Chapter Twelve
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(Leo's Point Of View...)
"Do you think they know?" I asked Derek, looking nervous.
He looked up from his video game with an adorable confused look. "Say what?"
"Do you think they know that we're together? Or something along those lines."
He gave me a weird look. "Because I defended you? They would be stupid to think that." He returned his gaze to the T.V.
I twirled my fingers around the fabric of my bed sheets, wondering what people really thought about me. Obviously a straight guy wouldn't had dressed up as a woman. Unless he's a big joker and those are the cool ones. But I dressed up and worked it like a real drag queen.
"Don't worry about it, Leo." Derek had paused the T.V. and was staring at me with concern in his eyes. "I don't think they know."
I sighed deeply. "I just want to be with you and not hide it. But our parents is the only thing that's stopping it..."
He laughed quietly. "They can't stop us from being together even if they don't approve of it. We're two humans and we can do what we what."
I rolled my eyes. "Easier said than done."
"Then let's do it. Let's just tell them that we're together. And if they have a problem with it then they are terrible people. Because what we have is genuine love, I can feel it, see it, breath it, touch it. I could go on and on."
I giggled, embarrassed. "You're so cute."
"Not as cute as you."
I looked away as my face scorched bright red.
"Stop that," I mumbled.
He snorted. "No way. I will tell you how cute you are everyday. Now come here and sit by me." He patted the empty space next to him and I quickly obeyed. When I was about to sit down next to him, he grabbed my by the waist and pulled me on his lap.
" know anyone can walk in on us right?"
"Let them walk in then, we aren't doing anything wrong."
He gripped his hands tighter around my waist and felt him get hard underneath me. I looked down at him and gave him a look. "Really, Derek? Really?"
"Nature, baby."
I heard footsteps coming up the stairs and I threw myself away from Derek. Every time we get lovey with each other, something or someone always has to interrupt it.
Kate burst through the door with a wide grin on her face. "Kate, the amazing is here!" She shouted, spreading her arms apart and gazing up at the ceiling. She looked down at Derek and her smile faded. "Is that a boner?"
I held in the laughter as Derek tried to cover it up with his hand. "Yes? So what?"
She blinked. "Oh nothing."
"What do you want, Kate?" I asked her as she stood still on the same spot.
"Your mom sent me to tell you guys that dinner is ready," she was glaring at me, which was intimidating.
Derek got up immediately and ran out the door. He's always hungry. I sighed, getting up and also walking out the door but Kate pulled me back by my shirt.
"What?" I groaned, snatching her hand away from my now crippled shirt.
"You guys aren't stupid enough to get it on while we're downstairs, right?" My mouth dropped as she said this. "And don't you dare deny it. I'm not stupid."
I grabbed her by the shoulder and stared deeply into her eyes. " can't tell anyone."
"That you were trying to get it on?"
"No!" I hissed. "We weren't doing anything. You know how guys touch and instant hardness."
She giggled. "You guys make it so obvious by the way you stare at each other. It's adorable."
"Kate," I gritted through my teeth in a warning tone, "you can't tell anyone, especially mom."
She rolled her eyes, pushing away my hands. "Relax. I'm not telling her anything. That's your job," she poke my nose. "Oh and you still have some make up on."
I rubbed my eyes hard. "I know! This thing is so hard to get off! I tried everything but it's still there. I took a shower. I showered my face in shampoo and soap and hand sanitizer and everything I could possibly think off but it's still there."
She grinned. "Welcome to girls world."
I pushed past her while rubbing my eyes and headed down the hall and down the stairs.
I didn't know what to think. If it was that easy for Kate to figure it out then how do I know that my mom doesn't already know? Deep inside, I want her to know. Because if she already knows then it means she accepts us, since she hasn't kicked me out. But I don't think she would do such thing. I'm only really worried that the relationship between her and Steve might not work after they find out their only sons are together. And they will think we might influence Molly. Hopefully not.
