Chapter 1.47:

Riley's whole body was frozen in shock as she stared down at me. Her huge breasts were still hovering dangerously close to my face.

How was a guy supposed to concentrate on anything with those things bouncing around?

My eyes lazily lowered down her body further to the spot between her legs. I smiled as I remembered how good she felt wrapped around me.

"Totally worth it." I mouthed to myself as my boxers tightened.

I moved my head up like I was going to kiss her again and then shifted just enough it to nibble on her pert little nipple. Fortunately for me, luck was on my side. It was the more sensitive one. Riley stuck her chest out to give it to me freely as I bit down and flicked my tongue back and forth.

"Shut up and get dressed." Riley rolled her eyes at me and pretended to push me away. Her mouth was saying one thing to me and her body another.

I didn't give a shit who was outside the door. It could have been the president of a recording studio offering me a billion dollar contract and I still wouldn't have moved. That door was never going to be opened again until I was good and ready to let Riley out of my room.

It couldn't be considered a hostage situation as long as she was willing to stay locked up in here too.

I pulled at Riley's hips and maneuvered her body over top of me to straddle my lap. I sunk my fingers into her round, curvy ass and forced her to grind against me. Riley took over and began sliding over my dick, searching for my ring.

My body was full-on raging.

The muscles on my stomach began to knot up and tighten again. It was not going to take long to get me there. A quick little morning playtime with my new favorite little fuck toy was all I needed to get my fix.

Riley tried to regain some of her composure and get up, but there was no way I was going to allow her to go.

I pressed into her clit with my ring and began pushing it into her to keep her going.

Her lips parted slightly and her eyes lost the little bit of focus she had as she rocked over my cock. Her hands flew straight down to my boxers pull it out. She raised her body up as soon as she freed me. In the blink of an eye, Riley had my bare tip between her legs. She began circling my ring just outside that wonderfully tight, little hole to torture me.

"Do it," I growled at her when she hesitated too long.

I was about to explode in her hand.

She looked down and frowned. I knew what she was thinking. Condom. I didn't even care about that right now. I wanted to feel what it was like to be inside her again—no condom, just her skin on mine, soaking me.

It wouldn't matter. One more time wouldn't change anything.

Riley was going to fuck me raw again, I wasn't going to give her any other option.

"Just fucking put it in," I ordered.

Riley obediently pushed the tip of my dick inside her and sunk down on top of me until she couldn't go any further. She leaned back a little to work her hips up and down over me. She looked down to watch herself being filled like she needed it to survive.

"You are fucking amazing." I groaned and closed my eyes as I laid my head back against my pillow.

Ten seconds into Riley riding me and I was already on the brink of another bad decision.

Her soft little moans and whines were too much for me to take. I grabbed her body and held it down flush against me. My balls tightened the second her ass hit my thighs. I shot another massive load of cum deep inside of her for the second time.

If coming this fast wasn't so embarrassing, I would have told her what I was doing to her right now. It was probably better if she didn't know what was happening after last night. I didn't want the same devastating reaction, so I tried to downplay my orgasm enough so she wouldn't know.

It felt so fucking good that I almost gave myself away when I bit my tongue to hold back the words.

"If you don't open the door, I will go get the spare key and come in." Aiden threatened.

"One second." I hissed as the last few drops escaped my body.

It still wasn't enough. I wasn't satisfied and I knew she wasn't either.

"Once we figure all this out today, I am going to bend you over and fuck you until you are screaming my name," I whispered at the flustered blond.

Riley looked down to my thick cock still inside her. Her whole body was tinged pink with her arousal. She clenched down tight on top of me with need.

I raised the top half of my body and placed my mouth on her neck just below her ear.

"Good girl," I whispered.

Riley's whole body shivered on top of me. I loved watching her body react to my words. The manipulative bastard inside me was reeling over the fact I left her hungry and desperate. She was going to come back for more which meant I had all the control today.

Riley was still shaking when she kicked her leg up off of me. I wanted to complain when I lost that warm pressure hugging me. Just the temporary loss of contact with her made me feel like I was skydiving without a parachute.

I pushed myself up off the bed reluctantly and went over to my dresser to grab something to wear. There weren't many options left inside. I made a note that it was probably time to do some of my laundry. I slipped on a shirt and some super thin shorts. I would have usually taken the boxers off, but the dumbass in my pants refused to stay down. I needed a little extra barrier to help my situation.

It didn't help that Riley was completely naked, running around my room and bending over to root through piles of clothes on the floor. She kept sticking her naked ass in the air at me and wiggling it. She had no clue how much of a little temptress she was.

I remembered that Riley had brought a bag with her last night, but it wasn't in here and I wasn't sure where it ended up. I couldn't open the door to attempt to find it while Aiden was standing on the other side, waiting to pounce on her. I grabbed another old t-shirt and worn pair of shorts out of my dresser. They were about the only items left that I could offer.

I tossed them in her direction as she spun around. She comically fumbled with them but couldn't get a firm hold to keep them in her hands. The tips of her ears were red as she bent down to pick them up.

I swear her ass was always trying to get my attention.

"Nice view." I catcalled to her.

"Hush you." She gave me a sour look and yanked the clothes on over her body.

I was laughing to myself as I walked over to the door. She was so full of energy and feisty in the morning. It was much better than the crying version of her that I got last night.

I looked over at Riley to ensure she was fully covered as I unlocked the door to seal my fate. As much fun as I was having this morning, I knew it would be short-lived. We were about to answer to the weasel who was about to end everything good I had going for me in Ohio.

