Chapter 23: Battle of Mercia (Arc 2)

We see the Blue Light arriving at Mercia as we see it flying through the sky while being company by two Z-95 star fighters so they can arrived at the base safe and sound.

We see Molly and Brains piloting it the Blue Light while Tangle walked into the cockpit and look out of the window to see the Z-95 star fighters which she was amazed seeing them.

Tangle: (smile) This is cool. You Republic have some cool tech.

Brains: Well there are other technology that is slightly better then the Republics.

Tangle: (smile) Yeah guess you can say that. Say thanks for bringing me on to this mission.

Molly: (smile) No problem Tangle. Besides Y/n believes that your skills could be useful in a forest mission.

Tangle: (smile) Well I'm gonna do my part and helping you guys out. Speaking of Y/n, where is he?

Brains: I think he's taking a nap at his quarters. Could you wake him up? We be arriving at the base soon.

Tangle: (smile) You got it!

She then leave the cockpit and make her way to Y/n's quarters, walking by Cleaner and Rusher playing Sabacc on the table with R2-JB watching them play. Soon Tangle arrived at his quarters as the door open and she sees him sleeping on his bed.

His helmet was on a table as Tangle walk over to his helmet and looks at it with interest. She then turn to Y/n sleeping as she get close to him and finding him sleeping peaceful is nice. She then gently touch his check which made him groan a bit while Tangle smiled and then she stare at his lips and her cheeks blushed.

She was thinking to do it but was not sure. She thinks about it for sometime and with a heavy deep breath, she lend in and was about to kiss him when she heard a beep and look over to see R2-JB staring at her which cost her to blush deeply and reply.

Tangle: (blush) I was gonna wake him up! I was....checking if.....he was still breathing?

R2-JB doesn't believe that for a second and then Y/n woke up as he sat up from his bed and look over to see Tangle and R2-JB.

Y/n: Oh hey there you two? We almost arrived at our location?

Tangle: (little blush) Y-Yeah! We're almost there.

Y/n: Alright then, let's meet up with everyone else and ready for our touch down.

Tangle agrees as he climb out of his and grab his helmet and put it on. Minutes later the Blue light arrived at the base as Z-95 star fighters fly by as the Blue Light make its landing at the landing pad.

Republic clone troopers were everywhere picking up supplies, marching around and checking equipment as Molly stay in the ship as Noble Squad and Tangle came out of the Blue Light and look around to see wooden houses being build on trees along with bridges connected to each other.

Tangle: (surprised) Wow this is amazing!

Brains: This is just like the Wookies homes on Kashyyyk.

Cleaner: Yeah except the ground isn't dangerous.

???: Greetings Noble Squad.

Then Friar approaches them as they turn to him as he bow down and introduce himself to them.

Friar: (smile) Welcome to our base. My name is Friar the buck, I keep all history and archives for the Mercia Freedom fighters and Republic forces.

Y/n: (saluted) It's a pleasure to meet you. We're Noble Squad and ready for anything.

Tangle: (smile) And Tangle as well! Hi, nice to meet you!

Friar: (smile) Anyways I believe you are eager to start your mission. Please, follow me.

They follow Friar and we cut to Lieutenant Ink, Bow, Rob and the other Mercia Freedom fighters gather around at the planning room when Friar came in with Noble Squad and Tangle behind him as they enter and they all turn to see them.

Y/n: Lieutenant Ink. Been a while since we last see you.

Ink: Same to you brother. Glad you made it here just in time, we got a situation that recently came up and we might need your help.

Y/n: Sure thing, what's the situation.

They approach the table that shows the map of the entire forest as Rob shows them the problem.

Rob: You see the Separatist forces have created a wall around the kingdom so we can't get through. At first we have plans to break in but another problem has came up.

Bow: Our dear enemies have a large communication station up and running and it will sent a transmission to call apon Separatist reinforcements if the kingdom is under attack. We may have better equipment but we can't hold off another wave of Separatist reinforcements.

Ink: Our plan is to take out that communication station so the Separatist will not call in reinforcements. This is where you Squad will go. You objective is to destroy that communication station so the Separatist will not call apon reinforcements.

Y/n: Sounds like a easy task. We'll get it down before you know it.

Rob: We appreciate with it. The communication station is just east from here, you won't miss it.

Y/n: Understood.

Ink: Take one of our BARC speeders to get there faster. Good luck Noble Squad.

Y/n: Thank you Lieutenant, we'll get it done.

(Soon later)

We see Noble Squad riding through the forest with BARC speeders with Tangle behind Y/n's BARC speeder as they ride through the forest and being careful not to ran into a tree.

Y/n: You okay back there Tangle?

Tangle: You kidding? This is fun!

Brains: We should be there in a couple of minutes.

Cleaner: You think this communication base is really huge?

Y/n: I wouldn't be surprised if it was.

Rusher: Say I have a feeling that we're not alone.

After he said that there was an explosion which they move out of the way. Then they spotted Spider droids on the trees as they open fire at them while they dodge their explosion bolts.

Cleaner: Thanks for that Cleaner!

Y/n: Stay focus Squad and dodge those bolts!

They did so as Spider droids continues to fire at them bit they dodge the incoming shots. Then suddenly Separatist STAP came  out of the forest behind them and then start to open fire at them.

Brains: Looks like they were waiting for anyone to coke through here. Which only means we just be close.

Y/n: We need to get rid of those droids.

Tangle: (smirk) Looks like this is a job for Tangle!

