Chapter 1. The Wave That Ended Humanity

Two months before the wave

It was a normal Monday morning that seemed kind of nice. But not to a boy named Kaze Sokudo, as he woke up in a pretty bad mood. Why you ask? Well because today is a school day, and for him, school was like a personal hell for him. The only good thing about it was that his two best friends would be there. Other than that, it was legit hell for the boy.

I mean why would he get out of bed just to go to a building where the same stuff that happens to him and his friends such as bullying or getting pushed around by everyone around them or even getting belittled or being a laughingstock in front of everyone like it's a daily routine as it plays on repeat? At this point school to him was hell, but he has no choice but to go, his parents would kill him if he were to skip school.

Kaze: Welp, I better get dressed and do my personal hygiene before I'm late...unfortunately."

The boy now known as Kaze slowly got out of his bed and walked over to his closet to put on his clothes.Once he got dressed and did his hygiene, he went downstairs to the kitchen where he was greeted by his family, consisting of his older sister, Hina Sokudo. As well as his mother Emi Sokudo and his father, Hideki Sokudo.

The Sokudo family were recognized due to the oldest daughter being a very famous and well-known scientist, hell she was always bombarded with fans wherever she went, compared to Kaze's, her life seemed so perfect... but he wouldn't allow such feelings of jealousy to show, as he was happy for how successful his sister was.

Hina: Morning Kaze.

Kaze: Good morning, Hina. And you too as well, mother, father."

Hideki and Emi: Good morning Kaze.

Both parents greeted their child as they all sat down at the table eating breakfast.

Emi: So...

Their mother said starting the conversation.

Emi: Kaze, are you ready for another day of school?

Upon the mention of that hellhole of a place, the boy's face scrunched up in disgust and anger.

Kaze: No not really, I'm really not in the mood to deal with the crap my friends and I go through on a daily basis. Like getting humiliated in front of the entire class to being beaten like a rag doll just to satisfy those people's ego!

Kaze remembered the things that went down every week once he stepped foot in that building.

Hideki: Well...not all things seem bad, at least you have your friends Iwao and Amai with you right? You guys pretty much have each other to depend on whenever those brats mess with you!

His father exclaimed as he was attempting to lighten the mood. His sister then chimed in as well.

Hina: Yeah! You guys are like your own little team. Iwao seems to be like the muscle of the group, he's pretty strong after all. Amai, despite his age is really intelligent, I don't understand why he gets bullied for being so smart, he could help humanity with his ideas, I might make him my partner for my inventions. And you Kaze, you have a good heart, it's in your nature to be kind. And you're a pretty fast runner as well, all three of you have your own traits that make you unique.

Kaze:Thanks I guess, anyway how's your research going?

Hina: Oh! It's going well, apparently there are these gems that have a really dark history but are really powerful. They're so powerful that they're known as the miracle gems! Just thinking about all the stuff I could do with those things to power my inventions makes me excited! I also learned that they could be residing either in South Island, West side island, or Angel Island.

Kaze: You do know that's a myth right? There's no such thing as an angel island.

Hina: Well I won't know unless I try! Besides if I can find those gems then maybe I can put an end to this war!"

Kaze: Right the war...

Currently they were in a war, once the news spread, it caused an uproar. People were taking extra precautions to where some people were living in bunkers.

Kaze's mom decided to interrupt the conversation between the two siblings as she continued on with what she was saying.

Emi: Anyway, I noticed that you seem to respect women, and won't lay a hand on them, but when the time comes for you to actually fight back and defend yourself against a woman you will despite your respect for them. You're a gentleman Kaze, one day you might be a ladies' man.

His mother said as she giggled into her hand.

His grandfather taught him to respect women, he instilled it in him. The only time he would ever lay a hand on a woman was only when he really needed to, such as defending himself or if his life was very in danger. And his grandfather was quite strict as well, his grandfather strongly disliked any violence against women but even he knew that you would have to lay hands or fight back against a woman whenever the time came and as such, he also instilled that in Kaze. Thinking about it now, it sent chills down his spine.

