconscious smile started to form on her lips, remembering their chat and the date the day before. She caressed her own cheek where Tiffany kissed the day before and grinned like a dork. Somehow she could still feel the warmth from Tiffany's lips lingered on her cheek. She grabbed her phone and reread her chat with Tiffany again. She planned to send a good morning message to the girl but she soon felt hesitancy in her mind. Today she had no reason to do what she did yesterday and earlier morning because they were not in a date anymore. She shook her head and put the phone on the nightstand before she got up from bed and took a shower.

After a good round of warm shower, she wore an oversized t-shirt and a short pants, her favorite outfit on weekend because she would just stay at home all day long. She rarely went out on weekend. Being an introvert made her cherished every single time possible to get on her hermit mode. She grabbed her phone and iPad then walked out the room to the kitchen to make herself breakfast.

She made a sunny side-up with sausages and a cup of black coffee for her breakfast. She was in the middle of enjoying her breakfast when her phone rang showing her mom calling her.

"Hello, Ma."

"Hello Taeyeon! Wake up already?" Her mom's voice heard from the other side of the line.

"Yes. I'm having my breakfast now."

"How's work? You seem to get busier and busier." Her mom asked.

"Work's tough, Ma. I barely get myself a proper rest. Sorry for not being able to visit you." Taeyeon felt bad for not visiting her family for three months now.

"It's okay. That's the consequence of having a workaholic daughter, I guess." Her mom replied jokingly.

"Maaa, please don't say that." Taeyeon felt worse.

"Kidding, dear. When will I get myself a son-in-law if you love your job more than those descent prospective husbands around you?" Her mom teased her.

"Ma... It's still morning. Can we please not talk about that?" Taeyeon sighed.

"You know I'm kidding, Taeyeon." Her mom giggled.

"But still..." Taeyeon left her sentence hanging.

"Don't be grumpy in the morning, Kim Taeyeon. I think I am fully ready when someday you say that you don't even want to get married." Her mom said nonchalantly.

"What?? Ma?? Don't say that, please..." Taeyeon felt really bad every time her mom telling her that she was not sure Taeyeon would get married, judging from how much she spent her time at works.

"Why? I'm serious. Your brother seems deeply in love with her girlfriend though. I think he will get married sooner so at least I have one of my children to get married. With that not-too-pretty girl, though. I've told him millions of times to look for a girl who's as pretty as his sister but I think he is not that handsome to get a pretty girl, huh?" Her mum complained about her brother's girlfriend. Taeyeon chuckled at her mom's complaint.

"Come on, Ma. You know she's not that bad."

"Yes, not that bad. But she doesn't seem to care about her appearance at all. Messy hair, unfashionable clothes, outdated style, and she has no idea about how to put on even light make up." Her mom sighed.

"But she's smart and nice." Taeyeon defended her brother's girlfriend.

"You're also smart and nice. In addition you're also pretty and always look good in everything you wear."

"I know what will you say next..." Taeyeon chuckled.

"Yes, you inherit all my awesome genes. Hahaha."

"Hahaha. Arrogant mom..." Taeyeon laughed at her mom's joke.

"Oh my God, you haven't fixed your old lady-like laugh! It doesn't suit your look, Kim Taeyeon! Anyway, you should tell your brother to scold his girlfriend about that though. He seemed to be immune from my lecture." Her mom insisted.

"Okay, I will talk to Jiwoong oppa later." Taeyeon gave up.

"As expected from senior manager Kim!" Her mom squealed.

"Arrrghhh, not you too, ma." Taeyeon grunted.

"Kidding, dear. I'm going to prepare breakfast for your dad and brother now. Enjoy your weekend."

"Have a nice weekend to you too, Ma. Send my regards to Papa and Jiwoong oppa." She replied.

"Okay! Bye Taeyeon."

"Bye Ma." Taeyeon soon heard disconnected tone from across the line.

