Chapter 121: A date with Winter
The sun has been up for a couple of hours while Tadayoshi was still sleeping in his bed until he felt a cold chill blowing across his face
Tadayoshi: "The hell with the-"
He sits up and looks beside him to see Winter sitting across the room on her phone
Tadayoshi: ... Why are you here?
Winter: Well it's our "date" day, so I came here...
Tadayoshi: I could've gone and got you
Winter: I didn't want to wait...
Tadayoshi: Are you that serious about this date?
Winter: No, I still want to know more about Darklings, and I'm sure you would want to know as well, edgy lord...
Tadayoshi: Yeah...
Winter: I thought so... but don't take this "date" as a real date...
Tadayoshi: I won't, ice queen
Winter: Good... now hurry up and get ready, so we can get this "date" over
Tadayoshi: Yeah, yeah get out, so I can change
Winter: Mhm...
Winter exits out of the room as Tadayoshi gets up and changes into his clothing
Tadayoshi: "I need to figure how I'm going to get her to calm her ice power"
He heads downstairs and sees Winter in her squid form, laying inside his freezer
Tadayoshi: You know, it would be nice if you stop going in my freezer
Winter: Your freezer is nice...
Tadayoshi: That doesn't mean I said you can go in there whenever you want...
Winter: And I don't have to listen to you...
Tadayoshi: Bitch
Winter: Dick
Tadayoshi: Lazy ass
Winter: Dumbass
Tadayoshi: Slush
Winter: Hobo
Tadayoshi: Ice queen
Winter: Edgy lord
Tadayoshi: Elsa
Winter: Naofumi
Tadayoshi: -_-
Winter: -_-
Tadayoshi: We'll continue this later, but are you ready?
Winter: Yes...
She hops out of the freezer and hops into the back of his hoodie
Tadayoshi: You sure being in there is a good idea? It's warm
Winter: it's cold outside, so it's fine...
Tadayoshi: Whatever
He put on his boot and makes his way out the door to inkopolis
Tadayoshi: So what do you want to do?
Winter: Coffee... ice coffee...
Tadayoshi: Café it is then
They arrive at the café which winter jumps out of his hoodie and lands on an open seat and turn back into her human form
Winter: We're sitting here...
Tadayoshi: Outside?
Winter: It's too warm inside... but it's also nice out
Tadayoshi: For you
Winter: It's not my fault I can get exhausted easily in the heat
Tadayoshi: I know...
Winter: Get me an iced coffee...
Tadayoshi: Not with that attitude
Winter: ... Can you get me an iced coffee... please
Tadayoshi: That's better
He walks inside and feels the warm breeze blows at his face and goes up to the counter to order the drink
Cashier: Hi, what can I get you Black-Eye-Demon?
Tadayoshi: Black coffee and ice coffee, please
Cashier: Ok! Your number is 1024 and your order will be ready soon!
The cashier walks off as Tadayoshi waits for a bit until he decides to go through his phone. As he was scrolling through some social media, he notices a lot of people were add #shueisha with pictures of Kraken Ball S or One Ink
Tadayoshi: "The fuck is up with the anime shit?"
He scrolls to the trending page which he notices the #TGTW2 in the trends, which made Tadayoshi curious
Tadayoshi: "TGTW2? What the fuck is-"
Cashier: Number 1024!
Tadayoshi: "never mind, I'll look into it later..."
He puts his phone away and pays for the drink before grabbing them. He walks back outside to see Winter making a mini snowman with the snow on the table
Tadayoshi: You seem to be having fun
Winter: I was waiting for you... you got the drink?...
Tadayoshi: Yeah
He hands Winter her drink, which she takes it and drink it while Tadayoshi takes his seat and sip down his coffee
Winter: The people don't seem to be afraid of you...
Tadayoshi: I come here often, so they're pretty much use to me like this
Winter: And here I thought the "demon" could scare anyone easily
Tadayoshi: Don't even start
Winter: Whatever... demon
Tadayoshi: Frostbite
Winter: I can go all day...
Tadayoshi: So can I...
They both glare at each other until they both chuckled a bit
Winter: Back to the subject... what was it like working for the Darklings?
Tadayoshi: You work, and you earn an award like a job expect your job is to conquer more territory, recruit anyone, how many people you kill, etc
Winter: Do they have any free time or will...
