Chapter 5: Deep trouble.
9:00pm.. In a small shack at Mount Nantai.
*knock* *knock* *knock*
Pearl: Who's there?
Marina: Must be the Squid Sisters. Quick! Open the door!
Pearl: Okay!
She opens the sliding door for them. She notices that they both are equipped Night Vision Goggles.
Callie: Hey!
Marie: Finally we found you two here.
Pearl: What took ya so long?
Marie: It's dark outside, duh!
Marina: Oh, you girls arrived! I was so worried that you two can't find us!
Marie: You can say that again.
Her cousin shows them the supper they bought from the Mako Mart.
Callie: And guess what? I had brought some supper for all of us!
Pearl: Cool! Put it on the table!
Callie and Pearl went to the dining room while Marie and Marina are checking their Captain's status.
Marie: So how's the status?
Marina: Like I said, we had located Cap'n who's in the Deepsea Metro with Agent 8.
Marie: Agent 8?
Marina: Oh yeah, Cap'n found him deep down in the abandoned station. Since he had lost his memory and he can't remember his name at all. Cap'n just call him Agent 8 tho.
Marie: Why's that?
Marina: I don't know... Maybe Octoling has 8 tentacles?
Marie: Hm... Makes sense I guess.. But that doesn't matter. Can you still locate Agent 3?
Marina: Unfortunately no, he doesn't have any communicating devices so I hope he's okay on his own.
Marie: Shoot... How do we bust Cap'n out?
Marina: I have no idea... But someone told them he would bring them to promised land if Agent 8 brings all four thangs that located around the Deepsea Metro Map.
Marie: Who?
Marina: Beats me.. But sounds fishy tho..
Marie: Me too.. So it all depends on this Agent 8, huh?
Marina: Yeah.. I hope they both are doing okay tho.
In the Deepsea Metro Train...
Agent 8 is checking the map and realize that there's another thang is just located below the first one he just got.
Agent 8: Oh great. I should head over there through the I Line.
Cap'n Cuttlefish: Think you can do that without skipping any tests?
Agent 8: Yeah I think.. But I should earn some points to skip some tests after getting the second thang.
Cap'n Cuttlefish: But don't you feel remember anything now?
Agent 8: Uhm... No.. I still can't remember anything..
Cap'n Cuttlefish: Don't you wanna know what you used to be in the past?
He rethinks about that..
Agent 8: ...I haven't decide yet.. Sorry..
Cap'n Cuttlefish: It's okay for not to remember anything. Let's put that aside and go to the next thang's location.
Agent 8: Okay.
Timeskip... i05 B08, Righteous Rails Station.
Agent 8 equips the Splattershot after he walks onto the Equipper pad. Then, C.Q Cumber explains the test to Agent 8.
C.Q Cumber: Your test is to pop out all the targets while riding on rails. Leave no one behind.
Agent 8: *nod* On it..
He swipes the card and the test begins, he rides on the launchpad and lands on the ink rail. Due to the stream of ink on the rail causing him to unable to stop so he had to predict the target. He pops the targets and unlocks an ink rails for him to proceed. He hops in another ink rails, popping and avoiding the moving Sanitized Octowasher. As he sees a grate which blocks him entirely, he transforms into his Octo Form to swim through the grate.
M.C Princess: Alright!! Keep up the swag!!
After her compliment, he notices two Octowashers with targets moving left and right. Causing him to distract and impacts against one of them before he reacts back to it.
His armor was destroyed by the impact and he falls into out of bound area and splatted.
DJ_Hyperfresh: Eight!!
Then, he respawns back to the spawnpoint. Cap'n encourages him..
Cap'n Cuttlefish: That was unexpected counter.. But you can do it, Agent 8!
Eight: Yeah.. Sorry that I got careless..
He rides onto the launchpad.. Restarting every moves until he reaches the part where he got himself splatted. This time, he hops on to slow down the moving and concentrate firing on the targets above the Octowashers despite reducing his weapon's accuracy while jumping. He successfully pops on the target before landing back on ink rails safely. Now, only 13 targets left.
Cap'n Cuttlefish: Keep it up!
Agent 8 keeps up his precision until he sees an Octowasher at the end with 4 stack of targets. He able to pop 3 of them but it's too late for him to pop the fourth before he had to jump at the end of the ink rails. Everyone in his mic closes their eyes, couldn't bear to see Agent 8 getting splatted again. But after that, nothing's happened to him. He didn't fall out nor splatted as well. Then, DJ_Hyperfresh notices he's still alive.
DJ_Hyperfresh: Hey! He's alive!
M.C Princess: Huh?
They all notice Agent 8 was landed on the target and his body trembles in fear.
Agent 8: I.. I made it..
M.C Princess: Whoa!!
DJ_Hyperfresh: He used the target as his landing! That's a nice moves! And quick-witted!
Cap'n Cuttlefish: Good! Now, pop the last one and we'll pass the test.
Agent 8: Okay!
Before he opens fire on the target below him.. C.Q Cumber ruins their celebration..
C.Q Cumber: You had ran out of time. Test failed.
Agent 8: Wha-!?
The bag behind him starts expanding till it exploded. Splatted him in cruel way.
Test complete!
They all went silent by the twisted win..
M.C Princess: ...
DJ_Hyperfresh: ...
Cap'n Cuttlefish: What just happened?
Agent 8 respawns back in front of the station.
Agent 8: ...
He glares at the sea slug in deadly looks.
C.Q Cumber: On the bright side, you completed the test.
Agent 8: Omae wa mou... Shindeiru.
C.Q Cumber: NANI!?
They all went sweatdropped in the mic.. Including the Squid Sisters..
All: *Sweatdropped*
After clearing the i05 Station's test, he still have two more to go to reach the next thang.
Agent 8: Two more to go..
Cap'n Cuttlefish: You think you can handle it?
Agent 8: Yeah.. After getting the second one, I'm skipping some tests on the other side.
In the meantime...
An Inkling who proceeds in the underground alone. He runs above the huge pipes and super jumps from pipes to pipes. Following along the train rail.
Lai: ...I wonder where that leads to..
As he follows in Naruto run, he sense something just swam passed far behind him.
Lai: !?
He stops, looks around for a bit and decides to jump to another pipe. But in the air, a Killer shark just attacked him from the side, he dodges that and lands down to the other lower pipe. He inspects the shark.
Lai: That's pretty rare to see that swimming around..
Then, he unsheathes his Herobrush. Decides to fend off the shark who charges towards his direction.
Lai: Haaah!!!
He hops onto its back and hit from the side. Its scales is the weakness against the ink-based attack so he paints it to block it from breathing. Then, it slowly to lose its conscious and crash against the pipe.
Lai: Sit down..
Then, he proceeds his way along the train rail until it leads to a tunnel. He stops as he stares at the Colossus wall.
Lai: Dead end...
He notices there's a huge hole on the wall. He super jumps there and investigate for a bit. He found out that it actually lead straight up to the surface..
End Of Chapter...
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