Chapter 3: In a Tangle situation
The Battle of Mobius has begun. Republic forces have managed to break through the Blockade thanks to Noble Squad and the Clone troopers has made it to the Freedom Fighters bmain base which is Knothole.
During the few weeks Republic forces have set up many small bases or camps across Mobius so they can push back Separatist forces and win this battle.
Now we cut to Knothole which is known have been upgraded to be a huge base with a active cloak dorm around the city so they will not be spotted by the Separatist or Badniks from Robotnik.
The Mobian's felt very comfortable with the Clone troopers and they help them upgraded their homes ans share some of their food to them to show no harm to them.
We then cute the now new upgraded command centre with Clone officers going around and typing things onto their computers while Sally, Zack and Clone Commander Shark were in the middle of the room and stand around of the holopad as it shows the hologram of Robotroplis with Sally explains what defences they have.
Sally: They have multiple of lock on missiles that can be track ships that are cloaked, a strong engery shield at the main base where Robotnik is at and tones of Badnik and droid army.
Shark: I've seen many bases during this war but this is something I've never seen before.
Zack: It seems like Noble Squad wasn't kidding about it being a city.
Sally: More like a large factory for Robotnik to build.
Then Nicole appear beside Sally facing Shark and Zack.
Nicole: Eggman's defences are very strong so trying to march towards the city would be suicide.
Zack: Agree, we need to force on pushing back Separatist forces and take out their bases.
Shark: That's set I done but the problem is even if we take out Robotnik's defences and weaken his troops, he's just set Robotroplis into lock down and it will be even harder for us to get in.
Sally: Guess that's true.
Zack: We can discuss that when it comes, at the mean time we should get ready for our attack at aSeparatist mining base.
Shark: Mining base sir?
Zack: Indeed. I've just gotten word that a town called Spiral Hill Village is slaving Mobians to search for Crystals in a nearby cave and they are using their town as their base.
Sally: So what should we do? We can't go save them in the cave and retake their town.
Zack: (smirk) Maybe we can and I know a type of Squad that can go for the cave.
We see Amy walling towards Tails garage where she hears him working on something so once there she peeks out and says.
Amy: (smile) Hey Tails, working on your.....Plane?
Then she sees the Blue light with Tails healing Brains fixing the ship while several clones walk about carrying boxes or helping Tails and Brains fix the ship.
Brains: Try it now!
Y/n was inside the ship and he turns it on. The engines rumble a bit before a puff of smoke came out and the engine dies.
Brains: Damn. Thought that would work.
Tails: (smile) That's alright, we can try again.
Brains: Hope so, otherwise I'll be mad if this ship isn't gonan work.
Amy: (shocked) Wow so this is your ship?
Brains: Yeah. Pretty neat right?
Amy: (surprised) Yeah.
Then Y/n wall out of the ship and walks over to Amy and said.
Y/n: (smile) Hey Amy, what brings you here?
Amy: (smile) I just wanna know where Sonic is.
Y/n: Hmm he was here a second ago.
Sat on some boxes was Rusher who knew where Sonic is which he smirks and stand up and walk over to the two.
Rusher: (smirk) Don't know about you sir. He might be gone, I guess I have to eat this last "Chili dog" by myself!
Sonic: Chili dogs!
Then Sonic who was hiding rush out and looks around until he realised he was tricked and looked at Rusher and asked.
Sonic: Why did you do this to me.
Rusher: (smirk) I was bored.
Amy: Sonic~!
Then Amy tackles Sonic and hugs him while Sonic have a look of he wants to die. Rusher chuckles while Y/n place a hand onto his shoulder and looked at him and smirks.
Y/n: (smirk) Nice one.
Rusher: (smirk) Thanks.
Sonic: Which side are you on!
They share a laugh while Brains and Tails leap out on top of the Blue light follow by R2-J8 came out of the ship and Brains and Tails said.
Brains: Well there is good news and bad news.
Y/n: What's the bad news?
Brains: The bad news is, the turrets are completely shut down and it will take a while until it will get fixed.
Rusher: And the good news?
Tails: (smile) Good news is, we have managed to fixed the engines of the ship so you can fly it but not through space.
Y/n: Well it's not like we're not going anywhere in the galaxy.