Emi: I also remember how at times; you would immediately become lovestruck the moment you saw a pretty lady, and you would do whatever it took to satisfy that lady's needs as long as she felt comfortable, it was so adorable. I even noticed you still carry that habit around with you, but you learned how to hold back and restrain yourself, although you can still become lovestruck or... what do kids call it these days...? Simp was it? Yes, I believe that's what it was called... Simp. I'd like to call it your simp mode. It's only rarely your simp mode is ever activated, you grew so much.

Kaze: M-Mom!!

Kaze blushed a crimson red, his mother was right though, he indeed was like that whenever he saw a beautiful woman but luckily, he learned how to control himself as to where his "Simp mode" as his mother liked to call it rarely comes out. But he did have one thought on his mind though.

Kaze:'Who would fall in love with some loser like me...?'

Emi: Anyway, Kaze you should eat your food and get ready for school. You wouldn't want to be late again.

Once again being reminded about school, he sighed and compiled as he ate his food. Once he was done. He quickly grabbed his bag and left through the front door, as he said goodbye to his parents and sister.

Hideki: Also, if those brats start a fight with you again or even lay their hands on you, kick their asses will ya?! You won't get in trouble if you do!

His father exclaimed as he was suddenly knocked on the head by his wife.

Emi: Hideki!

Hideki: What?! It's the truth though!

Emi: That doesn't mean you have to encourage it!

His now angry wife exclaimed as she grabbed him by the ear and dragged him back to the house. If there was anything Kaze learned after seeing his mom being pissed with his dad whenever he did something to piss her off, it was that women are indeed scary when they're pissed off, and no matter what you do, they're always right.

Shaking those thoughts off, Kaze soon began making his way to school. Mentally preparing himself for what's to come. On his way to school, he ran into two of his best friends, a boy with red hair in green eye, Iwao Chikara and a boy with yellow hair, Amai Yasashi. Just like Kaze, they were also looked down on by everyone around them during school, but they had each other to rely on whenever things got out of hand during school.

As Kaze approached the two boys, the blond one was the first to notice him as he exclaimed.

Amai: Look! He's here!

Gaining the red hair boy's attention, he turned around and smirked once he saw Kaze walk up to them.

Iwao: Well, look who finally decided to show up, what took you so long?

Kaze: Nothing much, just got caught up with my family and other stuff. Nothing unusual, anyway are you two ready to go?

Iwao: *sigh*Yep, let's just get this over with...the sooner the better." Said Iwao as they began making their way to school or as Iwao and Kaze called it, a literal hellhole.

Amai: Guys...

Amai called out to the two older boys as they stopped and turned towards him.

Kaze: What is it little buddy?

Amai: H-How long will we have to endure this...? I honestly don't want to go; those jerks always mess with us when we didn't do anything to them! And I honestly hate them, why are we always getting bullied?! WHY?!"


Kaze and Iwao didn't know what to say, they couldn't blame him for his outburst. The poor boy had it worst then they did whenever it came to the bullying and utter humiliation.

Kaze: Listen, Amai...there are unfortunately bad people in the world. They're just jealous because of how intelligent you are or it's because they feel joy tormenting and hurting others, that's just human nature. Now let's get to school before those "teachers" get on us for being late.

Amai: O-Ok...

The three of them continued on with their walk to school.

After ten minutes of walking, the three were finally in front of their school building. The three boys just decided to hurry and get the day over with so they wouldn't have to deal with the school's crap until the next day.

Before they could enter, they heard a voice call out to them. A voice that brought anger to each of them respectively.

???: Oh, look who we have here! It's the loser squad!

Kaze turned around with a bored look as Amai and Iwao glared at the boy and his group standing in front of him.

