1 week after they stop the Dark Elves
"Are you Telling Me that we have a Failed Raid in Ulthuan a Small Village to be exact?" Said Malikith
"Yes, My King all 10,000 Has been all killed along with the black ark" Said the Dark Elf Captain who is kneeling before him
"And how did they were all killed? Surely the High Elves could not Response that fast and it will only be a small force and Militia and they cannot stop that Large Raid without an Equal or a Very Capable Commander to stop it" Said Morathi curious at their failed attempt slaved raid
"It's Because they have Help My lady" said the Shivering Captain
"Help? Who helps them? i Doubt anyone can help them they are too far away and too prideful to send for help" said Malikith
"It's from the New Comers my King they are the ones who killed them all" said the Captain
Malikith Leaned forward he is interested at the new comer he hear about being Humans and the difference is they are large compared to the Humans they had know and motion him to continue
"They are very powerful These New Humans they big but they don't let their size or their armor fool they fast and brutal to the point that they make us look like a trainees" He said
"How Ridiculous is that from a Coward like you" Said one of the Dark Elf Lords
"You Let these what? New Humans? they are primitive and lesser species they must be honored to served us as Slaved" said another
"A Human that Cannot be underistimate i have though that too even if they have a powerful war machine but alas i was wrong and look what they did to all those of our people" He said
"Clearly you are just a weakling Captain" said a Lady from the sisters of slaughter "If we were there , There will only be Victory and Khaine will be please for the Blood Sacrifice" she added
"Enough" said Malikith with authority and intimidation
"Tell Us More about them" said Morathi
Ultramar's Honor Mess Hall
"It's been 1 week since we defeat those Dark Eldars" said Nath
Ronan Nod to him "They are truly Resemble the Dark Eldar, And They Don't deserve Mercy after what they have done" said Ronan in Venom he is once even been Captured and Fight into their arena fighting variety of Monsters
And the Most Dangerous of all is Lilith Hespex a Truly Deadly assassin almost without equal able to kill a Space Marine Champions and Captains, He had Fought her for hours without getting tired for he is so used against Eldars who are much faster than him and luckily he beat her and Before he even have the killing blow He was been distracted as the Imperium, and the Eldar came to Rescue them and his Brothers and other slaves and well
"You still Remember Lilith aren't Brother?" Titus Ask
"Yes, Fighting tough us one thing" said Ronan "She made us to adopt for the likes of Her she maybe faster but i know her every moved and that is why that intend she knows that every ultrmarines will adopt and she wants to finish it fast" He added as he Drink his Coca Cola
"Well at the Very least you Defeat her Ronan" Said Nath
"Commander Ronan Belleza you are needed on the Bridge" said Athena
"Well It's appears i'am been called" Said Ronan as he Stand
"If it's mission call us Brother" said Nath as he Eats his Beacon Sands wish with Egg
Ultramar's Honor Bridge
"What is it Father?" Ronan ask
"Well we have been Invited by the Dwarf High King Himself in their Capital" Said Guilliman
"So that Means you are going as well Father?" Ronan ask
"Yes, and Take Chapter Master Nath and Titus With you" Said Guilliman
"Understood My Lord" said Ronan as he Bow and Walk
Ronan Return to the Mess Hall and Goes to Nath and Titus
"Nath, Titus we will go to the Karaz a-Karak the Capital City of the Dwarf and There High King's Seat of Power" said Ronan
"Oh now we will meet another civilization hm?" Said Titus
"Correct Brother Prepare your Things we will leave in 30 minutes" Said Ronan
"Yes, Commander" Said Nath as he mock salute with two finger
Ultramar's Honor Hanger
They are accompany by the Custodian guards 3 squads and 4 squads of tactical, 2 squad of devastator, and 46 honor guards and 4 Lt
"So this is all?" Guilliman ask
"Yes, We are Now Ready and Meet with the Squats Father" Said Nath
"They are Called Dwarfs here Nath Don't Forget it" said Guilliman to Nath to correct him
"All right Let's Go" Said Guilliman as they Entered to their transport
Time skip
after 2 hours of flying they have finally reach the Dwarf's Capital it is more like a Mountain Fortress
The Ramp Opened and The ultramarines Show themselves to the Dwarfs
And they could see the guards are very surprise and shock at their arrival and most of all their Transportation
The Giant Gate opened and they were meet by a Armored dwarf
"Greeting Strangers" said the Dwarf "And it appears the Rumors are True of your Technology you are the second one to have that flying machines but yours are advance" said the Dwarf in Awe
Guilliman Nod to him "Thanks for your praise and shall meet the king?" He ask
"Of course my Lord Follow me" He said and they follow
The Interior is Magnificent Sight to the Ultramarines as it Rivals the High Elves but the dwarfs are more like for war
They also people stared at them with Awe and Fascination as they walked in discipline formation that is almost inhuman to the dwarf
They even saw the infamous Gyrocopters that they heard about, it is premetive from the ancient Terra or Earth Design called "Helicopters" as they read their history but still they are impress by the dwarf that they are able to create such vehicle to their current technology.
