Chapter 41: Merry Squidmas! Part 2
2:00am in Candy Cane Lane..
After we had discovered the Father of Squidmas existence and traveled to the North Pole in order to complete our special mission assigned by Cap'n Cuttlefish. We're currently visiting around the town called Candy Cane Lane.
Callie's POV
Lai and I were currently hanging around the town plaza while Marie was still watching the Northern Lights on the roof.
Callie: Man, this place is wonderful, isn't it?
Lai: Yeah, I wonder if we able to visit here again somehow.
Callie: Aww... You already start thinking about it. How thoughtful.. ^^
Lai: It's our favorite season, Cal. I just wish we can hang around here together more often.
I entwined my arm with his...
Callie: Then, how about in next year of Squidmas? I'm sure the Elves will come and visit us again!
Lai: Maybe if we get enough sleep first, Cal.
Callie: Oh yeah! Good point there!
We walked and looked around the view of the town. It's so perfect that no matter how many times we viewed. Then, I noticed the children were having fun in their snowball fight. I stopped and Lai sensed that one coming..
Lai: What's wrong, Cal?
He notices the children as well, then I sigh..
Callie: *sigh* I really missed the old time tho. When we're young, Marie and I were used to be playing snowball fight in Calamari as well.
He smiled and chuckled...
Lai: Then, your wish is about to come true...
Callie: ?
He grabs a small pile of snow and then rolling it into a snowball.
Callie: You mean..!
Lai: Yeah, we'll be playing it while we still can! Time's still early tho!
Callie: Okay! *smile*
I grab the snow on the ground and roll it into a snowball. Then, Lai starts the attack first..
Callie: Hey! Not fair!
Lai: Come on! Give me your best shot! ^-^
Callie: And don't expect that I'll go easy on you! ^^
I strafe to the right as Lai throws another one, causing it to miss then I successfully counterattack to him.
Callie: Got you!
Lai: *chuckle* I just got warm up!
They both laughing with joy as they started their snowball fight.. Marie was watching them from the roof.
Marie: I never actually say it but those two are so cute tho.
In the meantime...
Octarian: Report in, spotted two of them at the Plaza and the last one still haven't in sight yet.
???: Good, keep following them. I'll be waiting for the updates.
Octarian: Yes, ma'am..
Transmission ends..
In Santa's house, the fireplace fills the room with a cozy warmth and Cap'n was currently viewing the snow through the window..
Cap'n Cuttlefish: Such wonderful town you had, my kids will be loving it so much.
Santa: Oh, it's part of my job to make them smile with happiness and it makes this Squidmas year all worthwhile, year after year after year. Anyway, I had checked on that little boy tho.
Cap'n Cuttlefish: You mean Agent 3?
Santa: Yes, I had checked his whole story and this is interesting..
Cap'n Cuttlefish: What do you think?
Santa: I could feel it tho. His spirit is just like a guardian tho.
Cap'n Cuttlefish: What do you mean?
Santa: He must be taking a good care for someone else in his life.
Cap'n Cuttlefish: Oh, he's looking after my granddaughters.
He twirls his beard...
Santa: Hm... I see... To him, they are just like as precious as diamond. Especially that long hair, it's like a spirit that is protecting and warming another one.
Cap'n Cuttlefish: Yeah, even I could feel it tho. I would be relieved if I hand those two to him. Then, I'll have no regrets in my life if I'm gone.
Santa: Hey, don't spout nonsense like that. I'm sure they'll look after you as well.
Cap'n Cuttlefish: Yeah, sure they will..
Santa: Okay, I'll go check the progress in my factory right now.
Cap'n Cuttlefish: Take your time.
He went to the Toy Factory where the toys are shipping and receiving...
Timeskip... 3:00am
Callie's POV
We're sitting on top of Yuletide Hill where we can view the whole town glistened with lights and the night sky lit up all green and purple known as the Northern lights. I'm currently resting in Lai's arms in my Squid Form.
Lai: Geez, you don't have to always rest in my arms, Callie...
Callie: I can't, it's so warm and cozy here. ^^
We started taking a view at the town.. Lai asks me..
Lai: So how's the view?