Taeyeon and her mom were not really close. Her mom was a humorous woman but it did not make them as close as most daughter and mother. Taeyeon herself lived apart from her parents since she was five year-old. She and her family lived in Bandung, a lovely city, which was located three hours away from Jakarta until her dad was assigned to work in Singapore and the whole family agreed to move except for the little Taeyeon. She did not like the idea of moving from her comfort zone at that moment and stubbornly argued to keep staying in Bandung with her Grandma. Her parents finally gave up and let Taeyeon lived with her grandma in Bandung while her parents and her brother moved to Singapore. They managed to keep in touch and met once in three months but the little Taeyeon already felt accustomed for being parted with her parents and it became her habit to live independently especially after her grandma passed away when she was ten year-old. Her dad re-assigned to Bandung years later but it was when Taeyeon was accepted in GG Corporation, which demanded her to move to Jakarta. So, she barely lived with her family along her life.

Taeyeon continued her breakfast while reading some business news from her iPad when suddenly her phone beeped. She looked at the notification and soon formed a smile on her face as she saw Tiffany's name. She unlocked the phone and read the message.

Fany: Morning Taetae >.<

Taetae: Morning Fany >.<

Fany: Wow! You're awake already. It's still 7 o'clock and it's Saturday. Why do you wake up early?

Taetae: Talk to yourself, Miyoung. You only had less than 6 hours sleep yourself.

Fany: Stop calling me Miyoung, dork! What time did you awake?

Taetae: 6 o'clock.

Fany: o_O then you had only less than 5 hours sleep

Taetae: Old habit T_T

Fany: Dork!

Taetae: What made you up early, Fany?

Fany: Got a morning call.

Taetae: From your dad?

Fany: Nope. From my boyfriend.

Taeyeon stopped chewing her sausage for a while, feeling her heart cracked as she read the reply.

Taetae: Ah, I see...

Fany: Have you decided yet, Tae?

Taetae: Wut?

Fany: Sleepover, Taetae~~~ -_-

Taeyeon smiled knowing Tiffany had not changed her mind about sleepover but she still felt hesitant especially when Tiffany just mentioned the fact that she got a morning call from her boyfriend.

Taetae: Do you really want me to sleep there, huh?

Fany: Yes! Let's have a movie date! I have dozens of unwatched DVDs.

Taetae: Dunno yet. I'll let you know later today, kay?

Fany: Okay Taetae >.<

Taeyeon put her phone on the table and continued her breakfast while reading the unfinished article she read before. She shook her head when she read that the currency instability would still be the main problem of business' sustainability. She finished her breakfast as she reached the end of article. She then went to the kitchen sink to wash the dish, grabbed her phone and iPad back then walked towards a stereo system in her living room. Plugged her iPhone on the dock, turned it into silent mode and played her morning playlist. After adjusting the volume, she plopped herself on the couch in her living room and opened an e-book titled "David and Goliath" by Malcolm Gladwell. She always had that kind of book to read since it helped her to brainstorm for what activation she needed to make for the company. She tapped on the bookmark icon and started reading the ebook.


Tiffany closed her LINE app after not getting reply from Taeyeon anymore. She woke up early because Nick called her and asked her for having a date tonight, which she declined because she remembered she asked Taeyeon for sleepover tonight. Even though her boss had not given any answer yet, she would feel bad if she had to cancel their sleepover because of a date with Nick. She also felt bad to Nick for neglecting him because of the workloads she got and because she spent more time with Taeyeon. Nick had started to complain about their lessen interaction and kept reminding her about how they wanted to experience a normal relationship without any worries to be caught by their colleagues and bosses. She finally agreed on having lunch with Nick to cut down her guilty feeling.

She rolled her body on the bed and opened instagram app to check any notification. She got 67 likes and 4 comments on her latest update, which was her photo with Taeyeon on their date. She opened the comments and read it one by one.

@yulyulk: Is that our boss, Tiff? How could she look so dorky??? #IMustBeDreaming #ThisIsHallucination

@beautyshopee: Pretty girls! Check our online shop for your beauty needs!

@jessica.syj: You really are #KimTaeyeonTamer!

@claudia910: @yulyulk @jessica.syj is that really Kim Taeyeon???? I know she's cute and adorable but I also know that she's a very serious and workaholic person. I never knew she can be super cute o_O should I make #KTYFanClub now??

Tiffany chuckled at the comments and typed a reply:

@hwangtiff: hi @taeyeon_ss these girls over here talks behind your back :p @yulyulk @jessica.syj @claudia910.

