A Date Is A Date
Tiffany and Jessica were in Jessica's room, working on their task, when suddenly the door flung open, revealing their boss petite figure. Both girls left their attention from their works and shifted their gaze to Taeyeon. Taeyeon's face seemed serious.
"Girls, I need you both in Dealing Room 4 ten minutes from now." Taeyeon told them and left the room immediately. Jessica and Tiffany looked at each other confusedly. There must be something urgent happening. It was Tiffany's third month in the company and she never saw Taeyeon like that. As for Jessica she only witnessed the same thing happened two years ago when Taeyeon's team performed badly even almost being on the last rank country-scale. Jessica gestured Tiffany to bring her laptop and left to Dealing Room 4 soon after.
Taeyeon was already in Dealing Room 4, frowned at her laptop when Jessica and Tiffany entered the room. The petite boss glared at them and turned her laptop around so both girls could see what was in the monitor, she did not even asked them to sit.
"Can you see the number, Jess?" Taeyeon asked in English with her intimidating tone.
"Can you explain what was in your mind when you decided to make that activation? Did you know the maximum budget for nation-wide activation? Were you even able to calculate accurately? And most importantly, did you have any idea how important the nation-wide activation and how risky it is? Apparently you had no idea because you decided to appoint a newly-hired employee, which is Tiffany, to be the project manager for this!" Taeyeon bombarded Jessica with questions and answered it by herself without even let Jessica said a word.
"Could you at least let us to take a seat, Tae?" Tiffany suddenly spoke up. She was afraid and upset by Taeyeon's attitude this time. She had known about Taeyeon's intimidating side in office all of these time. But it was her first time witnessing that Taeyeon could be even scarier than she thought.
Taeyeon shifted her gaze from Jessica to Tiffany. She felt bad as she saw Tiffany looked at her in disbelief. More like Tiffany was afraid of her. She threw her back to the chair's rest and slowly massaged her temple. It had been a long time since she was really mad at her own team. And this time she felt even bad because Tiffany had to witness it. She did not want to leave a bad impression to Tiffany. Yet she could not really control herself when it came to important matter like this one.
"Take a seat please, Jess, Fany." Taeyeon finally asked them to sit. Jessica followed the order right away.
"Tae, I will ask the office boy to make you a cup of tea, OK?" Tiffany offered.
"Yes, please. Thanks Fany." Taeyeon answered as she straightened her position on her seat. Tiffany put her laptop on the table and left the room to look for the office boy to make a cup of tea.
"Sorry for the sudden outburst, Jess. It was just shocking." Taeyeon apologized.
"Could you please explain me the number as shown in the forecast?" Taeyeon continued after apologizing. Jessica squinted her eyes to get a better look of Taeyeon's monitor. She then gasped in surprise when she noticed the budget she used was forecasted by finance department doubled than the maximum budget, which had agreed by Taeyeon with the approval of Board of Directors.
"Do-doubled...?" Jessica stuttered and shifted her gaze to Taeyeon who definitely had displeasing look on her face.
"Yes, Jess. Doubled!" Taeyeon half screamed. The dealing room's door suddenly opened revealing Tiffany who obviously had scared look on her face. Taeyeon sighed.
"Please take a seat, Fany." She tried not to scream. Tiffany immediately took the only free seat in the room.
"As what you see, Jess. The number of budget used in your activation forecasted doubled than it should be. Any of you will to explain this to me?" Taeyeon managed to ask calmly but the intimidating tone did not help to loose the tension in the room. Tiffany now looked at Taeyeon's laptop, read the financial forecast carefully and nodded, as she understood the main problem. Surprisingly she did not show the same response as what Jessica had. Taeyeon and Jessica looked at each other in confusion.
"What do you think, Fany?" Taeyeon asked.
"Nothing's wrong, Tae." Tiffany answered confidently made Jessica stared at her disbelievingly.
"What do you mean with nothing's wrong? The number is doubled, Tiffany!" Taeyeon started to raise her voice, made Tiffany flinched a bit at the tone.