By the end of the day, my bags would be on the curb and I would have to beg someone else to take me in or crawl pathetically back to Indiana.

I didn't have many options to choose from.

Aiden jarred the door open out of my hands and pushed past me like he was a leprechaun searching for a pot of gold. Brynn stepped in behind him and winked at me as she passed by. She brushed up against me with her ass, copping a not-so-innocent feel.

She was a real piece of work.

Brynn skipped over to the spot on the bed where I had just finished fucking my girl and sat down. Aiden followed her over like he was lost. His face was twisted in something that resembled pain as he stared at Riley.

I knew the look well. It was the same one I wore every day that I didn't have her in my arms.

He was in love with her and I was in his way.

The two intruders glared at Riley and me like they were waiting for one of us to speak. We played a battle of wills for about thirty seconds before Aiden's pain pushed him over the edge and he broke the silence first.

"So, how long has this been going on?" Aiden's eyes bore into Riley's, begging for the truth. Right then, I knew Aiden wasn't going to tell JD about the two of us. Aiden wouldn't do it because it would hurt Riley if he did.

Aiden wasn't as good of a friend to JD as I originally thought. The only real thing that cemented him to JD was Riley. He may have started out as his friend, but he stayed around for her.

There was a connection between them that Aiden was ready to fight like hell to keep.

"It just happened." I gritted out in anger at him.

"So, you just tripped and fell into bed with JD's little sister?" Aiden barked back at me. He couldn't even say her name because he was so upset.

"It's my fault. I started..." Riley meekly started to explain to him.

"Don't. You don't have to explain anything to him." I snapped back at her.

This was not her battle to fight; this was between Aiden and me.  He would never get to have her.

"I think you do. She was fucking drunk last night, dude. She didn't know what she was doing." Aiden's face twisted and was almost unrecognizable as he accused me of using her condition last night to get her to sleep with me.

"Oh, she knows what she's doing. Trust me." I pushed my hand through my hair and laughed at his absurdity.

"You took advantage of her last night, Ezra. You screwed up. You should have been the responsible one here. She's too young for you." Aiden argued his case, angling every way he could to make me the bad guy in front of her.

He was questioning her age, experience, and ability to consent to someone like me. He was totally off base in his assumptions about her. Riley wanted it as much as I did. I didn't do anything wrong.

Well, except forgetting to put on a condom last night and then choosing not to use one again this morning.

But that was our problem, not his.

"Aiden, you and Brynn hooked up and we are the same exact age. How is what you did any different?" Riley huffed at him and crossed her arms.

I noticed Brynn had turned to stare at Aiden too. I could tell she saw the same thing that I did. The jealousy was written all over her face. She wasn't as dumb as I initially thought. Even she knew the two of us were crazy for the same girl, and it wasn't her.

Brynn wasn't the center of attention and she couldn't stand it for one second. A quick scowl covered her face and vanished just as quickly as her eyes darted over to Riley.

"It just is. This is so wrong." Aiden deflated and put his head in his hands like he was going to cry.

"Aiden, I am an adult and none of this is any of your business," Riley added. She looked like an angry kitten as she stood her ground.

"You two do know how complicated and messy this is going to get? JD is going to flip out when he finds out. I can only do so much to keep him from killing both of you." Aiden was rubbing the feeling back in his face. He had lost her and he knew it.

"Are you going to tell him?" Riley's lip was quivering as she began to fold in on herself.

I wrapped my arms around her waist to hold her together. It was also the perfect opportunity to let Aiden know I wasn't going anywhere and to rub it in his face.

"It's not my place. You two need to figure out how to tell him. I'll give you some time to figure whatever the hell this is out, but I will not keep lying to JD. He doesn't deserve this." Aiden lied. He wasn't going to ever say anything.

"Thanks, Aiden," Riley breathed a sigh of relief.

Aiden stood up from the bed and walked over to me with a menacing glare.

"Don't fuck this up. You hurt her and I will end you."

I smirked at the empty warning and nodded. My reaction pissed Aiden off even further and he stormed out of the room without calling me on it.

He would never drop his good guy act in front of Riley.

Brynn scurried over to Riley and pulled her away from me to give her one of the fakest hugs I had ever seen. There was something not quite right about the way she treated Riley.

"JD went to work. Don't worry. I'll keep grumpy pants busy. Have fun being naughty." Brynn slapped Riley's ass to steal back some of the attention she craved. She bolted out of the room to follow Aiden down the hall.

I shut the door and locked it again. When I turned back to Riley, she was massaging her left cheek and looked up at me with a frown on her face. I raised the rings in my eyebrow at her in amusement.

"She's a friendly one, huh?" I chuckled at her little pout.

"What is it with people smacking me?" She asked, rubbing the sting out.

I grabbed her wrist and pulled her over to me. I twirled her around to grope her from behind again.

"Have you seen your ass? There's so much I am going to do to it." I threatened.

"Ok, Rockstar. We need to get dressed and talk about last night." She threw up the stop sign before I could get her back into bed.

She was right. We had things we had to do that were much more important.

We had plenty of time for the other stuff later.

I bent down and sighed a small kiss into her shoulder. My stomach started growling at the emptiness it felt. I didn't even realize how hungry I was. It was time to refuel to get it to stop churning. I was a big guy which required me to eat frequently in large amounts to keep my strength up. I would need to stay full in order to keep up with Riley.

"You're right. Breakfast first, though. I'm starving."

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