She then browsed Taeyeon's instagram only to reread the caption on Taeyeon's post, and smiled. She did not know why she kept feeling this kind of happiness to everything related to Taeyeon. She shook her head to throw the thought about Taeyeon away and left her bed to get a shower.

Tiffany finished her shower after one hour. She put on a pink tank top and denim short pants before snatching her phone from bed. She unlocked the phone and gasped knowing there were four miscalls from Jessica. She called her senior back quickly. There was some connecting line sound until a high-pitched voice welcoming her.

"Tiffany! You're going to die soon!!!" Jessica yelled.

"Ouch. My ears hurt, Jess! What's the matter??" Tiffany replied as her ears rang because of Jessica's yell.

"You mentioned Taeyeon's account in your comment!!!" Jessica did not even bother to low down her voice, making Tiffany put her phone a little bit far from her ears to avoid any permanent hearing problems that might be caused by Jessica's voice.

"Hey, Jess. I might lose my hearing if you keep speaking like that. D'uh!" Tiffany said.

"Ish, okay! Okay! Now speak, little brat!" Jessica finally spoke normally.

"What? Hey! What's with calling me little brat?" Tiffany felt offended.

"You told Taeyeon that we were talking behind her back. What's in your head, Tiffany Hwang?" Jessica started to raise her voice again.

"Eh? So you called because of my instagram comment? Hahahahahahaha! Seriously Jung?? Oh my God! This is hilarious!!!" Tiffany laughed loudly.

"Do. Not. Laugh. Hwang! I will make sure to torture you on Monday so you will beg for my forgiveness!" Jessica threated.

"Hahahaha. Calm down, Jess. Taeyeon was not that scary. You've witnessed it yourself, right? I guarantee she won't get mad or give any warning letter to you." Tiffany replied.

"Whatever Hwang. I still hate you. Anyway, speaking of instagram update, why did you call it a date with Taeyeon? Are you making a move to Taeyeon?" Jessica asked bluntly.

"Whaatt? I have a boyfriend, Jess!" Tiffany shouted in disagreement but her face got reddens and her heart suddenly beat faster as she heard Jessica's last question.

"Hahahahahaha. I know you have a boyfriend. But who knows the handsome Taetae had changed your preference. You two look good together anyway." Jessica continued to tease Tiffany.

"Shut up, Jess."

"Come on, Tiff! Both of us were raised in States. It wouldn't be a biggie for me if you prefer girl to guy." Jessica kept teasing.

"I'll just hang up the call, okay Jess?" Tiffany did not want to continue the conversation. She had been confused recently because she kept thinking about Taeyeon and the conversation she had with Jessica made things even more confusing for her. She started to overthink Jessica's statement about Taeyeon had made her changed her preference.

"Hahaha. Sensitive Hwang. I should be the one who mad at you because of your comment and now here you are getting mad at me? Seriously, Tiff?" Jessica spoke in a fake serious tone.

"No, I'm not mad, Jess. Argh, I think I need to have some girls talk with you and Yuri very soon. I've been so stressed out recently." Tiffany sighed. She had kept these confusing thoughts about Taeyeon for too long and she thought she really needed to share it with someone close to her. Of course she could not share it with Taeyeon, she also would not ever share it with Nick. She would make her Dad died in shock if she ever tried to discuss it with her Dad. So, Jessica and Yuri, her closest friend in office maybe could help. They had been really close and since Jessica was also coming from States, she hoped Jessica would not be freak out or lectured her about this.

"What's wrong? You seem so fine the last time I met you." Jessica asked worriedly.

"The thoughts keep coming every time I'm alone. Dinner on Monday with Yuri, okay? Pretty please, Jess..." Tiffany pleaded.

"Okay! Monday is perfect. Free lunch from Taeyeon and free dinner from you. The dinner is on you, right?" Jessica made her own conclusion.

"Okay Jess! Deal!" Tiffany really wanted to hug her senior right now. Jessica had been a good senior and also a good friend in office. They usually had great heart to heart conversation during their lunch. They also hung out together once in while since they shared same interest on fashion.

"Okay! See you on Monday, then! And Tiff! Don't forget to prepare the presentation I requested yesterday. We will need it on Monday." Jessica reminded.