"Then you must take a better look at the whole forecast, Miss Kim Taeyeon. I would not be mad if I were you." Tiffany stared at Taeyeon fiercely.
Taeyeon turned her laptop around to face her and look at the financial forecast, which she just showed to the girls in front of her.
"Look at the total company's expense. Everything is on track. It's not over budget." Tiffany said.
Taeyeon looked at the bold numbers at the end of report summary. Tiffany was right, the total company's expense was on track. She scanned through the whole financial report and she finally found something.
"They cut the budget for Trade Department." Taeyeon summarized.
"And put it in our activation." Tiffany continued.
"Whaaatt??" Jessica squealed in high-pitched dolphin-like voice.
"Jess, your voice, please." Taeyeon was already back to her calm self.
"We get more budget for this semester?" Jessica tried to compose herself. Taeyeon did not answer, yet she slid out her phone from her blazer's pocket and made a call.
"Hello Andrea, this is Taeyeon. I would like to talk about the financial forecast you just sent me. I am with my team now. I will put the call in loudspeaker if you don't mind." Taeyeon called the finance department.
"Okay, wait a moment." Taeyeon then put her phone on the table and tap on speaker icon on her phone.
"Hello Andrea, can you hear me clearly?" Taeyeon asked.
"Yes, Taeyeon. Anything I can help?" Andrea answered.
"I'm with Jessica and Tiffany right now and we noticed that you forecasted that our budget for the nation-wide activation is doubled. Can you explain what happened?" Taeyeon calmly asked Andrea.
"Oh my God. I must be forgot to put the remarks on that changes. It was a special request from Board of Directors yesterday. They decided to cut off the budget for Trade Department and put it to your team's activation as it is regarded as a good investment for our brand awareness." Andrea explained.
"So, they give us twice than what we've agreed before?" Taeyeon assured.
"Yes Taeyeon."
"Could you please send me the forecast with the remarks mentioned so I can email to BOD, just to ensure before spend the budget?" Taeyeon requested.
"Sure. I will send it in five minutes. Thanks for noticing the lost remark. I will send the revision to all recipients."
"You should thank my team for this. They are the one who noticed. OK then, thanks Andrea."
"You're welcome. Send my thanks to your team." Andrea replied and Taeyeon soon ended the phone.
"I'm sorry Jess, Fany. I should've looked more carefully." Taeyeon looked at her two team members in front of her softly.
"It's okay, Taeyeon. I was shocked as well. I can understand your outburst since you are the one who should be responsible for us to board of directors." Jessica answered coolly.
"And yes, you should look more carefully next time, Tae. It's not funny seeing you yelled at us when it was not even our fault." Tiffany added, which made Jessica turned her head to her junior. She hardly believed her junior had the guts to say the thing to the most respected senior manager in the company.
"Tiff..." Jessica signed her to stop.
"Fany was right, Jess. I really am sorry for the outburst. Forgive me would you? What about some treats from me on Monday's lunch? For my apology." Taeyeon offered.
"Okay!" Tiffany answered quickly.
"Okay, then. Deal. You girls can go back to your room now. I'm sorry once again. And thanks for making such a great activity that well acknowledged by the BOD. You're the best!" Taeyeon raised her two thumbs to Jessica and Tiffany with a wide grin on her face, showing a cute dimple on her chin. Tiffany chuckled knowing Taeyeon was unconsciously let out her dorky side, while Jessica stared at her own boss in shock. It was Jessica's first time witnessing her boss not being too uptight.
"Let's go back to our room, Jess!" Tiffany took her laptop from the table and dragged Jessica out of the room, leaving Taeyeon alone.
"Am I dreaming, Tiff?" Jessica asked Tiffany in English as soon as they reached Jessica's room.
"What?" Tiffany replied also in English.
"Did you see what I see back then in the dealing room? Was that Taeyeon?" Jessica still had that confused look. Tiffany laughed at her senior's expression.