Tadayoshi: They can do whatever they want, as long as they follow the commanders or above order and comets the task they are given
Winter: I see...
Tadayoshi: Now for my question... what happened to you exactly?
Winter: What do you mean?
Tadayoshi: I mean how did you end up in the Darkling's hands...
She sat quietly for a few minutes as her eye was shadowed over and sets her drink on the table
Winter: ... I... don't want to talk about it...
Tadayoshi: I told you everything, including my past, it's your turn to tell me
Winter: ... Fine...
A few months ago:
It was storming outside as people were walking around under the umbrella while Winter was scrolling through her phone. The town that Winter lives in a small town that was known for having some tasty snow cones.
Winter: "Can't wait to go home and relax and watch some-"
Suddenly an explosion was heard nearby which cause winter to quickly to look up from her phone to see cephalopods running for their lives
Inkling: The Darklings are here!
Inkling 2: RUN!
Winter was shocked and starts running with them but decides to take a left corner, hiding in an alleyway which she was lucky because she sees the people in the street were blasted and splatted away by a large blast of ink
?: There are no fighters here? That's lame
Winter peaks out of the corner to see a black inkling in a mecha gear walking down the destroyed path with his hands on his hips which a small army of darkling behind him
?: Man, Chaos says I can't destroy a town like him. I'll show him what I'm capable of!
He takes a deep breath and let's out a yell, creating a massive blast of ink from his mouth, to destroy the buildings that look at
Darkling: M-MegaPhone, haven't we done enough damaged?
Darkling: Yeah, we should scout for survivor, so they can be part of the force
MegaPhone: *Groan* fine... Man, I wanted to destroy things better than Chaos, but Lord Mask has something new he wants to test...
The Darklings begin to search around while Winter decides to run deeper into the alleyway to see if there is an escape route, but once she reaches the end of the alleyway, she bumps into another group of Darklings
Darkling: A survivor is here!
Winter: Shit!
Winter quickly makes a run for it which a Darkling aims her weapon at her but the other Darkling stops him
Darkling 2: Don't shoot, we need her alive!
The groups of Darklings begins to chase her down the alleyway once again, but she notices the other end block by MegaPhone and his group
Darkling: You got nowhere to run woman!
Winter: "shit! How am I-"
Suddenly she felt the back of her neck being hit, and she slowly loses consciousness
Megaphone: Get her with the rest of them
Darklings: Yes sir!
It felt like days since Winter was unconscious, but she finally wakes up to find herself in a straitjacket in a room with a few other people tied up as well
Winter: "Where the hell am I?"
Inkling: Honey... my little angel... I'm sorry...
Inkling 2: Please let me out! I don't want to die!
Winter: "They must be other people from my home..."
Suddenly a couple of darkling walks in and grabs her and one other inkling and exit out of the room. She was brought to a waiting room where there were only a chair and a window in front of her, which she was put to seat in. Through the window, she sees some darkling scientists and the other inkling brought into the testing room, where he was strained to the seat
Inkling: Please! I don't want to die! Please!
Speaker: Please start the test on 8346
Darkling scientist: Working it
The darkling scientists walk over the inkling who panics and tries to break free
Darkling Scientist: I need someone to hold him down!
Two darkling soldiers enter the room and strain him down as the scientists inject him with a red color liquid in his neck. Once it was injected into him, the soldiers and the scientist let go of him and took a few steps. Suddenly the inkling starts to panic and slams his head onto the ground
Inkling: It's hurt! My head! It hurts!
The inkling rips out of his straitjackets and grabs and scratches his head in pain until his eye starts to bleed and his body was melting
Soon the inkling melts into nothing but a puddle of ink. Winter stares in shocked and realize she could end the same way as him
Speaker: Test failed! Please bring in the next subject!
The soldier grabs Winter which she tries to struggle out, but they pull her out of the waiting room and brought into the testing room
Winter: LET ME GO!
They strain her down to the chair until the speaker comes back on
Speaker: Please start the test on 8347
The scientists walk over with a white liquid syringe and inject her into her neck. The soldier let go of her as she felt a huge pain in her head
Winter: "It hurts! Why does my head hurt!"
She suddenly felt her body chilling up and slowly felt the coldness disappears. She lets out a scream of pain and ice instantly grows around her and her surroundings, freezing the entire room and the three Darklings until falling unconscious
Speaker: It's work... IT WORKED!