Cleaner: Yeah because we've gotten a mission.
Then Cleaner walks over to them and once he reach them, Y/n asked.
Y/n: What's the mission for today?
Cleaner: The Separatist have taking everyone within Spiral Hill Village to a nearby cave to be forced to mine Crystal or other material to make more droids and Badniks.
Rusher: And we are sent to ruin their mining operation?
Cleaner: That's right. While that is happening, the General and Commander Shark take the assault of Spiral Hill Village itself and try to retake it.
Y/n: Looks like they give us the fun jobs then.
Brains: Should we take the blue light to that location?
Y/n: No, not gonna risk it of blowing up again.
Cleaner: Guess we're taking the stealth gunship then, let's go our gear ready and let's go.
Y/n: Right. Noble Squad let's gear up!
They nod and they get their gear ready and once that they exit out of Tails garage and head to their stealth gunship with Clone troopers inside. Outside of it was Sally who watched as Brains, Cleaner and Rusher claim inside and Y/n walks up to Sally.
Y/n: Guess we're off on a mission.
Sally: Guess so. It's a shame we haven't have a chance to get to know each other.
Y/n: Maybe we can once we get back.
Sally: (smirk) Sure, see you when you get back.
Slake walks off and Y/n step onto the gunship and the hatch closes and the gunship takes off of the ground and fly off while Sally watches them go and hopes they will come back including Y/n.
(Hours later)
The Stealth gunship flies over the cloads and we cut to inside the gunship as Noble Squad and the rest of the clones turn as a hologram of Shark appears and gives them the situation.
Shark: (hologram) Listen up, intel tells us that there is a mining operation where the citizens of Spiral Hill Village has been taking to be inslaved to mine Crystal and any other Material they coyote find.
Y/n: Any idea what are they mining for?
Shark: (hologram) Not too sure but Princess Sally told us something that worried them and if it is true, you must take it.
Brains: What is this thing that Sally si worried about?
Then a hologram of a diamond sharp like crystal appear next to Shark as he explain.
Shark: (hologram) She says they might be looking for this Emerald. It's called a chaos Emerald and it holds strong amount of power within it. If that is true, we can't allow the Separatist to get it. Your objective is to not only free those citizens but get that Emerald.
Y/n: We'll get the job done. Never worry
Shark nods and he vanished just as they arrive ti their location undetected. The stealth gunship lands down and opens the hatch and the clones ane Noble Squad rush out and aim their blasters around for any enemy forces but nothing.
Y/n: Troops, move out.
They nod and they slowly walk through the forest while they aim their blasters around to scan the area. Noble Squad was at front looking around and aim their blasters around the trees and bushes while Brains walks up to Y/n and said.
Brains: It looks like the main force are close to the village not far from us.
Cleaner: Too bad we didn't bring some explosions.
Y/n: We don't wanna risk the whole cave to collapse on us. It's best we use blasters instead.
Rusher: It's quiet, too quiet.
Clone trooper: Maybe not jinx that.
Then their hear blaster fire in the distance and they follow the blastee fire and soon they peek over the bushes to see Battle droids getting attacked by a female Lemur with a very large tail and she is using it to grab them and throw them around while jumping around the dodging their blaster bolts.
???: (smirk) I never suspected Batyle droids would be this too slow.
She wipes her tail at them and take them out while Noble Squad and the rest of he clones watched her handle the battle droids.
Brains: (surprised) Is it me or she had a large tail?
Rusher: Or she is using it as a weapon.
Cleaner: Looks like she got this.
???: Uh oh.
Then they see her accidentally tied herself up by her tail and she can't seem to break out.
The Battle droids march towards her and aim their blasters at her.
???: Um (nervous chuckle) No hard feelings?
Then a blue blaster bolt lands a hit on one battle droids head and soon more came out of the trees as Noble Squad and the rest of the clones came out of the bushes and take out the battle droids.
Balle droid: We're ambu-ah!
Y/n took out his wrist Vibrokblade and stab it at the attle droids stomach as sparks fly out and the battle droid fell backwards onto the ground.
???: (surprised) Wow!
The clones circle around to secure the area while Y/n and his squad walks over to her and she managed to untangle herself and she fell onto her butt.
Y/n: You alright?
Y/n reach out a hand to her which she takes and help her up.