She leap on each of Noble Squad's Speeders and then leap up in the air and throws her tail at the first droids on a STAP and zip towards him and kick him off the STAP and then takes control of it as she turns it around and open fire at the rest.

They get shot and go down while Tangle leaps up onto another one and lands in front of a B1 battle droid.

Tangle: (smirk) Hey there, wanna see something cool?

She leaps away as the battle droids see a empty STAP tumbling back and crashes into the battle droid while Tangle lands on the last one and kicks the droid off and then rides up to Noble Squad.

Y/n: (smirk) Nice work back there.

Tangle: (little blush) Thanks.

Brains: We're approaching the base.

They turn around the corner and see the communication base up ahead. They see it being blocked by Super rocket battle droids as they aim their rocket arms at them.

Y/n: Rusher!

Rusher: On it!

He stand up with his foot against the lever as he pulled out his DC-17m Sniper mode as he aims down at the scope and then takes a singal shot which the bolt goes through the middle Super rocket battle droids rocket arm and seconds later blows up, opening a window for them to go through as they did so.

They shut off their speeders and climb out as the battle droids open fire at them while Noble Squad and Tangle take cover and return fire at them.

They take out the battle droids but then they get bolts raining on them as the battle droids were on the catwalk outside of the base as they open fire at them. They return fire and took them out.

Once that they rushed over to the door and they get to the door as Brains slice in the door controls and once that the door opens a bit.

Y/n: Cleaner, pop them.

Cleaner pulls out two pulse grenades and tosses them perfectly through the cracked door and once it goes off, Brains opens the door as Y/n and Tangle goes first with the rest behind them as they walk by the offline battle droids as they came up the steps and the battle droids at the other side of the hallway open fire at them.

They return fire while keep on going and take out many battle droids. A door open beside Cleaner and a super battle droid grabs him but the shoulder and attempt to kill him but Rusher blast the Super commando droid back with his shock blast gauntlet and then tosses a Detonator into the room with the supee battle droid as rejoin with the rest as the room blows up.

Seconds later they arrived at the control room and took out the battle droids inside. Tangle swings onto the second floor and tosses them onto the ground. After a while they clear the room as they gather around.

Tangle: Wow! That was awesome!

Cleaner: You can say that again.

Y/n: Okay team let's set up some explosions and let's get out of here.

And so they were each given explosion charges and they go around, placing them all around the communication base and set the timer up so they will have time to leave. After they was done they make theie leave and once there were outside they got onto their speeders and ride off just as the communication base blows up.

Y/n: Lieutenant the communication base has been destroyed.

Ink: (radio) Squad! We gotba situation! The base is under attack!

Y/n: By who?

Ink: (radio) A Bounty hunter! He's taking out all of our troopers! You must (explosion) They breached in!

Y/n: Lieutenant?! Lieutenant! Crap, the bass is under attack.

Tangle: That's not good.

Y/n: Yeah we need to get there and help them out. Maximum speed on your speeders Squad!

They did so as they head back to base to aid them in the battle before it is too late.


They arrived back but everything was in destruction once there. They climb off of their speeders and they look around to see everything was in flames and dead clone troopers are seen laying on the ground and Republic equipment and vehicles were destroyed.

Some survivors gather the injured once as Noble Squad and Tangle look around in shock.

Tangle: (shocked) This is horrible.

Brains: This isn't done by any normal Bounty hunter.

Y/n: Same.

Molly: Guys!

Then Molly rushed over to them as they turn to see her.

Y/n: You okay?

Molly: Yeah I'm fine including the ship. Luckily they haven't noticed it and the others during the attack.

Cleaner: That's good to hear.

Molly: But this Bounty hunter took Rob and Bow and.....the Lieutenant.

She decided to take him to him as they enter a tent and they see Ink bleeding badly while he is groaning in pain as they approach him.

Y/n: You alright?

Ink: Yeah I'm fine. Luckily for me he thinks I was kicked when he slap me across the room.

Brains: Who is this Bounty hunter who attacked here?

Ink: Durge. Durge attacked us and took Rob and Bow.

Y/n: (shocked) Durge?!

Tangle: Whose he?

Brains: One of the most extreme dangerous Bounty hunters that has ever lived. He's apart of a race that is immortal and unkillable. Not even a light saber strike would kill him.

Rusher: He also has a deep hatred towards Mandalorians and since we are DNA's from one, he sees us as Mandalorians to kill.

Ink: Still I believe he took Rob and Bow to Lord Hood's kingdom, possibly to brainwash him. If he does, he'll have ever intel of Republic battle plans that would weaken the Republic forces.

Y/n: We won't let that happen. Rest here Lieutenant, we got this.

Ink: Alright then. Good luck.

Y/n nodes to him and he gets up and turns to his team and called out.

Y/n: Brains gather every trooper and freedom fighters to gather around for a plan of attack.

Brains: Yes sir.

Y/n: Cleaner, Molly, check our equipment and vehicles and see if they need any repairs and quick.

Cleaner and Molly: Right.

Y/n: Rusher and Tangle, scout around and make sure this area is clear before we plan out our attack.

Rusher and Tangle: On it.

Y/n: Come on everyone, let's make them pay for messing with us.


We see Hood sitting at his throne when his twin doors open and Durge came into the throne room with Bow and Rob in hand as he tosses them in front of them as they were on their knees and they look up to Hood as Hood was impressed and look over to Durge.

Hood: Very good Bounty hunter. I might have to pay you triple for being both my enemies here.

Durge was slient while Hood gets up and walk over to the two amd then use his mind control powers as he tells them.

Hood: Now then, tell me everything you know.

To be continued.........................................

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