They even saw Many Cannons around the wall for defense and saw some of the Dwarfs have a muskets as well and Crossbow and they even saw a brawl and the reason of which weapons is better
"Jeez these People are protective to their weapons" said Nath after they saw the fight
"Well you can't blame them brother, for this is Old vs New so it will take time before the Old are phase out" said Titus
Ronan Nod to him
They Saw Dwarf Miners and they saw endless gold and jewels this place is enough to make any noblemen Envy
But still they have massive resources and this one are just a small too small to the Ultramarines
it did not take long for them to arrived at the Throne Room
The Guards are fully armored and have a Hammer with Runes They Doubt it to even damage a Power armor
They Saw the King with his Armor and a Book he is old maybe in the 60s
"Greetings stranger i'am King Thorgrim Grudgebearer High King of the Dwarfs" He said proudly
Guilliman step forward "I'am Roboute Guilliman Primarch of the Ultrmarines Legion son of the Emperor and Empress of Mankind and Prince of the Imperium of Man" Said Guilliman
"Hm, A Prince? good at least i'am talking to a High Ranking Member" said Thorgrim "It's an Honor to meet you Prince Guilliman" He said
Guilliman nod to him "Thanks for the Invitation King Thorgrim" Said Guilliman "And what is it all about" Guilliman ask
"Well, I've invited you for a trade of Technologies" said Thorgrim
"As i Expected" Though Guilliman
"I'm sorry for that but i have to decline your offer even if you have to offer me large sum of Gold or Gromril" Said Guilliman he have read about the Gromril that is the Rarest Metal in this Planet but still adamantium are still better
The King himself Sight in Defeat "Is there nothing we can offer you about Prince Guilliman?" He ask
"No, Your Majesty we are here merely Stranded into this planet and we have planning to get out of here for we are merely lost travelers" said Guilliman
"That's bad but Since you are friend with the Empire we will do the Same for you an Alliance even though you have already Contact with our Hated Enemy of those Knife Eared who are just staying in their beautiful island" Said Thorgrim
Guilliman Nod to him "Thanks for the Kind Offer King Thorgrim i accept it" Said Guilliman
"Then, we will have a Feast and i hope one day i want to see how your war machine of yours function" said Thorgrim as he smile
"One day you saw them how they fought wars King Thorgrim" Said Guilliman as he smiled
With it they have feast with the Dwarf
They Enjoyed the Feast as Nath even defeat Several Dwarf in the Drinking Contest
"So who's Next?!" Said Nath after drinking their strongest beer as he smash to the table breaking it for the 3rd Time, and it is even hardly a beer to the Space Marine, the Space Wolves would likely be bored to this drink but at least it has a Taste
The Dwarf did not even want to Challenge for you can he is not even Drunk and he drink the Beer like water
"Not Even a Space Wolves heaviest drinker Could Beat Nath" Said Titus
"I have to Agree with you, He is like facing an Armatures here" said Ronan After drinking the Ale that is given to him and it is not Bad
They Even Talking about Guns but the Ultramarines and The Custodes did not show off their weapons, as it will waste ammo it will only waste to the Enemy
After they had finish the Feast the Ultramarines Decided to Return to their ship
Because of this they made a Friendship with the Dwarfs, The Dwarfs Even Give them Items as a Token of Good will, And Guilliman Tell Them One day they will be Invited to their ship
Athel Loren
King's Glade and the Grove of Eternity
Orion The King in the Woods
And Ariel Queen in the Woods