???: (smile) Thanks I thought I was done for.
Y/n: No problem, names Y/n Squad leader, this is Brains the Slicer, Cleaner the explosion expert and Rusher the sniper.
Tangle: (surprised) Wow your Squad is awesome! Oh sorry I didn't introduce myself did it? My name is Tangle, Tangle the Lemur.
Y/n: (smile) Nice to meet you.
Tangle looks at the Clone troopers and she was amazed by them and asked.
Tangle: (surprised) I can tell your not from here are you?
Y/n: That's right. We're clones troopers of the grand army of the Republic. My squad are clones Commandos.
Tangle: (surprised) Whoa your all are just so awesome!
Y/n: (smile) Thanks.
Cleaner: She's seems to like us.
Rusher: A little too much.
Y/n: So what are you doing here?
Tangle: I'm trying to save my friends at Spiral Hill Village.
Y/n: What happened?
Tangle: At first we hold them off since we have the higher ground but then they start to bomb out city and the was separated from Jewels. Soon I later found out that she and the rest were taking to work on the mines near a cave.
Y/n: You know where the cave is?
Tangle: Yeah I can show you the cave right now, follow me.
Y/n: Right. Squad, Troopers move out!
They comply and they follow Tangle for a while until they reach the cave. They duck down behind the bushes to see Separatist droids outside of the entrance along with the slaved Citizens of Spiral Hill Village as they were forced to mine Crystals and other materials for them.
One Mobain fell from exhaustion but a battle droid walks over and kicks him follow by the droid say.
Battle droid: No time for a break, keep working.
The Mobian comply and slowly stand up and continues on working.
Tangle: (whisper) I'm going in there.
Y/n: (whisper) Hold on! First we see what we can do and then we strike. We don't wanna accidentally kill anyone.
Tangle: (whisper) Right sorry.
Brains zooms in on his helmet and see tracks that leafs to the entrance of the cave and soon a cart filled with crystals came rolling out of the cave and the cart stopped as the Mobian's each take a crystal ane carry them away.
Brains: (whisper) Looks like their not here just for a chaos Emerald.
Y/n: (whisper) What are they mining for?
Tangle: (whisper) I've over heard on of them mention something that involves making a secret weapon.
Y/n: (whisper) Secret weapon?
Tangle: (whisper) Yeah. I hear them taking about a droid that is programmed to deal with Jedi.
Brains: (whisper) I thought Grievous was this jedi hunter?
Y/n: (whisper) Seems like they wanna make another Jied hunter.
Y/n signals half of his squad and troopers to get into imposition and they did so. Once that Y/n pulls out two pulse grenade and so dose Brains. Tangle doesn't know what they are until they chuck them towards the site ane it lands near the battle droids and the pulls grenades detonate and shut down some of the battle droids.
Tangle was amazed while they break out of their cover and fire their blasters at them and take out the droids. The droids were surprised and they managed to take out a fee Clone troopers before they were gunned down by the clones.
Once the area was clear they break the chains off of the Citizens of Spiral Hill Village and they rush out of there while Noble Squad and Tangle stare at the entrance of the cave.
Brains: Looks like the rest might be in there as well.
Tangle: And Jewels as well.
Y/n turn to the Clone troopers behind them.
Y/n: Stay here and guard the entrance, if we're not back for a while then come and help us.
They all nod and Noble Squad and Tangle enter the cave to save the rest of the citizens and find out what are they planning.
We see them slowly walking through the tunnels of the cave and following the tracks below them so they can find the rest of the Spiral Hill Village people and break them out.
They check all other tunnels for a possible ambush but it seems clear for now. Tangle walks next to Y/n and asked him.
Tangle: So I heard that you all are actually clones? Is that true?
Y/n: Yeah, pretty cool that we have endless amount of brothers sticking with us.
Tangle: (smile) Super cool. If I have a Clone of myself, that would be cool. But then again, it will be a huge mess and Jewel might get nightwings of it.
Y/n: (chuckle) Probably. So you and Jewels know each other?
Tangle: (smile) Yep. We're best friends and she help me not to die, while I'm help her not pass out when someone comes to Rob her.
Y/n: (smile) Well at least you two have each other.
Tangle: (smile) Thanks.
