Chapter 12: The arrival
It was a nice day at Knothole as we see Republic Clone troopers doing their patrols around Knothole while also hanging out with other Freedom fighters on their break as Gunships fly over head, arrive to drop off supplies and weapons for Republic forces while we cut to the command centre where we see Zack is having a meeting with Mace Windu and Yoda.
They chatted for a bit and soon the meeting ends with the hologram of Mace Windu and Yoda disappeared just as Sally enter the control centre and walks over to Zack.
Sally: Hope I didn't disturb your meeting.
Zack: Not at all, in fact the meeting just ended.
Sally: (smile) That's good to hear. So what was the meeting about?
Zack: Nothing important. I was just updating them my progress on Mubuis and told me they will sent some back up to help us in our battle.
Sally: So more Jedi?
Zack: (smile) Indeed in fact, they've already sent a Padawan for me to train him.
Sally: Padawan?
Zack: They're like students of the Jedi order. Each knights and masters take up Padawan's one at the time and train them in the ways of the force and soon they take kn the trails and once that, they become Jedi knights. Of course there is another way to be Jedi knights such as do a heroic thing or impress the Jedi Council and even Grand master Yoda.
Sally: That sound very interesting. Do you mind me asking about the Jedi order?
Zack: (smile) Of course, ask away.
Sally: Is there only one order in the Jedi order or is there more out there?
Zack: There is only one unfortunately. Our duty is to protect the Republic at all cost. However during the old Republic there have been many Jedi temples made across the galaxy millions of years back but now they are left abandoned now.
Sally: That's a shame. It would be nice if there were a Jedi order here on Mubuis.
Zack: I don't blame you. If there were more temples across the galaxy then perhaps this war would have been prevented.
Sally: You think so?
Zack: Probably. Still what is the situation on that map decoding.
Sally: Nicole and Rotor are doing their best to decode it but I afraid it might take a lot longer then we thought.
Zack: (smile) That's alright. We just need to be patients and have faith.
Sally: (smile) Yeah. Hey I wanna know more about Y/n and his squad. They do act very differently to other clones even though they are Clone Commandos but I wanna know more about them.
Suddenly Zack gone silent which Sally see his face of worry as Zack thinks about telling Sally this but after a few nodes he turn to her and tell Sally.
Zack: Yes they do act differently towards thier Clone brothers but there is more difference between them and their Clone brothers.
Sally: What do you mean?
Zack: You see Sally unlike Clone troopers of the Republic, Noble Squad is different because they ca-
Suddenly Shark enter the room as he walk up next to Sally and tell Zack.
Shark: Sorry to disturb you sir but I've got an update that your Padawan has exit out of Hyper space and making it's way towards this planet as we speak sir.
Zack: Ah yes thabk you Commander Shark. I'll be at the landing pad to meet him right away.
Shark nodes as he turn to make his leave while Zack turn sto Sally and tells her.
Zack: (smile) I believe Noble Squad is with Sonic, Tails and Amy at the weapons room if you wish to see the Squads leader.
Sally: (smile) Sure thing. Thanks.
He nodes and leaves the room as he make his way to the landing pad he can't help but think about telling Sally the truth about Noble Squad and wonder would happen if Noble Squad find out the truth. Still when the time is right, he will tell them.
At the weapons room we see Rusher at the shooting range along with the rest of the squad with Sonic, Tails and Amy there as Rusher fire his rifle at the hologram battle droids and taking them out with no problems.
Amy: (smile) Wow that's very impressive Rusher.
Rusher: (smirk) What can I say? I'm the best sniper in the Grand army of the Republic.
Cleaner: Even though there is other clones that may have the same skills as you are.
Rusher: Oh shut up Cleaner.
Tails: I'm still interested of your primary weapons. They must be very useful in any types of situation.
Y/n: (smile) Yeah these DC-17m are the life savers for any Republic Commandos within the grand army of the Republic.
Brains: But sometimes we use other Republic weapons rather then just our own primary once.
Sonic: (smirk) Yeah it's good to change things up I time to time.
Amy: (smile) Like your gonna change your eating diet rather then having Chilli dogs?
Sonic: (smirk) Nope.
Tails: Things have been quiet. You think Zack may have a mission for you four.
Y/n: If so Tails, we be ready for them.
Sonic: (smirk) Yeah, never know what missions it might be but get ready when it comes.
Y/n: (smile) Agree.
Then the weapons room doors open and Zack came inside as Noble Squad stood up and salute to him which Zack tells them.
Zack: At ease. I'm just here to introduce to you all my new Padawan. He move out of the way and they see his Padawan as he bow down while he said.
Javier: Hello everyone. My name is Javier, a Padawan to Jedi knight Zack. It's nice to meet you all.
Sonic: So wait, what dose Padawan even mean?
Zack: (smile) Just means student for Jedi's who are ranked Jedi knight or master.
Sonic: (smile) Cool.
