Chapter 10: Can they protect my island?
It was a sunny morning on Angel Island as we see knuckles laying on top of the master Emerald like always. He was just relaxing as he shut his eyes while down below Clone troopers are seen moving around holding materials as they were setting up defences as gunships attached a turret to one of the tower while the sound that makes made Knuckles get a little mad so he open his eyes and take sat up and sees the Clone army construction some defences around the island.
Knuckles: Huh just some soldiers on my island.
He lay back down trying to get some sleep when his eye shot open and sat up to see clones on his island which gets mad as he yells out.
Knuckles: (anger) Hey! What the heck are you all doing on my island!
Clone trooper: Hey you must be Knuckles. Morning sir!
Knuckles: (anger) Don't sir me! I wanna know why you are on my island and WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO MY ISLAND!
Clone trooper: Sorry but we have orders to place defence on the island in case a Separatist attack.
Knuckles: (anger) Who give you the order to do that?
(Sometime later)
Knuckles: (anger) ARE YOU CRAZY!
We see Knuckles with Sally at the command center qs he slams his fist onto the table breaking it while Sally tells Knuckles in a calm way.
Sally: I apologise for some clones being on your island but we have no choice. If the master Emerald has even been captured by Eggman or the Separatist forces, then it will be a problem.
Knuckles: (anger) You can not be serious Sally? It's my island and who's idea even is this?
Zack: It was the Senate's idea.
Then Zack and Shark enter the room and walks up to Knuckles as Zack tells him.
Zack: The galactic senate are afraid that if one Choas Emerald can charge up a powerful weapon and destroy a ship, who knows what it will do with a master Emerald in the Separatist hands. We can't afford losing it to the Separatist.
Knuckles: (anger) Could you have told me that before you start construction defences on my island?!
Zack: I thought my Clone troopers already did that?
Shark: They told me Knuckles was asleep and they can't stand around and do nothing so they start working.
Zack: Oh I see. Still Knuckles don't you worry about anything, the clones are ready for any fight and they know what to do in situations such as a Separatist attack.
Knuckles: Fine but I'll look over them just in case, got me!
Zack: (smile) Of course I understand.
Sally: Don't worry Knuckles. They know what they are doing, they will keep your island and the master Emerald safe.
Knuckles: I hope so.
At Tails place we see Noble Squad standing around at Tails place whike he dose some upgrades to their helmets and weapons. Cleaner was the last one qs he finished up his helmet and hands it to him.
Tails: (smile) There you go. You can now calculate the chances of bigger explosion.
Cleaner: (smirk) Awesome! Thanks Tails.
Rusher: How are you so good at engineering from a young age?
Tails: When I was young I've mess around with some robot parts soon I've gotten used of making machinery.
Rusher: Sounds interesting.
R2-J8: (beeping)
Then R2-J8 came up to Tails while Tails have no idea what he is saying.
Y/n: He says is it possible to guve him upgrades like all of us.
Tails: Hmm well I've never upgrades a droid from another galaxy before. But I can give it a shot.
He gose to work while he works Tails asked them.
Tails: So how did you guys got your droid and your own ship?
Y/n: The Republic hand us them after a few missions. They believed they can trust us due to our strong independent and our free will.
Tails: Dose all Clone have that?
Y/n: Well not all. Some Clone Commando units can have their own free will and there is some that the Republic have to keep an eye on. But I believe all Clones due have free will and we follow orders to protect the lives for the Republic.
Tails: That's interesting. So can I ask how you were all creature? I just wanna know because it's interesting how another alien race created Clones so perfectly.
Y/n: Sure. On kamino we are made by the kaminaons to be the perfect soldiers. The DNA's were taking by a bounty hunter named Jango Fett and after a while we were born. The kaminaons did some trails and some clones succeed while some......Well let's just say it's a good thing the Jedi came and put a stop to that.
Tails: Why?
Brains: Usually any defective clones fails the trails will be killed but the Jedi stopped it and allow defective clones to work some jobs on Kamino. One such defective Clone was 99.
Cleaner: Disbite him being defective he dose have a strong heart towards us and see all of us as brothers.
Rusher: Yeah he wasn't so bad.
Tails: I see.
Y/n: Then when we gotten older we go do some training to test what we learn in training arena and if our skills were interested by the Kaminaons, they pulls one or all to special trainings and we be teachers by either bounty hunters or Jango Fett himself and depending on our skills we become special units like Arc troopers or Clone Commado.
Tails: (surprised) That is some interesting stuff.
Y/n: (smile) Yeah, if we have a chance maybe we can take you and the rest to Kamino and see how they done it.
Tails: (smile) That would be a dream!
Sonic: Yo guys, what's happening here?