Kaze: Come on Kira it's too early for this crap. Can you and your lackeys just leave us alone for one day?

Kira: Now where would be the fun in that? After all, it brings me joy reminding you three losers where you stand here!"

The boy now known as Kira as he pushed Kaze to the ground, making him drop his school bag.


Kira and his squad laughed as Kaze's school supplies fell all over the place. Meanwhile Amai was checking to make sure Kaze was ok while Iwao was currently clutching his fist so hard that you could see drops of blood forming.

Iwao: You son of a-!

Iwao was going to go in for a punch but was cut off as Kaze called out to him.

Kaze: Iwao! Don't do it, they're not worth your time!

"...!" Iwao seeing that Kaze was serious, backed off.

Before Kira could continue their onslaught on Kaze the bell rung, indicating that their first class period of the day was about to begin.

Kira: Remember loser, this isn't over."

With those words said, Kira and his lackeys left the three boys alone to their thoughts as they were helping Kaze put his belongings back in his bag.

Once they were gone, Iwao was the first to voice his frustration as he was pissed with what Kira did.

Iwao: Kaze, why the hell did you let him walk all over you like that?!

Kaze: Trust me, Iwao... as satisfying it would be to see those people get what's coming to them. The teachers will end up giving you a punishment for simply defending yourself. And I don't want you getting in trouble.

Iwao: But-!

Kaze: And besides, one of these days, those guys and these people will get what's coming to them...consider it as karma coming back to bite them later on.

Iwao: ...I see, if that's what you think is best then I won't question it.

Kaze: Thanks, and thank you for helping me with my stuff. Now let's get to class and meet back here once school ends. Agreed?

Amai: Yep. I'll see both of you later.

Amai said as he turned around and went to his class.

Kaze: Welp c'mon Iwao, we don't want the teacher to hop on our asses about being late again, am I right?

Iwao: Yeah... now let's get going before I won't here end of it.

And with that the two boys made their way to their class. Everything went the same as usual, people would usually throw crumbled up paper in the shape of a ball and throw it Kaze and Iwao, both being annoyed with Iwao getting angrier the more paper they threw at him. Kaze was surprised he didn't lash out whenever they did.

Soon it was the end of the day as Kaze walked out of the classroom to meet up with Amai and Iwao. But when he got there, he saw Iwao and Amai getting surrounded by Kira and more of his lackeys.

Iwao was being held back by three of his lackeys, upon seeing this he stopped and his behind a corner, doing whatever he could to keep his anger from showing.

Kira: Well, well, what's this? Some kind of toy or something?

Amai: H-Hey! Give it back!

Amai tried to reach for the invention he made only for two of Kira's lackeys to hold him down.

Kira: And what are you going to do about it, shorty? Fight me?! Ha! Don't make me laugh!

Kira slammed the object on the ground and stomped on it, causing the object to break into little pieces.

Amai: N-No...

Amai looked on in devastation as tears threatened to leak from his eyes

Kira: Huh? Holy shit! The little baby is about to cry! Hahaha! What are you going to do cry for your mama?!

Kira and his lackeys began laughing at Amai's misfortune as Iwao had enough and shouted out.

Iwao: The hell is wrong with you, you ass! Leave him alone! Do you know how long he worked on that?!

Kira: And why the hell should I care? It was just a toy anyway-!

Kira was suddenly cut off as he felt something punch him right in the face. And that "something" was none other than Kaze as he glared at the group.

Kaze: You sick bastard! How's it feel having the tables turned on you huh?! Doesn't feel so good now does it?!


Kira didn't say anything as he placed his hand on his mouth, seeing that there was blood dripping from his lip, he glared fiercely at the boy responsible.

Kira: You...son of a bitch...! You busted my lip!

Kaze: And you deserved it!

Kaze quickly turned around to face Amai and Iwao.

Kaze: You two! Get out of here!

Iwao: What about you? You can't handle all of them on your own!

