Colorblind <> Paul McCartney

Colorblind <> Paul McCartney

2,830 145 10

"You're in color." I stated breathlessly.I wished to know why this was happening. Why here, why now, why him. But my questions where left unanswered, and the inky abyss I called a world had now a splash of color. And I hadn't a clue how.…

A Book Filled With Beatles 2.0

A Book Filled With Beatles 2.0

151 20 6

I'm still Beatles trash. Enjoy.…

A Book Filled With Beatles

A Book Filled With Beatles

6,384 445 82

So because I'm Beatles trash I'm making this book to share my photo album (basically Beatles photos mind you) and other things I come across that are Beatle related. Feel free to take anything from this little book, because I've basically gotten most of my stuff from the internet and you all. Enjoy! :)…