Callie: It's really nice and it's like a dream for me.
Lai: Yeah, me too..
Callie: Oh! Let's make a wish then! It'll be great!
Lai: Do you had any in your mind?
Callie: Yeah, I do have!
Lai: Mind if you speak it out?
Callie: Nah, I'll just speak in my mind, it's better in that way and it's a secret tho.
Lai: Aww... I thought I could hear it out from you.
Callie: What about you? Don't you had any wishes too?
Lai: Um... Well..
I could feel his hugs started to become more tighter..
Lai: I don't have any and I couldn't think any for that.
Callie: Are you sure?
Lai: Well, I wish I could spend my whole life with you and Marie forever and never be drifted apart. That's the one and only wish I had..
He blushes and scratching the back of his head, I chuckle a bit..
Lai: What? Isn't that good enough for you?
Callie: No, it does count as a wish. But I'd expect you would say that. And..
Lai: Hm?
I grab his shoulder with my tentacles and climb up to his face with still in my Squid Form. Then, I plant a kiss onto his cheek.
Callie: I wish that your wishes would be come true..
His eyes lit up in surprise...
Lai: Callie... Don't tell me that's your..!
I mute his lips with my tentacle.
Callie: Shh... Don't say it out loud. It's a secret, remember?
He nods and beams at me..
Lai: Yeah...
I pull his face close to mine to kiss him even more. We close our eyes to enjoy the moment as much as we can.
Callie: I love you, Lai.. 💖
He replies back..
Lai: I love you too, Callie. 💙
We broke the kiss as we got a call from Marie, we turned on our mic.
Marie: Guys, you hear me?
Callie: Yeah, what's wrong?
Marie: The Octarians had sneaked into the Toy Factory. Meet up at the Center Plaza and secure Cap'n and Santa's safety.
Callie: We'll be there! Be careful!
The call got hung up..
Lai: Damn it! This ain't good..
Callie: C'mon! No time to waste, we gotta hurry!
We rushed our way back to the town and meet up with Marie at the Center..
Lai: What happened?
Marie: Well...
In the Flashback...
Marie's POV
While I was on the roof watching Callie and Lai leaving the town together, I notice someone was watching them as well from the alley. I secretly followed him from roof to roof till I arrived the alley where he was. Then, I start eavesdrop him..
Octarian: Report in, the targets had left the town and currently in Yuletide Hill. Should we start our attack?
???: Good, now's the time! Infiltrate the factory and I'll be there soon. No matter what it costs. DO NOT fail me in this mission!
Octarian: Yes, Gale. We won't!
He left the alley after done calling...
Marie: Looks like they had made their move now..
Flashback ends...
Lai: Grr... I didn't notice that at all..
Marie: Not the time to complaint, let's go check if they're fine.
Callie: Yeah! We should go!
We all headed to Santa's house as fast as we can.. As we arrived there, we saw Cap'n was waiting for us outside the house with worried looks..
Cap'n Cuttlefish: Agents, I'm glad you came! Santa had been captured!
Marie: Yeah, we just knew about it. Where they took him?
Cap'n Cuttlefish: In the Toy Factory, just behind the door in the house.
Lai: Great, that's our objective.
Cap'n Cuttlefish: Wait! Take these!
He hands us a Brella with bigger and wider Shield that is more durable than Tenta Brella and the fire rate was almost automated. Bamboozler with the fastest charge time speed and the range is further than Splat Charger. Then, a Roller with Dynamo splash potential and faster than Carbon while inking. They all had red and white stripes which it was designed with Candy Cane and added with Squidmas brand on it. We all grabbed each weapon. Lai with Brella, Marie with Bamboozler and I'm with my Roller.
Cap'n Cuttlefish: The stats of these weapons had heavily modified and it might be more effective than Hero weapons when battling against them.
Lai: Cool!
Callie: This is so fresh!
Marie: Thanks, Cap'n.
Cap'n Cuttlefish: Be careful in there.. They had brought their Octoweapons as well.
Callie: You can count on us! We won't let the Squidmas fall this year!
I start heading to Santa's house first.. Marie rolled her eyes and Lai went followed me as well.
Marie: Oh well..