Kaze: I'll find a way and meet up with you guys later just go!

Seeing that he was serious the both of them took their chance to leave the building, leaving Kaze alone with Kira and his 5 lackeys.

Kaze:'Ok think Kaze think! There's five of these guys, I'm completely outnumbered, and if I try fighting, I'll get jumped...I'll just outrun them, I'm faster after all.'

The boy ran down the street as Kira and his group were following behind them. He didn't know what to do, he was running out of options as well as hiding spots. He figured he should have just given up and suffered another beating from Kira and his group.

That was until a crazy thought popped up in his head. Apparently not far from here we're the woods as well as a mountain. It was abandoned and no one seemed to go there due to rumors about people disappearing and never returning, it was the perfect hiding spot where he could lose those jerks and get them off his tail.

Kaze:'Those jerks aren't stupid enough to follow me in here.'

While Kaze entered the woods, the group of five came to a stop as they realized exactly where they were.

Lackey 1: *pant* dude... *pant* there's no way in hell I'm going in there...

Lackey 2: heard of those rumors, right?

Kira: Tsk! That loser was always fast... come on, let's go! We'll get him another time, besides there's no way the loser will survive being in there.




Kaze was now out of the woods and on the mountain looking down at the city as well as Kira and his gang. Seeing that they left, he sat down to catch his breath as he enjoyed the view.

Kaze: Honestly, this was probably one of the dumbest things I came up with, but at the same time it was pretty smart... I don't get why people don't come here; despite some rumors this place is pretty cool and would make for a great training spot.

After sitting on the mountain for at least five minutes, Kaze decided it was about time to go home. As he began making his way down the mountain, he didn't realize that there was a hole right in front of him.

Kaze: Man... what am I going to tell mom when I get home...? She'll kill me."

Kaze was talking to himself, unaware of his surroundings.

Kaze: Maybe I could-!

Kaze was cut off as he felt himself falling as he let out a scream that was fading the deeper, he fell. His heart was racing, so many thoughts clouded his mind.

Kaze: 'What's going on? I'm scared. Am I going to die? Will I ever see my family and friends again?''

He kept falling deeper and deeper, until everything suddenly went black.





Kaze: Ugh...what's going on...?

Kaze slowly opened his eyes as he slowly sat up to get used to his surroundings. When he looked around, he realized that he was inside the hole he fell in as well as noticing that there was some kind of generator of some sorts.

What appealed to him the most though was that it looked like it was down here for quite some time but seemed to be working perfectly as it was powering from blue electricity. And from the looks of it no one has been down here for a long time. He also noticed six gemstones that came in the colors blue, yellow, purple, white, red and green sitting right next to it.

Kaze: Just what is a machine like this doing all the way down here? And how is it even working to begin with? And what's with this blue electricity?

As he got closer, he leaned his hand closer as to try and touch it. Although as soon as he touched the generator, it began malfunctioning as it had an electric discharge as it shot out the blue electricity towards Kaze. As a result, he was hit with the blue electricity and was blown away from the generator.

Kaze:*cough* *cough* Today just isn't my day, is it?"

Kaze slowly stood up while dusting himself off, when he looked at the generator, he noticed that it didn't have the blue electricity like it did before and the six gemstones that were near the generator were gone.

Kaze: Where did the gems go? They were right here?

Kaze: 'Maybe it had something to do with me touching the generator.'

Quickly shaking off those thoughts, Kaze looked up to see that it was indeed still day out, but the sun was setting. Seeing this made him remember that he had to get home.

Kaze: I always wanted to try this; I just hope I won't fall on my head after this.

Kaze took a few steps back and started running towards the wall and to his surprise he actually was running on the wall. Before he knew it, he was out of the hole and back on the route he was taking when he was walking down the mountain.

Kaze: H-How did I do that?! I was running so fast that I ran on the wall, and I don't feel tired at all!