"The one who yelled at us was Taeyeon. And the dork who grinned widely when saying we are the best was my Taetae." Tiffany excitedly explained.
"Unbelievable. Now I understand why you keep telling me Taetae and Taeyeon are different. What do you do to her, Tiff? No one ever witnessed that side of her." Jessica still hardly accepted the fact.
"I don't know. Maybe because we belong to each other that she would change for me." Tiffany's heart skipped a beat when she said it. She knew the sentence sounded so wrong but she did not care. Knowing that Taeyeon would change slowly for her felt really good. But she did not know why she chose the words 'belong to each other' instead of a simpler term like 'befriended'.
"I just cannot understand both of you. You guys are too weird. Maybe that what makes you two good friends?" Jessica said as she started to focus to her laptop.
"Hmm... Maybe..." Tiffany chuckled as she also started to get back to work.
Taeyeon checked her watch only to find it was eight o'clock. Most employees had already gone home and here she was still in her room, rechecking some reports from her subordinates. She massaged her head while closing her eyes. She was kind of fortunate for not having to wear glasses, as her job demanded her to work in front of laptop most of the time. Suddenly she heard a knock on her door. She thought it must be the office boy who wanted to clean up any used cups inside her room.
"Come in." Taeyeon said without opening her eyes. She heard the door opened and some clicks signing a pair of high heels came into her room. She immediately opened her eyes only to find her favorite person in front of her table.
"Hi Taetae..." She smiled.
"Hi Fany..." Taeyeon unconsciously smiled as she saw Tiffany's smile.
"Why are you still here?" Taeyeon asked noticing the office hour ended two and a half hours ago.
"I am waiting for my driver." Tiffany said nonchalantly.
"Driver? I thought you always take public transportation all of these time." Taeyeon confused.
"You are my driver Taetae. You drive me home often. So, I can call you my driver, right?" Tiffany joked.
"Ish! This Miyoung... Really..." Taeyeon snickered.
"Oh, dorky Taetae is angry. But Miss Kim Taeyeon was way scarier than dorky Taetae." Tiffany teased.
"Ah, Fany... Don't say that. I am really sorry for what happened today. I was wrong for not reading the forecast well." Taeyeon pleaded, made Tiffany chuckled.
"Treat me first and I will forgive you." Tiffany continued her tease.
"But, I will treat you and Jessica on Monday at lunchtime." Taeyeon confused.
"Come on, Tae. How can you treat me the same as Jessica? I'm your best friend. So you need to treat me more." Tiffany demanded.
"Okay! Okay! What do you want?" Taeyeon surrendered.
"I don't know..." Tiffany answered lightly.
"Oh my God... This Miyoung is so mean." Taeyeon sighed. She suddenly remembered about a place that might be liked by Tiffany.
"Let's go to Aunt Christine's."Taeyeon offered, resulting a surprised look from her crush.
"To the place of our first date?" Tiffany asked.
"Uhm, yes...?" Taeyeon mumbled, as soon as she heard Tiffany's sentence about their first date. Not officially their first romantic date though but it felt good enough for Taeyeon.
"Wanna make it the second date?" Taeyeon blushed.
"I thought you'd never ask for the second date." Tiffany smiled as her heart started to beat a little bit faster. It was weird for her. She had no idea why did her heart race when she heard Taeyeon asked her for the second date. And she felt a tingling sensation in her heart when she saw Taeyeon blushed at her words.
Taeyeon smiled and quickly hibernated her laptop, then slid it to her laptop bag. She then packed up her purse and phone, put it in her handbag, then rummaged the handbag to find her car keys.
"Let's go, Fany." Taeyeon offered her hand to Tiffany to hold. It was no longer weird for Taeyeon to walk hand in hand with Tiffany. The latter happily took Taeyeon's hand and they walked out of the office.
They arrived at Aunt Christine's at nine. Aunt Christine happily welcomed the two girls. They sat in the same table like the last time they went there, and Tiffany successfully made Taeyeon ordered another different menu. Taeyeon had little by little used to Tiffany forcing her to order different meals in every lunch or dinner they had.