My grandparents and cousins were all gathered around the kitchen table while setting up the plates. I smiled at them all and eyed Derek who had already sat down and was playing his PSP. He seriously enjoyed playing these games.
"Hey baby," mom smiled at me as she placed a pot on the table.
"Hi mom," I mumbled as Kate walked by me, acting like a queen and giving me a provocative look.
"Sit," my grandma told me. I quickly made my way to the seat farthest from everyone, which was right next to Derek.
What I'd give to hold his hand in public. To tell him how much he means to me. How much I love him. The pain, it hurts and I'm not sure how much longer I can take it.
He didn't look at me when I sat down next to him. His eyes were glued to the screen of his console. I smiled, because I knew that fighting for his attention was what I liked the most. Because at the end, I always win and it's such a rush to have his attention. It gave me butterflies.
As everyone fixed the table and rushed through the house to get dinner ready, I stared at Derek and admired his flawless face. He had the kind of skin you wanted to sink your teeth in. His bone structure was so incredibly arousing that I didn't even know how I could still be alive. Those kind of looks kill you.
And his arms, dear God his arms! I wanted to rip his clothes off and just mount him right here, right now, in front of everyone.
Leo, hold yourself together!
I banged my head against the table and sighed.
"Hey," Derek finally noticed me.
"What's wrong?"
I looked up at him with weary eyes. "Nothing."
"Nothing means something. What's up?"
I leaned into him and whispered, "Kate knows."
"Damn right I do!" She shouted from the other side of the house. How on earth did she hear that? It was a whisper!
Derek didn't look surprised or afraid. He had the same bored expression he had when I walked in the kitchen. Well I'm glad to know that someone isn't busting their butterflies. I am utterly scared right now.
I felt Derek's hand crawl under the table and touch my leg. His touch was like starting a forest fire. Easily spreads up and makes places bigger and uncomfortable.
"Everything will be alright," he reassured me. "You will see."
I sighed. My thoughts deeply concerned me right now. I wish I could just stop thinking for a day and just relax and not have to worry about everything I do and say.
Mom and grandma served everyone when we were seated. Like always, it was a lot of food for little me to eat. My stomach just yells at me to stop eating too early.
"So how are you guys enjoying it over here?" My mom asked everyone.
"Awesome," Kate sang.
"It's fine," everyone else agreed.
"Lots of cute gay guys," Kate grinned, avoiding our eyes. I wanted to set her on fire right now. I wanted to do that so freaking bad.
My mom chuckled. "What's that all about?"
Shut up, Kate! Shut up! I'm gonna cut you if you keep talking. You better hope to God that you can read my mind or I'm going to do bad things to you while you sleep tonight.
"The pride," she muttered.
I sighed quietly in relief. Oh thank GOODNESS.
It amazed me how Derek was so comfortable in his own skin while I was over here boiling in it.
"Yeah, they are very gorgeous," my mom agreed.
Kate is lucky my foot can't reach all the way where she's sitting at. I'd be like eight feet tall if that was possible. I'd kick the hell out of her crotch.
"I'd date one if it was possible," she commented. Then she looked at me evily. "Wouldn't you? Leo? I mean you make a great girl."
Shit. How do I get myself out of this one? Do I just say no? But that would be lying since I'm already dating one. "Are you on crack?"
Derek laughed.
"When isn't she?" Grandma rasped.
"Oh wow. Thanks a lot grandma. You told everyone my secret," then Kate looked at me again. "How will I live? Oh no..."
I grabbed a meatball from my plate and threw it at her face.
She shrieked and threw one back.
"Hold your balls!" Grandma shouted.
Derek giggled.
"Guys, don't play with food please," my mom demanded.
Stefan acted like nothing even happened. I guess this was normal. Oh wait, of course it was since I freaking lived with these crazy ass people.
"I love gay people," she continued to mentally harass me.
"I love gay people too," my mom agreed.
"Ha!" Kate slammed her hand on the table. "Case dismissed."
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