Realizing that he was faster than he usually was before, this gave him an idea. Kaze started running through the forest, and towards the city. He kept running and running and soon enough he was going faster and faster. His speed was increasing by the second as everything around him was already starting to become a blur as he ran. Kaze felt so free, so alive, so he kept running towards his home as he screamed.

Kaze: AW YEAH!!!!

Once he got home he was shocked that he made it back in less then a minute probably 30 seconds, he was greeted with his parents standing in front of the door with a stern look on their faces. Kaze already knew this was going to be long night, today definitely wasn't his day.

Emi: So, mind explaining to us why you came home so late Kaze?

His mother asked as her glare seemed to pierce through him in a second as he began to explain on why he was so late in coming home.

Kaze: Well, I was meeting up with Iwao and Amai until I saw them getting harassed by those bullies. And the main instigator destroyed Amai's invention that he worked so hard on and began to make fun of him because he was about to cry. I so angry that I wasn't thinking at the moment and charged right in to help. I punched the dirtbag in the face and I ended up busting his lip.

Hideki: That's my boy!

Kaze's father exclaimed as he felt proud of the fact that his child stood his ground and fought back. But that excitement was short lived as his wife smacked him on the back of his head.

Emi: Please continue.

Kaze: Y-Yes ma' seeing that I was completely outnumbered and stood no chance against all of them, I made a run for it, seeing that I'm faster than them. They chased me all over town, and I decided to run into the woods and up the mountain and stayed there until they left me alone. That's why it took me so long to get here.

After his explanation, there was a brief silence in the room until his mother once again spoke.

Emi: Well seeing how you were protecting your friends, I'll let it slide... but next time try getting home a bit early ok?"

Kaze: Yes ma'am!

Emi: Good, also dear make sure you put on a new pair of shoes.

Kaze looked down in confusion and to his surprise, his shoes were completely worn out.

Kaze:'They probably couldn't handle how fast I was actually going... I'll have to test this out tomorrow. And talk to Hina to see if she can make some kind of friction proof shoes.'

Kaze: I-I see...I'll be going now, goodnight.

Emi: Goodnight, dear"

His mother bid the boy goodnight as she turned towards her husband.

Emi: Honey... I think it's time you gave him the book.

Hideki: Hm? Are you sure...? You seemed pretty against him fighting....

Emi: I... I know but I want what's best for my baby boy. And after hearing his story and the reason behind why he was so late, I can only imagine what would've happened if those horrible children got their hands on our baby boy!

Hideki: Alright then, this will help him in the long run. I'll put the book on his desk when he's asleep, is that good with you?

Emi: Yeah, as long as he learns how to defend himself, it's fine with me...

Hideki: Ok then...

The couple then hugged each other as both of them were worried about the wellbeing of their son. Meanwhile with Kaze, he was in his room going over the previous events that happened during his time in that hole.

Kaze: That generator, seemed to do something the moment I touched it... I'm much faster than I was before, so from that I can come to the conclusion that I have super speed... no scratch that, supersonic speed. And about those six gems... where did they go...? They disappeared the moment I touched the generator...!"

Kaze couldn't even finish his sentence as he passed out on his bed, unknown to him, his body was undergoing some changes at the moment due to what happened when he touched the generator as well as the blue electricity that shot out at him. So, while his body was undergoing these changes he was sleeping soundly until the next day unaware that these events would change his life for the better...




Kaze woke up earlier than usual, why you ask? Well, that's because he was eager to test out his new abilities and power and perfect them to its peak. But of course, he would have to get ready before doing that. He went to his closet and put some clothes he felt comfortable in and went to his mirror to comb his hair, but he noticed some things. His hair was still the same shade of black as it always was but now, he had blue highlights in his hair, and his hair seemed a bit spiky as well.

Kaze: Hmmm....It must've been due to what happened yesterday at the mountain.