"You really change my life, Fany." Taeyeon pouted after Aunt Christine noted their order and back to the kitchen.
"So, you prefer to run around the same circle like you used to?" Tiffany asked.
"No, it's just weird. I am probably the most stubborn person I've ever known but here I am, following your every order. I might be your superior in office hour, but out of it, you're the boss." Taeyeon joked.
"You can be the most stubborn person you've ever met, but I am the most demanding person I've ever known myself. Even my boyfriend acknowledges it." Tiffany chuckled. Taeyeon's heart stopped beating at the last sentence. Tiffany had a boyfriend.
"What??" Taeyeon almost screamed.
"What? What, Taetae?" Tiffany shocked.
"So you have a boyfriend already?" Taeyeon tried not to sound disappointed yet she let out a small sigh, which did not go unnoticed by the pretty girl in front of her. Tiffany somehow felt a bit guilty when she slipped the fact that she already had a boyfriend. She did not know why, she just hoped that Taeyeon would never find out that she was already taken.
"Yes..." Tiffany answered hesitantly. She mentally cursed herself for slipping the fact that she had taken. Yet, she felt really confused by her own hesitancy. One of the reasons why she made the decision to quit from her previous company was to make everything easier between her and Nick. She wanted to date openly. She wanted to announce the whole world that Nick was hers. But, here she was, did not want Taeyeon to know about Nick at all.
"How come you never told me?" Taeyeon decided to act cheerful instead of showing the pain she felt in her heart right after she knew Tiffany was taken. Tiffany did not expect such reaction from Taeyeon. She hoped, in some way, Taeyeon showed a bit jealousy, which was not shown at all from the petite blonde.
"Why should I tell you? You're not even my sister." Tiffany acted along by playfully rolled her eyes.
"No, I'm not your sister, but you belong to me." Taeyeon plastered a fake wide grin in her face, while she felt a pang in her heart. How she really hoped Tiffany belonged to her not just as a friend.
"Dork!" Tiffany smiled forcefully.
"You said it yourself that I am your Taetae, you are my Fany, and we belong to each other. Now, let's sing Barney's song! I love you, you love me, we're a happy family!" Taeyeon continued to be overly cheerful in attempt to hide her broken feeling at the moment.
"You really are a dork, Taetae..." Tiffany replied weakly but she let out a chuckle since her boss literally looked like a five year-old kid when singing Barney's song.
Aunt Christine came to their tables, bringing the orders, witnessing Taeyeon's dorky action and shook her head in amusement.
"Are you really her boss, Taeyeon? You just acted like a kindergarten student." Aunt Christine chuckled.
"I'm her line manager only in office hour, Auntie. For the rest of the day, I am her dorky Taetae. She always says that." Taeyeon said still with a wide grin on her face.
"You really are cute, Taeyeon. I would never guess that you're Miyoung's boss if she didn't tell me." Aunt Christine shook her head again still in amusement, then left the girls to the counter.
"Tell me about him, Fany." Taeyeon said. She did not want to know about Tiffany's boyfriend but she needed to know what kind of guy Tiffany loved. What kind of guy that could claim Tiffany as his?
"Why should I?" Tiffany did not want to talk about her boyfriend at the moment. It was not because they had a fight before, or because Nick was someone who couldn't be proud of. But, she just did not want to tell Taeyeon, especially in their supposedly friendly date. Tiffany shook her head because of her thought. It was indeed a friendly date, and she acted as if it was a real date. She felt strange especially it was Taeyeon who was her date at the moment. Her boss, her best friend, and above all, Taeyeon was a girl.
"Should I repeat my previous long sentence again and end it with Barney's song to tell you the reason?" Taeyeon joked.
"No, Tae..." Tiffany replied weakly.
"You had a fight with him?" Taeyeon asked again.
"No." Tiffany answered shortly.
"Then tell me."
"You're so rude, Tae." Tiffany sighed.