"Aaarrrggh, no working topic during weekend, Jess!" Tiffany groaned.

"Hahaha okay, okay. See you on Monday, Tiff!"

"See you, Jess!"

Tiffany huffed and threw her phone on the bed. She now felt the stress crept on her mind. She mentally blamed Jessica for teasing her like that in a 'very right timing'. She shook her head in desperation.

"Stupid Hwang. What happened to you actually? Taeyeon and you are only close friends, right? All those contacts were only in friendly manner, right? Bring yourself together, Fany!!!" She mumbled to herself and soon took aback when she noticed she called herself Fany, the nickname, which only called by Taeyeon.

"Tiffany, Tiffany, Tiffany Hwang. Bring yourself together, now!" She spoke to herself a bit louder this time while giving a soft slap on both her own cheeks.


Taeyeon almost finished the ebook she read when she suddenly remembered that she had not decided whether she would have a sleepover in Tiffany's place. She immediately closed iBook application to check the clock on her iPad. It was lunchtime already. She decided to cook herself a meal before texting Tiffany. She opened the refrigerator in the kitchen and face-palmed herself when she found the refrigerator was almost empty, signing that she forgot to shop for some ingredients to be stocked in the fridge. She closed the fridge, decided to make an instant noodle for her lunch and made a self reminder to have proper food for dinner.

Finished with her instant noodle and washing the dishes, she unplugged her iPhone from the stereo dock to messaged Tiffany. To her surprise there were already some unread messages from her crush.

Fany (09:12): Taetae. Don't forget to let me know if you decided to have a sleepover.

Fany (10:05): Ish this dork. Where are you~~?

Fany (11:28): Tae, I'm off for lunch. Tell me when will you go to my place, okay?

Fany (12:19): Taetae. I will be home after 5. If you decided to have a sleepover, just come after that okay?

Fany (12:26): My Taetae is ignoring me. Huft. I bet Kim Taeyeon kidnapped you.

Fany (13:05): Kim Taeyeon! Bring back my Taetae, please...

Taeyeon chuckled at the messages and replied it right away.

Taetae: You are even more possessive than my parents, Miyoung.

A reply came right after she pressed enter.

Fany: You have no idea how busy I am on weekend, huh? That's why I need your confirmation ASAP before I make another appointment.

Taetae: Ah, okay.

Fany: Huh?

Taetae: Just make another appointment then. I can continue reading my ebook.

Fany: OK.

Taeyeon felt a bit down at Tiffany's reply. She meant to joke but the latter seemed to take it seriously and only replied it with a simple OK. She plopped herself back in the couch, randomly browse in game folder to find any interesting game she installed in her iPad to drift her focus away from Tiffany. She kept changing games after couple minutes of playing because seemed like the games did not help at all to distract her thoughts. She put her iPad on her stomach, switch to her iPhone and unlocked it. The blonde reopened LINE app again and tap on her previous chat with Tiffany. She fidgeted for a while. She actually wanted to have a sleepover in Tiffany's place. But the latter seemed busy, judging from the way Tiffany replied her chat before. She still gave it a try at the end.

Taetae: Fany.

Fany: If you're going to repeatedly call my name just like the chat last night, I'm just gonna ignore you.

Taetae: T_T you're scarier than Kim Taeyeon.

Fany: No, I'm just busy.

Taetae: OK then. Continue your business.

Fany: Spill it dork.

Taetae: Nothing.

Fany: You sure?

Taetae: Is it too late if I say I will have a sleepover tonight?

Fany: No.

Taetae: But you said you are busy.

Fany: Yes, I am. But I will be totally available after 5.

Taetae: OK. I will come to your place after 5.

Fany: OK then. See you.

Taeyeon frowned at the chat window. Even though the reply came fast from Tiffany. It seemed really cold. It was totally different than their chats before. Taeyeon decided to prolong the chat.

Taetae: Fany.

Fany: Yes?

Taetae: Do you have food ingredients in your place?

Fany: o_O?

Taetae: I want to cook for dinner.

Fany: Ah, I don't have, Tae... I will stop by the hypermart to get some ingredients before I get back home then.