Sonic walks over to Javier and reach out his hand to him which he takes and they shake on it.
Sonic: (smirk) Names Sonic, Sonic the Hedgehog. It's nice to meet you.
Javier: (surprised) So your the new spaces that the public on Coruscant was talking about.
Sonic: (smirk) Oh so they know the famous and fastest thing alive Sonic the Hedgehog?
Javier: Well sort of. So are you making plans to join the senate?
Sonic: The what now?
Zack: Allow me to explain. The Galactic Senate is what forms the Republic and it's Government. Their a groups of people who lived in different regions on the galaxy or planet and get together to discuss things within the Republic. It's lead by a supreme Chancellor named Sheev Paplatine.
Y/n: The Senate has been around for years. According to the history books I've read, the Senate has been around since the Old Republic and still is till this day. However during the Separatist crisis, some members left to join the Separatist and....Well this is when the Clone wars started.
Amy: But why did they left?
Zack:....You see not all Senators aren't nice. Some fall to corruption either from greed or upsetting of power. Still most of the time the Jedi order will arrest those corrupt Senators for treason against the Republic but no matter what we do, the corruption will not stop.
Amy: That's horrible.
Tails: So what happens if we don't decide on someone who is a Senator?
Zack: I afraid the Chancellor will either abandoned your planet or if it shows as a threat then invasion will be the option but do not worry, since your in the middle of the war the Chancellor will give you all time to sort out the war and after that chose someone who will be your Senator of this planet.
Tails: That's good to here.
Sonic: So who will be our Senator for Mubuis?
Brains: Maybe the President of South Island?
Rusher: Don't think he might not do as Senator. What about Sally? She is a princess to the Acoen family right, that means she rules Mubuis so why not her.
Zack: Maybe but I'm sure we can sort things out once this battle is over.
Y/n: Well let's hope so sir.
Then the door open and Sally enter the room and see Javier next to Zack.
Sally: (smile) You must be Zack's Padawan. It's nice to meet you, the name is Sally Acorn.
Javier: (smile) Nice to meet you as well princess Sally.
Sally: (smile) Sally is fine.
Zack: (smile) So what brings you here?
Sally: I was wondering if i can borrow Y/n for a hour.
Zack: (smile) Sure thing. You heard her commander, make sure she won't get into any trouble.
Y/n: Yes sir.
The two left and once they left Rusher smirks while he lend his shoulder onto the wall.
Rusher: (smirk) They're totally on a date.
Amy: (surprised) Really?! That's so romantic isn't it Sonic.
Sonic: Yeah I guess.
Rusher: (smirk) Yeah in fact, why not you and Sonic go on one right now?
Amy: (surprised) Yeah I never thought about that! Come on Sonic let's-
They see that Sonic dashes off as Amy gets mad and chase after him while Rusher laughs while Javier was surprised by Sonic's speed.
Javier: (surprised) I've never seen anyone that can run as fast like that in my life. I don't even sense anything in the force around him.
Zack: (smile) That part of this planets powers. Now meet me at the dojo for your first training. I'll be there soon.
Javier: Of course master.
Javier leaves the room while Tails turns to Zack and asked.
Tails: So you don't mind if Sally and Y/n are dating?
Zack: (smile) That is the way of life Tails. We needed someone within our hearts. Just because he is a Clone, that doesn't mean they don't feel any emotions like droids. It's important to feel some emotions in our lives.
Tails: (smile) Guess so.
Zack nodes with a smile while he stills thinks about Noble Squad and Y/n as he thinks to himself.
Zack: (thought) When the time is right. I will tell them the truth.
We see Sally and Y/n walking around the Park as Y/n was given normal civilian clothes rather then having a full armor Commando armor on him. Sally decided to lay down on the grass while Y/n stood up and looks around.
Sally: (smile) You don't have to search the area Y/n.
Y/n: You sure? I don't want us to get ambushed from anything.
Sally: (giggle) No worries just lay down next to me and relax.
Y/n: Um sure.
He lay down next to her which is something he never done but he dose it anyways as the two lay on the grass and looking up at tge blue clear sky.
Y/n: You know I've never relaxed like this I my life.
Sally: Really? You never take a break once a while just to lay on the grass and look at the sky?
Y/n: No. Kamino doesn't have grasses or any land. You see, Kamino was flooded and now it's a water world. The kaminoans have lost everything during what they call the great flood. Many lives were taking and soon they turn into these cold and hardness aliens who destroy anything that were even a simple mistake.
Sally: So they were cruel towards you and to your brothers?
Y/n: Unfortunately yes. They want us to be the best and be perfect as ever. Any mutations or any mistakes to us will be destroyed but the Jedi order step in and put a stop to them. Most were trained to be Elite forces like us while some stayed at Kamino to do minor work like 99.
Sally: 99?