Once he was done doing what he had to do, he was about to leave until he noticed a book on his desk, it was titled "The Secrets of Black Leg".

Kaze: What a weird name... but I'll take it with me anyway."

Kaze grabbed the book and packed it inside his bag as he left through the front door. It was currently 6:15 in the morning and school won't start until 8:00 so he had plenty of time on his hands. As Kaze made his way to the forest, he went up to the mountain.

Kaze: Ok! This place seems pretty good to run around. We'll test my speed and then we'll get into the book.

And that's what he did, for most of the time he ran around the mountain at least 20 times. He learned that he is so fast that he has the ability to instantly accelerate to the speed of sound and run at speeds far greater than Mach 1, which is at least the blistering speed of 768.

That was his current speed limit, he wondered if he could go further beyond and reach new heights, but of course he would have to train and keep running for that.

He also learned that due to his speed, he is able to scale vertical surfaces and ceilings. That explains why he was able to run up the wall to escape the hole he fell in. He then spent the remainder of his time reading the book he found on his desk.

Apparently, The Black leg, is a fighting style that mainly focuses on kicks as well as repurposing the use of hands into acrobatics such as handstands to augment the force and range of kicks and to prevent the hands from being damaged during a battle, it boasts a wide and impressive array of kicking techniques coupled with superior acrobatic skills, making it an extremely versatile martial art, able to effectively weave continuous and powerful attacks upon adversaries and overpowered numerous enemies at once with incredible efficiency.

Kaze: Man now that I think about it, this fighting style combined with my speed makes a great combination. Well let's not waste anytime!

For the remainder of his time there, he spent it on training his legs, the methods he used were stretching, doing squats, and doing another 20 laps, and other work out routines, it turns out he couldn't get tired of running at all, as well as the fact that he was physically stronger then he was before so training his legs wasn't much of a problem since he could train by just running alone.

His body must've undergone some changes to where he's not a normal human anymore. And to be honest he still felt weird so his body was probably and still is undergoing some changes at the moment.

Kaze: Ok, It's 7:30. I should get back and take a shower before my parents catch me again.

Kaze as he speed off towards his house. In a span of seconds, he entered his house through his window, took of his clothes and placed them in the washer, took a nice hot shower, and got into his school clothes.

Seeing that his parents and sister were likely awake at this time, he made his way to the kitchen where he greeted his parents and sister.

Kaze: Morning mom. Morning dad. And you too Hina.

"Good Morning Kaze."

Once the food was done cooking, they all sat down at the dining table. And began eating their food.

Kaze: Hey sis, are you alright? You seem stressed.

Hina: Hm? O-Oh yeah, I'm fine! It's just the inventions I'm working on are taking a lot out of me.

Emi: Well don't work to much, you need to rest sometimes.

Hina: Don't worry mom I won't.

Emi: Good, also Kaze, shouldn't you be going to school? It's 7:45.

Kaze: Oh crap! You're right! I almost forgot, thanks for reminding me mom!

Kaze placed his bag on his back and ran out the door, he figured if he ran at his "normal" speed so he wouldn't draw to much attention to himself.

Once he got to school, he was greeted by Amai and Iwao who thanked him for what he did the day prior. Although Kaze shook it off saying he would've helped either way because they're his friends. They then said they're goodbyes as they went their separate ways, Amai going to his class while Kaze and Iwao went to theirs.

The day went by relatively quickly, as surprisingly nothing special happened, aside from the casual teasing from the other students. The only thing that was surprising to them was the fact that Kira and his gang weren't messing with them. And that was suspicious to them. But they brushed it off and decided to enjoy their chance to finally have a normal day without going through the crap they usually went through.

One month before the wave.

It has been exactly one month since Kaze has gotten his powers of supersonic speed. As well as learning more about black leg. Since then, he was able to get a pretty good handle on his speed, as well as learning more about black leg and learned some techniques of the fighting style, he still has a long way to go of course but his progress was really incredible.