Then Sonic arrives and walks inside to see what's going on.
Y/n: Nothing much. We were just telling Tails about Kamino and how we were made.
Sonic: (smile) Awesome, say your team is needed on another mission.
Y/n: What is the mission for today?
Sonic: (smile) Your going to Angel island to assist the other clones to place in defences around the island. Just in case the Separatist decide to attack while the defences are getting up.
Rusher: I've always wounder I'd they floating island thing is true or not.
Y/n: One way to find out. Noble Squad pack your things, we're heading out.
A gunship flies over the cloads and flies towards Angel island as we can see defences are setting up while the gunship make it's landing at the already finished landing pad. Soon Noble Squad, Sonic, Tails and Knuckles came out and Noble Squad was amazed that the rumours they heard are true and this island doss float.
Rusher walks over to the edge and looks down and asked Knuckles while he walks back.
Rusher: Gonna say, your home is pretty good. At least you don't have to deal with kids throwing eggs during Halloween night.
Knuckles: Yeah, Yeah, Yeah just stick with me and don't try anything.
Y/n: Sure thing. Lead the way.
Knuckles leads them as Clones walk by setting up some base camps while he greets Noble Squad and the rest while Knuckles mutter something in anger but calms down and tells Noble Squad.
Knuckles: This island has been around for many years and it has been till this day. I was giving the responsibility to protect the master Emerald from anyone who try to steal it and use it for their game.
Brains: Interesting. So how dose this island float? That would be impossible right?
Knuckles: The master Emerald is responsible for this island from staying up float. If gives up choas engrry that allow this island to stay up float. If it was taking off from the temple then the island will fall and land onto the ground, costing some choas from below.
Y/n: Guess we need to keep an eye on that and make sure it doesn't fall.
Sonic: (smirk) Yeah and it's a good thing we're here because Knuckles is kinda bad at his job. You might be strong but he gotten fooled many times by Eggman.
Knuckles: (anger) I did not get fooled by Eggman!
Sonic: (smirk) Oh really. Name one time that you weren't fooled.
Noble Squad stood there and wait for his answer until Knuckles shake it off and tell them.
Knuckles: Moving on. This island must be protected at all times and you must and I repeat DON'T TOUCH THE MASTER EMERALD!
Rusher: Yeah, Yeah keep an eye a large green rock, don't let any droids touch it and the rest otherwise it will fall.
Y/n: Don't worry Knuckles. Are clones are trained to protect important items and nothing will happen to this island or the master Emerald.
They arrived to the temple and just as Y/n said that a voice on top of the steps calls out.
???: Hello there boys.
They look up to see Rouge at the master Emerald which made Knuckles mad to see her here.
Sonic: (smile) Hey Rouge, trying to take the master Emerald again I see?
Rouge: (smirk) You know it. Must say Knuckles, I like your decorations around your island.
Knuckles: (anger) GET AWAY MY EMERALD!
Rouge: Mmmmm nope.
Knuckles: (anger) Don't make me kick you off it!
Rouge: (smirk) Make me.
Knuckles continues to scream and yell more while some chuckles are heard behind him.
Rusher: They fought like a marry couple.
Sonic: (smirk) Yep. It's mostly Knuckles who dose all the arguing.
Rusher: Well at least there is something interesting while we look around and make sure things are working alright.
Clone trooper: Sir's.
Then four Clone troopers walks over to them as they turn to see what's up.
Y/n: Report.
Clone trooper: Everything is working okay but we suddenly lost contact from base camp E. We think they may have problems.
Y/n: We'll check it out. Where is Base camp E.
Clone trooper: Go east, there is a nearby pond and at the other side is their camp. You couldn't miss it.
Y/n: Right, let's check it out Squad.
Sonic: I'll go with.
Y/n: Okay. Let's move out Noble Squad.
We see Noble Squad and Sonic making their way through the forest ti find Camp base E so they can see what is going on. They have to admit the forest in Angel island looks pretty nice to walk through when ever they feel like it. But they aim their blaster rifles as they scan through the forest and soon they break through the bushes and made it to the pond.
The pond looks very peaceful and they look at the other side to see the tower but no one else there.
Y/n: Sonic, see if you go over there and see if there is any clones there.
Sonic: On it.
Sonci dashes over and after a second later he came back and tells them.
Sonic: No clones. Everything is just empty.
Y/n: Right. Let's get around this pond and get a closer look.
They walk around the pond and once at the other side they see the camp was empty. There were no clones around and their weapons are missing as well. Brains gose over the tower and turns it back on while the rest search around.
Rusher noticed something on the ground and bend down and grab it and look at it.
Rusher: Sir, take a look.