Taeyeon sighed, finding Tiffany seemed really busy and was not in the mood for chatting with her. She pushed her last luck to got a better reply from her crush

Taetae: No need. I still have a lot of time until 5. I think I will just go shopping for groceries. See you after 5, my Fany >.<

Fany: Yes >.< see you after 5, my Taetae <3

And Tiffany's last reply with heart emoticon beside her name was enough to make Taeyeon smiled and soon she packed her belongings for the sleepover.


"Whom are you chatting with, Babe?" Nick's voice snapped Tiffany back from her wandering thought about the sleepover she was going to have with Taeyeon.

"Taetae." Tiffany answered nonchalantly.

"Is it about works? You keep focusing on your phone and ignoring me here. I thought we are having a date right now." Nick frowned.

"Not really. But we have something to discuss. She will have a sleepover in my place tonight to talk about it." Tiffany half-lied. It was true Taeyeon was going to have a sleepover in her place but they did not really have anything to discuss. She felt guilty already for neglecting her boyfriend recently.

"I think we also need to talk about something, Babe." Nick sighed as she stared at her girlfriend's eyes.

"What is it, Nick?" Tiffany suddenly felt nervousness crept on her nerves. Nick seemed so serious about this.

"It's about us. I think we become distant since a month ago." Nick said without diverting her gaze from Tiffany who definitely looked uncomfortable with the situation.

"You seem to get consumed with your workloads. You also spend a lot more time with Taeyeon than me. Honestly speaking, I feel we were much closer when we still kept our relationship hidden before your resignation." Nick explained.

"What's wrong? Did I do something wrong to you?" Nick questioned his nervous girlfriend in front of him.

"Or, is there someone new who slowly replacing my place in your heart?" Nick threw his second question. Tiffany took a deep breath and shook her head without looking at her boyfriend.

"First of all, no you did not do anything wrong, Nick. Nothing's wrong at all. And to your second question..." Tiffany paused as she took another deep breath before continued.

"There is definitely no guy replacing your place. I just... Maybe I am getting too excited with all this new job and new friends. And... Well..." Tiffany's head hung low. She had no idea what she had to say anymore. She did not lie at least. There was no guy or man who started to replace Nick. But Taeyeon did take a lot of Tiffany's attention recently. It would be really awkward if she told Nick that she was getting more and more curious about her boss. In addition, she had not fully discovered what was this weird feeling she had for Taeyeon. She suddenly remembered her conversation with Jessica earlier today. Did she really turn gay?

"It's OK, Babe. I understand. Sorry for being overreacting. I just missed us, you know?" Nick pinched Tiffany's chin gently and lifted it up so she would face him. He gave her reassuring smile. Tiffany smiled forcefully. Her guilty feeling piled up even more when she realized how understanding Nick was.

"Wanna go for a walk? Let's get some fresh air. We still have two good hours before I send you home. You have to be home at five, right?" Nick smiled lovingly to his lover, which only returned by a small nod and a faint smile from Tiffany.

Nick called the waiter to pay the bills and they left the restaurant they were in. Tiffany's hand was held by Nick with their fingers interlocked. But it felt a bit different than usual. Tiffany used to feel warm and secure every time Nick held her hands. But now, she felt a little awkward. She stared at their intertwined hands and remembered how Taeyeon's hand felt in her hand last night. She shook her head for the umpteenth time today, tried her best not to let thoughts about Taeyeon invaded her mind when she was supposed to have a romantic date with her boyfriend.

"What's wrong with you, babe? Are you feeling unwell?" Nick worriedly asked when she noticed how quiet and lost Tiffany was.

"Nothing, Nick. I just got a lot of thoughts in my mind." Tiffany answered as they continued their walks.

"Mind to share?" Nick offered. Tiffany weakly shook her head, declining Nick's offer. Nick let out a sigh.

"Do you want to just go home? Maybe you want some time to be alone. I don't want to be a bother." He said as he squeezed Tiffany's hand softly. Tiffany nodded in answer. Nick was right. She needed time to be alone so she could straighten up her mind.

"Is it okay, Nick? I mean... Our date..." Tiffany paused. She found it hard talking to Nick with a lot of things distracting her mind.