MegaPhone: Wait? For real? I guess Mask blueprint really can work! Let Lord Mask know, and take her out of there!
Darkling: Yes sir!
MegaPhone: It's time to begin the operation!
This story is interrupted by a chibi winter making a snowman with chibi Tadayoshi in the snowman
Winter wakes up once again, wearing winter clothing and in a room that looked like an interrogation room
Winter: What the hell? Where am I?!
?: Hello... Winter...
She looks in front of him to see a black inkling in a top hand and doing a little tap-dance
Hand: Greetings my lady. My name is Hand... You're probably confused about why you are here and what's going on!
Winter: What did you do to me!
Hand: I'm getting to that... you see Lord Mask made something... new. As you know, we Darkling have powerful power, which was created thanks to some blueprints, but unfortunately, our power isn't strong enough to fear everyone in the world, so Lord Mask decided to make some changes
Winter: So what does that have to do with me!
Hand: You see, our power has always been related or required ink, so Lord Mask thought that what if he created a power that didn't require ink... He has made so many failed attempts to make it happen... but we happen to get a tentacle of a young happy inkling girl and used it for the blueprint and believe it or not, the project worked, and you're the first subject to have a power that isn't ink
Winter: What...
Hand: The power you were given is ice, which you can create and control ice, but unfortunately, your body is weak, so you won't be able to control it easy, so you're in this... winter outfit to keep it contained
Winter: What do you want with me...
Hand: Simple, join the Darklings!
Winter: What?
Hand: If you join us, You'll gain access to control your own territory and many more... you can be the fear in everyone's eyes...
Winter: I refuse!
Hand: Why refuse, when you are a killer
Winter: What? How am I a killer?
Hand: Well when our army tried to bring you into this room, it seems your power hasn't completely transferred to your body, so you were going around uncontrollably unconscious killing most of our civilians
Winter: T-That's a lie!
Hand: Oh I have evidence... brings up the screen, please
Soon a TV screen appears which shows video footage around Mask territory of her screaming in pain and her freezing and killing everyone. She looked shocked as she sees her freezing a young family.
Winter: I... did all of that...
Hand: Of course you did, but it's normal. When we transfer powers to a cephalopod who is worth for certain powers, they will feel a huge pain in their head likes it's going to explode and fall under an unconscious rampage until the powers fully transferred throughout your body. HoHoHo it was a lovely show, I do say!
Winter looks down in shock and starts to remember herself going around killing everyone while breathing heavily in fear.
Hand: So what do you say? Would you join us?
Winter: I... no... No, I don't kill anyone! I don't want to!
Hand: *sigh* fine... then we're going to have to make you...
Winter: What?...
Hand raises his hand as Winter feels his body being controlled
Winter: W-What are you doing?!
Hand: Simple... We're going to revisit what happened a few minutes ago with you...
Winter: W-What?!
They brought her outside and made her stand out in the middle of the Darkling territory with a bunch of civilians. Soon her body slowly starts to make her take off her winter clothing
Winter: S-Stop it! I don't want to kill anyone!
She looks at Hand in fear as tears were forming in her eye while Hand gives a wicked smile at her and spreads out his finger, which causes her to remove all her winter clothing, freezing everyone around her. For the ones who survive from Winter ice, she was forced to summon an icicle and goes around, stabbing them
Present time:
Winter: I went through pain all because I didn't join them... I later found out my power is always active even if I don't want to... so I managed to escape out of my cell and ran out of their territory...
Tadayoshi: That's... quite surprising you managed to escape, I heard they upgrade the security after I left, but I guess you managed to get out
Winter: Yeah... but even my escape... I still killed many people...
Tadayoshi: ...
Winter: Just seeing them... crying and in fear for what I did to them... scares me thinking about it... I question myself why do I still exist... after all the pain I went through... all the pain I have the cephalopods... I figured if I act cold around everyone, they will be away from me, so I can't hurt them... I... just don't care what happens to me anymore...
Tadayoshi: ...
Winter: You probably don't-
Tadayoshi: I do
Winter: Eh
Tadayoshi: I'm sure you know I have power as well, but I refuse to use it... It's like a scar to me because it reminds me of what I was back then... but also I'm worried if what this power could cause...