He stops and turns to Marie...
Lai: C'mon Marie, shake a leg for cod's sake.
Marie: Oh, okay.
Cap'n and Marie followed him as well and we all went in Santa's house equipped with Squidmas brand weapons.. As we entered Santa's house, a few of Elves were panicking and panting in exhaustion.
Callie: What happened?
Elf: The Octarians had attacked the Factory and Santa is all wrapped up! I hid as fast as I could! What should we do?!
Lai: Just calm down, we'll get him back.
Elf: Oh wait! Before I got out from there, I saw someone was operating the lift while the others were modifying the factory!
Marie: Why they did that?
Elf: They brought something intimidating and that's why we escaped! They planned to take over the Factory first, then the whole Squidmas!
We all look at the door where the Factory is..
Cap'n Cuttlefish: Alright, this is it. You girls ready?
Marie, Lai and I nodded in reply and four of us entered the Toy Factory.. We took our cover and scout around without letting any Octarians notice us..
Lai: Shoot, a lot of Octosnipers at the grates upstairs.
Marie: I'll take them out. What did you find, Cal?
Callie: Look over there.
We saw Santa is being tied up onto a huge production line and then someone was operating the lift and commanding the Octarians below it just like the Elves said, the leader was an Octoling with golden kelps on her head.
Lai: That's our objective. But how do we strike?
Cap'n Cuttlefish: You three go distract them so I can save Santa on my own.
Marie: Are you sure?
Cap'n Cuttlefish: *nod* Don't worry about me, the Squidmas cannot be done without him.
Callie: Yeah he's right.
Cap'n Cuttlefish: I'll go this way then.
He turns into his Squid Form and sneak through the vent..
Callie: Okay, let's mess them up!
Lai: Okay... I'll start first..
He sneaks up to one of the Octotroopers with Brella in his hand. Then, he jumps and performs a silent attack at him as he's alone. Knocking him out from the vehicle and drag him inside a present box. We all look at him in shock..
Lai: What? That's what Agents do, isn't it?
Marie: More like a hitman tho, Agent 47. (Ps: Agent 47 is a codename for hitman in movie and game. And Lai just got roasted by her.)
Lai: Hey!
Octotrooper: Who's there!?
Lai: !?
Another trooper just pressed the alarm, blowing our cover and alerted all the Octarians in the Factory including the leader. They all turned to us.
Lai: Ugh... There goes our cover.
Gale: Well well well, look what we had here.
Callie: What are you try to do with the Squidmas!?
Gale: Don't you see? Taking over the Squidmas. It'll be glorious doing this for the Octarians.
Lai: It's our christmas! You can't just take over it selfishly.
Gale: Blah blah blah! Now I had done talking with you!
She turns her back to us and snaps her finger. The troopers start shooting at us and the Octopods were spawning from their spawnpoint, rushing towards us.
Lai: Everyone! Get behind me!
He opens up his Brella shield while we taking cover behind him, blocking from Octopods explosion and troopers attack but it didn't break. Then, he launches his shield, creating a wide ink trail and we all followed it to advance. Marie splatted some Octosnipers with her Bamboozler in an instant while Lai was shotgunning down some Speedy Shielded Twintacle Troopers with his rapid fire Brella.
Marie: Holy carp, the quality is actually nice.
Lai: Well, what do you expect? The Shield hasn't broken yet and still keeps going.
Marie: I started to like Squidmas now..
Lai: Ah so will you take that Agent 47's joke back? I'm still feeling roasted tho..
Marie: *giggle* But it was nice and funny so it's a no.
Lai: Marie!!
Marie: Okay, I take that back, geez...
Lai: I feel better now..
Callie: Guys! Keep your head in the game!
Marie and Lai: !?
They turned around and saw a troop of Octobombers coming toward their direction. I swing my Roller in horizontal. Making a huge splash wave towards them, splatted them with just one swing. Their jaws went dropped after they saw that one.
Marie and Lai: Whoa...
Callie: And you're welcome!
All the troops were splatted by them just within some minutes..
Gale: Damn you all! I'll splat that Santa right now!