Y/n: He is a clone but he was a defective clones but he was saved just the last minute by the Jedi. He works around Kamino and let me tell you, he's very liked around many clones and he help them to deal with tough situations before and during the Clone wars.
Sally: (smile) He sounded like a great brother to you and to others.
Y/n: (smile) Yeah. If we get a chance to visit Kamino, we might show you to 99.
Sally: (smile) That sounds great. Say tell me, we're you or your squad team nearly know.
Y/n: Can't say. I don't remember anything when we were very young. In fact, I don't seem to recall anything before we were in our teens.
Sally: Really?
Y/n: Yeah. I do remember me being in a a tub like many other clones but something about the Kaminoans reactions was....weird. I believe they were doing their scans to see which Clone to be trained to be Troopers while some be trained as elite class of Clone troopers. When they got to me they looked shocked and whisper to each other while glancing at me. Then everything turn black and then....I work up, as a teenager along with my squad and all the training within our heard.
Sally: That is weird.
Y/n: Indeed. The Kaminoans told us that we must have lost most of our memories during the training but they said we be trained to be Republic Commandos.
Sally: Those Kaminoans are strange. You think they are hiding something from you and your squad?
Y/n: Maybe but I rather not ask them. Trust me, if you ask them even simple question, you may prey they won't throw you into the water to be eating by dangerous underwater creatures.
Sally: (smile) Well don't be afraid to ask me any questions.
Y/n: (smirk) To a princess who works throughout the war, you are a type of girl to keep her cool.
Sally: (smirk) That's what I am Y/n.
The two share a chuckle as they fall into silent as they look up at the sky when Sally yawns and wraps her arm around Y/n's which made him blush a bit.
Y/n: (blush) Um Sally?
Sally: (giggle) Sorry but can't help how warm you are, not to mention very comfy as well.
Y/n: (little blush) Th-Thank you Sally.
Sally: (giggle) No need to thank me. You know, you can't always act like a soldier all the time. You and your brothers are just like us. You all maybe clones but you have heart and a soul just like us.
Y/n: I guess. But sometimes I feel like we're expendable if we die.
Sally: (smile) Not to me or to any of us. What ever those Kaminoans tell you, your not expendable and your not droids as well. Your a loving being like us, and you will always be like us.
Y/n is surprised by those words and doesn't know what to say. Still he hugs Sally, he doesn't know why though but he hugs her which made Sally blush in surprise but smile as she hugs back as the two hugged while the sun sets down for the night.
Night came as Knothole's lights were on as we see Sally and Y/n walk back to Knothole HQ while other clones saluted to the two which they node back and soon they made it to the castle as Sally turns to Y/n.
Sally: (smile) I have a great time with you. Hope we can do this again.
Y/n: (smile) Same here. It was great having some tike with you.
Sally: (smile) Agree. Well time for us to get some rest, I'll see you tomorrow.
She was about to enter to the castle when Y/n takes her hand which Sally turns to him.
Y/n: Sally.....I just wanna thank you for....seeing me, my squad and my Clone brothers more then just expendable soldiers. It's very hard to remember back how the Kaminoans have treated us during our training before the Clone wars and how many times they tell other clones that we're their property and always will be.
Sally: (smile) It's no problem and don't worry. Those Kaminoans have no idea what true feelings are. Someday, they will learn.
Y/n: (smile) Guess so. Well I see you tomorrow.
Sally: (smile) Same but before you go, there is something on your cheek.
Y/n: Really? What is i-
Then Sally lend over and kiss Y/n on the cheek which made Y/n blush even more as Sally moves back while she too was blushing while also smiling.
Sally: (smile) There it is. Well see you tomorrow Y/n.
She turn and enter inside whike leaving Y/n standing there and touching his cheek and never have someone kiss him on the cheeks and this made his heart really weird all of a sudden and it feels.....Great.
He cracks a smile and turn to make his leave while we see Zack on the balcony with a smile as he walk back inside and tap something onto the holotable and and a hologram of Lama Su appear as he asked Zack.
Lama su: (hologram) Jedi Knight Zack I was not suspected you to call me in this time of our. I believe there is important you want to tell me?
Zack: I'm just updating you on Noble Squad and how well they are doing.
Lama su: (hologram) You mean "them" I see. How are they doing?
Zack: Doing great but I might have to tell them in the future someday. Soon they will know.
Lama su: (hologram) No. It's best they must not know. We need to keep this secret to us no matter the cost.
Zack: I understand your reason but these Clone Commandos will find out soon. It's the matter of time until they will find out soon.
Lama su: (hologram) I assist that you will not allow them to find out. If they do then we may have a problem in our hands if they tell other clones about this news. It will cripple the Republic and the war if the truth ever to be revealed. Still I must go now, update us on their progress.
The call ends as Zack signs to himself as he looks at the holotable while he thinks to himself.
Zack: (thought) I'm very sorry Noble Squad. I wish I would have tell you four sooner.
To be continued....................
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