"It's okay, babe. Let's just take a cab." Nick squeezed Tiffany's hand again to compose her. They waited for a while on the pavement until they got a cab.

The ride to Tiffany's place was quite deafening. Neither Tiffany nor Nick wanted to break the silent. Tiffany busied telling herself to act normal while her whole body seemed to be unwilling to do as she hoped. Nick, on the other side, had no idea about the reason behind her girlfriend's odd behavior. He could see Tiffany had thoughtful look all over her face and no matter how hard he tried talking to his girl, she would just answered with some hanging sentences. They finally arrived at Tiffany's place after what it felt like hours. Nick quickly got off from the cab and ran to the other side of the door and opening it for Tiffany. Her girlfriend smiled weakly and got off from cab as well. She soon pulled Nick for a hug as she thanked him, resulting a smile from her boyfriend. Nick then broke their hug and leaned in to capture Tiffany's plump lips. Unconsciously Tiffany turned her head a bit to the right, making the kiss only touched her corner lips. Nick pulled himself with confusing look.

"Babe? What's wrong?" He asked. It was the first time Tiffany avoided their kiss.

"I... Bit my inner lips when we had lunch earlier. It's inconvenient." She made up a reason. Tiffany herself could not understand why she did that.

"Ah, I see. I'm sorry, babe." Nick smiled and leaned again, kissing his girlfriend's forehead. Tiffany felt something was missing when Nick kissed her forehead. Every time Nick kissed her, she always felt thousands of butterflies flying aimlessly in her stomach but at the moment she did not even feel any butterfly in hers. Nick pulled himself again and looked at Tiffany who looked back to him with unreadable expression.

"Uhm... Nick..." Tiffany stopped her sentence, walked one step closer to Nick and pressed her lips on Nick's. And she was sure, really sure, that she felt nothing from the kiss. She pulled back and gave a fake smile to Nick.

"Thank you for... Being considerate." She said.

"You're welcome. See you later, Babe." Nick bid their farewell and got into the cab again to his place.


Taeyeon was lining up in the cashier, waiting for her turn to pay the groceries she bought when her phone rang. She slid her phone out from her skinny jeans and saw Tiffany's contact ID.

"Hi Fany!" She answered the phone.

"Uhm... Tae... Where are you?" Tiffany sounded unwell.

"Hypermart. Buying some groceries. Why? You sound unwell, Fany." She asked worriedly.

"Ummm, nothing. I just want to inform I'm home already." Tiffany replied.

"Oh? Already? You said you'll be home after five, right?" Taeyeon ensured.

"Yes, but I'm home now. When will you go here?" Tiffany asked back.

"I have no other plan beside our sleepover. I will just head to your place once I finish here. Do you want to buy something? I can buy it on my way there maybe?" Taeyeon offered.

"No, thanks Tae. I'll be waiting in my place." Tiffany answered still with the same fainted voice.

"Okay then. And Fany..."

"Yes, Tae?"

"What is it called the food ingredient, made from the pressed curds of milk, firm and elastic or soft and semi-liquid in texture?" She asked.

"Huh? Cheese?" Tiffany answered confusedly.

"There you go! You finally made an awkward smile on your face when saying cheese! Don't frown, Fany. I want to see your smile today." Taeyeon blushed at her own cheesy way in attempt to make Tiffany smile. She heard soft chuckles from across the line.

"Thanks Taetae. Come here fast and make me smile, okay?" Tiffany started to sound more alive.

"Sure, Fany! See you really soon!" Taeyeon agreed.

"See you, Tae." Tiffany replied and soon ended the call.

Taeyeon moved forward to in her lining, as it was her turn to pay her groceries.


Taeyeon parked her car in front of Tiffany's place. She grabbed a pale blue backpack stuffed with her belongings for the sleepover and a huge plastic bag filled with groceries she bought beforehand. She got off her car and immediately locked it. She slid her car keys in her jeans' rear pocket, slid out her phone from the right pocket, opening the recent call and tap on Tiffany's name.

"Taetae..." Tiffany answered.

"I'm in front of your place." Tayeon said.

"I'm out now." Tiffany informed and cut the line. A bit later, the front door was opened revealing Tiffany in pink tank top and short denim pants. Taeyeon blushed at the sight. She never saw Tiffany in her casual clothes before since they only met in office.