She turns to Santa and found out that he had escaped with Cap'n. Octavia went to splat them, but one of her kelp got shotted out by Marie and she stopped. Turning back to the Agents.
Gale: Why you..!?
Lai: If you wanna do that so bad, you had to go through us first!!
She super jumps to the operating lift.. Then, two huge metalic tentacles had showed up from the ground. We all jumped back but Marie and I were failed to dodge it and it caught us. Only left is Lai..
Marie: Shoot!! They got us!!
Callie: Ugh!! Let me go!! Help me, Lai!!
Lai: Cod... They got them..
Gale: Haha, looks like the tables had turned. It's so much easier to deal with you three. What you gonna do? Little boy?
Cap'n Cuttlefish: This is bad! I gotta save them!
Santa: Wait! I wanna see what that little guardian will do.
Cap'n Cuttlefish: You trust him?
Santa: *nod* Let's just watch.. Besides, we can't do much in this situation.
Cap'n Cuttlefish: *sigh* Okay...
Lai: (Stainless steel... So these things are uninkable. Wait, I got it!)
Gale: What are you gonna do? They'll be get squished if you don't act fast~
He gritted his teeth and clenched his fist after hearing it.. Rage starts infiltrating his mind.. He turned around and start running toward the wall..
Gale: Ha! Running away? How coward you are!
He jumps against the wall in his Squid Form and then he super jumps straight to the lift with super fast speed.
Gale: Huh!?
He turns back and his punch penetrates the window, along with his whole body completely, knocking her out from the lift and the lift got destroyed, disable the control of the tentacles. Marie and I got fell from it and Cap'n and Santa had got us just in time.
Santa: You okay?
Callie: Yes, thanks Santa!
Santa: *chuckle* Not me, give it to that little boy who saved you both.
Callie: Well, he's my cuddlefish after all..
Santa: Haha, nice puns you had!
With Marie and Cap'n...
Cap'n Cuttlefish: You alright, Agent 2!?
Marie: Yes, thanks Cap'n.
We all witnessed Lai who is now pinning Gale against the wall with his Brella holding up her throat and his Hero Shot nailing her stomach. Causing her to struggle from breathing..
Marie: Oh no! We had to stop Lai or else he's gonna splat her to death!
I run up to him as fast as I can to stop him from violence..
Marie: Callie?!
Lai: Any last word!?
Gale: Ugh.. Ug.. Gah!!
Callie: Lai!! Don't do that!!
Lai: Huh?
I hug him tight and he stops, then releases Gale and she falls onto the ground..
Callie: You dummy! I don't wanna see you getting your hands dirty!! It's too much for me!!
He took a deep breath to relax his emotion..
Lai: Sorry Callie and I couldn't see you two getting squished by someone like her.
I released him from the hug as he had calmed down.
Marie: Geez, now I think you had anger problems tho.
Lai: *sigh* Like I said, I couldn't bear the thoughts of you girls tho.
Callie: *sob* Just don't do that ever again, okay?
Lai: Okay I won't, at least it's all end right now. Is Santa okay?
Santa: I'm right here! Glad to see you all were safe and sound.
Marie: What should we do about her?
He shouts out..
Santa: Guards! Arrest her and put her behind the bars! Then, I'll give her some lectures.
Gale: No, No!! NO!!
In Candy Cane Lane...
Santa: It's all thanks to you all! Now the Squismas can be held without having any troubles.
Lai: Nice, but it's sad that we all have to go back to Inkopolis right now.
Marie: True.. I'll miss watching the Northern Lights tho.
Callie: Me either! I wanna hang out in Candy Cane Lane even more!
Cap'n Cuttlefish: Seems like my children really enjoy visiting your town tho.
Santa: Glad to hear! I'll prepare a flight for them if they wanna! Just tell me and my Elves will be there in a couple of minutes!
Cap'n Cuttlefish: Okay, thanks! Let's go, Squidbeak!
All: Right!
We all boarded onto the sleigh and headed back to Inkopolis...
End Of Chapter.
In the Toy Factory... A rumor about there's a trooper who's still wrapped inside the present box.
Trooper: Hello? Hello!? Is anyone there?
*awkward silence*
Trooper: Please...
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