During that whole month, Kaze realized his shoes wouldn't be able to handle his speed. So, he went to his sister to see if she could make him some friction proof shoes, so that way he won't end up wearing them out whenever he's out running. She agreed and asked him if he had a specific design for the shoes, in which he did.

And once she was done, let's just say this was the outcome. They were red sneakers with a white strap of some kind for each.

His sister outdid herself when it came to these. Now he could go out on runs without destroying his shoes. He also decided to use his power and newfound skills for good. Although it was only at night when he was out and about doing his good deeds. Although it took some time, he was able to make his suit for when he went out.

It was a blue pair of pants with a white pattern in the middle and on the back of the pants a short pointy tail that came with a sleeveless jacket that had the same pattern. The hood of the jacket consisted of four spikes that resembled quills it also came with a pair of white gloves. Kaze based the design off of his favorite childhood hero.

Needless to say, whenever he had time, he would go out around nighttime wearing his outfit and went around helping others. His first time doing this was when he stopped a bank robbery from happening and shortly after, he was on the news.

They dubbed him as this mysterious "blue blur" as he was literally a blur, and he was going too fast for any viewers to keep up with him. So, for the first and second half of that month, he's been going around helping people as "the blue blur" and training and working on black leg.

And he pretty much did the same thing for second month as well. By this point in time, "the blue blur" was already popular as he was trending on social media with a pretty large fanbase.

But... all good things must come to an end. After two months have passed, it was last day of school. Kaze as well as Iwao and Amai were pretty happy that they wouldn't have to deal with the school or the people in it for the next 2 months.

The day went by pretty quickly, as Iwao and Kaze were getting ready to leave so they could meet up with Amai. But before they could even leave, a voice they knew all too well called out to them.

Kira: Hey! Hey! What's with the rush? Don't tell you two are already leaving before we even get to say goodbye.

Iwao turned around as he was already pissed with the asshole in front of them.

Iwao: I should've known something like this would happen... you and your group of asshats just won't give us a break, will you?!"

Kira: Now come on red, did you really think I would leave you guys alone? I only left you alone for two months because it's more fun to bully you guys on the last day of school.

Kira and his group laughed, this in turn was getting everyone's attention as they crowded the group and started chanting the word "fight" over and over again.

Kira: You know? Maybe when I'm done with you, I may give your mom and sister a little "visit" and probably have my way with them, haha!

Hearing this made Kaze angrier than he already was. Bullying him and his friends was one thing but talking about his family in that kind of manner was definitely going too far. What disgusted him the most though was that everyone was laughing instead of helping.

Kaze: Iwao...let me handle this...!

Kaze walked towards group of 5, mainly Kira. He glared at them with a face full of anger as he walked closer and close to them.

Kira: Oh! The loser is going to fight us?! Is five against one dumbass what are you going to do-!

The boy couldn't even finish his sentence as he felt a strong impact that made contact with his face.

Upon witnessing it, everyone was shocked to shunned silence. It turns out Kaze had done a roundhouse kick that sent Kira tumbling to the ground as he felt his right cheek bleeding.

Immediately becoming enraged, he sent his lackeys to attack him. But it was all futile as, Kaze did a handstand and began to spin rapidly as his kicks sent each of his lackeys tumbling to the ground just like their boss.

Kira was now slowly becoming scared of the person in front of him. Even he knew that...

Kira(sweating bullets):'This isn't the same loser I bullied... what the hell happened to him?!'

As he was thinking this, he was unaware that Kaze was currently glaring down at him. The other students aside from Iwao who was currently cheering Kaze on, didn't know what to do, they all knew this wasn't the same kid they bullied and messed with, if anything they were now scared of him.

But before anything could escalate any further, the fight was interrupted by an alarm.


Kaze and Iwao were both shocked, and shortly after people started screaming in horror and panic saying things like.

"I don't want to die!"

"I'm to young!"