She started to really like Y/n and wanna continue talking when Y/n rias his fist that cost his team to stop and they hear mining tools and drills in the distance and they could see light ahead of them.
They rush towards the light and once through they middle hide behind a large rock and peek out to see the rest of the village people mining out Crystals and loading them into carts.
They were surprised to see how many Crystals is there within the cave and Tangle sees Jewels struggling to rias up her pickaxe but she was exhausted.
Tangle: (whisper) There is she is!
They see Jewels slam her pickaxe onto the crystal before she have enough and fell onto the ground. A fee battle droids walks over to her and ask each other.
Battle droid 1: Is she dead?
Battle droid 2: Our orders are to kill anyone who doesn't comply to our orders.
Battle droid 1: works for me.
They aim their blasters at Jrwels and they were about to kill her unrik Tangle wraps her Tail at the battle droids and throws him away as he scream.
Tangle: Leave her alone!
They turn to see Tangle and Noble Squad and they open fire at her ans she quickly take cover.
Rusher: So much for stealth.
Y/n: Squad, return fire!
They return fire and take out a few battle and super droids while Tangle rushes over ane use her tail to take out the droids and made it to Jewels.
Tangle: Jewels! Jewels you alright?!
Noble Squad manage to take out the battle droids but a new problem came rolling in when two Droideka's rolled over and stopped to unforled and they stand in front of Noble Squads cover.
Y/n: Get down!
The Droideka's open their shields and fire their twin blasters at their cover. Red blastee bolts fly by them as they continue firing at their discretion.
Cleaner: Maybe we should bring some explosions after all!
Y/n: Let's deal with those rollers first.
One Droideka turn to see Tangle trying to wake up Jewels and it crawled towards them and once close it aims it's twin blasters at them.
Y/n: Oh no you don't!
Y/n rush out of cover while the second one fire at Y/n but Y/n rushes over and leaps on top of a Droideka and rides it like a cowboy.
Tangle turn to see Y/n just saved her life as Y/n took out his blaster pistol and fire a few bolts at its head and it shut down its shield and fell onto the ground.
Tangle was amazed by this while Y/n turn to fire at the last one but he sees Rushee slowly walk up behind the Droideka and managed to walk through it's shields and fire a single bolt at it's head and took it out.
Y/n give Rusher a nod to say thanks and he nods back. The rest of the squad came out of cover and scan around while Y/n bend down with Tangle ans check Jewels heart beat and feel it beating.
Y/n: She's alright. She just passed out of hunger and thirst.
Tangle: Thank the stars for that.
Noble Squad break the chains of the rest of the citizens and even find more at their cells and once that they lead them all outside and take them to safty.
We see them outside of the cave entrance with the rest of the Clone troopers as they take the citizens of Spiral Hill Village to get some rest and some food. Jewels and the once that passed out lay in bed placed down by the clones to get some rest while Tangle hopes they will be alright.
While the clones walk around and set up some defences around teh area, Noble Squad group up and Y/n place down ane holopad onto the ground and a hologram of Shaek appears in front of them.
Y/n: We managed to secure the cave and freed the citizens or Spiral Hill Village.
Shark: (hologram) Nicely done Squad. Were they any casualties?
Y/n: Two Clone troopers were killed when we found the cave. They didn't make it.
Shark: (hologram) That's terrible. Still, new orders has come up. We need your Squad to get behind enemy lines and shut down their defences within Spiral Hill Village. I'll give you more details once your get there.
Y/n: Yes sir, we're on our way.
The hologram call ends and Noble Squad walks to their gunships when Tangle rush over to them.
Tangle: You four going to Spiral Hill Village?
Y/n: Yeah. We have orders on enter the village and shut down their defences.
Tangle: Let me come with you. I know how to enter the village without detection.
They look at each other and they knew she isn't a soldier but seeing how she handle a squad if battle droids before they found her, she can handle herself. Plus they need someone to know guide them through the village.
Y/n: Sure you'll come with us but stay with us, got it?
Tangle: (smile) Awesome! I won't disappoint you!
Y/n smiles underneath his helmet and kinda like her personality while the gunship arrives and they claim on and once inside the gunship close the hatch and take off to Spiral Hill Village so they can complete their next objective for the Republic.
To be continued............
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