"Whyy??" Taeyeon surprised.
"You ask me to talk about my boyfriend when we are having a date."
"Uh? I thought it is just a friendly date, what's wrong with talking about your boyfriend?" Taeyeon's heart started to beat a bit faster again as she heard Tiffany's answer.
"A date is still a date, Tae..." Tiffany knew her answer was lame. But she actually meant it. She never knew that a date with a friend could make her hesitant to talk about her own boyfriend.
"Uh?" Taeyeon was confused. She tried to arrange her logic. Tiffany did not want to talk about her boyfriend, and she said a date was a date. Was that even a sign of slight possibility that Tiffany actually liked her? Taeyeon then decided to do something. She had been refrained herself a lot. She was not brave enough to initiate any moves all of these time. She pulled herself together to say her next sentence.
"A date is still a date, huh? Then, you should hold my hand all the time, you should feed me the food, I should walk you home instead of staying in the car. That sounds like a date to me." Taeyeon put up another dork grin.
"Well, that sounds like a date to me too." Tiffany answered, putting her gaze to her own hand on the table instead of looking at Taeyeon. She then felt a pair of hands cupped her cheek and lift her head up to see a cute dorky girl smiled at her, showing her dimple.
"If that sounds like a date, then let's make our date seems like a date, Fany." Taeyeon put all her courage as she caressed Tiffany's cheeks, resulting a slight blush on Tiffany's face. Tiffany felt a bit relax when Taeyeon finally released her cheek.
"Fany, say aaah..." Taeyeon asked, as she was ready to feed Tiffany with her own meal. Tiffany dumbfounded, opened her mouth, letting Taeyeon feed her. She felt her cheeks got warm from Taeyeon's actions. She hardly understood what was wrong with her.
"Do you want me to... Feed you as well?" Tiffany shyly offered. She really did not understand what was wrong with her right now. She noticed how much she adored her boss. She noticed how cute her boss was. But, she never noticed that her heart could beat like crazy because of her boss.
"Aaaah." Taeyeon already opened her mouth, waiting Tiffany to feed her without leaving her stare to the blushing girl in front of her. She knew she was not supposed to act like now especially after knowing Tiffany was definitely straight and already had a boyfriend. But, as much as she could not accept the facts, she also wanted to do something about her feeling. Maybe, this girl in front of her would never be her girlfriend, but she would not muff this date as an opportunity for her at least to experience one romantic moment with her crush.
Tiffany chuckled at the sight in front of her. Taeyeon really looked like a kid waiting for her mom to feed her. She raised a forkful of her spaghetti to feed Taeyeon.
"I'm dating a kid." Tiffany chuckled, forgetting the nervousness before.
"A cute kid." Taeyeon corrected.
They continued their dinner. With some feeding-each-other moment in the middle of finishing the meal. Once they finished the meal, Aunt Christine brought a bowl of double scoops ice cream for compliment. One scoop vanilla ice cream, and one scoop strawberry ice cream. Taeyeon looked excited and immediately dug into the vanilla ice cream while Tiffany enjoyed her strawberry ice cream without leaving her gaze from her dorky Taetae.
"Tae, come here. Sit beside me." Tiffany said as soon as they finished their ice cream.
"Why?" Taeyeon asked.
"Just sit here." Tiffany insisted. Taeyeon followed the order and sit on the empty chair beside Tiffany. Tiffany took her phone, tapped on the camera icon and switched it to front camera.
"Let's take a picture together." Tiffany said as she positioned the camera to get her and Taeyeon in the frame. She looked at Taeyeon's flat expression on the screen and chuckled.
"What's with the poker face?" Tiffany asked.
"Errr, I don't like being photographed."
"But you're pretty and cute! If I were you, I'd take thousands of selfies everyday." Tiffany said.
"Said the one who has pretty eye smiles, huh?" Taeyeon scoffed.
