Chapter forty three.

A few days passed.
(Y/n) finally healed completely from not only her injury, but also the illness.
Luxembourg stopped by to say hello and give her a gift, a warm Blanket and some sweets made by his sister.
The female was happy to see her boyfriend.
The next meeting was soon, (y/n) was excited to go back to see everyone.
She was even gathering up courage to give Luxembourg her answer to his question.

The Nordic household was pretty peaceful, Sealand was playing with (y/n) and hanatamago.
Sweden was fixing furniture that Denmark broke, Norway was making the next lesson plan for (y/n).
Finland was working with Sweden to fix the house after the dane's antics.
Iceland was in his room, and Denmark was locked in his room as punishment.
Finland sighed when he finished helping Sweden, "all done!"
"You mean all 'finnished?'", the silver haired female asked with a smirk.
"Very funny.", the Finn said as he shook his head.
Sweden snickered.


Magnus looked up as John was made to sit down, "enjoy the dungeon?"
"Hey, I'm sorry.", John said with his hands up, "Bad habit."
Loki sneered, "you talk too much sometimes."
"I could say the same for you.", the huge dane retorted, "Now John. We have another job to do. Without you this time."
"Then why are you talkin' to me?", the ebony haired man asked, "Y'all ain't gon' kill me are ya?"

"Nej.", Magnus replied, "I actually wanted to ask you for advice, since you knew my lillesøster as you grew up."
"Oh, I can help there.", John said and sat up.
"Did she ever talk about plans she had about marriage?", the dane asked, "Since she and Thurston are betrothed."
"Well, she did mention that she wanted a marriage that was simple but elegant.", the southern male responded, "she's just so great, I wan' to make sure that my friend gets what she wants."
"She'll get that,", The blond man stated, "tak John."

Loki sighed and released John from the shackles, "you are free."
"Thanks.", John said and got up, "Mind if I get some'n to eat? I'm starved."
"Go ahead.", Magnus waved his hand.
The ebony haired man nodded and went to the kitchen to get something to eat.
"That accent, I can barely keep myself from laughing.", Loki chuckled, "what do we do when we are done with him? We can not just let him go."
"We keep him.", The dane responded, "after all, lillesøster is attached to him. He'll be a toy for her."

"I thought that was what Thurston was for.", The burned Norwegian smirked, "and maybe a few of us?"
"Loki. If I find out that you even touched her inappropriately,  You will want to know something as sweet as pain.", Magnus growled.
The strawberry blond man raised his hands up, "okay. Okay. You win. But you might want to focus more on Bernard than me."
The dane nodded in acknowledgement and went back to work.

Loki sighed and walked away, "I won't touch her badly. Only the way she wants."
The Norwegian lit up a match and stuck it in his lips like he was smoking, he was made to quit after (y/n) was born but the need to do something similar remained.
Everyone in the family who smoked had to stop, especially him and Magnus.
Frost put out the match and formed on his nose, "light out!"
He glared at Egil, "don't do that again if you want hands to hold (y/n) you little shit."


Another week passed and it was time to go to the meetings.
Apparently these are big ones, an anniversary of some sort that is important to everyone.
Norway picked out the outfit he wanted (y/n) to wear, a nice dress.
She just took it without any issues, he only asked for a kiss on the cheek and to be called big brother.
The silver haired female gave him what he wanted

The siblings all piled into he vehicle, Sweden was at the wheel as Norway was Navigator.
(Y/n) sat between Denmark and Iceland, Finland sat with Sealand.
The siblings all talked and joked through the ride to the meeting.
Banter that included Jokes about the others, some ideas for what to do after the meetings, and Sealand cutting in with how he is a country too.

They made it to the meeting house and got out.
(Y/n) held Norway's arm up to the building, she felt happy.
She was with the people she loved, she was safe.
It was wonderful.

The siblings and Sealand walked to the designated room and went to their seats, a Blond German started the meeting.
"Before we start, I need everyone to check their phones and sweep themselves for listening devices.", the man said sternly, "We recently had information leaked to our 2ps."
The others in the room checked their clothes and phones for listening devices.
Norway raised his hand, the German motioned to the Norwegian.
"We have found some listening devices in our devices. As well as cameras in the home.", the Amethyst eyed male said and cut his eyes Apologetically at (y/n), "I never brought it up. Sorry Lillesøster."
The silver haired female's face paled.

Luxembourg put his hand over (y/n)'s and rubbed it with his thumb.
The female gripped his hand and her stave.
The other countries continued to talk as Luxembourg listened and calmed (y/n), his gentle touch soothed her nerves some.
The couple got comfort from each other's presence.

The meeting was erratic.
Arguments and fights broke out often, some were rather silly.
Some people were talking amongst themselves while others played games, the noisy room was getting noisier by the second.
The German man yelled for everyone to behave, only for someone to make a comment back.
Laughter erupted as the German man got frustrated.
More noise broke out from the misbehaving group.

Luxembourg only smiled as he shook his head and added his input politely, much to the German's relief.
(Y/n) held onto the Male and took some notes, she noticed Romania looking over to her and smiling.
Next to him was a male with smooth brunet hair and green eyes, Luxembourg told her that was Bulgaria.
The silver haired female waved to the males, they waved back.


Edman was readying his weapons along with his companions.
The Estonian hummed a little as he holstered the weapons, "everyone ready?"
The males nodded, "then let us go."


