"You have something I want."
I searched Romane's dark sea-like eyes, afraid I'd get sucked into them if I looked hard enough. "What do you want from me?" I uttered in a single breath.
He rumbled a deep chuckle. "Why, Jessie. Known to be a very bright girl, I'm surprised you'd actually asked that," he lightly spoke, almost as if he was taunting me.
I always tolerated the taunts and teases. But today wasn't my kind of day.
"I asked you a question," I fiercely snapped. "Answer. It."
I didn't know why my bottled up anger was finally surfacing, it an attribute I usually remained tamed.
He viciously yanked my hair back, and I let out a short cry. His lips brushed up my neck, stopping exactly by her ear again. "Don't you dare talk to me like that," he hissed.
Another cry bubbling in my throat, but I gulped it down, and dug my nails into his trench coat for support. "T-Tell me. What do you want?" I managed to ask once more.
His icy eyes crinkled in amusement. "I thought it would be obvious by now," he smirked, letting my hair go.
My head throbbed from the rough release. Confusion thickened my features, adding yet another swell of emotion. I clenched my fists, both frustrated and agitated at his man's useless answer. "Quit avoiding the question."
"You," croaked the crazy boy from earlier. He lifted his head and stared in disbelief. "He wants you."
I drew a shaky breath. Me? But why?
Romane applauded the boy's perception. "My, my, Cameron." Cameron flinched at the sound of his name. "You could have at least let the lady figure it out herself."
Romane paused. "But known for your habit of taking control when others can clearly handle it themselves is hard to maintain. You really ought to manage that if you want to be a gang leader."
That must have hit a nerve, because a second later, Cameron disarmed the two men holding him down, both bodies lying unconscious by his feet. A gun was now in hands, and the Eagle's men flinched, but Romane held his palm up.
Cameron zeroed the weapon on me, his voice coming out smooth. "Let her go."
"Or what?" asked Romane, amused by his sudden comeback.
"Or I'll kill her."
This was a frightening notion. "Are you serious?" I sputtered.
Romane threw his head back and laughed. "Be my guest. I was going to kill her anyways."
I cocked my head to the side, unsure whether or not they were bluffing. They had to be.
"You can't have her," Cameron said. "I found her first."
Romane laughed even more and I was afraid the man had gone hysterical. "Oh, Cameron. No wonder they call you Cray. So crazy. So foolish. When an Eagle finds his prey"-he pulled my hips to his side-"he'll hunt it down until he gets it."
"No he won't," I spoke. Finding my voice, I wasn't about to let two men talk of me like I was some object. I wrenched away infuriated from Romane. "You don't own me," I spat. I looked at Cameron. "Neither do you."
A tinge of shock washed over Romane's face and he lifted a brow in almost...admiration? I did a double take and the strange spark vanished. He flicked his wrist to dismiss his men. "I wish to be alone with Lady Jess."
Without a hint of hesitation, everyone filed out of the truck except for Cameron who lowered his gun and continued to his hardened expression on Romane.
"I don't think you heard me clearly," Romane told me. He grabbed my chin, compelling me to face him. "An Eagle always gets what he sees. Do you understand?"
"Do I understand?" I shrieked.
I swatted his hand away, ready to knock the man senseless. "What makes you think any of this is understandable? First I'm chugging down more than thirty cans of Coke in the middle of the night at Central Park; unbelievable, but at least a bit rational. Then I go to flush out my fluids, and get locked in a port-a-potty. A port-a-potty!"
"Suddenly the whole truck-I'm somehow in-was flipped over and gets attacked by men who looked like they just dropped down from Halo. Normal and terrible flirters turn into ass kicking ninjas and next thing you know I'm being hung by my own ponytail while someone tells me that all my bedtime stories, including gangs, are real. To top it off, you tell me that you own me. You can't just claim me! Do I look like a fucking werewolf to you?!"
Cameron did a low whistle. "Lady's got a devil tongue."
Silencing him with a withering glare, Romane's lips formed a tight line. He instantly lashed out his knife and pinned my neck to the wall. The harsh razor pressed against my scorching flesh.
I gasped, and tried to push him off, but the blade urged further. I quit my struggle yet the pain was abrasive and I felt my lungs tighten. Cameron immediately advanced on Romane.
"One more step and she's a goner," he told him. Romane dug the sharp edge closer, and forced me to cough up another gag.
Cameron stepped back.
"Now throw the gun out the window."
I noted the lack of oxygen began to increase. My heart beat quickened from the trembling nerves. I couldn't breathe. My vision was strained, black dots slowly attacking my sight.
Cameron hesitated, and glanced at my state. He tossed the gun.
Satisfied, Romane directed his icy eyes to my nearly empty ones. Although everything was blurring, the coldness in his pupils sent a shiver down my spine.
"Don't mess with me, my lady," he deeply spoke. "I do plan on killing you if you push me past my breaking point."
I gave a quick nod and he loosened the blade-only a tad.
Oxygen slowly slid into my lungs. I couldn't help but think the same. The only difference was that I wanted to kill him now.