"Stop being a kid and smile, Taetae. Come closer." Tiffany ordered. Taeyeon shifted her body closer to Tiffany and intentionally put her chin on the latter's shoulder. She had no idea where all of this courage came from. But again, she did not want to waste any single opportunity on today's date. Tiffany surprised at Taeyeon's move. Her boss had this different attitude today. First, she cupped and caressed her cheeks, then she feed her food, and now she put her chin on her shoulder. She was happy from all those simple acts yet she was nervous especially her heart thumped like crazy in every Taeyeon's acts. She tried to ignore her thoughts and started to take some pictures of her and Taeyeon.
Tiffany and Taeyeon looked at their photos. Tiffany always looked good in every photo with her stunning eye smile while Taeyeon always had her dorky expression in every picture.
"My dorky Taetae is everywhere." Tiffany chuckled as she swiped to another photo.
"Tae, you look handsome in this picture!" Tiffany squealed. Taeyeon took a look at the mentioned picture and she saw herself with a thin smile. She indeed looked handsome. Tiffany then made a collage of their picture. She decided a picture of herself with dorky Taeyeon and another picture of herself with handsome Taeyeon. She then opened instagram app and pulled her phone away from Taeyeon.
"Don't peek at the caption. I will tag you anyway." Tiffany said.
"Stingy Miyoung. Send me the photo. I also want to post it on my instagram." Taeyeon requested.
"OK." Tiffany switched to LINE messenger and sent the collaged picture to Taeyeon, and then she switched back to instagram again. Both girls seriously tapped the touch screen of their own phones, updating their instagram.
"Done!" Tiffany said first.
"Me too!" Taeyeon followed.
"Can I check yours now?" Taeyeon requested.
"Yes, and I will check yours too." Tiffany agreed.
Both girls opened their instagram notification to check the tagged photos of them. Taeyeon blushed at the caption wrote by Tiffany.
@hwangtiff: Second date with my dorky Taetae, and my first date with handsome Taetae. Admit it, she's more handsome than your boyfriend, right? LOL. Don't tell her I might have a crush on handsome Taetae right now #MyBoss #MyBestFriend #MyTaetae <3 #HwangPhoto
"So, you might have a crush with handsome Taetae, Fany?" Taeyeon grinned.
"And... Am I your first date ever, Taetae?" Tiffany asked after reading Taeyeon's caption.
@taeyeon_ss: Thank you for dragging me to a whole new world. Thank you for pulling me out of my boring routine. Thank you for today's date. And above all, thank you for coming to my life, my Miyoung <3 #BestFriend #BestDate #MyFirstDateWasAlsoWithHer #HwangPhoto
"Yes. You stole my first date, also the second date. You also stole my boring routine. What else you plan to stole, Fany?" Taeyeon joked.
"Your heart." Tiffany's heart stopped beating at the moment she unintentionally slipped the words out of her lips. Both girls stayed silent for a while until finally Taeyeon broke the silence.
"Now it is not only heard like a real date, it is not only seemed like a real date, but it also feels like a real date, Fany!" Taeyeon chuckled, trying to cover up her anxiety. Tiffany laughed along, not knowing anything to say.
"Fany, it's ten o'clock already." Taeyeon suddenly said.
"Do you wanna go home now, Tae?" Tiffany asked.
"No, I want to prolong this date." Taeyeon replied jokingly while she actually really meant what she said.
"Unfortunately, Aunt Christine's café only operates until ten, Taetae. Let's go home before Auntie kicked us out." Tiffany replied.
Taeyeon felt disappointed that their date will soon end. The only thing left was to drive Tiffany home, and walked her to the front door. She might get a chance to get a hug at least. They paid the bill and left to Tiffany's place. They did not talk much, only listened to the radio and sang along to the song played.
"Just park here, Tae." Tiffany suddenly ordered. Taeyeon immediately parked her car at the requested place.
"Why? Your place is still approximately two hundred meters away." Taeyeon confused.
"You said you want to prolong the date. Let's get off the car." Tiffany said as she unbuckled her seatbelt and got off from car. Taeyeon followed Tiffany from behind after locking her car.