"Come in, Tae." Tiffany gestured her to come in. Taeyeon walked towards Tiffany.

"We can put the groceries in the kitchen. You better sign the plastic bag with your name so the other occupants will not use yours." Tiffany explained as she led the way to the kitchen.

"Ah, so you do not rent the whole house?" Taeyeon asked.

"Of course not, Tae. I share the house with five other people. My salary in the previous company was not as good as now. Here, put your name in plastic bag." Tiffany said as she handed a black marker. Taeyeon took it and wrote Tiffany's name instead of hers. She handed the marker back to Tiffany and put the groceries in the fridge.

"Let's go to my room, shall we?" Tiffany stretched her hand to Taeyeon. Taeyeon gladly took it but had no courage to interlock their fingers like yesterday. Tiffany walked her way to the only pink door in the house. She opened it only to reveal more pink colors inside the room. The room was painted with pale pink color. There was a single bed with shocking pink bed cover in the middle of the room, a shocking pink couch near the window in the corner, pink cupboard and dresser on another side of corner, a flat 32 inches TV installed across the bed with some pink fringed crepe papers plastered on it. Taeyeon shook her head in disbelief.

"Do not protest about the color." Tiffany warned as she stepped into her room, dragging Taeyeon with her. Taeyeon nodded and made a mouth zipping gesture. Tiffany smiled at her boss and suddenly hugged her petite boss. Taeyeon was surprised at the sudden hug but she returned it anyway.

"What's wrong, Fany?" Taeyeon asked as she soothed Tiffany's back.

"Nothing. I just need a hug right now." Tiffany answered as she nuzzled in crook of Taeyeon's neck, made the latter shivered at the contact.

"I know you're blushing and might feel uncomfortable right now. But let me stay like this for a while, please." Tiffany mumbled against Taeyeon's neck.

"O-okay." Taeyeon stuttered while her heart made a leap. She silently wished Tiffany would not be able to hear her heartbeat. Her face turned into pink was understatement because she totally felt her face was hot. She might be as red as steamed crab.

After a while Tiffany finally pulled herself from Taeyeon's. Her face now looked much better than when Taeyeon first arrived.

"Feel better?" Taeyeon asked. Tiffany nodded and gave the blonde her eye smiles. The blonde unconsciously smiled along.

"So, what people do when they have sleepover?" Taeyeon asked resulting a disbelief look from her crush.

"Are you really asking that question?" Tiffany asked back.

"Don't say that. It's my first time." Taeyeon shrugged her shoulder. Tiffany laughed at her answer.

"Oh my God, Tae. I think I will steal all your first time in everything. I already stole your first date, and now your first sleepover. What's next?" Tiffany chuckled. All of the disturbing thoughts she had when she was with Nick suddenly vanished.

"You also stole my first kiss." Taeyeon said as she put her gaze to the floor. Her face blushed remembering their date yesterday. Tiffany also blushed at Taeyeon's remark. She mentally thanked God that her petite boss fixed her gaze to the floor so she could not witness Tiffany's face also turned into her own favorite color.

"That... That did not count as first kiss, Taetae. It was only on the cheek." Tiffany said as she recovered from the blush. Taeyeon lifted her head and grinned at Tiffany.

"So, tell me. What are we going to do?" Taeyeon requested.

"A lot. Watching movies, girls' talks, ah, you also wanted to cook dinner right?" Tiffany remembered the groceries Taeyeon bought. Taeyeon nodded, paying her full attention to her crush.

"Now, why don't you change your clothes into the more comfortable one?" Tiffany suggested when she realized Taeyeon was in her black jeans, loose grey t-shirt and black loose cardigan on top of the t-shirt. Her boss looked like a normal person instead of a professional profile for the first time.

"Ah okay." Taeyeon discharged her backpack, put it on the floor and took off her cardigan as well. Tiffany unconsciously fixed her gaze to Taeyeon, secretly admiring her boss charm. Taeyeon indeed looked so handsome when she took off her cardigan. Taeyeon proceeded to rummage her backpack to find a pair of short comfy pants. She finally found it and turned into Tiffany.