The meeting seemed to split off, every country split off into their own groups to talk.
Luxembourg told (y/n) that it was an intermission.
The silver haired Scandinavian nodded and snuggled into the arm he put over her.
He smelled nice and calming to her, it was soothing.
Belgium came to talk to Luxembourg, she politely spoke to (y/n) as well.
The Netherlands was with Belgium and watched quietly.

"Hello.", Netherlands greeted the female Scandinavian.
"Hej.", (y/n) responded.
She was still a bit scared of the tall blond man, but not as bad.
The silver haired female held onto her boyfriend as he talked to his siblings.
'Today is the day.', she thought to herself, 'I'm going to tell him.'
The female felt a tap on her shoulder, It was denmark.
"Lillesøster, want to go get something to eat with me?", The dane said with a grin.

The silver haired female looked at Luxembourg, the male nodded.
"Sure Storebroder.", (y/n) smiled and got up, "will you be okay dear?"
"Go enjoy yourself.", the brunet replied, I have something I need to take care of here."
The silver haired female nodded and walked away with Denmark, the Danish male took her out to eat with the rest of their family.
Pleasant smalltalk ensued.
"So, are you going to marry him?", Finland asked.
(Y/n) choked on her drink, Denmark laughed as Sweden patted her back.
"That's a bit sudden to ask finny.", the Swedish male said.
"I was not expecting you to mention that.", the female coughed, "but I decided that I will."

The small family group cheered and denmark guzzle down his beer, "damn right you are!"
"Shut up dane.", Norway sighed, "you are being loud."
Finland just smiled and took a drink of his beverage.
(Y/n) just smiled. She was happy.
Happy that she was safe, happy that she was with these brothers, and happy that she was in love with Luxembourg.
The silver haired female sipped her drink, "I am going to tell him today."
Denmark fist pumped the air, "Hell yeah! That's my lillesøster!"

Norway smacked the back of Denmark's head, "you are loud."
"It is time to celebrate Norge! Loosen up!", the dane grinned, "have a drink!"
(Y/n) giggled at the two bickering.
Iceland sighed softly and leaned on her, "I don't feel good."
"Want me to take you home?", the silver haired female asked.
"Já.", the young man said softly.
The red-violet eyed female felt his head, "you feel warm, did you get sick?"

"Mabye.", Iceland answered and sighed.
He was acting cuddly, (y/n) found it adorable.
She pressed her lips against his head, "alright."
the silver haired female tapped on Sweden's arm, "I'm taking Iceland home."
The icy blue eyed man nodded, "be safe M'systir."
She held onto Iceland and took him home with a warp, the silver haired male went right to his room.
The puffin was sitting on his desk, fast asleep.
(Y/n) helped him into bed and tucked him in, he held onto her arm.
"Don't leave yet.", he begged in his soft voice, "I want you here."

The silver haired female sat next to him and petted his head, "I'm here."
The young Icelander held onto her and fell asleep, she smiled as she petted his head.
Soft fluttering told her that Mr. Puffin was awake, "you are about to hear what I've been listening to for the past few months."
(Y/n) was about to tell the bird to be quiet when, "(y/n)... I love.. you."
The young man mumbled in Icelandic some things that made her turn beet red.
She would let them slide as he was asleep and could not control what was going on.
The silver haired female got out of his grip and got some medicine for him to take when he woke up.
"Mr. Puffin? Please tell him to take that? And be quiet in case he has a headache.", (y/n) said to the bird.
"Sure thing lass.", the bird chirped, "Go back."

(Y/n) smiled and kissed the puffin on the head, "aw lass, ya gonna get me liking you if you keep that up."
The silver haired female giggled and returned to the restaurant, Denmark was giving Norway a hard time by teasing him.
The Norwegian man did not seem to enjoy the teasing.
Finland was scrolling through a list of names on his phone, his nice list.
Sweden was getting irritated by the drinking dane as well.
The Scandinavian girl only giggled at her silly family.
The Danish man pulled her in for a group picture, Finland got in and gave a big smile.
After the picture, it was time to head back.

The walk back was pleasant as the food.
Norway looked around, "where is Iceland?"
"He went home.", (y/n) responded, "he was not feeling well."
"I'll check on him in a bit.", the Norwegian said.
The silver haired female smiled to her Norwegian sibling, "you're a good big brother."
The platinum haired male smiled slightly, "at least you think so."

(Y/n) saw Luxembourg waiting for her and went right over, the silver haired female hugged the brunet male.
"Have fun?", Luxembourg asked.
"Ja. But I'm glad to be back with you.", the red-violet eyed female replied with a smile.
The blue-green eyed male smiled back, "follow me?"
The Scandinavian did so, he took her out to the gazebo in the gardens.
The man dropped onto one knee and pulled out a box, "Will you marry me?"
The silver haired Scandinavian giggled, "yes!"
Luxembourg stood up and embraced (y/n).
She pulled him in for a kiss.
A sweet and loving kiss, both melted into the tender and loving kiss.

An explosion caught them off guard.
The building was on fire.
"What is going on?!", (y/n) exclaimed and held onto Luxembourg.
"I think it's an attack.", Luxembourg replied, "we have to go."
The two ran together as they were going through and getting whoever they could out.
The silver haired female heard a beep as they entered through a doorway, she saw the bomb.
Luxembourg did not.
The silver haired female pushed him away and took the full force of the blast.
Luxembourg fell to the floor next to her, he was hit by a different blast.

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