"Taetae, come on." Tiffany said as she extended her hand to Taeyeon. Taeyeon happily received it. Suprisingly, Tiffany opened her hand again, and positioned her fingers between Taeyeon's to make them intertwined. Taeyeon surprised since it was the first time walking hand in hand with their fingers intertwined. The feeling was totally different. At that moment Taeyeon felt Tiffany's hand was so fit in hers and if she could, she would not ever let go of Tiffany's hand.
"I hope you don't mind to walk back alone to your car after walk me home, Tae." Tiffany said.
"Now, I regret saying that I should walk you home..." Taeyeon sighed.
"No complaints during a date. You're the one who wanted to prolong the date anyway." Tiffany replied.
"So, you do this to prolong the date, as what I wish for? My Fany is the best!" Taeyeon could not hide her happiness.
They had been walking for a while until they were in front of a park, which located two houses away from Tiffany's place.
"It's near already, Fany."
"I know. So, enough with the prolonged-date, Tae?"
"What about other couple minutes in park?" Taeyeon was not ready to end their date yet.
"Sure..." Tiffany agreed.
Taeyeon lead the way and soon took a seat on a bench in the park, which of course followed by Tiffany whose hand were still intertwined with Taeyeon's.
"Are you feeling cold, Fany?" Taeyeon randomly asked, making the latter laugh.
"It's Jakarta Taetae. It's hot all the time, d'uh." Tiffany rolled her eyes.
"Hahaha, I just copied a line from one of those cheesy drama. That sentence is always spoken in every date."
"And this kind of scene is often shown." Tiffany said as she laid her head on Taeyeon's shoulder, which definitely made the shoulder's owner blushed hard.
"Are you blushing, Taetae?" Tiffany asked without even looking at Taeyeon.
"Ho-how could you know? You don't even look at me." Taeyeon stuttered. She was shocked Tiffany knew her blushing without even looking. Was is possible that Tiffany knew Taeyeon's feeling all this time, Taeyeon thought.
"I just know. You easily get blushed in every skin ship and contact, Tae." Tiffany explained.
"Ah, I see." Taeyeon nodded.
"Do I also blush at our contact, Tae?" Tiffany asked. She felt the need to find out what happened to her.
"Hmmm, sometimes. Back then in Aunt Christine's for example. You blushed when I touched your cheek, you blushed when I feed you, you also blushed when I put my chin on your shoulder." Taeyeon mentioned the moments when Tiffany blushed.
"I see..." Tiffany mumbled.
"Why, Fany?"
"Nothing. Just wondering. I love to tease you with skin ship, yet I also get blushed at the contacts. Silly right?" Tiffany confessed as she lifted her head from Taeyeon's shoulder.
"N'ah, that's not silly. That's dumb." Taeyeon gave a wide dorky grin to Tiffany, only to earn a slap on her shoulder for calling the latter 'dumb'.
"Tae, it's late already, and you still need to drive home. Let's just walk me home so you can go home right after."
"Okay. Let's go."
They left the park still with their hands intertwined and soon arrived in front of Tiffany's place.
"Thanks for the date, Taetae." Tiffany released their intertwined hand and hug Taeyeon as soon as they arrived.
"Thanks to you too, Fany..." Taeyeon smiled knowing she finally got a hug from the girl.
"When will the third date be?" Tiffany asked as she released the hug.
"Soon." Taeyeon quickly answered without even thought twice.
"Okay! I'll be waiting for the invitation." Tiffany smiled.
"Sure, Miyoung. I'm off now." Taeyeon turned her heels and started to walk away.
"Don't you think you forget something, Taetae?" Tiffany's voice stopped Taeyeon's step.
"What is it?" Taeyeon turned around to face the girl again. Tiffany walked to Taeyeon's direction while shaking her head in disbelief.
"You forgot the most important part of a date, Tae." Tiffany said as she leaned forward, landed a light kiss on Taeyeon's cheek.
"Every date should be ended with a kiss, just in case you don't know."
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