They are many Gathered Even the Treemans are here as well from the Report of the Waystalker about the Strangers from the Meteor
"What can you Tell us About the Strangers Waystaker?" Orion Ask having Been Recently Reborn and Ready for a Hunt
"You Won't believe if i say this" said Astriel
The Nobles and the Treemen leaned and wait for her response
"Humans, Honest to the gods Humans my King" She said
Then All Hell Break Lose (Here we go again)
"Humans?! a filthy humans you say?" Said a Noble Lady "Do they Came here to Plunder?!" She said in Anger
"You have A nerve to tell a Human?, Yet you spare them from trespassing into our Territory?" said a Noble Lord
"Silence!" Boomed Orion as they begun to silent
"What are they doing here?" Ariel Ask
"My queen they are merely Exploration and they are not suspicious enough to be plundering the forest" Said Astriel
"And What more Reports do you have Waystalker?" Orion Ask
"We were ambushed by the Beastmen" Said Astrail
"Beastmen you say? are the human all killed?" Said Ariel
Astrail shook her head "No, My Queen it is they who killed the Beastmen who Ambushed us" She asnwered
"Oh, please as if a Human could survive an Ambushed" Said Another Noble
"It is True, they are only Merely 50 against 400 beastmen" said Astrail
"Ha, as if we believe you Tales Waystalker, you Believe this humans could survive 400? please tell us the Truth that they are Dead" Said another Noble lady
"Well you all shut up!" Shouted astrail having Enough of the Insult "They are not Merely Humans, the Difference is they are huge and they could even go toe-to-toe against the Minotaur i saw it with my own eyes, even their leader killed several of them without even have a Difficulty at all, and you should as well not underestimate them, they even detected me" she added "They are all almost inhuman they moved so fast that even me could not follow there movement, and They like Demi-gods Made Flesh"
Durtho the Eldest of the Ancients of Treemen Stared at her and Having some Thoughts
"We will invite them here and i want to know their Intentions" Said Durtho that shocks them all
"My Lord you can't possibly let these Barbarians go into our land" Said another Noble lord
"You Dare to Defy the Forest Lord!" Said Araloth Lord of the Grove of Eternity in anger
"No, My Lord i'm simply stating Facts what if they will invade us?" said the Noble Lord
"They are the ones i sense if they these Truly powerful that few of them able to kill these Many of those pathetic children of Chaos, we may still need an ally that will make Chaos Fear Them" Said Durtho in deep thoughts to them
"The Great Forest Lord have been Decided we will invite them here and ask their intentions" said Ariel
They all Bow and walk as the Discussion is Finish
"I Hope you are doing the right thing My Lord" said Ariel
In terms of Authority Durtho as the Eldest is the most powerful in Athel Loren questioning his decision is a Death Sentence even for a Wood Elf
"Yes, I'm sure, i may hate every intruder that came to plunder here, but they Don't and most of all, they enough Respect not to bring any weapons that would damage the Forest" Said Durtho
With it he Begun to walk away along with his Fellow Treemen to Meditate and Sleep
"Waystalker Invite them here the Forest Lord have spoken" Said Orion
"Yes, my King" said Astrail as she Bow and walk away
And Done
The Ultramarines Meets the Dwarfs
And Made Friendship with Them
The Dark Elves wants Information to them
The Wood Elves have Finally have a Report to the Ultramarines
Durotho have Decided to Invite for ask their Intentions as it is still unknown to them
So Which Faction should they Meet?
See you Next time
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