"Where should I change?" Taeyeon asked. Tiffany pointed to another pink door inside the room.

"You can use the bathroom." She answered. Taeyeon nodded and made her way to the bathroom.

Tiffany plopped herself on the bed after Taeyeon entered the bathroom. She was glad having Taeyeon around. Somehow Taeyeon's calmness made her feel at ease. She switched the TV channel trying to find some interesting program when she heard a click from bathroom. Taeyeon still had the same loose grey t-shirt but she had changed her jeans into white comfy short pants. She walked towards her backpack and put her jeans on top of her backpack. She looked at Tiffany with questioning look she seemed really had no idea what to do. Tiffany chuckled at the dorky boss in front of her. Taeyeon really looked like a lost puppy, waiting to be picked up. Tiffany patted free space beside her on the bed, signaling Taeyeon where to sit. Taeyeon hesitated at first but she finally put herself on the bed, right beside Tiffany.

"Any movies you want too watch, Tae?" Tiffany asked as she reached for a box beneath the nightstand.

"Hmm... Do not laugh, OK?" Taeyeon mumbled.

"Hmmm..." Tiffany hummed signaling Taeyeon to continue.

"Do you have cartoons or Disney movies?" Taeyeon asked shyly. Tiffany bit her lips to hold her laugh.

"I see you holding your laugh, Miyoung!" Taeyeon pouted.

"Hahahahaha. I just... Hahahaha... Oh my God... How old are you, Taetae?" Tiffany tried to stop her laugh while wiping her laughter tears.

"Keep laughing, Hwang." Taeyeon still pouted, made her even cuter.

"Uh, Taetae is being cranky." Tiffany teased.

"Nevermind. Any movies would be fine." Taeyeon had not wiped the pout from her face.

"No, no, no. Here. Choose what movie you want to watch." Tiffany passed the box, which filled with DVDs. Taeyeon looked at the box and dug the contents to find any movie she liked. Tiffany looked at the blonde with admiration. Her boss looked so handsome couple minutes ago and now she looked very cute. She shook her head realizing she started to admire her boss again.

"Fany! This one!" Taeyeon grabbed one DVD in her hand and showed it to Tiffany with an excited grin.

"Hahaha. Confirmed. I have a sleepover with Taetae. Not with Kim Taeyeon." Tiffany laughed again as she saw Taeyeon chose Disney's Inside Out.

"What? Disney movies are for all ages!" Taeyeon protested.

"Hahahaha. I know Taetae. But to imagine the scary Kim Taeyeon loves to watch Disney's movie is kind of funny." Tiffany finally managed to stop her laugh.

"I am your Taetae right now. And Taetae loves Disney." Taeyeon defended herself in cute manner. Tiffany chuckled and pinched Taeyeon cheek.

"Yes, my Taetae. Let's watch it!" She patted Taeyeon's cheek before snatched the DVD and got up from bed to set the DVD in the DVD player. Tiffany proceeded to switch the lamp off so it felt like in theatre. She then crawled back to the bed and plopped herself beside Taeyeon, handing a remote control in her hand.

"Ready?" She smiled at Taeyeon.

"No snacks?" Taeyeon pleaded like a kid.

"I will check in the kitchen." Tiffany stood and left the room. Later she walked in with a huge chip bag and other snacks in her embraced. Taeyeon quickly jumped off the bed to help her crush. She took some snacks from Tiffany's embrace then lost her focus when she saw a plastic of gummies. She quickly snatched the gummies overly excited.

"Gummies!!!" Taeyeon squealed and made a run back to the bed, shattering other snacks on it while she kept the gummies in her hand. Tiffany shook her head in surprise witnessing another new trait she found from her dork boss.

"My Taetae is a kid." She followed Taeyeon who already sat on the bed still holding the gummies. She tidied up the snacks she fetched from kitchen to provide some space for her seat.

"Gummies are like Disney movies. It is for all ages, Fany." Taeyeon grinned without lessening her excited look. Tiffany only chuckled at the sight.

"Now, ready for the movie Taetae?" Tiffany asked, holding the remote control in her hand, pointing it at the DVD player. Taeyeon nodded excitedly like a little kid. Tiffany chuckled once again and pressed the play button on the remote control.

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