Except how could I kill the most dangerous man in North America? Selfie him to death? Face it; I was useless when giving physical harm.
"I understand this is hard to process for you," he continued. Concern flickered briefly in his eyes, but I must have been dying because men like him didn't have hearts. "Perhaps Cameron could shed some light on the situation for you. Come to your rescue once I let you go." He narrowed his gaze. "Only if you respect me, and don't throw any ridiculous profanities."
I gave another quick nod. He released my body. I sunk to the floor, and consumed a large gulp of air. Cameron quickly rushed over. "Are you alright?" he asked, checking my pulse.
My breath still uneven, I struggled a small 'yes' and clasped my neck. Feeling my way around, I was relieved for no sign of blood and focused on breathing normal.
"She's fine," Romane sneered.
Cameron snapped his head up. "You almost killed her!"
"She's alive, isn't she?"
Fumed by his carelessness, Cameron was ready to strangle the man, but I seemed to be his main priority which was a tad comforting-if I wasn't on the verge of dying.
My vision gradually trickled its way back, and Cameron helped me rise once my lungs were fully composed.
"See. She's still got two legs," Romane smirked. "She's fine."
"Your ability to evaluate situations is sickening," Cameron sneered, draping himself in front of me.
Romane clucked his tongue. "Nono. I'm not sickening. If anything, Jessie's father is the sickening one."
A rush of cold was sent through my blood. My dad? The only thing sick about him was when he could shoot milk from his nostrils. How could he have any relation to these people?
"Anyways," Romane quipped. He jerked my body to his side, tightly wrapping his arms around my waist. "Now if you'll excuse us," he told Cameron. "We both have somewhere to be."
I wrenched away, backing up against the wall. "I'm not going anywhere with you!"
His eyes were full of laughter. "Sorry, but you don't have a choice, my lady."
"Yes, she does," Cameron said. "She always has a choice."
"Ah, ah." He wavered a protesting finger. He grew a cunning smile. My scalp instantly tingled with fear. "Not this time." He whipped out a pair of handcuffs from his pocket. "If you take her"-he latched both of our wrists on each end-"you take me."
I stood dumbfounded at the silver clasp around my wrist. I had only met Romane for ten minutes and his sleeves were full of surprises.
Frustrated, Cameron coldly glared at his enemy's sudden move, which by far, seemed to surprise me even more. With now Romane and I in his custody; he could kill two birds with one stone! I would get released, and literally kill Romane. Yet his next move blew my brain away.
He allowed Romane to pass.
"What? No!" I sputtered.
I shook the metal cuff like a wild animal, but it only tightened at my struggle. The squeeze was excruciating, boiling my anger even higher. "Why? You have Romane in your possession! What are you doing?!"
"I can't take Romane," Cameron explained, composing yet a strong tone. "I don't expect you to understand, but I can't take him. There are other gangs out there than just the Snipers and Eagle's Eye. Once they notice Romane has been captured, Eagle's Eye and all of his allies will come after us."
"Then just cut the damn handcuff!"
Cameron gave a weary sigh. "If I could, I would. But what you're wearing is layers of metal, including titanium. A key can only open it which I don't have. If I take you, if take him, not only will I be risking the existence of my own gang, but also putting their lives in danger."
White hot betrayal sliced through my chest, and grabbed my ribs, squeezing them until I couldn't catch a breath. "Please. Please, don't let him take me."
Cameron lowered his head. "I'm sorry, Jessie."
My eyes swam in tears. My knees were ready to collapse and beg, but I griped the hem of my sweater to restrain myself. The reality of things came crashing down, and I sucked in a sharp breath, afraid it might be my last. This couldn't be happening. He was letting him take me.
Romane sneered, sneered, and rolled his eyes.
A sudden burst of anger erupted from my chest. That was it. I jabbed my finger to his torso.
"You think you're all tough don't you? You think you can make anyone do anything. You think I'm yours. But I am not. Sure, you're taking me away, sure, you scare the living daylights out of me, and sure, you might be the most dangerous gang leader in a single continent, but you will never own me."
Before he could pin my shoulders again, I slapped the knife to the floor. He leaned back in disbelief, but I wasn't done.
"You might be twice the size of me, but if you even dare to think I will ever give in or choose to belong with a sickening monster like you-then you have another thing coming. And if you plan on forcing me, I will find ways to torment you that you can't begin to imagine."
"Ways that'll make you wish you had never laid eyes on me. Ways that'll make you wish you were never born. Ways that will make your life a living hell. Death will seem like a relief after I'm done with you. So don't expect me to give in at the snap of your dirty little fingers. Now, do you understand?" I mocked his deepened voice except it came out much scarier than I intended it to be.
Silence hung above us, our eyes intensely staring into each other.
His face remained composed, yet I could smell the stench of fear at the twitch of his jaw. "You're more insane than I thought you'd be, my lady," he finally spoke.
I was caught off guard by the smoothness in his tone, and fought to the nail to suppress my reaction. "Glad I can surprise you." My brows narrowed. "But I'm not your lady."