He tossed the item over and Y/n catch it and sees to be a blaster pistol as he looks at it and see this was a surprise attack by someone.
Sonic: You think it might be the Separatist?
Y/n: Maybe but who ever did this must still be here.
Brains: Look! Tracks!
They walk over to Brains and they do see tracks leading them deeper to the island.
Y/n: Okay Brains and Cleaner, you two stay here and protect camp base E. While me, Sonic and Rusher see where who ever I was took our brothers.
The two node while Y/n, Sonic and Rusher make their way deeper to the forest to search for the missing clone troopers. A while to the walk they see something ahead that looks like a clone troopers foot sticking out of the bushes.
They rush over and pull out the body to see the clone trooper is dead. He was shot in the head as Rusher check his body.
Rusher: Looks like who ever it was most have shot this clone while he was trying to escape.
Sonic: Okay I can bet it must be the Separatist.
Y/n: Agree.
Suddenly a red bolt zoom by them and they quickly take cover behind the trees as red bolts zoom by them. Rusher changed his rifle to a sniper and thanks to his helmet being upgraded by Tails, he can calculate where the shots are coming form so he peak oit of cover while aiming down his scope and fire a shot. He hit his target as it fell out of the tree and onto the ground.
They walk over to see who was shooting at them and once there they were Separatist to see not a Separatist droid but a reptile like alien which Y/n and Rusher knew what it is.
Y/n: Looks like we have transoceans on this island.
Sonic: Tran what now?
Rusher: Their reptile like creatures that loves to hunt for sport. Their favourite hunt are wookiee's.
Y/n: They must be here to scout out this island and stop us form construction some defences.
Sonic: (smirk) Well there is no way those lizard like creatures ain't gonna catch me. We can handle them.
Y/n: Still we need to be careful. Who knows how many traps they set up for us. For now let's stay lower and quiet.
Sonic understood and they keep on moving, going deeper to the forest to find their camp and see what are they doing. After a while they hear laughter and talking as they hide behind the bushes and peak over to see a large camp filled with transoceans as they laughed, sharing their weapons and traps and other stuff as Y/n watch them.
They see the empty armors of the clone troopers and they feared the worse has come.
Transoceans: When will the Separatist come?
They turn to a Transoceans talking to their leader as their leader tells them.
Transoceans leader: Be patient. They say they will arrive to attack this island and we should be ready.
Transoceans: I hope so. And I also hope the pay will be great once this job is done.
Transoceans leader: The pay will be worth it for us. Now ready your weapons, we will attack soon as the Separatist arrives.
The Transocean nodes while Y/n signals sonic and Rusher to pull back and report this to the rest which they node. They turn and leave the arena to report this to everyone else about an up coming attack.
Once back at the temple they told all about an upcoming attack which angers Knuckles more to see now more will come but this time they are the enemy.
Knuckles: (angee) This is just great! Just great! Who else wants to take my Emerald!
Rouge: Do we know when they will attack?
Y/n: Can't say for sure but probably soon. Which is why we need to get these defences ready and be ready for an attack.
Rouge: Right. I'll order the troopers to double the time and have the defences ready as soon as possible.
Y/n: Thanks Rouge.
Rouge flies off while Tangle walks over to them as she waves to Y/n and the rest.
Tangle: (smile) Hey there! What's happening with you all!
Y/n: Hey Tangle, what brings you on the island?
Tangle: Sally sent me here to see how are things up here. So, what's been happening?
Brains: Nothing much, just that this place will be attacked by Separatist forces and Transoceans are helping them.
Tangle: Tran what now?
Sonic: (smirk) Their lizard like hunter creatures.
Tangle: (surprised) Well that's cool...if they were on outside but since they are not then not cool.
Y/n: (smile) It's good that your here. We could use an extra hand.
Tangle: (little blush) S-Sure thing. Glad to be here. Oh yeah, how you don't mind but I've brought someone that might help.
Then someone approaches them and walk beside Tangle and it revealed but he a robot that looked alien like as he tells them.
Gemerl: Greetings Clone army of the Republic. My name is Gemerl, I'll be assisting you in our battle against the enemy forces.
Rusher: Gemerl huh? Here I thought Omega was your only robot friend.
Sonic: No Gemerl is also a robot that was made by Eggman but chabged good. He is now programmed to be good and be Creams friend.
Brains: That's nice.
Gemerl: Is there anything that I can do to keep this island more protective.
Y/n: You can start by search around the island and see there is any more Transocean camps that we can take down.
Gemerl: Request granted. Be back.
He then flies off to search around the island while Y/n turns to everyone and tells them all.
Y/n: (smile) Well let's all help about and set up the defences around this island, because this might gonna be one crazy battle.
To be continued...................
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