Winter: I see...
Tadayoshi: But still even though you don't care if you live or die, why haven't you tried to kill yourself?
Winter: What?...
Tadayoshi: If you hate what you are, and you don't care if you die, then you would've liked yourself so soon? So why haven't you?
Winter: I...
Tadayoshi: I know you're not afraid of death because you are willing to fight to the death with that speedy guy with that maid. You still want to live even if you say you don't care to be alive. So tell me, do you want to prove you aren't a killer
Winter: ... Yes...
Tadayoshi: Then come with me...
Winter: ?
Tadayoshi finishes his coffee and gets up while winter follows him
Winter: "What are you planning, edgy lord?"
They enter the testing room after they got permission from Sheldon
Winter: Why are we here?
Tadayoshi: To help you
Winter: Ok?...
Tadayoshi: Now take them off
Winter: ... Are are trying to get yourself killed...
Tadayoshi: What?
Winter: I'm not taking off my damn clothes, you pervert...
Tadayoshi: What? I mean your winter clothing, you pervert
Winter: How am I the pervert
Tadayoshi: You assume something dirty when it was something normal. It's annoying when women call men perverts when they thought males doing something perverted when they're not
Winter: Sorry...
Tadayoshi: I'll let that slide for now, but first how do you feel when you are using your powers or now
Winter: Angry... scared... I don't know anything else...
Tadayoshi: Ok... Take off one of your gloves
She takes off one of her gloves and put it in her pocket
Tadayoshi: You'll freeze anything you touch right?
Winter: Mhm...
Tadayoshi: Try calming down when I approach you, once I'm in front of you, put your hand on me
Winter: You'll kill yourself if it doesn't work...
Tadayoshi: I won't die to some ice that easily
He walks up to her slowly as Winter tries to be calm, but she starts to imagine all the people she killed, which scares her a bit and shot ice out of her hand, but Tadayoshi dodges the ice shot
Tadayoshi: Don't think about it, keep yourself calm
Winter: It's not easy for me...
Tadayoshi: Try thinking of something that would make you happy
Winter: Happy?...
Tadayoshi: Yeah, what makes you happy or calm
Winter: ... I... don't know what makes me happy... but I like to calm myself in snow or ice...
Tadayoshi: Then imagine that
Winter: ...
She closes her eyes as she imagines relaxing in a cooler of ice and... Tadayoshi being around her, ignoring how her power could kill him, not noticing Tadayoshi walking up close to her.
Tadayoshi: Now relax and rest your hand...
Winter with eye closed still, slowly reaches her hand and press it on his chest, which only a small bit of ice grew on his chest
Tadayoshi: Not bad... but you're going to have to work on that
Winter: Huh?
She opens her eye to find her hand touching his chest which she quickly pulls back
Winter: I-I know edgy lord...
Tadayoshi: We're doing it again
Winter: What?...
Tadayoshi: We are going to do this until you can feel calm yourself
Winter: I rather go home...
Tadayoshi: Do you still want to remain like the way you are?
Winter: ...
Tadayoshi: We're doing it again
Winter: Fine...
Tadayoshi carries the squid form winter back to her place, which she jumps out of his arms and turns back into her human form
Tadayoshi: You did pretty well...
Winter: Thanks...
Tadayoshi: Well, see you later then
Winter: ... Wait!
Tadayoshi: Hm?
Winter: Why did you help me? I don't really like you that much, so why?
Tadayoshi: ... I don't know, I've been wondering that... the same way I wonder why I helped you when I first met you
Winter: ...
Tadayoshi: Maybe I can relate to you easily?
Winter: Yeah... Come here for a second
Tadayoshi: Ok...
He walks up to her and winter lower her scarf down and gives a small peak on his cheek, which he lays his hand on his cheek and looks back at her
Winter: Take that as a... thank you gift... edgy lord...
Tadayoshi: Could've done something then that ice queen
Winter: Emo boy
Tadayoshi: Frost girl
Winter: Demon
Tadayoshi: Abominable snowman
Winter: Stupid
Tadayoshi: ... we can continue this later on
Winter: Fine...
Both Winter and Tadayoshi wave goodbye as winter walking and slides down against the door and lifting her scarf covering her embarrassed face
Winter: I'm such a pervert...
Next chapter release next week
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