His chest rumbled with laughter, startling my nerves once again. "Clearly you're no lady, Jessie Daniels. No, you're a wildcat. And I completely understand what you mean"-he shot a sly grin and lifted our cuffed hands-"But I need you to understand that you're a chained animal." He yanked his cuff and pulled me hard against his chest. His voice was gravel and deep.
"Just. Like. Me."
The closest window shattered. Relief washed over my wrists.
My eyes swerved to the wall where the handcuffs were now pinned by an oddly shaped blade. Romane shoved me to the ground and whipped out his gun. Another object broke through the window, followed by a swarm of smoke. Bullets flew by and I heard shots ringing from all directions.
I gathered my wits together, and crawled on my stomach, towards the opened exit of the moving truck. Warm lips dropped above my earlobe.
A scream crawled up my throat, but an icy hand clamped my mouth. "Wildcat, we'll find and crown what's rightfully ours; you. You can hide all you want, but we're Eagles; ruthless hunters. And we will hunt you down. We have eyes everywhere. You belong to us."
My response was left dry as sawdust, croaking not a single syllable. His presence disappeared into the fog, leaving my head aching with confusion and terror.
"Get up! What are you doing?!" Recognizing Cameron's voice, I bolted onto my feet. My arms were tugged; Cameron guiding my body to wherever I hoped was safe.
Fog seemed to drown the outside of the truck, the midnight skies not helping this black landscape. I only caught a pinch of trees in the distance as the sounds of bullets and grunts overflowed the area.
Romane's words haunted my movement, the threats buzzing like a swarm of pestering bugs. Wildcat...you belong to us...Eagles...hunt you down...eyes everywhere...
"Jessie! Fuck! Get in the car already!"
I ducked my head into the vehicle, my body roughly shoved to the next seat. The door slammed and Cameron demanded the driver to hit the gas. I shoved Romane's words at the back of my mind and allowed the main problem to settle.
I just got in a car with two strangers.
But in a weird sense, I felt like I could trust Cameron. He came to my aid whenever I was in distress except trusting a complete stranger was overrated.
But so was going with Romane. And clearly, relief wasn't an absurd feeling now that I was with Cameron.
"Oh," he said. I looked over the side to find him frowning at his shoulder.
"For Pete's Sake, what now?" the driver mumbled.
She turned on the light, allowing her appearance to show. Coarse hair scrunched in a messy bun, her dark skin resembled her jeans and black t-shirt. Her gold chain necklace was bright as her pearly white teeth that seemed to stand out whenever she spoke. A thin scar traced the edge of her brow, the seductive line hinting a glimmer of mystery.
"Speak, Cray!" the lady demanded.
Cray? Recalling Romane's nickname for Cameron, I realized he was telling the truth; Cameron's nickname was Cray.
He waved a casual hand. "It's nothing," he grumbled. Yet his frown remained, taking discreet glances at his shoulder.
I inched over and squinted. "Lemme see."
His right sleeve was torn, a red stain growing like parasites. A bloody bullet was pierced deeply into his shoulder. "He got shot!" I shrieked.
"He what?!" The car swerved for a second and I tightly griped onto the cushion, before it gained control again.
Cameron grimaced and used his left arm to push me away. But I kept gawking, remaining my close distance between him. "You got shot," I repeated, raking my fingers over my thick hair. "Holy shit. You've been shot."
The driver threw her arms in the air. "What are you doing, woman? Get the first aid kit!"
I scrambled around the car, my worried eyes darting for the white box. "Uh..."
"Under the seat!"
Rushing for the white box, I snatched and flipped the lid. "Um..." Rolled bandages, pointy tweezers and other clueless thingamabobbers laid before me. My panic level was through the roof. Sucking a sharp breath, I picked up the tweezers, spun back to Cameron, and screamed.
"Why are you poking it?!"
"He's poking it?"
Cameron continued to dig his finger into the wound, then back out as if he were doing a middle school frog dissection.
"Ohmigod." I flashed my hands over my eyes, but flagged them away right after. "Stop touching it!"
"It doesn't even hurt..." he said.
"Quit being a macho man, and just admit pain," the driver growled.
"I'm serious," he said, digging his finger deeper. I squealed, squirmed, and did a little dance that was very much mistaken for the Boogie. "It actually doesn't hurt."
My mouth dropped, focusing my attention on his face. "How does it not hurt?"
Cameron finally stopped touching the bullet, and sighed. "Fine, I'll just let it sit there."
"How does it not hurt?" I repeated. "You just got shot in the arm. You should be screaming in agonizing pain!"
Suddenly his eyes rolled back and he tipped his head up.
Then I saw the most horrific sight.
The bullet pushed itself out.
And fell onto my lap.
Taylor Lautner as Cray (slidddeee to the right-->)
Vanessa Hudgens (w/ dirty blonde hair) as Jessie Daniels
Beyonce Knowles as the driver (whose name I can't reveal)
So I HAVE TWO QUESTIONS! Pick one or do both!
What is your worst fear? It can be anything! Mine is getting tipped while in a port-a-potty.
Please vote and comment! Would you rather go with Romane or Cray? ;)
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