"I'm scared!"

It was really serious, Kaze was stunned until he felt a hand on his shoulder.

Iwao: Kaze! Let's find Amai and get out of here!

Kaze: R-Right!

They ran out the building looking for their small blond friend. They were fortunate enough to find the blond boy standing outside of the entrance of the building.

They didn't really have time for words so once they found Amai. Kaze and his two friends immediately took off to the direction of his house. Explaining that his parents called and wanted him and his friends there.

Once they got to his front door, he slammed it open as he looked around the house for any sign of his family.

Kaze: Mom?! Dad?! Hina?! Where are you guys?!

The sudden noise made Kaze's parents come up stairs from the basement. Upon seeing Kaze, they ran up to him and hugged him very tightly as they were happy to see their son/brother safe.

Emi: Are you ok Kaze...?

Kaze: Y-Yeah...I'm fine just a little scared that's all, but enough about me! We have to hurry and get to the shelter-!


Hina: Alright! They're done, come down here quickly!

Hina called from the basement.

His parents looked at each other and nodded as they looked at the three boys down to the basement, what they saw shocked them a bit. In front of them were three different water tanks that looked like we're about to be launched somewhere.

As Kaze voiced out their confusion by asking what it was. His sister gave a very quick and simple explanation, she explained that it will put whoever is inside it to sleep and protect them from the wave. Hina built this under 2 months. That explains why she was so stressed.

Kaze: W-Wait then what about Iwao and Amai?!

Hina: They're going with you, and don't worry we already talked to their parents beforehand, and they already agreed."

Kaze: B-But I-

Iwao: Kaze... If our parents agreed for us to go in those things, then it must have been for a good reason. And besides I just know we'll meet each other again in some way shape or form

Kaze: Iwao...Amai...

Iwao: So, until then, take care of yourself alright...?

Kaze: ...Y-Yeah.

As a final goodbye, the three boys fist bumped. Although Kaze wanted to have a few moments with his parents. The two boys went into their pods and immediately passed out as the tank was then covered in some kind of metal.

Kaze: T-There has to be some other way...! Maybe we could-

Hina: I'm sorry little brother, but we already decided.

Kaze: But I'm not-

Before Kaze could say anything, his mother hugged him tightly with tears in her eyes as she smiled warmly.

Emi: M-Make sure you never forget us ok sweetie. You're my baby very special lovely boy... we will always be watching over you, ok?

His father then joined the hug as he smiled sadly.

Hideki: Kaze, my wonderful son...I am so sorry that we won't be able to watch you grow into a strong man. But I know deep down that even after this, you'll still help people no matter how much time passes after this. And for that, I'm proud of you, my son.

And next, was Hina as she hugged him and petted his head as to comfort him, she could tell he was crying.

Hina: I'm going to miss you so much Kaze, you're my little brother. And I am so proud of you...and I'm proud to call you my little brother. I know that one day, you'll end up making lots of friends, you'll end up finding people who care very deeply for you... so make sure you help them like you have been doing for the past 2 months ok?

Kaze: W-Wait you knew...?!

Hina: Of course, I knew, and I know that you'll continue helping people. I know you'll end up being a hero in their eyes... we all love you and are proud of you Kaze.

After a few more minutes off hugging, they broke it off and placed Kaze in the pod as well as his bag inside it as well.

Kaze: W-Wait a second-!

Kaze fell asleep due to some sleeping gas that was released inside the tank Kaze was in. His tank was then covered with the same metal that was covering Iwao and Amai's. His sister set the coordinates for the three separate pods and pressed the button that sent them far from the city. At that moment, the wave came in, destroying everything in its path including Kaze's family.

Humanity was wiped out, all except for three boys. And their names were, Kaze Sokudo, Iwao Chikara, and Amai Yasashi. And this is their story of how they became one of the greatest heroes and protectors after their 10,000 year slumber.

To Be Continued...

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